blob: 565a6ab0eac5e3f9d6ba1164099ed4a783ff9506 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include <pulsar/CompressionType.h>
#include <pulsar/MessageRoutingPolicy.h>
#include <pulsar/Result.h>
#include <pulsar/Message.h>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <pulsar/ProducerCryptoFailureAction.h>
#include <pulsar/CryptoKeyReader.h>
#include <set>
#pragma GCC visibility push(default)
namespace pulsar {
typedef boost::function<void(Result, const Message& msg)> SendCallback;
typedef boost::function<void(Result)> CloseCallback;
class ProducerConfigurationImpl;
class PulsarWrapper;
* Class that holds the configuration for a producer
class ProducerConfiguration {
enum PartitionsRoutingMode
enum HashingScheme
ProducerConfiguration(const ProducerConfiguration&);
ProducerConfiguration& operator=(const ProducerConfiguration&);
ProducerConfiguration& setProducerName(const std::string& producerName);
const std::string& getProducerName() const;
ProducerConfiguration& setSendTimeout(int sendTimeoutMs);
int getSendTimeout() const;
ProducerConfiguration& setInitialSequenceId(int64_t initialSequenceId);
int64_t getInitialSequenceId() const;
ProducerConfiguration& setCompressionType(CompressionType compressionType);
CompressionType getCompressionType() const;
ProducerConfiguration& setMaxPendingMessages(int maxPendingMessages);
int getMaxPendingMessages() const;
* Set the number of max pending messages across all the partitions
* <p>
* This setting will be used to lower the max pending messages for each partition
* ({@link #setMaxPendingMessages(int)}), if the total exceeds the configured value.
* @param maxPendingMessagesAcrossPartitions
ProducerConfiguration& setMaxPendingMessagesAcrossPartitions(int maxPendingMessagesAcrossPartitions);
* @return the maximum number of pending messages allowed across all the partitions
int getMaxPendingMessagesAcrossPartitions() const;
ProducerConfiguration& setPartitionsRoutingMode(const PartitionsRoutingMode& mode);
PartitionsRoutingMode getPartitionsRoutingMode() const;
ProducerConfiguration& setMessageRouter(const MessageRoutingPolicyPtr& router);
const MessageRoutingPolicyPtr& getMessageRouterPtr() const;
ProducerConfiguration& setHashingScheme(const HashingScheme& scheme);
HashingScheme getHashingScheme() const;
ProducerConfiguration& setBlockIfQueueFull(bool);
bool getBlockIfQueueFull() const;
// Zero queue size feature will not be supported on consumer end if batching is enabled
ProducerConfiguration& setBatchingEnabled(const bool& batchingEnabled);
const bool& getBatchingEnabled() const;
ProducerConfiguration& setBatchingMaxMessages(const unsigned int& batchingMaxMessages);
const unsigned int& getBatchingMaxMessages() const;
ProducerConfiguration& setBatchingMaxAllowedSizeInBytes(
const unsigned long& batchingMaxAllowedSizeInBytes);
const unsigned long& getBatchingMaxAllowedSizeInBytes() const;
ProducerConfiguration& setBatchingMaxPublishDelayMs(const unsigned long& batchingMaxPublishDelayMs);
const unsigned long& getBatchingMaxPublishDelayMs() const;
const CryptoKeyReaderPtr getCryptoKeyReader() const;
ProducerConfiguration& setCryptoKeyReader(CryptoKeyReaderPtr cryptoKeyReader);
ProducerCryptoFailureAction getCryptoFailureAction() const;
ProducerConfiguration& setCryptoFailureAction(ProducerCryptoFailureAction action);
std::set<std::string>& getEncryptionKeys();
bool isEncryptionEnabled() const;
ProducerConfiguration& addEncryptionKey(std::string key);
* Check whether the producer has a specific property attached.
* @param name the name of the property to check
* @return true if the message has the specified property
* @return false if the property is not defined
bool hasProperty(const std::string& name) const;
* Get the value of a specific property
* @param name the name of the property
* @return the value of the property or null if the property was not defined
const std::string& getProperty(const std::string& name) const;
* Get all the properties attached to this producer.
std::map<std::string, std::string>& getProperties() const;
* Sets a new property on the producer
* .
* @param name the name of the property
* @param value the associated value
ProducerConfiguration& setProperty(const std::string& name, const std::string& value);
* Add all the properties in the provided map
ProducerConfiguration& setProperties(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& properties);
friend class PulsarWrapper;
struct Impl;
boost::shared_ptr<ProducerConfigurationImpl> impl_;
} // namespace pulsar
#pragma GCC visibility pop