blob: 70fda0170cc1a18a8e2f9695a341982d6aaac57d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include <string>
#include "pulsar/Result.h"
#include "UnboundedBlockingQueue.h"
#include "HandlerBase.h"
#include "ClientConnection.h"
#include "lib/UnAckedMessageTrackerEnabled.h"
#include "NegativeAcksTracker.h"
#include "Commands.h"
#include "ExecutorService.h"
#include "ConsumerImplBase.h"
#include "lib/UnAckedMessageTrackerDisabled.h"
#include "MessageCrypto.h"
#include "AckGroupingTracker.h"
#include "GetLastMessageIdResponse.h"
#include "CompressionCodec.h"
#include <boost/dynamic_bitset.hpp>
#include <map>
#include "BatchAcknowledgementTracker.h"
#include <limits>
#include <lib/BrokerConsumerStatsImpl.h>
#include <lib/MapCache.h>
#include <lib/stats/ConsumerStatsImpl.h>
#include <lib/stats/ConsumerStatsDisabled.h>
#include <queue>
#include <atomic>
using namespace pulsar;
namespace pulsar {
class UnAckedMessageTracker;
class ExecutorService;
class ConsumerImpl;
class BatchAcknowledgementTracker;
typedef std::shared_ptr<MessageCrypto> MessageCryptoPtr;
typedef std::function<void(Result, const GetLastMessageIdResponse&)> BrokerGetLastMessageIdCallback;
typedef std::shared_ptr<Backoff> BackoffPtr;
enum ConsumerTopicType
class ConsumerImpl : public ConsumerImplBase,
public HandlerBase,
public std::enable_shared_from_this<ConsumerImpl> {
ConsumerImpl(const ClientImplPtr client, const std::string& topic, const std::string& subscriptionName,
const ConsumerConfiguration&,
const ExecutorServicePtr listenerExecutor = ExecutorServicePtr(), bool hasParent = false,
const ConsumerTopicType consumerTopicType = NonPartitioned,
Commands::SubscriptionMode = Commands::SubscriptionModeDurable,
Optional<MessageId> startMessageId = Optional<MessageId>::empty());
void setPartitionIndex(int partitionIndex);
int getPartitionIndex();
void sendFlowPermitsToBroker(const ClientConnectionPtr& cnx, int numMessages);
uint64_t getConsumerId();
void messageReceived(const ClientConnectionPtr& cnx, const proto::CommandMessage& msg,
bool& isChecksumValid, proto::MessageMetadata& msgMetadata, SharedBuffer& payload);
void messageProcessed(Message& msg, bool track = true);
void activeConsumerChanged(bool isActive);
inline proto::CommandSubscribe_SubType getSubType();
inline proto::CommandSubscribe_InitialPosition getInitialPosition();
void handleUnsubscribe(Result result, ResultCallback callback);
* Send individual ACK request of given message ID to broker.
* @param[in] messageId ID of the message to be ACKed.
* @param[in] callback call back function, which is called after sending ACK. For now, it's
* always provided with ResultOk.
void doAcknowledgeIndividual(const MessageId& messageId, ResultCallback callback);
* Send cumulative ACK request of given message ID to broker.
* @param[in] messageId ID of the message to be ACKed.
* @param[in] callback call back function, which is called after sending ACK. For now, it's
* always provided with ResultOk.
void doAcknowledgeCumulative(const MessageId& messageId, ResultCallback callback);
// overrided methods from ConsumerImplBase
Future<Result, ConsumerImplBaseWeakPtr> getConsumerCreatedFuture() override;
const std::string& getSubscriptionName() const override;
const std::string& getTopic() const override;
Result receive(Message& msg) override;
Result receive(Message& msg, int timeout) override;
void receiveAsync(ReceiveCallback& callback) override;
void unsubscribeAsync(ResultCallback callback) override;
void acknowledgeAsync(const MessageId& msgId, ResultCallback callback) override;
void acknowledgeCumulativeAsync(const MessageId& msgId, ResultCallback callback) override;
void closeAsync(ResultCallback callback) override;
void start() override;
void shutdown() override;
bool isClosed() override;
bool isOpen() override;
Result pauseMessageListener() override;
Result resumeMessageListener() override;
void redeliverUnacknowledgedMessages() override;
void redeliverUnacknowledgedMessages(const std::set<MessageId>& messageIds) override;
const std::string& getName() const override;
int getNumOfPrefetchedMessages() const override;
void getBrokerConsumerStatsAsync(BrokerConsumerStatsCallback callback) override;
void seekAsync(const MessageId& msgId, ResultCallback callback) override;
void seekAsync(uint64_t timestamp, ResultCallback callback) override;
void negativeAcknowledge(const MessageId& msgId) override;
bool isConnected() const override;
uint64_t getNumberOfConnectedConsumer() override;
virtual void disconnectConsumer();
Result fetchSingleMessageFromBroker(Message& msg);
virtual bool isCumulativeAcknowledgementAllowed(ConsumerType consumerType);
virtual void redeliverMessages(const std::set<MessageId>& messageIds);
void handleSeek(Result result, ResultCallback callback);
virtual bool isReadCompacted();
virtual void hasMessageAvailableAsync(HasMessageAvailableCallback callback);
virtual void getLastMessageIdAsync(BrokerGetLastMessageIdCallback callback);
// overrided methods from HandlerBase
void connectionOpened(const ClientConnectionPtr& cnx) override;
void connectionFailed(Result result) override;
HandlerBaseWeakPtr get_weak_from_this() override { return shared_from_this(); }
void handleCreateConsumer(const ClientConnectionPtr& cnx, Result result);
void internalListener();
void internalConsumerChangeListener(bool isActive);
void handleClose(Result result, ResultCallback callback, ConsumerImplPtr consumer);
ConsumerStatsBasePtr consumerStatsBasePtr_;
bool waitingForZeroQueueSizeMessage;
bool uncompressMessageIfNeeded(const ClientConnectionPtr& cnx, const proto::MessageIdData& messageIdData,
const proto::MessageMetadata& metadata, SharedBuffer& payload,
bool checkMaxMessageSize);
void discardCorruptedMessage(const ClientConnectionPtr& cnx, const proto::MessageIdData& messageId,
proto::CommandAck::ValidationError validationError);
void increaseAvailablePermits(const ClientConnectionPtr& currentCnx, int delta = 1);
void drainIncomingMessageQueue(size_t count);
uint32_t receiveIndividualMessagesFromBatch(const ClientConnectionPtr& cnx, Message& batchedMessage,
int redeliveryCount);
void brokerConsumerStatsListener(Result, BrokerConsumerStatsImpl, BrokerConsumerStatsCallback);
bool decryptMessageIfNeeded(const ClientConnectionPtr& cnx, const proto::CommandMessage& msg,
const proto::MessageMetadata& metadata, SharedBuffer& payload);
// TODO - Convert these functions to lambda when we move to C++11
Result receiveHelper(Message& msg);
Result receiveHelper(Message& msg, int timeout);
void statsCallback(Result, ResultCallback, proto::CommandAck_AckType);
void notifyPendingReceivedCallback(Result result, Message& message, const ReceiveCallback& callback);
void failPendingReceiveCallback();
void setNegativeAcknowledgeEnabledForTesting(bool enabled) override;
void trackMessage(const MessageId& messageId);
void internalGetLastMessageIdAsync(const BackoffPtr& backoff, TimeDuration remainTime,
const DeadlineTimerPtr& timer,
BrokerGetLastMessageIdCallback callback);
Optional<MessageId> clearReceiveQueue();
std::mutex mutexForReceiveWithZeroQueueSize;
const ConsumerConfiguration config_;
const std::string subscription_;
std::string originalSubscriptionName_;
MessageListener messageListener_;
ConsumerEventListenerPtr eventListener_;
ExecutorServicePtr listenerExecutor_;
bool hasParent_;
ConsumerTopicType consumerTopicType_;
const Commands::SubscriptionMode subscriptionMode_;
UnboundedBlockingQueue<Message> incomingMessages_;
std::queue<ReceiveCallback> pendingReceives_;
std::atomic_int availablePermits_;
const int receiverQueueRefillThreshold_;
uint64_t consumerId_;
std::string consumerName_;
std::string consumerStr_;
int32_t partitionIndex_ = -1;
Promise<Result, ConsumerImplBaseWeakPtr> consumerCreatedPromise_;
std::atomic_bool messageListenerRunning_;
CompressionCodecProvider compressionCodecProvider_;
UnAckedMessageTrackerPtr unAckedMessageTrackerPtr_;
BatchAcknowledgementTracker batchAcknowledgementTracker_;
BrokerConsumerStatsImpl brokerConsumerStats_;
NegativeAcksTracker negativeAcksTracker_;
AckGroupingTrackerPtr ackGroupingTrackerPtr_;
MessageCryptoPtr msgCrypto_;
const bool readCompacted_;
// Make the access to `startMessageId_`, `lastDequedMessageId_` and `lastMessageIdInBroker_` thread safe
mutable std::mutex mutexForMessageId_;
Optional<MessageId> startMessageId_;
MessageId lastDequedMessageId_{MessageId::earliest()};
MessageId lastMessageIdInBroker_{MessageId::earliest()};
class ChunkedMessageCtx {
ChunkedMessageCtx() : totalChunks_(0) {}
ChunkedMessageCtx(int totalChunks, int totalChunkMessageSize)
: totalChunks_(totalChunks), chunkedMsgBuffer_(SharedBuffer::allocate(totalChunkMessageSize)) {
ChunkedMessageCtx(const ChunkedMessageCtx&) = delete;
// Here we don't use =default to be compatible with GCC 4.8
ChunkedMessageCtx(ChunkedMessageCtx&& rhs) noexcept
: totalChunks_(rhs.totalChunks_),
chunkedMessageIds_(std::move(rhs.chunkedMessageIds_)) {}
bool validateChunkId(int chunkId) const noexcept { return chunkId == numChunks(); }
void appendChunk(const MessageId& messageId, const SharedBuffer& payload) {
chunkedMsgBuffer_.write(, payload.readableBytes());
bool isCompleted() const noexcept { return totalChunks_ == numChunks(); }
const SharedBuffer& getBuffer() const noexcept { return chunkedMsgBuffer_; }
const std::vector<MessageId>& getChunkedMessageIds() const noexcept { return chunkedMessageIds_; }
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ChunkedMessageCtx& ctx) {
return os << "ChunkedMessageCtx " << ctx.chunkedMsgBuffer_.readableBytes() << " of "
<< ctx.chunkedMsgBuffer_.writerIndex() << " bytes, " << ctx.numChunks() << " of "
<< ctx.totalChunks_ << " chunks";
const int totalChunks_;
SharedBuffer chunkedMsgBuffer_;
std::vector<MessageId> chunkedMessageIds_;
int numChunks() const noexcept { return static_cast<int>(chunkedMessageIds_.size()); }
const size_t maxPendingChunkedMessage_;
// if queue size is reasonable (most of the time equal to number of producers try to publish messages
// concurrently on the topic) then it guards against broken chunked message which was not fully published
const bool autoAckOldestChunkedMessageOnQueueFull_;
// The key is UUID, value is the associated ChunkedMessageCtx of the chunked message.
std::unordered_map<std::string, ChunkedMessageCtx> chunkedMessagesMap_;
// This list contains all the keys of `chunkedMessagesMap_`, each key is an UUID that identifies a pending
// chunked message. Once the number of pending chunked messages exceeds the limit, the oldest UUIDs and
// the associated ChunkedMessageCtx will be removed.
std::list<std::string> pendingChunkedMessageUuidQueue_;
// The key is UUID, value is the associated ChunkedMessageCtx of the chunked message.
MapCache<std::string, ChunkedMessageCtx> chunkedMessageCache_;
mutable std::mutex chunkProcessMutex_;
* Process a chunk. If the chunk is the last chunk of a message, concatenate all buffered chunks into the
* payload and return it.
* @param payload the payload of a chunk
* @param metadata the message metadata
* @param messageId
* @param messageIdData
* @param cnx
* @return the concatenated payload if chunks are concatenated into a completed message payload
* successfully, else Optional::empty()
Optional<SharedBuffer> processMessageChunk(const SharedBuffer& payload,
const proto::MessageMetadata& metadata,
const MessageId& messageId,
const proto::MessageIdData& messageIdData,
const ClientConnectionPtr& cnx);
friend class PulsarFriend;
// these two declared friend to access setNegativeAcknowledgeEnabledForTesting
friend class MultiTopicsConsumerImpl;
FRIEND_TEST(ConsumerTest, testPartitionedConsumerUnAckedMessageRedelivery);
FRIEND_TEST(ConsumerTest, testMultiTopicsConsumerUnAckedMessageRedelivery);
FRIEND_TEST(ConsumerTest, testBatchUnAckedMessageTracker);
} /* namespace pulsar */
#endif /* LIB_CONSUMERIMPL_H_ */