| # |
| # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one |
| # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file |
| # distributed with this work for additional information |
| # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file |
| # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the |
| # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance |
| # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, |
| # software distributed under the License is distributed on an |
| # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the |
| # specific language governing permissions and limitations |
| # under the License. |
| # |
| |
| language: java C++ ruby |
| jdk: |
| - oraclejdk8 |
| |
| sudo: required |
| |
| services: |
| - docker |
| |
| cache: |
| directories: |
| - $HOME/.m2 |
| - $HOME/pulsar-dep |
| - "$HOME/apache-maven-3.5.0" |
| |
| # Reconstruct the gpg keys to sign the artifacts |
| before_deploy: |
| - echo $GPG_SECRET_KEYS | base64 --decode | $GPG_EXECUTABLE --import --batch || true |
| - echo $GPG_OWNERTRUST | base64 --decode | $GPG_EXECUTABLE --import-ownertrust --batch || true |
| |
| # Upgrade to maven 3.5.0 |
| before_install: |
| - export M2_HOME=$HOME/apache-maven-3.5.0 |
| - if [ ! -d $M2_HOME/bin ]; then curl https://archive.apache.org/dist/maven/maven-3/3.5.0/binaries/apache-maven-3.5.0-bin.tar.gz | tar zxf - -C $HOME; fi |
| - export PATH=$M2_HOME/bin:$PATH |
| |
| install: |
| - sudo bash -x $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/pulsar-client-cpp/travis-build.sh $HOME/pulsar-dep $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR dep |
| - (cd site && make travis_setup) |
| |
| script: |
| # Build Java and C++ |
| - mvn license:check apache-rat:check test package && sudo bash -x $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/pulsar-client-cpp/travis-build.sh $HOME/pulsar-dep $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR compile |
| # Build docker images |
| - docker/build.sh |
| # Generate website |
| - (cd site && make travis_build) |
| |
| deploy: |
| - |
| provider: script |
| skip_cleanup: true |
| script: mvn deploy -DskipTests --settings .travis/settings.xml |
| on: |
| tags: false |
| - |
| provider: script |
| skip_cleanup: true |
| script: mvn install deploy -Papache-release -DskipTests --settings .travis/settings.xml |
| on: |
| repo: apache/incubator-pulsar |
| tags: true |
| - |
| provider: releases |
| skip_cleanup: true |
| api_key: |
| secure: 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 |
| file_glob: true |
| file: "all/target/pulsar-*.tar.gz" |
| on: |
| repo: apache/incubator-pulsar |
| tags: true |
| - |
| provider: script |
| skip_cleanup: true |
| script: (cd site && make travis_publish) |
| on: |
| repo: apache/incubator-pulsar |
| branch: master |
| - |
| provider: script |
| skip_cleanup: true |
| script: docker/publish.sh |
| on: |
| tags: true |