| # |
| # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one |
| # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file |
| # distributed with this work for additional information |
| # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file |
| # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the |
| # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance |
| # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, |
| # software distributed under the License is distributed on an |
| # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the |
| # specific language governing permissions and limitations |
| # under the License. |
| # |
| |
| partitioned_topics: |
| msgRateIn: The sum of all local and replication publishers’ publish rates in messages per second |
| msgThroughputIn: Same as `msgRateIn` but in bytes per second instead of messages per second |
| msgRateOut: The sum of all local and replication consumers’ dispatch rates in messages per second |
| msgThroughputOut: Same as `msgRateOut` but in bytes per second instead of messages per second |
| averageMsgSize: The average size, in bytes, of messages published within the last interval |
| storageSize: The sum of the ledgers’ storage size for this topic |
| publishers: The list of all local publishers into the topic. There can be anywhere from zero to thousands. |
| averageMsgSize: Average message size, in bytes, from this publisher within the last interval |
| producerId: Internal identifier for this producer on this topic |
| producerName: Internal identifier for this producer, generated by the client library |
| address: IP address and source port for the connection of this producer |
| connectedSince: Timestamp this producer was created or last reconnected |
| subscriptions: The list of all local subscriptions to the topic |
| my-subscription: The name of this subscription (client defined) |
| msgBacklog: The count of messages in backlog for this subscription |
| type: This subscription type |
| msgRateExpired: The rate at which messages were discarded instead of dispatched from this subscription due to TTL |
| consumers: The list of connected consumers for this subscription |
| consumerName: Internal identifier for this consumer, generated by the client library |
| availablePermits: The number of messages this consumer has space for in the client library’s listen queue. A value of 0 means the client library’s queue is full and receive() isn’t being called. A nonzero value means this consumer is ready to be dispatched messages. |
| replication: This section gives the stats for cross-colo replication of this topic |
| replicationBacklog: The outbound replication backlog in messages |
| connected: Whether the outbound replicator is connected |
| replicationDelayInSeconds: How long the oldest message has been waiting to be sent through the connection, if connected is true |
| inboundConnection: The IP and port of the broker in the remote cluster’s publisher connection to this broker |
| inboundConnectedSince: The TCP connection being used to publish messages to the remote cluster. If there are no local publishers connected, this connection is automatically closed after a minute. |
| topics: |
| entriesAddedCounter: Messages published since this broker loaded this topic |
| numberOfEntries: Total number of messages being tracked |
| totalSize: Total storage size in bytes of all messages |
| currentLedgerEntries: Count of messages written to the ledger currently open for writing |
| currentLedgerSize: Size in bytes of messages written to ledger currently open for writing |
| lastLedgerCreatedTimestamp: Time when last ledger was created |
| lastLedgerCreationFailureTimestamp: time when last ledger was failed |
| waitingCursorsCount: How many cursors are caught up and waiting for a new message to be published |
| pendingAddEntriesCount: How many messages have (asynchronous) write requests we are waiting on completion |
| lastConfirmedEntry: The ledgerid:entryid of the last message successfully written. If the entryid is -1, then the ledger has been opened or is currently being opened but has no entries written yet. |
| state: The state of this ledger for writing. LedgerOpened means we have a ledger open for saving published messages. |
| ledgers: The ordered list of all ledgers for this topic holding its messages |
| cursors: The list of all cursors on this topic. There will be one for every subscription you saw in the topic stats. |
| markDeletePosition: "The ack position: the last message the subscriber acknowledged receiving" |
| readPosition: The latest position of subscriber for reading message |
| waitingReadOp: This is true when the subscription has read the latest message published to the topic and is waiting on new messages to be published. |
| pendingReadOps: The counter for how many outstanding read requests to the BookKeepers we have in progress |
| messagesConsumedCounter: Number of messages this cursor has acked since this broker loaded this topic |
| cursorLedger: The ledger being used to persistently store the current markDeletePosition |
| cursorLedgerLastEntry: The last entryid used to persistently store the current markDeletePosition |
| individuallyDeletedMessages: If Acks are being done out of order, shows the ranges of messages Acked between the markDeletePosition and the read-position |
| lastLedgerSwitchTimestamp: The last time the cursor ledger was rolled over |
| state: The state of the cursor ledger. Open means we have a cursor ledger for saving updates of the markDeletePosition. |