blob: 038a7a97ec8f788a1712c1c107bbf24cebc3697a [file] [log] [blame]
# Class: datadog_agent::integrations::jmx
# This class will install the necessary configuration for the jmx integration
# Parameters:
# $init_config:
# Hash of inital configuration, consisting of the following keys:
# custom_jar_paths:
# Array of paths to jars. Optional.
# $instances:
# Array of instance hashes, consisting of the following keys:
# name:
# Used in conjunction with jmx_url. Optional.
# tags:
# Hash of tags { 'env' => 'prod' }. Optional.
# host:
# The host jmx is running on.
# port:
# The JMX port.
# jmx_url:
# If the agent needs to connect to a non-default JMX URL, specify it here
# instead of a host and a port. If you use this you need to specify a ‘name’
# for the instance. Optional.
# user:
# The username for connecting to the running JVM. Optional.
# password:
# The password for connecting to the running JVM. Optional.
# process_name_regex:
# Instead of specifying a host and port or jmx_url, the agent can
# connect using the attach api. This requires the JDK to be installed
# and the path to tools.jar to be set. Optional.
# tools_jar_path:
# To be set when process_name_regex is set. Optional.
# java_bin_path:
# The path to the Java binary. Should be set if the agent cannot find your java executable. Optional.
# java_options:
# Java JVM options. Optional.
# trust_store_path:
# The path to the trust store. Should be set if ssl is enabled. Optional.
# trust_store_password:
# The trust store password. Should be set if ssl is enabled. Optional.
# conf:
# Array of include/exclude hash pairs. Optional.
# Read to learn how to customize it.
# Sample Usage:
# class { 'datadog_agent::integrations::jmx':
# init_config => {
# custom_jar_paths => ['/path/to/custom.jar']
# },
# instances => [{
# host => 'localhost',
# port => 7199,
# user => 'username',
# password => 'password',
# jmx_url => 'service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://'
# }],
# }
class datadog_agent::integrations::jmx(
$init_config = {},
$instances = [],
) inherits datadog_agent::params {
include datadog_agent
file { "${datadog_agent::params::conf_dir}/jmx.yaml":
ensure => file,
owner => $datadog_agent::params::dd_user,
group => $datadog_agent::params::dd_group,
mode => '0600',
content => template('datadog_agent/agent-conf.d/jmx.yaml.erb'),
require => Package[$datadog_agent::params::package_name],
notify => Service[$datadog_agent::params::service_name]