blob: f036c8935ccb51be7ec89bebb32bf9bc98c1f769 [file] [log] [blame]
# Class: datadog_agent::integrations::directory
# This class will install the necessary config to hook the directory check
# Parameters:
# $directory
# The directory to gather stats for
# $tag_name
# The name used to tag the metrics (directory alias)
# $pattern
# The `fnmatch` pattern to use when reading the "directory"'s files. default "*"
# $recursive
# Boolean, when true the stats will recurse into directories
# Sample Usage:
# class { 'datadog_agent::integrations::directory' :
# directory => '/mnt/media',
# tag_name => 'name',
# pattern => '*',
# recursive => true,
# }
class datadog_agent::integrations::directory (
$directory = undef,
$tag_name = '',
$pattern = '*',
$recursive = false
) inherits datadog_agent::params {
if $directory == undef {
fail('you must specify a directory path within the datadog_agent::integrations::directory class')
file { "${datadog_agent::params::conf_dir}/directory.yaml":
ensure => file,
owner => $datadog_agent::params::dd_user,
group => $datadog_agent::params::dd_group,
mode => '0600',
content => template('datadog_agent/agent-conf.d/directory.yaml.erb'),
require => Package[$datadog_agent::params::package_name],
notify => Service[$datadog_agent::params::service_name]