blob: 43b33933934989b0c78a6fa782a2840e31911356 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include <mutex>
#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/ptime.hpp>
#include "ClientImpl.h"
#include "BlockingQueue.h"
#include "HandlerBase.h"
#include "SharedBuffer.h"
#include "CompressionCodec.h"
#include "MessageCrypto.h"
#include "stats/ProducerStatsDisabled.h"
#include "stats/ProducerStatsImpl.h"
#include "PulsarApi.pb.h"
#include "OpSendMsg.h"
#include "BatchMessageContainerBase.h"
#include "PendingFailures.h"
#include "Semaphore.h"
#include "PeriodicTask.h"
using namespace pulsar;
namespace pulsar {
typedef bool bool_type;
typedef std::shared_ptr<MessageCrypto> MessageCryptoPtr;
class PulsarFriend;
class Producer;
class MemoryLimitController;
class TopicName;
class ProducerImpl : public HandlerBase,
public std::enable_shared_from_this<ProducerImpl>,
public ProducerImplBase {
ProducerImpl(ClientImplPtr client, const TopicName& topic,
const ProducerConfiguration& producerConfiguration, int32_t partition = -1);
// overrided methods from ProducerImplBase
const std::string& getProducerName() const override;
int64_t getLastSequenceId() const override;
const std::string& getSchemaVersion() const override;
void sendAsync(const Message& msg, SendCallback callback) override;
void closeAsync(CloseCallback callback) override;
void start() override;
void shutdown() override;
bool isClosed() override;
const std::string& getTopic() const override;
Future<Result, ProducerImplBaseWeakPtr> getProducerCreatedFuture() override;
void triggerFlush() override;
void flushAsync(FlushCallback callback) override;
bool isConnected() const override;
uint64_t getNumberOfConnectedProducer() override;
bool isStarted() const;
bool removeCorruptMessage(uint64_t sequenceId);
bool ackReceived(uint64_t sequenceId, MessageId& messageId);
virtual void disconnectProducer();
uint64_t getProducerId() const;
int32_t partition() const noexcept { return partition_; }
static int getNumOfChunks(uint32_t size, uint32_t maxMessageSize);
// NOTE: this method is introduced into `enable_shared_from_this` since C++17
ProducerImplWeakPtr weak_from_this() noexcept;
ProducerStatsBasePtr producerStatsBasePtr_;
typedef std::deque<OpSendMsg> MessageQueue;
void setMessageMetadata(const Message& msg, const uint64_t& sequenceId, const uint32_t& uncompressedSize);
void sendMessage(const OpSendMsg& opSendMsg);
void startSendTimeoutTimer();
friend class PulsarFriend;
friend class Producer;
friend class BatchMessageContainerBase;
friend class BatchMessageContainer;
// overrided methods from HandlerBase
void connectionOpened(const ClientConnectionPtr& connection) override;
void connectionFailed(Result result) override;
HandlerBaseWeakPtr get_weak_from_this() override { return shared_from_this(); }
const std::string& getName() const override { return producerStr_; }
void printStats();
void handleCreateProducer(const ClientConnectionPtr& cnx, Result result,
const ResponseData& responseData);
void handleClose(Result result, ResultCallback callback, ProducerImplPtr producer);
void resendMessages(ClientConnectionPtr cnx);
void refreshEncryptionKey(const boost::system::error_code& ec);
bool encryptMessage(proto::MessageMetadata& metadata, SharedBuffer& payload,
SharedBuffer& encryptedPayload);
void sendAsyncWithStatsUpdate(const Message& msg, const SendCallback& callback);
* Reserve a spot in the messages queue before acquiring the ProducerImpl mutex. When the queue is full,
* this call will block until a spot is available if blockIfQueueIsFull is true. Otherwise, it will return
* ResultProducerQueueIsFull immediately.
* It also checks whether the memory could reach the limit after `payloadSize` is added. If so, this call
* will block until enough memory could be retained.
Result canEnqueueRequest(uint32_t payloadSize);
void releaseSemaphore(uint32_t payloadSize);
void releaseSemaphoreForSendOp(const OpSendMsg& op);
void cancelTimers();
bool isValidProducerState(const SendCallback& callback) const;
bool canAddToBatch(const Message& msg) const;
typedef std::unique_lock<std::mutex> Lock;
ProducerConfiguration conf_;
std::unique_ptr<Semaphore> semaphore_;
MessageQueue pendingMessagesQueue_;
const int32_t partition_; // -1 if topic is non-partitioned
std::string producerName_;
bool userProvidedProducerName_;
std::string producerStr_;
uint64_t producerId_;
int64_t msgSequenceGenerator_;
proto::BaseCommand cmd_;
std::unique_ptr<BatchMessageContainerBase> batchMessageContainer_;
boost::asio::deadline_timer batchTimer_;
PendingFailures batchMessageAndSend(const FlushCallback& flushCallback = nullptr);
volatile int64_t lastSequenceIdPublished_;
std::string schemaVersion_;
boost::asio::deadline_timer sendTimer_;
void handleSendTimeout(const boost::system::error_code& err);
using DurationType = typename boost::asio::deadline_timer::duration_type;
void asyncWaitSendTimeout(DurationType expiryTime);
Promise<Result, ProducerImplBaseWeakPtr> producerCreatedPromise_;
struct PendingCallbacks;
std::shared_ptr<PendingCallbacks> getPendingCallbacksWhenFailed();
std::shared_ptr<PendingCallbacks> getPendingCallbacksWhenFailedWithLock();
void failPendingMessages(Result result, bool withLock);
MessageCryptoPtr msgCrypto_;
PeriodicTask dataKeyRefreshTask_;
MemoryLimitController& memoryLimitController_;
const bool chunkingEnabled_;
struct ProducerImplCmp {
bool operator()(const ProducerImplPtr& a, const ProducerImplPtr& b) const;
} /* namespace pulsar */
#endif /* LIB_PRODUCERIMPL_H_ */