blob: 0cb9bc62c6195ff261c03188cb6f83ec19d44e39 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import static org.apache.pulsar.common.util.Codec.decode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import io.swagger.annotations.Api;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiParam;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiResponse;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiResponses;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.mledger.Position;
import org.apache.bookkeeper.mledger.impl.PositionImpl;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.admin.PulsarAdminException;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.SubscriptionType;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.MessageIdImpl;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.ResetCursorData;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.api.proto.CommandSubscribe;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.naming.PartitionedManagedLedgerInfo;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.partition.PartitionedTopicMetadata;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.util.Codec;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.util.FutureUtil;
import org.apache.pulsar.metadata.api.MetadataStoreException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
@Api(value = "/persistent", description = "Persistent topic admin apis", tags = "persistent topic")
public class PersistentTopics extends PersistentTopicsBase {
@ApiOperation(value = "Get the list of topics under a namespace.",
response = String.class, responseContainer = "List")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin or operate permission on the namespace"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "tenant/namespace/topic doesn't exit"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Namespace name is not valid"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error")})
public void getList(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the bundle name", required = false)
@QueryParam("bundle") String bundle,
@ApiParam(value = "Include system topic")
@QueryParam("includeSystemTopic") boolean includeSystemTopic) {
validateNamespaceName(tenant, namespace);
.thenAccept(topicList -> asyncResponse.resume(filterSystemTopic(topicList, includeSystemTopic)))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
if (isNot307And404Exception(ex)) {
log.error("[{}] Failed to get topic list {}", clientAppId(), namespaceName, ex);
resumeAsyncResponseExceptionally(asyncResponse, ex);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Get the list of partitioned topics under a namespace.",
response = String.class, responseContainer = "List")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin or operate permission on the namespace"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "tenant/namespace/topic doesn't exit"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Namespace name is not valid"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error")})
public void getPartitionedTopicList(
@Suspended AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Include system topic")
@QueryParam("includeSystemTopic") boolean includeSystemTopic) {
validateNamespaceName(tenant, namespace);
.thenAccept(partitionedTopicList -> asyncResponse.resume(
filterSystemTopic(partitionedTopicList, includeSystemTopic)))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
if (isNot307And404Exception(ex)) {
log.error("[{}] Failed to get partitioned topic list {}", clientAppId(), namespaceName, ex);
resumeAsyncResponseExceptionally(asyncResponse, ex);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Get permissions on a topic.",
notes = "Retrieve the effective permissions for a topic."
+ " These permissions are defined by the permissions set at the"
+ "namespace level combined (union) with any eventual specific permission set on the topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "tenant/namespace/topic doesn't exit"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Topic name is not valid"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error")})
public void getPermissionsOnTopic(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic) {
try {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
internalGetPermissionsOnTopic().thenAccept(permissions -> asyncResponse.resume(permissions))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
log.error("[{}] Failed to get permissions for topic {}", clientAppId(), topicName, ex);
resumeAsyncResponseExceptionally(asyncResponse, ex);
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("[{}] Failed to validate topic name {}", clientAppId(), topicName, e);
resumeAsyncResponseExceptionally(asyncResponse, e);
@ApiOperation(value = "Grant a new permission to a role on a single topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "tenant/namespace/topic doesn't exit"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Topic name is not valid"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error") })
public void grantPermissionsOnTopic(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Client role to which grant permissions", required = true)
@PathParam("role") String role,
@ApiParam(value = "Actions to be granted (produce,functions,consume)",
allowableValues = "produce,functions,consume")
Set<AuthAction> actions) {
try {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
internalGrantPermissionsOnTopic(asyncResponse, role, actions);
} catch (WebApplicationException wae) {
} catch (Exception e) {
asyncResponse.resume(new RestException(e));
@ApiOperation(value = "Revoke permissions on a topic.",
notes = "Revoke permissions to a role on a single topic. If the permission was not set at the topic"
+ "level, but rather at the namespace level,"
+ " this operation will return an error (HTTP status code 412).")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "tenant/namespace/topic doesn't exit"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Permissions are not set at the topic level"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error")})
public void revokePermissionsOnTopic(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Client role to which grant permissions", required = true)
@PathParam("role") String role) {
try {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
internalRevokePermissionsOnTopic(asyncResponse, role);
} catch (WebApplicationException wae) {
} catch (Exception e) {
asyncResponse.resume(new RestException(e));
@ApiOperation(value = "Create a partitioned topic.",
notes = "It needs to be called before creating a producer on a partitioned topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Tenant or namespace doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 406, message = "The number of partitions should be more than 0 and"
+ " less than or equal to maxNumPartitionsPerPartitionedTopic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Partitioned topic already exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412,
message = "Failed Reason : Name is invalid or Namespace does not have any clusters configured"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"),
@ApiResponse(code = 503, message = "Failed to validate global cluster configuration")
public void createPartitionedTopic(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "The number of partitions for the topic",
required = true, type = "int", defaultValue = "0")
int numPartitions,
@QueryParam("createLocalTopicOnly") @DefaultValue("false") boolean createLocalTopicOnly) {
try {
validateNamespaceName(tenant, namespace);
validatePartitionedTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperation(topicName, PolicyName.PARTITION, PolicyOperation.WRITE);
internalCreatePartitionedTopic(asyncResponse, numPartitions, createLocalTopicOnly);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("[{}] Failed to create partitioned topic {}", clientAppId(), topicName, e);
resumeAsyncResponseExceptionally(asyncResponse, e);
@ApiOperation(value = "Create a non-partitioned topic.",
notes = "This is the only REST endpoint from which non-partitioned topics could be created.")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Tenant or namespace doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Partitioned topic already exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412,
message = "Failed Reason : Name is invalid or Namespace does not have any clusters configured"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"),
@ApiResponse(code = 503, message = "Failed to validate global cluster configuration")
public void createNonPartitionedTopic(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@ApiParam(value = "Key value pair properties for the topic metadata")
Map<String, String> properties) {
validateNamespaceName(tenant, namespace);
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
internalCreateNonPartitionedTopicAsync(authoritative, properties)
.thenAccept(__ -> asyncResponse.resume(Response.noContent().build()))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
if (isNot307And404Exception(ex)) {
log.error("[{}] Failed to create non-partitioned topic {}", clientAppId(), topicName, ex);
resumeAsyncResponseExceptionally(asyncResponse, ex);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Get offload policies on a topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Tenant or cluster or namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"), })
public void getOffloadPolicies(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("applied") @DefaultValue("false") boolean applied,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.OFFLOAD, PolicyOperation.READ)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalGetOffloadPolicies(applied, isGlobal))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("getOffloadPolicies", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Set offload policies on a topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Tenant or cluster or namespace or topic doesn't exist"), })
public void setOffloadPolicies(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Offload policies for the specified topic") OffloadPoliciesImpl offloadPolicies) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.OFFLOAD, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenAccept(__ -> validateOffloadPolicies(offloadPolicies))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetOffloadPolicies(offloadPolicies, isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> asyncResponse.resume(Response.noContent().build()))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("setOffloadPolicies", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Delete offload policies on a topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Tenant or cluster or namespace or topic doesn't exist"), })
public void removeOffloadPolicies(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.OFFLOAD, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetOffloadPolicies(null, isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> asyncResponse.resume(Response.noContent().build()))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("removeOffloadPolicies", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Get max unacked messages per consumer config on a topic.", response = Integer.class)
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Tenant or cluster or namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"), })
public void getMaxUnackedMessagesOnConsumer(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("applied") @DefaultValue("false") boolean applied,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.MAX_UNACKED, PolicyOperation.READ)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalGetMaxUnackedMessagesOnConsumer(applied, isGlobal))
.thenApply(asyncResponse::resume).exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("getMaxUnackedMessagesOnConsumer", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Set max unacked messages per consumer config on a topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Tenant or cluster or namespace or topic doesn't exist"), })
public void setMaxUnackedMessagesOnConsumer(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@ApiParam(value = "Max unacked messages on consumer policies for the specified topic")
Integer maxUnackedNum) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.MAX_UNACKED, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetMaxUnackedMessagesOnConsumer(maxUnackedNum, isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> asyncResponse.resume(Response.noContent().build()))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("setMaxUnackedMessagesOnConsumer", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Delete max unacked messages per consumer config on a topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Tenant or cluster or namespace or topic doesn't exist"), })
public void deleteMaxUnackedMessagesOnConsumer(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.MAX_UNACKED, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetMaxUnackedMessagesOnConsumer(null, isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> asyncResponse.resume(Response.noContent().build()))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("deleteMaxUnackedMessagesOnConsumer", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Get deduplicationSnapshotInterval config on a topic.", response = Integer.class)
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Tenant or cluster or namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"), })
public void getDeduplicationSnapshotInterval(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.DEDUPLICATION_SNAPSHOT, PolicyOperation.READ)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> getTopicPoliciesAsyncWithRetry(topicName, isGlobal))
.thenAccept(op -> {
TopicPolicies topicPolicies = op.orElseGet(TopicPolicies::new);
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("getDeduplicationSnapshotInterval", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Set deduplicationSnapshotInterval config on a topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Tenant or cluster or namespace or topic doesn't exist"), })
public void setDeduplicationSnapshotInterval(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Interval to take deduplication snapshot for the specified topic")
Integer interval,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.DEDUPLICATION_SNAPSHOT, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetDeduplicationSnapshotInterval(interval, isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> asyncResponse.resume(Response.noContent().build()))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("setDeduplicationSnapshotInterval", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Delete deduplicationSnapshotInterval config on a topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Tenant or cluster or namespace or topic doesn't exist"), })
public void deleteDeduplicationSnapshotInterval(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.DEDUPLICATION_SNAPSHOT, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetDeduplicationSnapshotInterval(null, isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> asyncResponse.resume(Response.noContent().build()))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("deleteDeduplicationSnapshotInterval", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Get inactive topic policies on a topic.", response = InactiveTopicPolicies.class)
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Tenant or cluster or namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"), })
public void getInactiveTopicPolicies(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("applied") @DefaultValue("false") boolean applied,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.INACTIVE_TOPIC, PolicyOperation.READ)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalGetInactiveTopicPolicies(applied, isGlobal))
.thenApply(asyncResponse::resume).exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("getInactiveTopicPolicies", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Set inactive topic policies on a topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Tenant or cluster or namespace or topic doesn't exist"), })
public void setInactiveTopicPolicies(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "inactive topic policies for the specified topic")
InactiveTopicPolicies inactiveTopicPolicies) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.INACTIVE_TOPIC, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetInactiveTopicPolicies(inactiveTopicPolicies, isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> asyncResponse.resume(Response.noContent().build()))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("setInactiveTopicPolicies", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Delete inactive topic policies on a topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Tenant or cluster or namespace or topic doesn't exist"), })
public void deleteInactiveTopicPolicies(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.INACTIVE_TOPIC, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetInactiveTopicPolicies(null, isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> asyncResponse.resume(Response.noContent().build()))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("deleteInactiveTopicPolicies", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Get max unacked messages per subscription config on a topic.", response = Integer.class)
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Tenant or cluster or namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"), })
public void getMaxUnackedMessagesOnSubscription(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("applied") @DefaultValue("false") boolean applied,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.MAX_UNACKED, PolicyOperation.READ)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalGetMaxUnackedMessagesOnSubscription(applied, isGlobal))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("getMaxUnackedMessagesOnSubscription", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Set max unacked messages per subscription config on a topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Tenant or cluster or namespace or topic doesn't exist"), })
public void setMaxUnackedMessagesOnSubscription(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@ApiParam(value = "Max unacked messages on subscription policies for the specified topic")
Integer maxUnackedNum) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperation(topicName, PolicyName.MAX_UNACKED, PolicyOperation.WRITE);
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetMaxUnackedMessagesOnSubscription(maxUnackedNum, isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> asyncResponse.resume(Response.noContent().build()))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("setMaxUnackedMessagesOnSubscription", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Delete max unacked messages per subscription config on a topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Tenant or cluster or namespace or topic doesn't exist"), })
public void deleteMaxUnackedMessagesOnSubscription(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperation(topicName, PolicyName.MAX_UNACKED, PolicyOperation.WRITE);
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetMaxUnackedMessagesOnSubscription(null, isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> asyncResponse.resume(Response.noContent().build()))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("deleteMaxUnackedMessagesOnSubscription", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Get delayed delivery messages config on a topic.", response = DelayedDeliveryPolicies.class)
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Tenant or cluster or namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"), })
public void getDelayedDeliveryPolicies(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@QueryParam("applied") @DefaultValue("false") boolean applied,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.DELAYED_DELIVERY, PolicyOperation.READ)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalGetDelayedDeliveryPolicies(applied, isGlobal))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("getDelayedDeliveryPolicies", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Set delayed delivery messages config on a topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Tenant or cluster or namespace or topic doesn't exist"), })
public void setDelayedDeliveryPolicies(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@ApiParam(value = "Delayed delivery policies for the specified topic")
DelayedDeliveryPolicies deliveryPolicies) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperation(topicName, PolicyName.DELAYED_DELIVERY, PolicyOperation.WRITE);
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetDelayedDeliveryPolicies(deliveryPolicies, isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> asyncResponse.resume(Response.noContent().build()))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("setDelayedDeliveryPolicies", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Set delayed delivery messages config on a topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Tenant or cluster or namespace or topic doesn't exist"), })
public void deleteDelayedDeliveryPolicies(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperation(topicName, PolicyName.DELAYED_DELIVERY, PolicyOperation.WRITE);
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetDelayedDeliveryPolicies(null, isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> asyncResponse.resume(Response.noContent().build()))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("deleteDelayedDeliveryPolicies", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
* It updates number of partitions of an existing partitioned topic. It requires partitioned-topic to be
* already exist and number of new partitions must be greater than existing number of partitions. Decrementing
* number of partitions requires deletion of topic which is not supported.
@ApiOperation(value = "Increment partitions of an existing partitioned topic.",
notes = "It increments partitions of existing partitioned-topic")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 204, message = "Update topic partition successful."),
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Unauthenticated"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Forbidden/Unauthorized"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Topic does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 422, message = "The number of partitions should be more than 0 and"
+ " less than or equal to maxNumPartitionsPerPartitionedTopic"
+ " and number of new partitions must be greater than existing number of partitions"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Partitioned topic name is invalid"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error")
public void updatePartitionedTopic(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("updateLocalTopicOnly") @DefaultValue("false") boolean updateLocalTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@QueryParam("force") @DefaultValue("false") boolean force,
@ApiParam(value = "The number of partitions for the topic",
required = true, type = "int", defaultValue = "0")
int numPartitions) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
if (topicName.isPartitioned()) {
throw new RestException(Response.Status.PRECONDITION_FAILED,
"Partitioned Topic Name should not contain '-partition-'");
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.PARTITION, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> internalUpdatePartitionedTopicAsync(numPartitions, updateLocalTopic, force))
.thenAccept(__ -> {"[{}][{}] Updated topic partition to {}.", clientAppId(), topicName, numPartitions);
.exceptionally(ex -> {
if (isNot307And404Exception(ex)) {
log.error("[{}][{}] Failed to update partition to {}",
clientAppId(), topicName, numPartitions, ex);
resumeAsyncResponseExceptionally(asyncResponse, ex);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Create missed partitions of an existing partitioned topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message =
"Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Tenant does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Partitioned topic does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Partitioned topic name is invalid"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error")
public void createMissedPartitions(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic) {
try {
validatePartitionedTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
} catch (Exception e) {
resumeAsyncResponseExceptionally(asyncResponse, e);
@ApiOperation(value = "Get partitioned topic metadata.", response = PartitionedTopicMetadata.class)
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Partitioned topic does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Partitioned topic name is invalid"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error")
public void getPartitionedMetadata(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@ApiParam(value = "Is check configuration required to automatically create topic")
@QueryParam("checkAllowAutoCreation") @DefaultValue("false") boolean checkAllowAutoCreation) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
internalGetPartitionedMetadataAsync(authoritative, checkAllowAutoCreation)
.exceptionally(ex -> {
Throwable t = FutureUtil.unwrapCompletionException(ex);
if (!isRedirectException(t)) {
if (AdminResource.isNotFoundException(t)) {
log.error("[{}] Failed to get partitioned metadata topic {}: {}",
clientAppId(), topicName, ex.getMessage());
} else {
log.error("[{}] Failed to get partitioned metadata topic {}",
clientAppId(), topicName, t);
resumeAsyncResponseExceptionally(asyncResponse, ex);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Get topic properties.", response = String.class, responseContainer = "Map")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Topic name is invalid"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error")
public void getProperties(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validatePersistentTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
.exceptionally(ex -> {
if (isNot307And404Exception(ex)) {
log.error("[{}] Failed to get topic {} properties", clientAppId(), topicName, ex);
resumeAsyncResponseExceptionally(asyncResponse, ex);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Update the properties on the given topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant or"
+ "subscriber is not authorized to access this operation"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic or subscription does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405, message = "Method Not Allowed"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"),
@ApiResponse(code = 503, message = "Failed to validate global cluster configuration")
public void updateProperties(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@ApiParam(value = "Key value pair properties for the topic metadata") Map<String, String> properties){
validatePersistentTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
internalUpdatePropertiesAsync(authoritative, properties)
.thenAccept(__ -> asyncResponse.resume(Response.noContent().build()))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
if (isNot307And404Exception(ex)) {
log.error("[{}] Failed to update topic {} properties", clientAppId(), topicName, ex);
resumeAsyncResponseExceptionally(asyncResponse, ex);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Remove the key in properties on the given topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Partitioned topic does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Partitioned topic name is invalid"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error")
public void removeProperties(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("key") String key,
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validatePersistentTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
internalRemovePropertiesAsync(authoritative, key)
.thenAccept(__ -> asyncResponse.resume(Response.noContent().build()))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
if (isNot307And404Exception(ex)) {
log.error("[{}] Failed to remove key {} in properties on topic {}",
clientAppId(), key, topicName, ex);
resumeAsyncResponseExceptionally(asyncResponse, ex);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Delete a partitioned topic.",
notes = "It will also delete all the partitions of the topic if it exists.")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Partitioned topic does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Partitioned topic name is invalid"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error")
public void deletePartitionedTopic(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Stop all producer/consumer/replicator and delete topic forcefully",
defaultValue = "false", type = "boolean")
@QueryParam("force") @DefaultValue("false") boolean force,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
try {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
if (topicName.isPartitioned()) {
// There's no way to create the partition topic with `-partition-{index}`, So we can reject it.
throw new RestException(Response.Status.PRECONDITION_FAILED,
"Partitioned Topic Name should not contain '-partition-'");
internalDeletePartitionedTopic(asyncResponse, authoritative, force);
} catch (WebApplicationException wae) {
} catch (Exception e) {
asyncResponse.resume(new RestException(e));
@ApiOperation(value = "Unload a topic")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Topic name is not valid or can't find owner for topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"),
@ApiResponse(code = 503, message = "Failed to validate global cluster configuration") })
public void unloadTopic(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
try {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
internalUnloadTopic(asyncResponse, authoritative);
} catch (WebApplicationException wae) {
} catch (Exception e) {
asyncResponse.resume(new RestException(e));
@ApiOperation(value = "Delete a topic.",
notes = "The topic cannot be deleted if delete is not forcefully and there's any active "
+ "subscription or producer connected to the it. "
+ "Force delete ignores connected clients and deletes topic by explicitly closing them.")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Topic has active producers/subscriptions"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error")})
public void deleteTopic(
@Suspended AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Stop all producer/consumer/replicator and delete topic forcefully",
defaultValue = "false", type = "boolean")
@QueryParam("force") @DefaultValue("false") boolean force,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
internalDeleteTopicAsync(authoritative, force)
.thenAccept(__ -> asyncResponse.resume(Response.noContent().build()))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
Throwable t = FutureUtil.unwrapCompletionException(ex);
if (!force && (t instanceof BrokerServiceException.TopicBusyException)) {
ex = new RestException(Response.Status.PRECONDITION_FAILED,
if (t instanceof IllegalStateException){
ex = new RestException(422/* Unprocessable entity*/, t.getMessage());
} else if (isManagedLedgerNotFoundException(t)) {
ex = new RestException(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND,
} else if (isNot307And404Exception(ex)) {
log.error("[{}] Failed to delete topic {}", clientAppId(), topicName, t);
resumeAsyncResponseExceptionally(asyncResponse, ex);
return null;
value = "Get the list of persistent subscriptions for a given topic.",
response = String.class,
responseContainer = "List"
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Topic name is not valid"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"),
@ApiResponse(code = 503, message = "Failed to validate global cluster configuration"),
public void getSubscriptions(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
try {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
internalGetSubscriptions(asyncResponse, authoritative);
} catch (WebApplicationException wae) {
} catch (Exception e) {
asyncResponse.resume(new RestException(e));
@ApiOperation(value = "Get the stats for the topic.", response = PersistentTopicStats.class)
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Topic name is not valid"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"),
@ApiResponse(code = 503, message = "Failed to validate global cluster configuration") })
public void getStats(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@ApiParam(value = "If return precise backlog or imprecise backlog")
@QueryParam("getPreciseBacklog") @DefaultValue("false") boolean getPreciseBacklog,
@ApiParam(value = "If return backlog size for each subscription, require locking on ledger so be careful "
+ "not to use when there's heavy traffic.")
@QueryParam("subscriptionBacklogSize") @DefaultValue("true") boolean subscriptionBacklogSize,
@ApiParam(value = "If return time of the earliest message in backlog")
@QueryParam("getEarliestTimeInBacklog") @DefaultValue("false") boolean getEarliestTimeInBacklog,
@ApiParam(value = "If exclude the publishers")
@QueryParam("excludePublishers") @DefaultValue("false") boolean excludePublishers,
@ApiParam(value = "If exclude the consumers")
@QueryParam("excludeConsumers") @DefaultValue("false") boolean excludeConsumers) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
GetStatsOptions getStatsOptions =
new GetStatsOptions(getPreciseBacklog, subscriptionBacklogSize, getEarliestTimeInBacklog,
excludePublishers, excludeConsumers);
internalGetStatsAsync(authoritative, getStatsOptions)
.exceptionally(ex -> {
// If the exception is not redirect exception we need to log it.
if (isNot307And404Exception(ex)) {
log.error("[{}] Failed to get stats for {}", clientAppId(), topicName, ex);
resumeAsyncResponseExceptionally(asyncResponse, ex);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Get the internal stats for the topic.", response = PersistentTopicInternalStats.class)
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Topic name is not valid"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"),
@ApiResponse(code = 503, message = "Failed to validate global cluster configuration") })
public void getInternalStats(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@QueryParam("metadata") @DefaultValue("false") boolean metadata) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
internalGetInternalStatsAsync(authoritative, metadata)
.exceptionally(ex -> {
if (isNot307And404Exception(ex)) {
log.error("[{}] Failed to get internal stats for topic {}", clientAppId(), topicName, ex);
resumeAsyncResponseExceptionally(asyncResponse, ex);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Get the stored topic metadata.", response = PartitionedManagedLedgerInfo.class)
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Topic name is not valid"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"),
@ApiResponse(code = 503, message = "Failed to validate global cluster configuration")})
public void getManagedLedgerInfo(
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@Encoded String encodedTopic, @Suspended AsyncResponse asyncResponse) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
internalGetManagedLedgerInfo(asyncResponse, authoritative);
@ApiOperation(value = "Get the stats for the partitioned topic.", response = PartitionedTopicStatsImpl.class)
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Partitioned topic name is invalid"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"),
@ApiResponse(code = 503, message = "Failed to validate global cluster configuration")
public void getPartitionedStats(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Get per partition stats")
@QueryParam("perPartition") @DefaultValue("true") boolean perPartition,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@ApiParam(value = "If return precise backlog or imprecise backlog")
@QueryParam("getPreciseBacklog") @DefaultValue("false") boolean getPreciseBacklog,
@ApiParam(value = "If return backlog size for each subscription, require locking on ledger so be careful "
+ "not to use when there's heavy traffic.")
@QueryParam("subscriptionBacklogSize") @DefaultValue("true") boolean subscriptionBacklogSize,
@ApiParam(value = "If return the earliest time in backlog")
@QueryParam("getEarliestTimeInBacklog") @DefaultValue("false") boolean getEarliestTimeInBacklog,
@ApiParam(value = "If exclude the publishers")
@QueryParam("excludePublishers") @DefaultValue("false") boolean excludePublishers,
@ApiParam(value = "If exclude the consumers")
@QueryParam("excludeConsumers") @DefaultValue("false") boolean excludeConsumers) {
try {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
if (topicName.isPartitioned()) {
throw new RestException(Response.Status.PRECONDITION_FAILED,
"Partitioned Topic Name should not contain '-partition-'");
GetStatsOptions getStatsOptions = new GetStatsOptions(getPreciseBacklog, subscriptionBacklogSize,
getEarliestTimeInBacklog, excludePublishers, excludeConsumers);
internalGetPartitionedStats(asyncResponse, authoritative, perPartition, getStatsOptions);
} catch (WebApplicationException wae) {
} catch (Exception e) {
asyncResponse.resume(new RestException(e));
value = "Get the stats-internal for the partitioned topic.",
response = PartitionedTopicInternalStats.class
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Topic name is not valid"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"),
@ApiResponse(code = 503, message = "Failed to validate global cluster configuration") })
public void getPartitionedStatsInternal(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
try {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
internalGetPartitionedStatsInternal(asyncResponse, authoritative);
} catch (WebApplicationException wae) {
} catch (Exception e) {
asyncResponse.resume(new RestException(e));
@ApiOperation(value = "Delete a subscription.",
notes = "The subscription cannot be deleted if delete is not forcefully and"
+ " there are any active consumers attached to it. "
+ "Force delete ignores connected consumers and deletes subscription by explicitly closing them.")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic or subscription does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Subscription has active consumers"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"),
@ApiResponse(code = 503, message = "Failed to validate global cluster configuration")})
public void deleteSubscription(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Subscription to be deleted")
@PathParam("subName") String encodedSubName,
@ApiParam(value = "Disconnect and close all consumers and delete subscription forcefully",
defaultValue = "false", type = "boolean")
@QueryParam("force") @DefaultValue("false") boolean force,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
String subName = decode(encodedSubName);
internalDeleteSubscriptionAsync(subName, authoritative, force)
.thenRun(() -> asyncResponse.resume(Response.noContent().build()))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
Throwable cause = FutureUtil.unwrapCompletionException(ex);
// If the exception is not redirect exception we need to log it.
if (!isRedirectException(cause)) {
log.error("[{}] Failed to delete subscription {} from topic {}", clientAppId(), subName,
topicName, cause);
if (cause instanceof BrokerServiceException.SubscriptionBusyException) {
new RestException(Response.Status.PRECONDITION_FAILED,
"Subscription has active connected consumers"));
} else {
resumeAsyncResponseExceptionally(asyncResponse, cause);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Skip all messages on a topic subscription.",
notes = "Completely clears the backlog on the subscription.")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant or"
+ "subscriber is not authorized to access this operation"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic or subscription does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405, message = "Operation not allowed on non-persistent topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Can't find owner for topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"),
@ApiResponse(code = 503, message = "Failed to validate global cluster configuration")})
public void skipAllMessages(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Name of subscription")
@PathParam("subName") String encodedSubName,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
try {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
internalSkipAllMessages(asyncResponse, decode(encodedSubName), authoritative);
} catch (WebApplicationException wae) {
} catch (Exception e) {
asyncResponse.resume(new RestException(e));
@ApiOperation(value = "Skipping messages on a topic subscription.")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic or subscription does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405, message = "Skipping messages on a partitioned topic is not allowed"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"),
@ApiResponse(code = 503, message = "Failed to validate global cluster configuration")
public void skipMessages(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Name of subscription")
@PathParam("subName") String encodedSubName,
@ApiParam(value = "The number of messages to skip", defaultValue = "0")
@PathParam("numMessages") int numMessages,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
try {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
internalSkipMessages(asyncResponse, decode(encodedSubName), numMessages, authoritative);
} catch (WebApplicationException wae) {
} catch (Exception e) {
asyncResponse.resume(new RestException(e));
@ApiOperation(value = "Expiry messages on a topic subscription.")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant or"
+ "subscriber is not authorized to access this operation"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic or subscription does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405, message = "Expiry messages on a non-persistent topic is not allowed"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"),
@ApiResponse(code = 503, message = "Failed to validate global cluster configuration")})
public void expireTopicMessages(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Subscription to be Expiry messages on")
@PathParam("subName") String encodedSubName,
@ApiParam(value = "Expires beyond the specified number of seconds", defaultValue = "0")
@PathParam("expireTimeInSeconds") int expireTimeInSeconds,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
try {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
internalExpireMessagesByTimestamp(asyncResponse, decode(encodedSubName),
expireTimeInSeconds, authoritative);
} catch (WebApplicationException wae) {
} catch (Exception e) {
asyncResponse.resume(new RestException(e));
@ApiOperation(value = "Expiry messages on a topic subscription.")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant or"
+ "subscriber is not authorized to access this operation"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic or subscription does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405, message = "Expiry messages on a non-persistent topic is not allowed"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"),
@ApiResponse(code = 503, message = "Failed to validate global cluster configuration")})
public void expireTopicMessages(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Subscription to be Expiry messages on")
@PathParam("subName") String encodedSubName,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@ApiParam(name = "messageId", value = "messageId to reset back to (ledgerId:entryId)")
ResetCursorData resetCursorData) {
try {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
internalExpireMessagesByPosition(asyncResponse, decode(encodedSubName), authoritative,
new MessageIdImpl(resetCursorData.getLedgerId(),
resetCursorData.getEntryId(), resetCursorData.getPartitionIndex())
, resetCursorData.isExcluded(), resetCursorData.getBatchIndex());
} catch (WebApplicationException wae) {
} catch (Exception e) {
asyncResponse.resume(new RestException(e));
@ApiOperation(value = "Expiry messages on all subscriptions of topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant or"
+ "subscriber is not authorized to access this operation"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic or subscription does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405, message = "Expiry messages on a non-persistent topic is not allowed"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Can't find owner for topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"),
@ApiResponse(code = 503, message = "Failed to validate global cluster configuration")})
public void expireMessagesForAllSubscriptions(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Expires beyond the specified number of seconds", defaultValue = "0")
@PathParam("expireTimeInSeconds") int expireTimeInSeconds,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
try {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
internalExpireMessagesForAllSubscriptions(asyncResponse, expireTimeInSeconds, authoritative);
} catch (WebApplicationException wae) {
} catch (Exception e) {
asyncResponse.resume(new RestException(e));
@ApiOperation(value = "Create a subscription on the topic.",
notes = "Creates a subscription on the topic at the specified message id")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 400, message = "Create subscription on non persistent topic is not supported"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant or"
+ "subscriber is not authorized to access this operation"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic or subscription does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405, message = "Not supported for partitioned topics"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"),
@ApiResponse(code = 503, message = "Failed to validate global cluster configuration")})
public void createSubscription(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String topic,
@ApiParam(value = "Name of subscription to be created", required = true)
@PathParam("subscriptionName") String encodedSubName,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@ApiParam(name = "messageId", value = "messageId where to create the subscription. "
+ "It can be 'latest', 'earliest' or (ledgerId:entryId)",
defaultValue = "latest",
allowableValues = "latest, earliest, ledgerId:entryId"
ResetCursorData resetCursorData,
@ApiParam(value = "Is replicated required to perform this operation")
@QueryParam("replicated") boolean replicated
) {
try {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, topic);
if (!topicName.isPersistent()) {
throw new RestException(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST, "Create subscription on non-persistent topic "
+ "can only be done through client");
Map<String, String> subscriptionProperties = resetCursorData == null ? null :
MessageIdImpl messageId = resetCursorData == null ? null :
new MessageIdImpl(resetCursorData.getLedgerId(), resetCursorData.getEntryId(),
internalCreateSubscription(asyncResponse, decode(encodedSubName), messageId, authoritative,
replicated, subscriptionProperties);
} catch (WebApplicationException wae) {
} catch (Exception e) {
asyncResponse.resume(new RestException(e));
@ApiOperation(value = "Reset subscription to message position closest to absolute timestamp (in ms).",
notes = "It fence cursor and disconnects all active consumers before resetting cursor.")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant or"
+ "subscriber is not authorized to access this operation"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic or subscription does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405, message = "Method Not Allowed"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Failed to reset cursor on subscription or "
+ "Unable to find position for timestamp specified"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"),
@ApiResponse(code = 503, message = "Failed to validate global cluster configuration")
public void resetCursor(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Subscription to reset position on", required = true)
@PathParam("subName") String encodedSubName,
@ApiParam(value = "the timestamp to reset back")
@PathParam("timestamp") long timestamp,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
internalResetCursorAsync(decode(encodedSubName), timestamp, authoritative)
.thenAccept(__ -> asyncResponse.resume(Response.noContent().build()))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
Throwable t = FutureUtil.unwrapCompletionException(ex);
if (!isRedirectException(t)) {
log.error("[{}][{}] Failed to reset cursor on subscription {} to time {}",
clientAppId(), topicName, encodedSubName, timestamp, t);
if (t instanceof BrokerServiceException.SubscriptionInvalidCursorPosition) {
t = new RestException(Response.Status.PRECONDITION_FAILED,
"Unable to find position for timestamp specified: " + t.getMessage());
} else if (t instanceof BrokerServiceException.SubscriptionBusyException) {
t = new RestException(Response.Status.PRECONDITION_FAILED,
"Failed for Subscription Busy: " + t.getMessage());
resumeAsyncResponseExceptionally(asyncResponse, t);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Replace all the properties on the given subscription")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant or"
+ "subscriber is not authorized to access this operation"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic or subscription does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405, message = "Method Not Allowed"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"),
@ApiResponse(code = 503, message = "Failed to validate global cluster configuration")
public void updateSubscriptionProperties(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Subscription to update", required = true)
@PathParam("subName") String encodedSubName,
@ApiParam(value = "The new properties") Map<String, String> subscriptionProperties,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
try {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
internalUpdateSubscriptionProperties(asyncResponse, decode(encodedSubName),
subscriptionProperties, authoritative);
} catch (WebApplicationException wae) {
} catch (Exception e) {
asyncResponse.resume(new RestException(e));
@ApiOperation(value = "Return all the properties on the given subscription")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant or"
+ "subscriber is not authorized to access this operation"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic or subscription does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405, message = "Method Not Allowed"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"),
@ApiResponse(code = 503, message = "Failed to validate global cluster configuration")
public void getSubscriptionProperties(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Subscription", required = true)
@PathParam("subName") String encodedSubName,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
try {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
internalGetSubscriptionProperties(asyncResponse, decode(encodedSubName),
} catch (WebApplicationException wae) {
} catch (Exception e) {
asyncResponse.resume(new RestException(e));
@ApiOperation(value = "Analyse a subscription, by scanning all the unprocessed messages")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant or"
+ "subscriber is not authorized to access this operation"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic or subscription does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405, message = "Method Not Allowed"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"),
@ApiResponse(code = 503, message = "Failed to validate global cluster configuration")
public void analyzeSubscriptionBacklog(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Subscription", required = true)
@PathParam("subName") String encodedSubName,
@ApiParam(name = "position", value = "messageId to start the analysis")
ResetCursorData position,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
try {
Optional<Position> positionImpl;
if (position != null) {
positionImpl = Optional.of(new PositionImpl(position.getLedgerId(),
} else {
positionImpl = Optional.empty();
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
internalAnalyzeSubscriptionBacklog(asyncResponse, decode(encodedSubName),
positionImpl, authoritative);
} catch (WebApplicationException wae) {
} catch (Exception e) {
asyncResponse.resume(new RestException(e));
@ApiOperation(value = "Reset subscription to message position closest to given position.",
notes = "It fence cursor and disconnects all active consumers before resetting cursor.")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant or"
+ "subscriber is not authorized to access this operation"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic or subscription does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405, message = "Not supported for partitioned topics"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Unable to find position for position specified"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"),
@ApiResponse(code = 503, message = "Failed to validate global cluster configuration")})
public void resetCursorOnPosition(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(name = "subName", value = "Subscription to reset position on", required = true)
@PathParam("subName") String encodedSubName,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@ApiParam(name = "messageId", value = "messageId to reset back to (ledgerId:entryId)")
ResetCursorData resetCursorData) {
try {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
internalResetCursorOnPosition(asyncResponse, decode(encodedSubName), authoritative
, new MessageIdImpl(resetCursorData.getLedgerId(),
resetCursorData.getEntryId(), resetCursorData.getPartitionIndex())
, resetCursorData.isExcluded(), resetCursorData.getBatchIndex());
} catch (Exception e) {
resumeAsyncResponseExceptionally(asyncResponse, e);
@ApiOperation(value = "Peek nth message on a topic subscription.")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant or"
+ "subscriber is not authorized to access this operation"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic, subscription or the message position does not"
+ " exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405, message = "Skipping messages on a non-persistent topic is not allowed"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Topic name is not valid"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"),
@ApiResponse(code = 503, message = "Failed to validate global cluster configuration")})
public void peekNthMessage(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(name = "subName", value = "Subscribed message expired", required = true)
@PathParam("subName") String encodedSubName,
@ApiParam(value = "The number of messages (default 1)", defaultValue = "1")
@PathParam("messagePosition") int messagePosition,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
internalPeekNthMessageAsync(decode(encodedSubName), messagePosition, authoritative)
.exceptionally(ex -> {
if (isNot307And404Exception(ex)) {
log.error("[{}] Failed to get peek nth message for topic {} subscription {}", clientAppId(),
topicName, decode(encodedSubName), ex);
resumeAsyncResponseExceptionally(asyncResponse, ex);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value =
"Examine a specific message on a topic by position relative to the earliest or the latest message.")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic, the message position does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405, message = "If given partitioned topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Topic name is not valid"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error")})
public void examineMessage(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(name = "initialPosition", value = "Relative start position to examine message."
+ "It can be 'latest' or 'earliest'",
defaultValue = "latest",
allowableValues = "latest, earliest"
@QueryParam("initialPosition") String initialPosition,
@ApiParam(value = "The position of messages (default 1)", defaultValue = "1")
@QueryParam("messagePosition") long messagePosition,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicOperationAsync(topicName, TopicOperation.PEEK_MESSAGES)
.thenCompose(__ -> internalExamineMessageAsync(initialPosition, messagePosition, authoritative))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
if (isNot307And404Exception(ex)) {
log.error("[{}] Failed to examine a specific message on the topic {}", clientAppId(), topicName,
resumeAsyncResponseExceptionally(asyncResponse, ex);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Get message by its messageId.")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant or"
+ "subscriber is not authorized to access this operation"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic, subscription or the message position does not"
+ " exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405, message = "Skipping messages on a non-persistent topic is not allowed"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Topic name is not valid"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"),
@ApiResponse(code = 503, message = "Failed to validate global cluster configuration")})
public void getMessageById(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "The ledger id", required = true)
@PathParam("ledgerId") long ledgerId,
@ApiParam(value = "The entry id", required = true)
@PathParam("entryId") long entryId,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
internalGetMessageById(ledgerId, entryId, authoritative)
.exceptionally(ex -> {
// If the exception is not redirect exception we need to log it.
if (isNot307And404Exception(ex)) {
log.error("[{}] Failed to get message with ledgerId {} entryId {} from {}",
clientAppId(), ledgerId, entryId, topicName, ex);
resumeAsyncResponseExceptionally(asyncResponse, ex);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Get message ID published at or just after this absolute timestamp (in ms).")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant or"
+ "subscriber is not authorized to access this operation"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405, message = "Topic is not non-partitioned and persistent"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Topic name is not valid"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"),
@ApiResponse(code = 503, message = "Failed to validate global cluster configuration")})
public void getMessageIdByTimestamp(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the timestamp", required = true)
@PathParam("timestamp") long timestamp,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
internalGetMessageIdByTimestampAsync(timestamp, authoritative)
.thenAccept(messageId -> {
if (messageId == null) {
asyncResponse.resume(new RestException(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND, "Message ID not found"));
} else {
.exceptionally(ex -> {
if (isNot307And404Exception(ex)) {
log.error("[{}] Failed to get message ID by timestamp {} from {}",
clientAppId(), timestamp, topicName, ex);
resumeAsyncResponseExceptionally(asyncResponse, ex);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Get estimated backlog for offline topic.", response = PersistentOfflineTopicStats.class)
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Topic name is not valid"),
@ApiResponse(code = 503, message = "Failed to validate global cluster configuration")})
public void getBacklog(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicOperationAsync(topicName, TopicOperation.GET_BACKLOG_SIZE)
.thenCompose(__ -> internalGetBacklogAsync(authoritative))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
Throwable t = FutureUtil.unwrapCompletionException(ex);
if (t instanceof MetadataStoreException.NotFoundException) {
log.warn("[{}] Failed to get topic backlog {}: Namespace does not exist", clientAppId(),
ex = new RestException(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND, "Namespace does not exist");
} else if (isNot307And404Exception(ex)) {
log.error("[{}] Failed to get estimated backlog for topic {}", clientAppId(), encodedTopic, ex);
resumeAsyncResponseExceptionally(asyncResponse, ex);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Calculate backlog size by a message ID (in bytes).", response = Long.class)
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Topic name is not valid"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"),
@ApiResponse(code = 503, message = "Failed to validate global cluster configuration") })
public void getBacklogSizeByMessageId(
@Suspended AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative, MessageIdImpl messageId) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
internalGetBacklogSizeByMessageId(asyncResponse, messageId, authoritative);
@ApiOperation(value = "Get backlog quota map on a topic.", response = BacklogQuota.class, responseContainer = "Map")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Topic policy or namespace does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, to enable the topic level policy and retry")})
public void getBacklogQuotaMap(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("applied") @DefaultValue("false") boolean applied,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.BACKLOG, PolicyOperation.READ)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalGetBacklogQuota(applied, isGlobal))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("getBacklogQuotaMap", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Set a backlog quota for a topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, to enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Specified backlog quota exceeds retention quota."
+ " Increase retention quota and retry request")})
public void setBacklogQuota(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant, @PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@QueryParam("backlogQuotaType") BacklogQuotaType backlogQuotaType,
@ApiParam(value = "backlog quota policies for the specified topic") BacklogQuotaImpl backlogQuota) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetBacklogQuota(backlogQuotaType, backlogQuota, isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> asyncResponse.resume(Response.noContent().build()))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("setBacklogQuota", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Remove a backlog quota policy from a topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, to enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void removeBacklogQuota(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant, @PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("backlogQuotaType") BacklogQuotaType backlogQuotaType,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetBacklogQuota(backlogQuotaType, null, isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> asyncResponse.resume(Response.noContent().build()))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("removeBacklogQuota", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
value = "Get the replication clusters for a topic",
response = String.class,
responseContainer = "List"
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405, message =
"Topic level policy is disabled, enable the topic level policy and retry")})
public void getReplicationClusters(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("applied") @DefaultValue("false") boolean applied,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. "
+ "For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.REPLICATION, PolicyOperation.READ)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> getTopicPoliciesAsyncWithRetry(topicName))
.thenAccept(op -> {
asyncResponse.resume( -> {
if (applied) {
return getNamespacePolicies(namespaceName).replication_clusters;
return null;
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("getReplicationClusters", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Set the replication clusters for a topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, to enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Topic is not global or invalid cluster ids")})
public void setReplicationClusters(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant, @PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@ApiParam(value = "List of replication clusters", required = true) List<String> clusterIds) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetReplicationClusters(clusterIds))
.thenRun(() -> asyncResponse.resume(Response.noContent().build()))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("setReplicationClusters", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Remove the replication clusters from a topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, to enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void removeReplicationClusters(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant, @PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
.thenCompose(__ -> internalRemoveReplicationClusters())
.thenRun(() -> asyncResponse.resume(Response.noContent().build()))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("removeReplicationClusters", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Get message TTL in seconds for a topic", response = Integer.class)
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405, message =
"Topic level policy is disabled, enable the topic level policy and retry")})
public void getMessageTTL(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("applied") @DefaultValue("false") boolean applied,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.TTL, PolicyOperation.READ)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> getTopicPoliciesAsyncWithRetry(topicName, isGlobal))
.thenAccept(op -> asyncResponse.resume(op
.orElseGet(() -> {
if (applied) {
Integer otherLevelTTL = getNamespacePolicies(namespaceName).message_ttl_in_seconds;
return otherLevelTTL == null ? pulsar().getConfiguration().getTtlDurationDefaultInSeconds()
: otherLevelTTL;
return null;
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("getMessageTTL", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Set message TTL in seconds for a topic")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message =
"Not authenticate to perform the request or policy is read only"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405, message =
"Topic level policy is disabled, enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Invalid message TTL value")})
public void setMessageTTL(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "TTL in seconds for the specified topic", required = true)
@QueryParam("messageTTL") Integer messageTTL,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.TTL, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetMessageTTL(messageTTL, isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> asyncResponse.resume(Response.noContent().build()))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("setMessageTTL", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Remove message TTL in seconds for a topic")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 403,
message = "Not authenticate to perform the request or policy is read only"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Invalid message TTL value")})
public void removeMessageTTL(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.TTL, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetMessageTTL(null, isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> asyncResponse.resume(Response.noContent().build()))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("removeMessageTTL", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Get deduplication configuration of a topic.", response = Boolean.class)
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Tenant or cluster or namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, to enable the topic level policy and retry")})
public void getDeduplication(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("applied") @DefaultValue("false") boolean applied,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.DEDUPLICATION, PolicyOperation.READ)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalGetDeduplication(applied, isGlobal))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("getDeduplication", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Set deduplication enabled on a topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Tenant or cluster or namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, to enable the topic level policy and retry")})
public void setDeduplication(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@ApiParam(value = "DeduplicationEnabled policies for the specified topic")
Boolean enabled) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.DEDUPLICATION, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetDeduplication(enabled, isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> asyncResponse.resume(Response.noContent().build()))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("setDeduplication", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Remove deduplication configuration for specified topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Tenant or cluster or namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, to enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void removeDeduplication(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.DEDUPLICATION, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetDeduplication(null, isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> asyncResponse.resume(Response.noContent().build()))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("removeDeduplication", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Get retention configuration for specified topic.", response = RetentionPolicies.class)
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, to enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void getRetention(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@QueryParam("applied") @DefaultValue("false") boolean applied,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.RETENTION, PolicyOperation.READ)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalGetRetention(applied, isGlobal))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("getRetention", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Set retention configuration for specified topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405, message =
"Topic level policy is disabled, to enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Retention Quota must exceed backlog quota")})
public void setRetention(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Retention policies for the specified topic") RetentionPolicies retention) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.RETENTION, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetRetention(retention, isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> {
try {"[{}] Successfully updated retention: namespace={}, topic={}, retention={}",
} catch (JsonProcessingException ignore) {
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("setRetention", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Remove retention configuration for specified topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, to enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Retention Quota must exceed backlog quota")})
public void removeRetention(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.RETENTION, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalRemoveRetention(isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> {"[{}] Successfully remove retention: namespace={}, topic={}",
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("removeRetention", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
value = "Get configuration of persistence policies for specified topic.",
response = PersistencePolicies.class
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, to enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void getPersistence(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("applied") @DefaultValue("false") boolean applied,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.PERSISTENCE, PolicyOperation.READ)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalGetPersistence(applied, isGlobal))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("getPersistence", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Set configuration of persistence policies for specified topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, to enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification"),
@ApiResponse(code = 400, message = "Invalid persistence policies")})
public void setPersistence(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Bookkeeper persistence policies for specified topic")
PersistencePolicies persistencePolicies) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.PERSISTENCE, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetPersistence(persistencePolicies, isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> {
try {"[{}] Successfully updated persistence policies: "
+ "namespace={}, topic={}, persistencePolicies={}",
} catch (JsonProcessingException ignore) {
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("setPersistence", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Remove configuration of persistence policies for specified topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, to enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void removePersistence(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.PERSISTENCE, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalRemovePersistence(isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> {"[{}] Successfully remove persistence policies: namespace={}, topic={}",
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("removePersistence", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Get maxSubscriptionsPerTopic config for specified topic.", response = Integer.class)
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, to enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void getMaxSubscriptionsPerTopic(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.MAX_SUBSCRIPTIONS, PolicyOperation.READ)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalGetMaxSubscriptionsPerTopic(isGlobal))
.thenAccept(op -> asyncResponse.resume(op.isPresent() ? op.get()
: Response.noContent().build()))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("getMaxSubscriptions", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Set maxSubscriptionsPerTopic config for specified topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, to enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Invalid value of maxSubscriptionsPerTopic")})
public void setMaxSubscriptionsPerTopic(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@ApiParam(value = "The max subscriptions of the topic") int maxSubscriptionsPerTopic) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.MAX_SUBSCRIPTIONS, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetMaxSubscriptionsPerTopic(maxSubscriptionsPerTopic, isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> {"[{}] Successfully updated maxSubscriptionsPerTopic: namespace={}, topic={}"
+ ", maxSubscriptions={}, isGlobal={}"
, clientAppId(), namespaceName, topicName.getLocalName(), maxSubscriptionsPerTopic, isGlobal);
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("setMaxSubscriptions", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Remove maxSubscriptionsPerTopic config for specified topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, to enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void removeMaxSubscriptionsPerTopic(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.MAX_SUBSCRIPTIONS, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetMaxSubscriptionsPerTopic(null, isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> {"[{}] Successfully remove maxSubscriptionsPerTopic: namespace={}, topic={}",
clientAppId(), namespaceName, topicName.getLocalName());
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("removeMaxSubscriptions", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Get replicatorDispatchRate config for specified topic.", response = DispatchRate.class)
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, to enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void getReplicatorDispatchRate(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@QueryParam("applied") @DefaultValue("false") boolean applied,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.REPLICATION_RATE, PolicyOperation.READ)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalGetReplicatorDispatchRate(applied, isGlobal))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("getReplicatorDispatchRate", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Set replicatorDispatchRate config for specified topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, to enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Invalid value of replicatorDispatchRate")})
public void setReplicatorDispatchRate(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@ApiParam(value = "Replicator dispatch rate of the topic") DispatchRateImpl dispatchRate) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.REPLICATION_RATE, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetReplicatorDispatchRate(dispatchRate, isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> {"[{}] Successfully updated replicatorDispatchRate: namespace={}, topic={}"
+ ", replicatorDispatchRate={}, isGlobal={}",
clientAppId(), namespaceName, topicName.getLocalName(), dispatchRate, isGlobal);
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("setReplicatorDispatchRate", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Remove replicatorDispatchRate config for specified topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, to enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void removeReplicatorDispatchRate(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.REPLICATION_RATE, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetReplicatorDispatchRate(null, isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> {"[{}] Successfully remove replicatorDispatchRate limit: namespace={}, topic={}",
clientAppId(), namespaceName, topicName.getLocalName());
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("removeReplicatorDispatchRate", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Get maxProducers config for specified topic.", response = Integer.class)
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, to enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void getMaxProducers(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("applied") @DefaultValue("false") boolean applied,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.MAX_PRODUCERS, PolicyOperation.READ)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalGetMaxProducers(applied, isGlobal))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("getMaxProducers", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Set maxProducers config for specified topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, to enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Invalid value of maxProducers")})
public void setMaxProducers(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "The max producers of the topic") int maxProducers) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.MAX_PRODUCERS, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetMaxProducers(maxProducers, isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> {"[{}] Successfully updated max producers: namespace={}, topic={}, maxProducers={}",
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("setMaxProducers", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Remove maxProducers config for specified topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, to enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void removeMaxProducers(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.MAX_PRODUCERS, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalRemoveMaxProducers(isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> {"[{}] Successfully remove max producers: namespace={}, topic={}",
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("removeMaxProducers", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Get maxConsumers config for specified topic.", response = Integer.class)
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, to enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void getMaxConsumers(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@QueryParam("applied") @DefaultValue("false") boolean applied,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.MAX_CONSUMERS, PolicyOperation.READ)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalGetMaxConsumers(applied, isGlobal))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("getMaxConsumers", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Set maxConsumers config for specified topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, to enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Invalid value of maxConsumers")})
public void setMaxConsumers(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@ApiParam(value = "The max consumers of the topic") int maxConsumers) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.MAX_CONSUMERS, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetMaxConsumers(maxConsumers, isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> {"[{}] Successfully updated max consumers: namespace={}, topic={}, maxConsumers={}",
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("setMaxConsumers", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Remove maxConsumers config for specified topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, to enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void removeMaxConsumers(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.MAX_CONSUMERS, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalRemoveMaxConsumers(isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> {"[{}] Successfully remove max consumers: namespace={}, topic={}",
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("removeMaxConsumers", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Get maxMessageSize config for specified topic.", response = Integer.class)
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, to enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void getMaxMessageSize(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalGetMaxMessageSize(isGlobal))
.thenAccept(policies -> {
asyncResponse.resume(policies.isPresent() ? policies.get() : Response.noContent().build());
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("getMaxMessageSize", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Set maxMessageSize config for specified topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, to enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Invalid value of maxConsumers")})
public void setMaxMessageSize(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@ApiParam(value = "The max message size of the topic") int maxMessageSize) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetMaxMessageSize(maxMessageSize, isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> {
"[{}] Successfully set max message size: namespace={}, topic={}, maxMessageSiz={}, isGlobal={}",
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("setMaxMessageSize", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Remove maxMessageSize config for specified topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, to enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void removeMaxMessageSize(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetMaxMessageSize(null, isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> {"[{}] Successfully remove max message size: namespace={}, topic={}",
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("removeMaxMessageSize", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Terminate a topic. A topic that is terminated will not accept any more "
+ "messages to be published and will let consumer to drain existing messages in backlog")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant or"
+ "subscriber is not authorized to access this operation"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405, message = "Termination of a partitioned topic is not allowed"),
@ApiResponse(code = 406, message = "Need to provide a persistent topic name"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Topic name is not valid"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"),
@ApiResponse(code = 503, message = "Failed to validate global cluster configuration")})
public void terminate(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validatePersistentTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
.exceptionally(ex -> {
if (isNot307And404Exception(ex)) {
log.error("[{}] Failed to terminated topic {}", clientAppId(), topicName, ex);
resumeAsyncResponseExceptionally(asyncResponse, ex);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Terminate all partitioned topic. A topic that is terminated will not accept any more "
+ "messages to be published and will let consumer to drain existing messages in backlog")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant or"
+ "subscriber is not authorized to access this operation"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405, message = "Termination of a non-partitioned topic is not allowed"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Topic name is not valid"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"),
@ApiResponse(code = 503, message = "Failed to validate global cluster configuration")})
public void terminatePartitionedTopic(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker."
+ " For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
internalTerminatePartitionedTopic(asyncResponse, authoritative);
@ApiOperation(value = "Trigger a compaction operation on a topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant or"
+ "subscriber is not authorized to access this operation"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405, message = "Operation is not allowed on the persistent topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Compaction already running"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Topic name is not valid"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"),
@ApiResponse(code = 503, message = "Failed to validate global cluster configuration")})
public void compact(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
try {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
internalTriggerCompaction(asyncResponse, authoritative);
} catch (WebApplicationException wae) {
} catch (Exception e) {
asyncResponse.resume(new RestException(e));
@ApiOperation(value = "Get the status of a compaction operation for a topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant or"
+ "subscriber is not authorized to access this operation"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic does not exist, or compaction hasn't run"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405, message = "Operation is not allowed on the persistent topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Topic name is not valid"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"),
@ApiResponse(code = 503, message = "Failed to validate global cluster configuration")})
public void compactionStatus(
@Suspended AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
.exceptionally(ex -> {
if (isNot307And404Exception(ex)) {
log.error("[{}] Failed to get the status of a compaction operation for the topic {}",
clientAppId(), topicName, ex);
resumeAsyncResponseExceptionally(asyncResponse, ex);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Offload a prefix of a topic to long term storage")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 400, message = "Message ID is null"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant or"
+ "subscriber is not authorized to access this operation"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405, message = "Operation is not allowed on the persistent topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Offload already running"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Topic name is not valid"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"),
@ApiResponse(code = 503, message = "Failed to validate global cluster configuration")})
public void triggerOffload(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
MessageIdImpl messageId) {
try {
if (messageId == null) {
throw new RestException(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST, "messageId is null");
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
internalTriggerOffload(asyncResponse, authoritative, messageId);
} catch (WebApplicationException wae) {
} catch (Exception e) {
asyncResponse.resume(new RestException(e));
@ApiOperation(value = "Offload a prefix of a topic to long term storage")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant or"
+ "subscriber is not authorized to access this operation"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405, message = "Operation is not allowed on the persistent topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Topic name is not valid"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"),
@ApiResponse(code = 503, message = "Failed to validate global cluster configuration")})
public void offloadStatus(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
try {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
internalOffloadStatus(asyncResponse, authoritative);
} catch (WebApplicationException wae) {
} catch (Exception e) {
asyncResponse.resume(new RestException(e));
@ApiOperation(value = "Return the last commit message id of topic")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant or"
+ "subscriber is not authorized to access this operation"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405, message = "Operation is not allowed on the persistent topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Topic name is not valid"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"),
@ApiResponse(code = 503, message = "Failed to validate global cluster configuration")})
public void getLastMessageId(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
try {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
internalGetLastMessageId(asyncResponse, authoritative);
} catch (Exception e) {
asyncResponse.resume(new RestException(e));
@ApiOperation(value = " Trim a topic")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant or"
+ "subscriber is not authorized to access this operation"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405, message = "Operation is not allowed on the persistent topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Topic name is not valid"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"),
@ApiResponse(code = 503, message = "Failed to validate global cluster configuration")})
public void trimTopic(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
try {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
internalTrimTopic(asyncResponse, authoritative).exceptionally(ex -> {
// If the exception is not redirect exception we need to log it.
if (isNot307And404Exception(ex)) {
log.error("[{}] Failed to trim topic {}", clientAppId(), topicName, ex);
resumeAsyncResponseExceptionally(asyncResponse, ex);
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
asyncResponse.resume(new RestException(e));
@ApiOperation(value = "Get dispatch rate configuration for specified topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, please enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void getDispatchRate(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("applied") @DefaultValue("false") boolean applied,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.RATE, PolicyOperation.READ)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalGetDispatchRate(applied, isGlobal))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("getDispatchRate", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Set message dispatch rate configuration for specified topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, please enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void setDispatchRate(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Dispatch rate for the specified topic") DispatchRateImpl dispatchRate) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.RATE, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetDispatchRate(dispatchRate, isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> {
try {"[{}] Successfully set topic dispatch rate:"
+ " tenant={}, namespace={}, topic={}, dispatchRate={}",
} catch (JsonProcessingException ignore) {}
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("setDispatchRate", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Remove message dispatch rate configuration for specified topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, please enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void removeDispatchRate(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.RATE, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalRemoveDispatchRate(isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> {"[{}] Successfully remove topic dispatch rate: tenant={}, namespace={}, topic={}",
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("removeDispatchRate", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
value = "Get subscription message dispatch rate configuration for specified topic.",
response = DispatchRate.class
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, please enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void getSubscriptionDispatchRate(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("applied") @DefaultValue("false") boolean applied,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.RATE, PolicyOperation.READ)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalGetSubscriptionDispatchRate(applied, isGlobal))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("getSubscriptionDispatchRate", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Set subscription message dispatch rate configuration for specified topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, please enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void setSubscriptionDispatchRate(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Subscription message dispatch rate for the specified topic")
DispatchRateImpl dispatchRate) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.RATE, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetSubscriptionDispatchRate(dispatchRate, isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> {
try {"[{}] Successfully set topic subscription dispatch rate:"
+ " tenant={}, namespace={}, topic={}, dispatchRate={}",
} catch (JsonProcessingException ignore) {}
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("setSubscriptionDispatchRate", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Remove subscription message dispatch rate configuration for specified topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, please enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void removeSubscriptionDispatchRate(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.RATE, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalRemoveSubscriptionDispatchRate(isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> {"[{}] Successfully remove topic subscription dispatch rate: tenant={}, namespace={}, topic={}",
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("removeSubscriptionDispatchRate", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Get message dispatch rate configuration for specified subscription.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, please enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void getSubscriptionLevelDispatchRate(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@PathParam("subName") @Encoded String encodedSubscriptionName,
@QueryParam("applied") @DefaultValue("false") boolean applied,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.RATE, PolicyOperation.READ)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalGetSubscriptionLevelDispatchRate(
Codec.decode(encodedSubscriptionName), applied, isGlobal))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("getSubscriptionLevelDispatchRate", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Set message dispatch rate configuration for specified subscription.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, please enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void setSubscriptionLevelDispatchRate(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@PathParam("subName") @Encoded String encodedSubscriptionName,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Subscription message dispatch rate for the specified topic")
DispatchRateImpl dispatchRate) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.RATE, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetSubscriptionLevelDispatchRate(
Codec.decode(encodedSubscriptionName), dispatchRate, isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> {"[{}] Successfully set subscription level dispatch rate:"
+ " tenant={}, namespace={}, topic={}, sub={}, dispatchRate={}",
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("setSubscriptionLevelDispatchRate", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Remove message dispatch rate configuration for specified subscription.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, please enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void removeSubscriptionLevelDispatchRate(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@PathParam("subName") @Encoded String encodedSubscriptionName,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.RATE, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalRemoveSubscriptionLevelDispatchRate(
Codec.decode(encodedSubscriptionName), isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> {"[{}] Successfully remove subscription level dispatch rate: "
+ "tenant={}, namespace={}, topic={}, sub={}",
clientAppId(), tenant, namespace, topicName.getLocalName(), encodedSubscriptionName);
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("removeSubscriptionLevelDispatchRate", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Get compaction threshold configuration for specified topic.", response = Long.class)
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, please enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void getCompactionThreshold(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("applied") @DefaultValue("false") boolean applied,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.COMPACTION, PolicyOperation.READ)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalGetCompactionThreshold(applied, isGlobal))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("getCompactionThreshold", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Set compaction threshold configuration for specified topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, please enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void setCompactionThreshold(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Dispatch rate for the specified topic") long compactionThreshold) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.COMPACTION, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetCompactionThreshold(compactionThreshold, isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> {
try {"[{}] Successfully set topic compaction threshold:"
+ " tenant={}, namespace={}, topic={}, compactionThreshold={}",
} catch (JsonProcessingException ignore) {}
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("setCompactionThreshold", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Remove compaction threshold configuration for specified topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, please enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void removeCompactionThreshold(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.COMPACTION, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalRemoveCompactionThreshold(isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> {"[{}] Successfully remove topic compaction threshold: tenant={}, namespace={}, topic={}",
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("removeCompactionThreshold", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
value = "Get max consumers per subscription configuration for specified topic.",
response = Integer.class
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, please enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void getMaxConsumersPerSubscription(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.MAX_CONSUMERS, PolicyOperation.READ)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalGetMaxConsumersPerSubscription(isGlobal))
.thenAccept(op -> asyncResponse.resume(op.isPresent() ? op.get()
: Response.noContent().build()))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("getMaxConsumersPerSubscription", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Set max consumers per subscription configuration for specified topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, please enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void setMaxConsumersPerSubscription(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@ApiParam(value = "Dispatch rate for the specified topic") int maxConsumersPerSubscription) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.MAX_CONSUMERS, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetMaxConsumersPerSubscription(maxConsumersPerSubscription, isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> {
try {"[{}] Successfully set topic max consumers per subscription:"
+ " tenant={}, namespace={}, topic={}, maxConsumersPerSubscription={}",
} catch (JsonProcessingException ignore) {}
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("setMaxConsumersPerSubscription", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Remove max consumers per subscription configuration for specified topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, please enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void removeMaxConsumersPerSubscription(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.MAX_CONSUMERS, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalRemoveMaxConsumersPerSubscription(isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> {"[{}] Successfully remove topic max consumers per subscription:"
+ " tenant={}, namespace={}, topic={}",
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("removeMaxConsumersPerSubscription", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Get publish rate configuration for specified topic.", response = PublishRate.class)
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, please enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void getPublishRate(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.RATE, PolicyOperation.READ)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalGetPublishRate(isGlobal))
.thenAccept(op -> asyncResponse.resume(op.isPresent() ? op.get()
: Response.noContent().build()))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("getPublishRate", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Set message publish rate configuration for specified topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, please enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void setPublishRate(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@ApiParam(value = "Dispatch rate for the specified topic") PublishRate publishRate) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.RATE, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetPublishRate(publishRate, isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> {
try {"[{}] Successfully set topic publish rate:"
+ " tenant={}, namespace={}, topic={}, isGlobal={}, publishRate={}",
} catch (JsonProcessingException ignore) {}
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("setPublishRate", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Remove message publish rate configuration for specified topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, please enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void removePublishRate(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.RATE, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalRemovePublishRate(isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> {"[{}] Successfully remove topic publish rate: tenant={}, namespace={}, topic={}, isGlobal={}",
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("removePublishRate", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
value = "Get is enable sub type fors specified topic.",
response = CommandSubscribe.SubType.class,
responseContainer = "List"
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, please enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void getSubscriptionTypesEnabled(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.SUBSCRIPTION_AUTH_MODE, PolicyOperation.READ)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalGetSubscriptionTypesEnabled(isGlobal))
.thenAccept(op -> {
asyncResponse.resume(op.isPresent() ? op.get()
: Response.noContent().build());
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("getSubscriptionTypesEnabled", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Set is enable sub types for specified topic")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, please enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void setSubscriptionTypesEnabled(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@ApiParam(value = "Enable sub types for the specified topic")
Set<SubscriptionType> subscriptionTypesEnabled) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.SUBSCRIPTION_AUTH_MODE, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetSubscriptionTypesEnabled(subscriptionTypesEnabled, isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> {
try {"[{}] Successfully set topic is enabled sub types :"
+ " tenant={}, namespace={}, topic={}, subscriptionTypesEnabled={}",
} catch (JsonProcessingException ignore) {}
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("setSubscriptionTypesEnabled", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Remove subscription types enabled for specified topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, to enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void removeSubscriptionTypesEnabled(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.SUBSCRIPTION_AUTH_MODE, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalRemoveSubscriptionTypesEnabled(isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> {"[{}] Successfully remove subscription types enabled: namespace={}, topic={}",
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("removeSubscriptionTypesEnabled", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Get subscribe rate configuration for specified topic.", response = SubscribeRate.class)
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, please enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void getSubscribeRate(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("applied") @DefaultValue("false") boolean applied,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.RATE, PolicyOperation.READ)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalGetSubscribeRate(applied, isGlobal))
.thenApply(asyncResponse::resume).exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("getSubscribeRate", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Set subscribe rate configuration for specified topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, please enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void setSubscribeRate(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@ApiParam(value = "Subscribe rate for the specified topic") SubscribeRate subscribeRate) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.RATE, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetSubscribeRate(subscribeRate, isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> {
try {"[{}] Successfully set topic subscribe rate:"
+ " tenant={}, namespace={}, topic={}, isGlobal={} subscribeRate={}",
} catch (JsonProcessingException ignore) {}
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("setSubscribeRate", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Remove subscribe rate configuration for specified topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, please enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void removeSubscribeRate(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@ApiParam(value = "Subscribe rate for the specified topic") SubscribeRate subscribeRate) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.RATE, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalRemoveSubscribeRate(isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> {
"[{}] Successfully remove topic subscribe rate: tenant={}, namespace={}, topic={}, isGlobal={}",
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("removeSubscribeRate", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Truncate a topic.",
notes = "The truncate operation will move all cursors to the end of the topic "
+ "and delete all inactive ledgers.")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error")})
public void truncateTopic(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative){
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
.thenAccept(__ -> asyncResponse.resume(Response.noContent().build()))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
Throwable t = FutureUtil.unwrapCompletionException(ex);
if (!isRedirectException(t)) {
log.error("[{}] Failed to truncate topic {}", clientAppId(), topicName, t);
if (t instanceof PulsarAdminException.NotFoundException) {
t = new RestException(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND, t.getMessage());
resumeAsyncResponseExceptionally(asyncResponse, t);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Enable or disable a replicated subscription on a topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources on this tenant or "
+ "subscriber is not authorized to access this operation"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Topic or subscription does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405, message = "Operation not allowed on this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Can't find owner for topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"),
@ApiResponse(code = 503, message = "Failed to validate global cluster configuration")})
public void setReplicatedSubscriptionStatus(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Name of subscription", required = true)
@PathParam("subName") String encodedSubName,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether to enable replicated subscription", required = true)
boolean enabled) {
try {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
internalSetReplicatedSubscriptionStatus(asyncResponse, decode(encodedSubName), authoritative, enabled);
} catch (WebApplicationException wae) {
} catch (Exception e) {
asyncResponse.resume(new RestException(e));
value = "Get replicated subscription status on a topic.",
response = Boolean.class,
responseContainer = "Map"
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Don't have permission to administrate resources"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "Can't find owner for topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error")})
public void getReplicatedSubscriptionStatus(
@Suspended AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Name of subscription", required = true)
@PathParam("subName") String encodedSubName,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
internalGetReplicatedSubscriptionStatus(asyncResponse, decode(encodedSubName), authoritative);
@ApiOperation(value = "Get schema compatibility strategy on a topic", response = SchemaCompatibilityStrategy.class)
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405, message = "Operation not allowed on persistent topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist")})
public void getSchemaCompatibilityStrategy(
@Suspended AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the cluster", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("applied") @DefaultValue("false") boolean applied,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
.thenCompose(__-> internalGetSchemaCompatibilityStrategy(applied))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("getSchemaCompatibilityStrategy", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Set schema compatibility strategy on a topic")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405, message = "Operation not allowed on persistent topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist")})
public void setSchemaCompatibilityStrategy(
@Suspended AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@ApiParam(value = "Strategy used to check the compatibility of new schema")
SchemaCompatibilityStrategy strategy) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetSchemaCompatibilityStrategy(strategy))
.thenRun(() -> {
"[{}] Successfully set topic schema compatibility strategy: tenant={}, namespace={}, "
+ "topic={}, schemaCompatibilityStrategy={}",
}).exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("setSchemaCompatibilityStrategy", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Remove schema compatibility strategy on a topic")
@ApiResponses(value = {
@ApiResponse(code = 307, message = "Current broker doesn't serve the namespace of this topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405, message = "Operation not allowed on persistent topic"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist")})
public void removeSchemaCompatibilityStrategy(
@Suspended AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@ApiParam(value = "Strategy used to check the compatibility of new schema")
SchemaCompatibilityStrategy strategy) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetSchemaCompatibilityStrategy(null))
.thenRun(() -> {
"[{}] Successfully remove topic schema compatibility strategy: tenant={}, namespace={}, "
+ "topic={}",
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("removeSchemaCompatibilityStrategy", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Get schema validation enforced flag for topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Tenants or Namespace doesn't exist") })
public void getSchemaValidationEnforced(@Suspended AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("applied") @DefaultValue("false") boolean applied,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this "
+ "broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.SCHEMA_COMPATIBILITY_STRATEGY, PolicyOperation.READ)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalGetSchemaValidationEnforced(applied))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("getSchemaValidationEnforced", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Set schema validation enforced flag on topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Tenant or Namespace doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 412, message = "schemaValidationEnforced value is not valid")})
public void setSchemaValidationEnforced(@Suspended AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this "
+ "broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@ApiParam(required = true) boolean schemaValidationEnforced) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.SCHEMA_COMPATIBILITY_STRATEGY, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetSchemaValidationEnforced(schemaValidationEnforced))
.thenAccept(__ -> asyncResponse.resume(Response.noContent().build()))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("setSchemaValidationEnforced", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Get entry filters for a topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Tenants or Namespace doesn't exist") })
public void getEntryFilters(@Suspended AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the tenant", required = true)
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify the namespace", required = true)
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@ApiParam(value = "Specify topic name", required = true)
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("applied") @DefaultValue("false") boolean applied,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this "
+ "broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
.thenCompose(__ -> internalGetEntryFilters(applied, isGlobal))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("getEntryFilters", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Set entry filters for specified topic")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, please enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void setEntryFilters(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this"
+ "call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@ApiParam(value = "Entry filters for the specified topic")
EntryFilters entryFilters) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetEntryFilters(entryFilters, isGlobal))
.thenAccept(__ -> asyncResponse.resume(Response.noContent().build()))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("setEntryFilters", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Remove entry filters for specified topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, please enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void removeEntryFilters(@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this"
+ "call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
.thenCompose(__ -> internalRemoveEntryFilters(isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> {
"[{}] Successfully remove entry filters: tenant={}, namespace={}, topic={}, isGlobal={}",
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("removeEntryFilters", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Get the shadow topic list for a topic")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405, message =
"Topic level policy is disabled, enable the topic level policy and retry")})
public void getShadowTopics(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
.thenCompose(__ -> validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.SHADOW_TOPIC,
.thenCompose(__ -> getTopicPoliciesAsyncWithRetry(topicName))
.thenAccept(op -> asyncResponse.resume(
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("getShadowTopics", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Set shadow topic list for a topic")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405, message =
"Topic level policy is disabled, enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification"),
public void setShadowTopics(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@ApiParam(value = "List of shadow topics", required = true) List<String> shadowTopics) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetShadowTopic(shadowTopics))
.thenRun(() -> asyncResponse.resume(Response.noContent().build()))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("setShadowTopic", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Delete shadow topics for a topic")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Namespace or topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405, message =
"Topic level policy is disabled, enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification"),
public void deleteShadowTopics(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
.thenCompose(__ -> internalDeleteShadowTopics())
.thenRun(() -> asyncResponse.resume(Response.noContent().build()))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("deleteShadowTopic", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Override namespace's allowAutoSubscriptionCreation setting for a topic")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Topic doesn't exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405, message =
"Topic level policy is disabled, enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void setAutoSubscriptionCreation(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative,
@ApiParam(value = "Settings for automatic subscription creation")
AutoSubscriptionCreationOverrideImpl autoSubscriptionCreationOverride) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.AUTO_SUBSCRIPTION_CREATION, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetAutoSubscriptionCreation(autoSubscriptionCreationOverride, isGlobal))
.thenAccept(__ -> asyncResponse.resume(Response.noContent().build()))
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("setAutoSubscriptionCreation", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Get autoSubscriptionCreation info in a topic")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Topic does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, please enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void getAutoSubscriptionCreation(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("applied") @DefaultValue("false") boolean applied,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.AUTO_SUBSCRIPTION_CREATION, PolicyOperation.READ)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalGetAutoSubscriptionCreation(applied, isGlobal))
.thenApply(asyncResponse::resume).exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("getAutoSubscriptionCreation", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
@ApiOperation(value = "Remove autoSubscriptionCreation ina a topic.")
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code = 403, message = "Don't have admin permission"),
@ApiResponse(code = 404, message = "Topic does not exist"),
@ApiResponse(code = 405,
message = "Topic level policy is disabled, please enable the topic level policy and retry"),
@ApiResponse(code = 409, message = "Concurrent modification")})
public void removeAutoSubscriptionCreation(
@Suspended final AsyncResponse asyncResponse,
@PathParam("tenant") String tenant,
@PathParam("namespace") String namespace,
@PathParam("topic") @Encoded String encodedTopic,
@QueryParam("isGlobal") @DefaultValue("false") boolean isGlobal,
@ApiParam(value = "Whether leader broker redirected this call to this broker. For internal use.")
@QueryParam("authoritative") @DefaultValue("false") boolean authoritative) {
validateTopicName(tenant, namespace, encodedTopic);
validateTopicPolicyOperationAsync(topicName, PolicyName.AUTO_SUBSCRIPTION_CREATION, PolicyOperation.WRITE)
.thenCompose(__ -> preValidation(authoritative))
.thenCompose(__ -> internalSetAutoSubscriptionCreation(null, isGlobal))
.thenRun(() -> {
"[{}] Successfully remove topic removeAutoSubscriptionCreation: "
+ "tenant={}, namespace={}, topic={}, isGlobal={}",
.exceptionally(ex -> {
handleTopicPolicyException("removeAutoSubscriptionCreation", ex, asyncResponse);
return null;
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PersistentTopics.class);