blob: bc3a7007d317b27f098e242e01450131470ca4a7 [file] [log] [blame]
# == Define: backuppc::server::user
# Add user credentials to the backuppc htpasswd file.
# === Parameters
# [*ensure*]
# Present or absent
# [*username*]
# Namevar. Defaults to the title if no value is provided.
# [*password*]
# Password for the account. Will be converted to a sha encrypted password.
# === Authors
# Scott Barr <>
define backuppc::server::user (
$ensure = 'present',
$username = undef,
$password = '',
) {
include backuppc::params
validate_re($ensure, '^(present|absent)$',
'ensure parameter must have a value of: present or absent')
$real_username = $username ? {
undef => $name,
default => $username,
if empty($password) {
fail("A password is required for the backuppc user account named '${real_username}'")
$real_password = inline_template("{SHA}<%= Base64.encode64(Digest::SHA1.digest('${password}')).chomp! %>")
Exec {
require => Package[$backuppc::params::package],
path => ['/usr/bin', '/bin'],
if $ensure == 'present' {
exec {"test -f ${backuppc::params::htpasswd_apache} || OPT='-c'; htpasswd -bs \${OPT} ${backuppc::params::htpasswd_apache} ${real_username} '${password}'":
unless => "grep -q ${real_username}:${real_password} ${backuppc::params::htpasswd_apache}",
} else {
exec {"htpasswd -D ${backuppc::params::htpasswd_apache} ${real_username}":
onlyif => "egrep -q '^${real_username}:' ${backuppc::params::htpasswd_apache}",