blob: 6f25cd6935485b798346795da2f548a27ef78282 [file] [log] [blame]
# Class: datadog_agent::integrations::apache
# This class will install the necessary configuration for the apache integration
# Parameters:
# $url:
# The URL for apache status URL handled by mod-status.
# Defaults to http://localhost/server-status?auto
# $username:
# $password:
# If your service uses basic authentication, you can optionally
# specify a username and password that will be used in the check.
# Optional.
# $tags
# Optional array of tags
# Sample Usage:
# include 'datadog_agent::integrations::apache'
# OR
# class { 'datadog_agent::integrations::apache':
# url => '',
# username => 'status',
# password => 'hunter1',
# }
class datadog_agent::integrations::apache (
$url = 'http://localhost/server-status?auto',
$username = undef,
$password = undef,
$tags = [],
$disable_ssl_validation = false
) inherits datadog_agent::params {
include datadog_agent
file { "${datadog_agent::params::conf_dir}/apache.yaml":
ensure => file,
owner => $datadog_agent::params::dd_user,
group => $datadog_agent::params::dd_group,
mode => '0600',
content => template('datadog_agent/agent-conf.d/apache.yaml.erb'),
require => Package[$datadog_agent::params::package_name],
notify => Service[$datadog_agent::params::service_name]