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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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- name: tickTime
default: '2000'
description: The *tick* is the basic unit of time in ZooKeeper, measured in milliseconds and used to regulate things like [heartbeats and timeouts]( `tickTime` is the length of a single tick.
- name: initLimit
default: '10'
description: The maximum time, in ticks, that the leader ZooKeeper server allows follower ZooKeeper servers to successfully connect and sync. The tick time is set in milliseconds using the [`tickTime`](#zookeeper-tickTime) parameter.
- name: syncLimit
default: '5'
description: The maximum time, in ticks, that a follower ZooKeeper server is allowed to sync with other ZooKeeper servers. The tick time is set in milliseconds using the [`tickTime`](#zookeeper-tickTime) parameter.
- name: dataDir
default: data/zookeeper
description: The location where ZooKeeper will store in-memory database snapshots as well as the transaction log of updates to the database.
- name: clientPort
default: '2181'
description: The port on which the ZooKeeper server will listen for connections.
- name: autopurge.snapRetainCount
default: '3'
description: In ZooKeeper, auto purge determines how many recent snapshots of the database stored in [`dataDir`](#zookeeper-dataDir) to retain within the time interval specified by [`autopurge.purgeInterval`](#zookeeper-autopurge.purgeInterval) (while deleting the rest).
- name: autopurge.purgeInterval
default: '1'
description: The time interval, in hours, by which the ZooKeeper database purge task is triggered. Setting to a non-zero number will enable auto purge; setting to 0 will disable. Read [this guide]( before enabling auto purge.
- name: maxClientCnxns
default: 60
description: The maximum number of client connections. Increase this if you need to handle more ZooKeeper clients.