[Doc] add explanations for REST API (function/source/sink) (#13569)

diff --git a/pulsar-broker/src/main/java/org/apache/pulsar/broker/admin/impl/FunctionsBase.java b/pulsar-broker/src/main/java/org/apache/pulsar/broker/admin/impl/FunctionsBase.java
index bb19dae..f1c4c10 100644
--- a/pulsar-broker/src/main/java/org/apache/pulsar/broker/admin/impl/FunctionsBase.java
+++ b/pulsar-broker/src/main/java/org/apache/pulsar/broker/admin/impl/FunctionsBase.java
@@ -79,7 +79,10 @@
             final @FormDataParam("data") FormDataContentDisposition fileDetail,
             final @FormDataParam("url") String functionPkgUrl,
-                    value = "A JSON value presenting configuration payload of a Pulsar Function."
+                    value = "You can submit a function (in any languages that you are familiar with) \n"
+                            + "to a Pulsar cluster. Follow the steps below. \n"
+                            + "1. Create a JSON object using some of the following parameters.\n"
+                            + "A JSON value presenting configuration payload of a Pulsar Function.\n"
                             + " An example of the expected Pulsar Function can be found here.\n"
                             + "- **autoAck**\n"
                             + "  Whether or not the framework acknowledges messages automatically.\n"
@@ -163,23 +166,37 @@
                             + "  SecretProviderConfigurator.getSecretObjectType() method. \n"
                             + "- **cleanupSubscription**\n"
                             + "  Whether the subscriptions of a Pulsar Function created or used should be deleted"
-                            + " when the Pulsar Function is deleted.\n",
+                            + " when the Pulsar Function is deleted.\n"
+                            + "2. Encapsulate the JSON object to a multipart object.",
                     examples = @Example(
-                            value = @ExampleProperty(
-                                    mediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
-                                    value = "{\n"
-                                            + "  \"inputs\": persistent://public/default/input-topic,\n"
-                                            + "  \"parallelism\": 4\n"
-                                            + "  \"output\": persistent://public/default/output-topic\n"
-                                            + "  \"log-topic\": persistent://public/default/log-topic\n"
-                                            + "  \"classname\": org.example.test.ExclamationFunction\n"
-                                            + "  \"jar\": java-function-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar\n"
+                            value = {
+                                @ExampleProperty(
+                                    mediaType = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN,
+                                    value = " Example \n"
+                                            + "\n"
+                                            + " 1. Create a JSON object. \n"
+                                            + "\n"
+                                            + "{\n"
+                                            + "\t\"inputs\": \"persistent://public/default/input-topic\",\n"
+                                            + "\t\"parallelism\": \"4\",\n"
+                                            + "\t\"output\": \"persistent://public/default/output-topic\",\n"
+                                            + "\t\"log-topic\": \"persistent://public/default/log-topic\",\n"
+                                            + "\t\"classname\": \"org.example.test.ExclamationFunction\",\n"
+                                            + "\t\"jar\": \"java-function-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar\"\n"
                                             + "}\n"
-                            )
+                                            + "\n"
+                                            + "\n"
+                                            + "2. Encapsulate the JSON object to a multipart object (in Python). \n"
+                                            + "\n"
+                                            + "from requests_toolbelt.multipart.encoder import MultipartEncoder \n"
+                                            + "mp_encoder = MultipartEncoder( \n"
+                                            + "\t[('functionConfig', "
+                                            + "(None, json.dumps(config), 'application/json'))])\n"
+                                )
+                            }
             final @FormDataParam("functionConfig") FunctionConfig functionConfig) {
         functions().registerFunction(tenant, namespace, functionName, uploadedInputStream, fileDetail,
             functionPkgUrl, functionConfig, clientAppId(), clientAuthData());
diff --git a/pulsar-broker/src/main/java/org/apache/pulsar/broker/admin/impl/SinksBase.java b/pulsar-broker/src/main/java/org/apache/pulsar/broker/admin/impl/SinksBase.java
index e2d3a2d..d450164 100644
--- a/pulsar-broker/src/main/java/org/apache/pulsar/broker/admin/impl/SinksBase.java
+++ b/pulsar-broker/src/main/java/org/apache/pulsar/broker/admin/impl/SinksBase.java
@@ -75,7 +75,10 @@
                              final @FormDataParam("data") FormDataContentDisposition fileDetail,
                              final @FormDataParam("url") String sinkPkgUrl,
                              @ApiParam(value =
-                                     "A JSON value presenting config payload of a Pulsar Sink."
+                                     "You can submit a sink (in any languages that you are familiar with) "
+                                             + "to a Pulsar cluster. Follow the steps below.\n"
+                                             + "1. Create a JSON object using some of the following parameters.\n"
+                                             + "A JSON value presenting config payload of a Pulsar Sink."
                                              + " All available configuration options are:\n"
                                              + "- **classname**\n"
                                              + "   The class name of a Pulsar Sink if"
@@ -136,19 +139,36 @@
                                              + "   Boolean denotes whether the subscriptions the functions"
                                              + " created/used should be deleted when the functions is deleted\n"
                                              + "- **runtimeFlags**\n"
-                                             + "   Any flags that you want to pass to the runtime as a single string\n",
+                                             + "   Any flags that you want to pass to the runtime as a single string\n"
+                                             + "2. Encapsulate the JSON object to a multipart object.",
                                      examples = @Example(
-                                             value = @ExampleProperty(
-                                                     mediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
-                                                     value = "{\n"
+                                             value = {
+                                                 @ExampleProperty(
+                                                     mediaType = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN,
+                                                     value = "Example \n"
+                                                             + "\n"
+                                                             + " 1. Create a JSON object. \n"
+                                                             + "\n"
+                                                             + "{\n"
                                                              + "\t\"classname\": \"org.example.MySinkTest\",\n"
                                                              + "\t\"inputs\": ["
                                                              + "\"persistent://public/default/sink-input\"],\n"
                                                              + "\t\"processingGuarantees\": \"EFFECTIVELY_ONCE\",\n"
-                                                             + "\t\"parallelism\": 10\n"
-                                                             + "}"
-                                             )
-                                 )
+                                                             + "\t\"parallelism\": \"10\"\n"
+                                                             + "}\n"
+                                                             + "\n"
+                                                             + "\n"
+                                                             + "2. Encapsulate the JSON object to a multipart object "
+                                                             + "(in Python).\n"
+                                                             + "\n"
+                                                             + "from requests_toolbelt.multipart.encoder import "
+                                                             + "MultipartEncoder \n"
+                                                             + "mp_encoder = MultipartEncoder( \n"
+                                                             + "\t[('sinkConfig', "
+                                                             + "(None, json.dumps(config), 'application/json'))])\n"
+                                                  )
+                                            }
+                                    )
                              final @FormDataParam("sinkConfig") SinkConfig sinkConfig) {
         sinks().registerSink(tenant, namespace, sinkName, uploadedInputStream, fileDetail,
diff --git a/pulsar-broker/src/main/java/org/apache/pulsar/broker/admin/impl/SourcesBase.java b/pulsar-broker/src/main/java/org/apache/pulsar/broker/admin/impl/SourcesBase.java
index 8779519..b4ba332 100644
--- a/pulsar-broker/src/main/java/org/apache/pulsar/broker/admin/impl/SourcesBase.java
+++ b/pulsar-broker/src/main/java/org/apache/pulsar/broker/admin/impl/SourcesBase.java
@@ -76,8 +76,11 @@
             final @FormDataParam("data") InputStream uploadedInputStream,
             final @FormDataParam("data") FormDataContentDisposition fileDetail,
             final @FormDataParam("url") String sourcePkgUrl,
-            @ApiParam(
-                    value = "A JSON value presenting configuration payload of a Pulsar Source."
+            @ApiParam(value =
+                    "You can submit a source (in any languages that you are familiar with) to a Pulsar cluster. "
+                            + "Follow the steps below.\n"
+                            + "1. Create a JSON object using some of the following parameters.\n"
+                            + "A JSON value presenting configuration payload of a Pulsar Source."
                             + " An example of the expected functions can be found here.\n"
                             + "- **classname**\n"
                             + "  The class name of a Pulsar Source if archive is file-url-path (file://).\n"
@@ -111,20 +114,33 @@
                             + "  [http/https/file (file protocol assumes that file already exists on worker host)] "
                             + "  from which worker can download the package.\n"
                             + "- **runtimeFlags**\n"
-                            + "  Any flags that you want to pass to the runtime.\n",
+                            + "  Any flags that you want to pass to the runtime.\n"
+                            + "2. Encapsulate the JSON object to a multipart object.",
                     examples = @Example(
                             value = @ExampleProperty(
-                                    mediaType = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON,
-                                    value = "{\n"
-                                            + "  \"tenant\": public\n"
-                                            + "  \"namespace\": default\n"
-                                            + "  \"name\": pulsar-io-mysql\n"
-                                            + "  \"className\": TestSourceMysql\n"
-                                            + "  \"topicName\": pulsar-io-mysql\n"
-                                            + "  \"parallelism\": 1\n"
-                                            + "  \"archive\": /connectors/pulsar-io-mysql-0.0.1.nar\n"
-                                            + "  \"schemaType\": avro\n"
+                                    mediaType = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN,
+                                    value = " Example \n"
+                                            + "\n"
+                                            + "1. Create a JSON object. \n"
+                                            + "\n"
+                                            + "{\n"
+                                            + "\t\"tenant\": \"public\",\n"
+                                            + "\t\"namespace\": \"default\",\n"
+                                            + "\t\"name\": \"pulsar-io-mysql\",\n"
+                                            + "\t\"className\": \"TestSourceMysql\",\n"
+                                            + "\t\"topicName\": \"pulsar-io-mysql\",\n"
+                                            + "\t\"parallelism\": \"1\",\n"
+                                            + "\t\"archive\": \"/connectors/pulsar-io-mysql-0.0.1.nar\",\n"
+                                            + "\t\"schemaType\": \"avro\"\n"
                                             + "}\n"
+                                            + "\n"
+                                            + "\n"
+                                            + "2. Encapsulate the JSON object to a multipart object (in Python). \n"
+                                            + "\n"
+                                            + "from requests_toolbelt.multipart.encoder import MultipartEncoder \n"
+                                            + "mp_encoder = MultipartEncoder( \n"
+                                            + "\t[('sourceConfig', "
+                                            + "(None, json.dumps(config), 'application/json'))])\n"
diff --git a/site2/website/package.json b/site2/website/package.json
index 7527ee6..d22e8a5 100644
--- a/site2/website/package.json
+++ b/site2/website/package.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
   "scripts": {
     "examples": "docusaurus-examples",
-    "start": "docusaurus-start",
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