blob: 431c7630e9bf7c6dde645b6eb990cb585378b559 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# shell function library for Pulsar CI builds
set -e
set -o pipefail
# lists all available functions in this tool
function ci_list_functions() {
declare -F | awk '{print $NF}' | sort | grep -E '^ci_' | sed 's/^ci_//'
# prints thread dumps for all running JVMs
# used in CI when a job gets cancelled because of a job timeout
function ci_print_thread_dumps() {
for java_pid in $(jps -q -J-XX:+PerfDisableSharedMem); do
echo "----------------------- pid $java_pid -----------------------"
cat /proc/$java_pid/cmdline | xargs -0 echo
jcmd $java_pid Thread.print -l
jcmd $java_pid GC.heap_info
return 0
# runs maven
function _ci_mvn() {
mvn -B -ntp "$@"
# runs OWASP Dependency Check for all projects
function ci_dependency_check() {
_ci_mvn -Pmain,skip-all,skipDocker,owasp-dependency-check initialize verify -pl '!pulsar-client-tools-test' "$@"
# installs a tool executable if it's not found on the PATH
function ci_install_tool() {
local tool_executable=$1
local tool_package=${2:-$1}
if ! command -v $tool_executable &>/dev/null; then
echo "::group::Installing ${tool_package}"
sudo apt-get -y install ${tool_package} >/dev/null
echo '::endgroup::'
# outputs the given message to stderr and exits the shell script
function fail() {
echo "$*" >&2
exit 1
# saves a given image (1st parameter) to the GitHub Actions Artifacts with the given name (2nd parameter)
function ci_docker_save_image_to_github_actions_artifacts() {
local image=$1
local artifactname="${2}.zst"
ci_install_tool pv
echo "::group::Saving docker image ${image} with name ${artifactname} in GitHub Actions Artifacts"
# delete possible previous artifact that might exist when re-running
gh-actions-artifact-client.js delete "${artifactname}" &>/dev/null || true
docker save ${image} | zstd | pv -ft -i 5 | pv -Wbaf -i 5 | gh-actions-artifact-client.js upload --retentionDays=$ARTIFACT_RETENTION_DAYS "${artifactname}"
echo "::endgroup::"
# loads a docker image from the GitHub Actions Artifacts with the given name (1st parameter)
function ci_docker_load_image_from_github_actions_artifacts() {
local artifactname="${1}.zst"
ci_install_tool pv
echo "::group::Loading docker image from name ${artifactname} in GitHub Actions Artifacts"
gh-actions-artifact-client.js download "${artifactname}" | pv -batf -i 5 | unzstd | docker load
echo "::endgroup::"
# loads and extracts a zstd (.tar.zst) compressed tar file from the GitHub Actions Artifacts with the given name (1st parameter)
function ci_restore_tar_from_github_actions_artifacts() {
local artifactname="${1}.tar.zst"
ci_install_tool pv
echo "::group::Restoring tar from name ${artifactname} in GitHub Actions Artifacts to $PWD"
gh-actions-artifact-client.js download "${artifactname}" | pv -batf -i 5 | tar -I zstd -xf -
echo "::endgroup::"
# stores a given command (with full arguments, specified after 1st parameter) output to GitHub Actions Artifacts with the given name (1st parameter)
function ci_store_tar_to_github_actions_artifacts() {
local artifactname="${1}.tar.zst"
ci_install_tool pv
echo "::group::Storing $1 tar command output to name ${artifactname} in GitHub Actions Artifacts"
# delete possible previous artifact that might exist when re-running
gh-actions-artifact-client.js delete "${artifactname}" &>/dev/null || true
"$@" | pv -ft -i 5 | pv -Wbaf -i 5 | gh-actions-artifact-client.js upload --retentionDays=$ARTIFACT_RETENTION_DAYS "${artifactname}"
echo "::endgroup::"
# copies test reports into test-reports and surefire-reports directory
# subsequent runs of tests might overwrite previous reports. This ensures that all test runs get reported.
function ci_move_test_reports() {
if [ -n "${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}" ]; then
mkdir -p test-reports
mkdir -p surefire-reports
# aggregate all junit xml reports in a single directory
if [ -d test-reports ]; then
# copy test reports to single directory, rename duplicates
find . -path '*/target/surefire-reports/junitreports/TEST-*.xml' -print0 | xargs -0 -r -n 1 mv -t test-reports --backup=numbered
# rename possible duplicates to have ".xml" extension
for f in test-reports/*~; do
mv -- "$f" "${f}.xml"
done 2>/dev/null
) || true
# aggregate all surefire-reports in a single directory
if [ -d surefire-reports ]; then
find . -type d -path '*/target/surefire-reports' -not -path './surefire-reports/*' |
while IFS=$'\n' read -r directory; do
echo "Copying reports from $directory"
if [ -d "$target_dir" ]; then
# rotate backup directory names *~3 -> *~2, *~2 -> *~3, *~1 -> *~2, ...
( command ls -vr1d "${target_dir}~"* 2> /dev/null | awk '{print "mv "$0" "substr($0,0,length-1)substr($0,length,1)+1}' | sh ) || true
# backup existing target directory, these are the results of the previous test run
mv "$target_dir" "${target_dir}~1"
# copy files
cp -R --parents "$directory" surefire-reports
# remove the original directory
rm -rf "$directory"
function ci_check_ready_to_test() {
if [[ -z "$GITHUB_EVENT_PATH" ]]; then
>&2 echo "GITHUB_EVENT_PATH isn't set"
return 1
PR_JSON_URL=$(jq -r '.pull_request.url' "${GITHUB_EVENT_PATH}")
echo "Refreshing $PR_JSON_URL..."
PR_JSON=$(curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $GITHUB_TOKEN" "${PR_JSON_URL}")
if printf "%s" "${PR_JSON}" | jq -e '.draft | select(. == true)' &> /dev/null; then
echo "PR is draft."
elif ! ( printf "%s" "${PR_JSON}" | jq -e '.mergeable | select(. == true)' &> /dev/null ); then
echo "PR isn't mergeable."
# check ready-to-test label
if printf "%s" "${PR_JSON}" | jq -e '.labels[] | .name | select(. == "ready-to-test")' &> /dev/null; then
echo "Found ready-to-test label."
return 0
echo "There is no ready-to-test label on the PR."
# check if the PR has been approved
PR_NUM=$(jq -r '.pull_request.number' "${GITHUB_EVENT_PATH}")
REPO_FULL_NAME=$(jq -r '.repository.full_name' "${GITHUB_EVENT_PATH}")
REPO_NAME=$(basename "${REPO_FULL_NAME}")
# use graphql query to find out reviewDecision
PR_REVIEW_DECISION=$(curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $GITHUB_TOKEN" -X POST -d '{"query": "query { repository(name: \"'${REPO_NAME}'\", owner: \"'${REPO_OWNER}'\") { pullRequest(number: '${PR_NUM}') { reviewDecision } } }"}' |jq -r '.data.repository.pullRequest.reviewDecision')
echo "Review decision for PR #${PR_NUM} in repository ${REPO_OWNER}/${REPO_NAME} is ${PR_REVIEW_DECISION}"
if [[ "$PR_REVIEW_DECISION" == "APPROVED" ]]; then
return 0
FORK_REPO_URL=$(jq -r '.pull_request.head.repo.html_url' "$GITHUB_EVENT_PATH")
PR_BRANCH_LABEL=$(jq -r '.pull_request.head.label' "$GITHUB_EVENT_PATH")
PR_BASE_BRANCH=$(jq -r '.pull_request.base.ref' "$GITHUB_EVENT_PATH")
PR_URL=$(jq -r '.pull_request.html_url' "$GITHUB_EVENT_PATH")
FORK_PR_TITLE_URL_ENCODED=$(printf "%s" "${PR_JSON}" | jq -r '"[run-tests] " + .title | @uri')
FORK_PR_BODY_URL_ENCODED=$(jq -n -r "\"This PR is for running tests for upstream PR ${PR_URL}.\n\n<!-- Before creating this PR, please ensure that the fork $FORK_REPO_URL is up to date with -->\" | @uri")
if [[ "$PR_BASE_BRANCH" != "master" ]]; then
sync_non_master_fork_docs=$(cat <<EOF
If ${FORK_REPO_URL}/tree/${PR_BASE_BRANCH} is missing, you must sync the branch ${PR_BASE_BRANCH} on the command line.
git fetch ${PR_BASE_BRANCH}
git push ${FORK_REPO_URL} FETCH_HEAD:refs/heads/${PR_BASE_BRANCH}
# Instructions for proceeding with the pull request:
apache/pulsar pull requests should be first tested in your own fork since the apache/pulsar CI based on
GitHub Actions has constrained resources and quota. GitHub Actions provides separate quota for
pull requests that are executed in a forked repository.
1. Go to ${FORK_REPO_URL}/tree/${PR_BASE_BRANCH} and ensure that your ${PR_BASE_BRANCH} branch is up to date
with \\
[Sync your fork if it's behind.](${sync_non_master_fork_docs}
2. Open a pull request to your own fork. You can use this link to create the pull request in
your own fork:
[Create PR in fork for running tests](${FORK_REPO_URL}/compare/${PR_BASE_BRANCH}...${PR_BRANCH_LABEL}?expand=1&title=${FORK_PR_TITLE_URL_ENCODED}&body=${FORK_PR_BODY_URL_ENCODED})
3. Edit the description of the pull request ${PR_URL} and add the link to the PR that you opened to your own fork
so that the reviewer can verify that tests pass in your own fork.
4. Ensure that tests pass in your own fork. Your own fork will be used to run the tests during the PR review
and any changes made during the review. You as a PR author are responsible for following up on test failures.
Please report any flaky tests as new issues at
after checking that the flaky test isn't already reported.
5. When the PR is approved, it will be possible to restart the Pulsar CI workflow within apache/pulsar
repository by adding a comment "/pulsarbot rerun-failure-checks" to the PR.
An alternative for the PR approval is to add a ready-to-test label to the PR. This can be done
by Apache Pulsar committers.
6. When tests pass on the apache/pulsar side, the PR can be merged by a Apache Pulsar Committer.
If you have any trouble you can get support in multiple ways:
* by sending email to the [dev mailing list]( ([subscribe](
* on the [#contributors channel on Pulsar Slack]( ([join](
* in apache/pulsar [GitHub discussions Q&A](
return 1
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo "usage: $0 [ci_tool_function_name]"
echo "Available ci tool functions:"
exit 1
if [[ "$(LC_ALL=C type -t "${ci_function_name}")" == "function" ]]; then
eval "$ci_function_name" "$@"
echo "Invalid ci tool function"
echo "Available ci tool functions:"
exit 1