blob: 865061f9621760387c898dc456980be94bd63399 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
package org.apache.pulsar.admin.cli;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isNotBlank;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.admin.PulsarAdmin;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.admin.PulsarAdminException;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.ProxyProtocol;
import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter;
import com.beust.jcommander.Parameters;
@Parameters(commandDescription = "Operations about clusters")
public class CmdClusters extends CmdBase {
@Parameters(commandDescription = "List the existing clusters")
private class List extends CliCommand {
void run() throws PulsarAdminException {
@Parameters(commandDescription = "Get the configuration data for the specified cluster")
private class Get extends CliCommand {
@Parameter(description = "cluster-name\n", required = true)
private java.util.List<String> params;
void run() throws PulsarAdminException {
String cluster = getOneArgument(params);
@Parameters(commandDescription = "Provisions a new cluster. This operation requires Pulsar super-user privileges")
private class Create extends CliCommand {
@Parameter(description = "cluster-name\n", required = true)
private java.util.List<String> params;
@Parameter(names = "--url", description = "service-url", required = false)
private String serviceUrl;
@Parameter(names = "--url-secure", description = "service-url for secure connection", required = false)
private String serviceUrlTls;
@Parameter(names = "--broker-url", description = "broker-service-url", required = false)
private String brokerServiceUrl;
@Parameter(names = "--broker-url-secure", description = "broker-service-url for secure connection", required = false)
private String brokerServiceUrlTls;
@Parameter(names = "--proxy-url", description = "Proxy-service url when client would like to connect to broker via proxy.", required = false)
private String proxyServiceUrl;
@Parameter(names = "--proxy-protocol", description = "protocol to decide type of proxy routing eg: SNI", required = false)
private ProxyProtocol proxyProtocol;
void run() throws PulsarAdminException {
String cluster = getOneArgument(params);
new ClusterData(serviceUrl, serviceUrlTls, brokerServiceUrl, brokerServiceUrlTls, proxyServiceUrl,
@Parameters(commandDescription = "Update the configuration for a cluster")
private class Update extends CliCommand {
@Parameter(description = "cluster-name\n", required = true)
private java.util.List<String> params;
@Parameter(names = "--url", description = "service-url", required = false)
private String serviceUrl;
@Parameter(names = "--url-secure", description = "service-url for secure connection", required = false)
private String serviceUrlTls;
@Parameter(names = "--broker-url", description = "broker-service-url", required = false)
private String brokerServiceUrl;
@Parameter(names = "--broker-url-secure", description = "broker-service-url for secure connection", required = false)
private String brokerServiceUrlTls;
@Parameter(names = "--proxy-url", description = "Proxy-service url when client would like to connect to broker via proxy.", required = false)
private String proxyServiceUrl;
@Parameter(names = "--proxy-protocol", description = "protocol to decide type of proxy routing eg: SNI", required = false)
private ProxyProtocol proxyProtocol;
void run() throws PulsarAdminException {
String cluster = getOneArgument(params);
getAdmin().clusters().updateCluster(cluster, new ClusterData(serviceUrl, serviceUrlTls, brokerServiceUrl,
brokerServiceUrlTls, proxyServiceUrl, proxyProtocol));
@Parameters(commandDescription = "Deletes an existing cluster")
private class Delete extends CliCommand {
@Parameter(description = "cluster-name\n", required = true)
private java.util.List<String> params;
@Parameter(names = { "-a", "--all" }, description = "Delete all data (tenants) of the cluster\n", required = false)
private boolean deleteAll = false;
void run() throws PulsarAdminException {
String cluster = getOneArgument(params);
if (deleteAll) {
for (String tenant : getAdmin().tenants().getTenants()) {
for (String namespace : getAdmin().namespaces().getNamespaces(tenant)) {
// Partitioned topic's schema must be deleted by deletePartitionedTopic() but not delete() for each partition
for (String topic : getAdmin().topics().getPartitionedTopicList(namespace)) {
getAdmin().topics().deletePartitionedTopic(topic, true, true);
for (String topic : getAdmin().topics().getList(namespace)) {
getAdmin().topics().delete(topic, true, true);
getAdmin().namespaces().deleteNamespace(namespace, true);
@Parameters(commandDescription = "Update peer cluster names")
private class UpdatePeerClusters extends CliCommand {
@Parameter(description = "cluster-name\n", required = true)
private java.util.List<String> params;
@Parameter(names = "--peer-clusters", description = "Comma separated peer-cluster names [Pass empty string \"\" to delete list]", required = true)
private String peerClusterNames;
void run() throws PulsarAdminException {
String cluster = getOneArgument(params);
java.util.LinkedHashSet<String> clusters = StringUtils.isBlank(peerClusterNames) ? null
: Sets.newLinkedHashSet(Arrays.asList(peerClusterNames.split(",")));
getAdmin().clusters().updatePeerClusterNames(cluster, clusters);
@Parameters(commandDescription = "Get list of peer-clusters")
private class GetPeerClusters extends CliCommand {
@Parameter(description = "cluster-name\n", required = true)
private java.util.List<String> params;
void run() throws PulsarAdminException {
String cluster = getOneArgument(params);
@Parameters(commandDescription = "Create a new failure-domain for a cluster. updates it if already created.")
private class CreateFailureDomain extends CliCommand {
@Parameter(description = "cluster-name\n", required = true)
private java.util.List<String> params;
@Parameter(names = "--domain-name", description = "domain-name", required = true)
private String domainName;
@Parameter(names = "--broker-list", description = "Comma separated broker list", required = false)
private String brokerList;
void run() throws PulsarAdminException {
String cluster = getOneArgument(params);
FailureDomain domain = new FailureDomain();
domain.setBrokers((isNotBlank(brokerList) ? Sets.newHashSet(brokerList.split(",")): null));
getAdmin().clusters().createFailureDomain(cluster, domainName, domain);
@Parameters(commandDescription = "Update failure-domain for a cluster. Creates a new one if not exist.")
private class UpdateFailureDomain extends CliCommand {
@Parameter(description = "cluster-name\n", required = true)
private java.util.List<String> params;
@Parameter(names = "--domain-name", description = "domain-name", required = true)
private String domainName;
@Parameter(names = "--broker-list", description = "Comma separated broker list", required = false)
private String brokerList;
void run() throws PulsarAdminException {
String cluster = getOneArgument(params);
FailureDomain domain = new FailureDomain();
domain.setBrokers((isNotBlank(brokerList) ? Sets.newHashSet(brokerList.split(",")) : null));
getAdmin().clusters().updateFailureDomain(cluster, domainName, domain);
@Parameters(commandDescription = "Deletes an existing failure-domain")
private class DeleteFailureDomain extends CliCommand {
@Parameter(description = "cluster-name\n", required = true)
private java.util.List<String> params;
@Parameter(names = "--domain-name", description = "domain-name", required = true)
private String domainName;
void run() throws PulsarAdminException {
String cluster = getOneArgument(params);
getAdmin().clusters().deleteFailureDomain(cluster, domainName);
@Parameters(commandDescription = "List the existing failure-domains for a cluster")
private class ListFailureDomains extends CliCommand {
@Parameter(description = "cluster-name\n", required = true)
private java.util.List<String> params;
void run() throws PulsarAdminException {
String cluster = getOneArgument(params);
@Parameters(commandDescription = "Get the configuration brokers of a failure-domain")
private class GetFailureDomain extends CliCommand {
@Parameter(description = "cluster-name\n", required = true)
private java.util.List<String> params;
@Parameter(names = "--domain-name", description = "domain-name", required = true)
private String domainName;
void run() throws PulsarAdminException {
String cluster = getOneArgument(params);
print(getAdmin().clusters().getFailureDomain(cluster, domainName));
public CmdClusters(Supplier<PulsarAdmin> admin) {
super("clusters", admin);
jcommander.addCommand("get", new Get());
jcommander.addCommand("create", new Create());
jcommander.addCommand("update", new Update());
jcommander.addCommand("delete", new Delete());
jcommander.addCommand("list", new List());
jcommander.addCommand("update-peer-clusters", new UpdatePeerClusters());
jcommander.addCommand("get-peer-clusters", new GetPeerClusters());
jcommander.addCommand("get-failure-domain", new GetFailureDomain());
jcommander.addCommand("create-failure-domain", new CreateFailureDomain());
jcommander.addCommand("update-failure-domain", new UpdateFailureDomain());
jcommander.addCommand("delete-failure-domain", new DeleteFailureDomain());
jcommander.addCommand("list-failure-domains", new ListFailureDomains());