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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
### --- General broker settings --- ###
# The metadata store URL
# Examples:
# * zk:my-zk-1:2181,my-zk-2:2181,my-zk-3:2181
# * my-zk-1:2181,my-zk-2:2181,my-zk-3:2181 (will default to ZooKeeper when the schema is not specified)
# * zk:my-zk-1:2181,my-zk-2:2181,my-zk-3:2181/my-chroot-path (to add a ZK chroot path)
# Configuration file path for metadata store. It's supported by RocksdbMetadataStore and EtcdMetadataStore for now
# Event topic to sync metadata between separate pulsar clusters on different cloud platforms.
# Event topic to sync configuration-metadata between separate pulsar clusters on different cloud platforms.
# The metadata store URL for the configuration data. If empty, we fall back to use metadataStoreUrl
# Broker data port
# Broker data port for TLS - By default TLS is disabled
# Port to use to server HTTP request
# Port to use to server HTTPS request - By default TLS is disabled
# Specify the tls protocols the broker's web service will use to negotiate during TLS handshake
# (a comma-separated list of protocol names).
# Examples:
# webServiceTlsProtocols=TLSv1.3,TLSv1.2
# Specify the tls cipher the broker will use to negotiate during TLS Handshake
# (a comma-separated list of ciphers).
# Examples:
# webServiceTlsCiphers=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
# Hostname or IP address the service binds on, default is
# Extra bind addresses for the service: <listener_name>:<scheme>://<host>:<port>,[...]
# Hostname or IP address the service advertises to the outside world.
# If not set, the value of InetAddress.getLocalHost().getCanonicalHostName() is used.
# Used to specify multiple advertised listeners for the broker.
# The value must format as <listener_name>:pulsar://<host>:<port>,
# multiple listeners should separate with commas.
# Do not use this configuration with advertisedAddress and brokerServicePort.
# The Default value is absent means use advertisedAddress and brokerServicePort.
# advertisedListeners=
# Used to specify the internal listener name for the broker.
# The listener name must contain in the advertisedListeners.
# The Default value is absent, the broker uses the first listener as the internal listener.
# internalListenerName=
# Enable or disable the HAProxy protocol.
# If true, the real IP addresses of consumers and producers can be obtained when getting topic statistics data.
# Enable or disable the use of HA proxy protocol for resolving the client IP for http/https requests.
# Trust X-Forwarded-For header for resolving the client IP for http/https requests. Default is false.
# Add detailed client/remote and server/local addresses and ports to http/https request logging.
# Defaults to true when either webServiceHaProxyProtocolEnabled or webServiceTrustXForwardedFor is enabled.
# Number of threads to config Netty Acceptor. Default is 1
# Number of threads to use for Netty IO. Default is set to 2 * Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()
# Number of threads to use for ordered executor. The ordered executor is used to operate with zookeeper,
# such as init zookeeper client, get namespace policies from zookeeper etc. It also used to split bundle. Default is 8
# Number of threads to use for HTTP requests processing. Default is set to 2 * Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()
# Number of thread pool size to use for pulsar broker service.
# The executor in thread pool will do basic broker operation like load/unload bundle, update managedLedgerConfig,
# update topic/subscription/replicator message dispatch rate, do leader election etc.
# Default is Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()
# Number of thread pool size to use for pulsar zookeeper callback service
# The cache executor thread pool is used for restarting global zookeeper session.
# Default is 10
# Option to enable busy-wait settings. Default is false.
# WARNING: This option will enable spin-waiting on executors and IO threads in order to reduce latency during
# context switches. The spinning will consume 100% CPU even when the broker is not doing any work. It is recommended to
# reduce the number of IO threads and BK client threads to only have few CPU cores busy.
# Flag to control features that are meant to be used when running in standalone mode
# Name of the cluster to which this broker belongs to
# The maximum number of tenants that each pulsar cluster can create
# This configuration is not precise control, in a concurrent scenario, the threshold will be exceeded
# Enable cluster's failure-domain which can distribute brokers into logical region
# Metadata store session timeout in milliseconds
# Metadata store operation timeout in seconds
# Metadata store cache expiry time in seconds
# Time to wait for broker graceful shutdown. After this time elapses, the process will be killed
# Flag to skip broker shutdown when broker handles Out of memory error
# Factory class-name to create topic with custom workflow
# Max capacity of the topic name cache. -1 means unlimited cache; 0 means broker will clear all cache
# per "maxSecondsToClearTopicNameCache", it does not mean broker will not cache TopicName.
# A Specifies the minimum number of seconds that the topic name stays in memory, to avoid clear cache frequently when
# there are too many topics are in use.
# Enable backlog quota check. Enforces action on topic when the quota is reached
# How often to check for topics that have reached the quota
# Default per-topic backlog quota limit, less than 0 means no limitation. default is -1.
# Default per-topic backlog quota time limit in second, less than 0 means no limitation. default is -1.
# Default backlog quota retention policy. Default is producer_request_hold
# 'producer_request_hold' Policy which holds producer's send request until the resource becomes available (or holding times out)
# 'producer_exception' Policy which throws javax.jms.ResourceAllocationException to the producer
# 'consumer_backlog_eviction' Policy which evicts the oldest message from the slowest consumer's backlog
# Default ttl for namespaces if ttl is not already configured at namespace policies. (disable default-ttl with value 0)
# Additional system subscriptions that will be ignored by ttl check. The cursor names are comma separated.
# Default is empty.
# additionalSystemCursorNames=
# Enable topic auto creation if new producer or consumer connected (disable auto creation with value false)
# The type of topic that is allowed to be automatically created.(partitioned/non-partitioned)
# Enable subscription auto creation if new consumer connected (disable auto creation with value false)
# The number of partitioned topics that is allowed to be automatically created if allowAutoTopicCreationType is partitioned.
# Enable the deletion of inactive topics. This parameter need to cooperate with the allowAutoTopicCreation parameter.
# If brokerDeleteInactiveTopicsEnabled is set to true, we should ensure that allowAutoTopicCreation is also set to true.
# How often to check for inactive topics
# Set the inactive topic delete mode. Default is delete_when_no_subscriptions
# 'delete_when_no_subscriptions' mode only delete the topic which has no subscriptions and no active producers
# 'delete_when_subscriptions_caught_up' mode only delete the topic that all subscriptions has no backlogs(caught up)
# and no active producers/consumers
# Metadata of inactive partitioned topic will not be cleaned up automatically by default.
# Note: If `allowAutoTopicCreation` and this option are enabled at the same time,
# it may appear that a partitioned topic has just been deleted but is automatically created as a non-partitioned topic.
# Max duration of topic inactivity in seconds, default is not present
# If not present, 'brokerDeleteInactiveTopicsFrequencySeconds' will be used
# Topics that are inactive for longer than this value will be deleted
# Allow you to delete a tenant forcefully.
# Allow you to delete a namespace forcefully.
# Max pending publish requests per connection to avoid keeping large number of pending
# requests in memory. Default: 1000
# How frequently to proactively check and purge expired messages
# How long to delay rewinding cursor and dispatching messages when active consumer is changed
# Enable consistent hashing for selecting the active consumer in partitioned topics with Failover subscription type.
# For non-partitioned topics, consistent hashing is used by default.
# How long to delete inactive subscriptions from last consuming
# When it is 0, inactive subscriptions are not deleted automatically
# Enable subscription message redelivery tracker to send redelivery count to consumer (default is enabled)
# How frequently to proactively check and purge expired subscription
# Enable subscription types (default is all type enabled)
# SubscriptionTypes : Exclusive,Shared,Failover,Key_Shared
# Example : Exclusive,Shared
# Above example will disable Failover and Key_Shared subscription types
# On KeyShared subscriptions, with default AUTO_SPLIT mode, use splitting ranges or
# consistent hashing to reassign keys to new consumers
# On KeyShared subscriptions, number of points in the consistent-hashing ring.
# The higher the number, the more equal the assignment of keys to consumers
# Maximum time in ms for a Analise backlog operation to complete
# Maximum number of entries to be read within a Analise backlog operation
# Set the default behavior for message deduplication in the broker
# This can be overridden per-namespace. If enabled, broker will reject
# messages that were already stored in the topic
# Maximum number of producer information that it's going to be
# persisted for deduplication purposes
# How often is the thread pool scheduled to check whether a snapshot needs to be taken.(disable with value 0)
# If this time interval is exceeded, a snapshot will be taken.
# It will run simultaneously with `brokerDeduplicationEntriesInterval`
# Number of entries after which a dedup info snapshot is taken.
# A larger interval will lead to fewer snapshots being taken, though it would
# increase the topic recovery time when the entries published after the
# snapshot need to be replayed.
# Time of inactivity after which the broker will discard the deduplication information
# relative to a disconnected producer. Default is 6 hours.
# When a namespace is created without specifying the number of bundle, this
# value will be used as the default
# The maximum number of namespaces that each tenant can create
# This configuration is not precise control, in a concurrent scenario, the threshold will be exceeded
# Max number of topics allowed to be created in the namespace. When the topics reach the max topics of the namespace,
# the broker should reject the new topic request(include topic auto-created by the producer or consumer)
# until the number of connected consumers decrease.
# Using a value of 0, is disabling maxTopicsPerNamespace-limit check.
# The maximum number of connections in the broker. If it exceeds, new connections are rejected.
# The maximum number of connections per IP. If it exceeds, new connections are rejected.
# Allow schema to be auto updated at broker level. User can override this by
# 'is_allow_auto_update_schema' of namespace policy.
# Enable check for minimum allowed client library version
# Path for the file used to determine the rotation status for the broker when responding
# to service discovery health checks
# If true, (and ModularLoadManagerImpl is being used), the load manager will attempt to
# use only brokers running the latest software version (to minimize impact to bundles)
# Max number of unacknowledged messages allowed to receive messages by a consumer on a shared subscription. Broker will stop sending
# messages to consumer once, this limit reaches until consumer starts acknowledging messages back.
# Using a value of 0, is disabling unackeMessage limit check and consumer can receive messages without any restriction
# Max number of unacknowledged messages allowed per shared subscription. Broker will stop dispatching messages to
# all consumers of the subscription once this limit reaches until consumer starts acknowledging messages back and
# unack count reaches to limit/2. Using a value of 0, is disabling unackedMessage-limit
# check and dispatcher can dispatch messages without any restriction
# Max number of unacknowledged messages allowed per broker. Once this limit reaches, broker will stop dispatching
# messages to all shared subscription which has higher number of unack messages until subscriptions start
# acknowledging messages back and unack count reaches to limit/2. Using a value of 0, is disabling
# unackedMessage-limit check and broker doesn't block dispatchers
# Once broker reaches maxUnackedMessagesPerBroker limit, it blocks subscriptions which has higher unacked messages
# than this percentage limit and subscription will not receive any new messages until that subscription acks back
# limit/2 messages
# For Key_Shared subscriptions, if messages cannot be dispatched to consumers due to a slow consumer
# or a blocked key hash (because of ordering constraints), the broker will continue reading more
# messages from the backlog and attempt to dispatch them to consumers until the number of replay
# messages reaches the calculated threshold.
# Formula: threshold = min(keySharedLookAheadMsgInReplayThresholdPerConsumer *
# connected consumer count, keySharedLookAheadMsgInReplayThresholdPerSubscription).
# Setting this value to 0 will disable the limit calculated per consumer.
# For Key_Shared subscriptions, if messages cannot be dispatched to consumers due to a slow consumer
# or a blocked key hash (because of ordering constraints), the broker will continue reading more
# messages from the backlog and attempt to dispatch them to consumers until the number of replay
# messages reaches the calculated threshold.
# Formula: threshold = min(keySharedLookAheadMsgInReplayThresholdPerConsumer *
# connected consumer count, keySharedLookAheadMsgInReplayThresholdPerSubscription).
# This value should be set to a value less than 2 * managedLedgerMaxUnackedRangesToPersist.
# Setting this value to 0 will disable the limit calculated per subscription.
# Broker periodically checks if subscription is stuck and unblock if flag is enabled. (Default is disabled)
# Tick time to schedule task that checks topic publish rate limiting across all topics
# Reducing to lower value can give more accuracy while throttling publish but
# it uses more CPU to perform frequent check. (Disable publish throttling with value 0)
# Enable precise rate limit for topic publish
# Tick time to schedule task that checks broker publish rate limiting across all topics
# Reducing to lower value can give more accuracy while throttling publish but
# it uses more CPU to perform frequent check. (Disable publish throttling with value 0)
# Max Rate(in 1 seconds) of Message allowed to publish for a broker if broker publish rate limiting enabled
# (Disable message rate limit with value 0)
# Max Rate(in 1 seconds) of Byte allowed to publish for a broker if broker publish rate limiting enabled.
# (Disable byte rate limit with value 0)
# Max Rate(in 1 seconds) of Message allowed to publish for a topic if topic publish rate limiting enabled
# (Disable byte rate limit with value 0)
#Max Rate(in 1 seconds) of Byte allowed to publish for a topic if topic publish rate limiting enabled.
# (Disable byte rate limit with value 0)
# Too many subscribe requests from a consumer can cause broker rewinding consumer cursors and loading data from bookies,
# hence causing high network bandwidth usage
# When the positive value is set, broker will throttle the subscribe requests for one consumer.
# Otherwise, the throttling will be disabled. The default value of this setting is 0 - throttling is disabled.
# Rate period for {subscribeThrottlingRatePerConsumer}. Default is 30s.
# Default messages per second dispatch throttling-limit for whole broker. Using a value of 0, is disabling default
# message dispatch-throttling
# Default bytes per second dispatch throttling-limit for whole broker. Using a value of 0, is disabling
# default message-byte dispatch-throttling
# Default messages per second dispatch throttling-limit for every topic. Using a value of 0, is disabling default
# message dispatch-throttling
# Default bytes per second dispatch throttling-limit for every topic. Using a value of 0, is disabling
# default message-byte dispatch-throttling
# Apply dispatch rate limiting on batch message instead individual
# messages with in batch message. (Default is disabled)
# Default number of message dispatching throttling-limit for a subscription.
# Using a value of 0, is disabling default message dispatch-throttling.
# Default number of message-bytes dispatching throttling-limit for a subscription.
# Using a value of 0, is disabling default message-byte dispatch-throttling.
# Default messages per second dispatch throttling-limit for every replicator in replication.
# Using a value of 0, is disabling replication message dispatch-throttling
# Default bytes per second dispatch throttling-limit for every replicator in replication.
# Using a value of 0, is disabling replication message-byte dispatch-throttling
# Dispatch rate-limiting relative to publish rate.
# (Enabling flag will make broker to dynamically update dispatch-rate relatively to publish-rate:
# throttle-dispatch-rate = (publish-rate + configured dispatch-rate).
# By default we enable dispatch-throttling for both caught up consumers as well as consumers who have
# backlog.
# Max number of entries to read from bookkeeper. By default it is 100 entries.
# Dispatch messages and execute broker side filters in a per-subscription thread
# Max size in bytes of entries to read from bookkeeper. By default it is 5MB.
# Min number of entries to read from bookkeeper. By default it is 1 entries.
# When there is an error occurred on reading entries from bookkeeper, the broker
# will backoff the batch size to this minimum number."
# Max number of entries to dispatch for a shared subscription. By default it is 20 entries.
# The read failure backoff initial time in milliseconds. By default it is 15s.
# The read failure backoff max time in milliseconds. By default it is 60s.
# The read failure backoff mandatory stop time in milliseconds. By default it is 0s.
# On Shared and KeyShared subscriptions, if all available messages in the subscription are filtered
# out and not dispatched to any consumer, message dispatching will be rescheduled with a backoff
# delay. This parameter sets the initial backoff delay in milliseconds.
# On Shared and KeyShared subscriptions, if all available messages in the subscription are filtered
# out and not dispatched to any consumer, message dispatching will be rescheduled with a backoff
# delay. This parameter sets the maximum backoff delay in milliseconds.
# Precise dispatcher flow control according to history message number of each entry
# Class name of Pluggable entry filter that can decide whether the entry needs to be filtered
# You can use this class to decide which entries can be sent to consumers.
# Multiple classes need to be separated by commas.
# The directory for all the entry filter implementations
# Whether the broker should count filtered entries in dispatch rate limit calculations. When disabled,
# only messages sent to a consumer count towards a dispatch rate limit at the broker, topic, and
# subscription level. When enabled, messages filtered out due to entry filter logic are counted towards
# each relevant rate limit.
# Whether allow topic level entry filters policies overrides broker configuration.
# Max number of concurrent lookup request broker allows to throttle heavy incoming lookup traffic
# Max number of concurrent topic loading request broker allows to control number of zk-operations
# Max concurrent non-persistent message can be processed per connection
# Number of worker threads to serve topic ordered executor
# Enable broker to load persistent topics
# Enable broker to load non-persistent topics
# Enable to run bookie along with broker
# Enable to run bookie autorecovery along with broker
# Max number of producers allowed to connect to topic. Once this limit reaches, Broker will reject new producers
# until the number of connected producers decrease.
# Using a value of 0, is disabling maxProducersPerTopic-limit check.
# Max number of producers with the same IP address allowed to connect to topic.
# Once this limit reaches, Broker will reject new producers until the number of
# connected producers with the same IP address decrease.
# Using a value of 0, is disabling maxSameAddressProducersPerTopic-limit check.
# Enforce producer to publish encrypted messages.(default disable).
# Max number of consumers allowed to connect to topic. Once this limit reaches, Broker will reject new consumers
# until the number of connected consumers decrease.
# Using a value of 0, is disabling maxConsumersPerTopic-limit check.
# Max number of consumers with the same IP address allowed to connect to topic.
# Once this limit reaches, Broker will reject new consumers until the number of
# connected consumers with the same IP address decrease.
# Using a value of 0, is disabling maxSameAddressConsumersPerTopic-limit check.
# Max number of subscriptions allowed to subscribe to topic. Once this limit reaches, broker will reject
# new subscription until the number of subscribed subscriptions decrease.
# Using a value of 0, is disabling maxSubscriptionsPerTopic limit check.
# Max number of consumers allowed to connect to subscription. Once this limit reaches, Broker will reject new consumers
# until the number of connected consumers decrease.
# Using a value of 0, is disabling maxConsumersPerSubscription-limit check.
# Max size of messages.
# Interval between checks to see if topics with compaction policies need to be compacted
# The estimated backlog size is greater than this threshold, compression will be triggered.
# Using a value of 0, is disabling compression check.
# Timeout for each read request in the compaction phase one loop.
# If the execution time of one single message read operation exceeds this time, the compaction will not proceed.
# Whether retain null-key message during topic compaction
# Class name of the factory that implements the topic compaction service.
# If value is "org.apache.pulsar.compaction.EventTimeCompactionServiceFactory",
# will create topic compaction service based on message eventTime.
# By default compaction service is based on message publishing order.
# Whether to enable the delayed delivery for messages.
# If disabled, messages will be immediately delivered and there will
# be no tracking overhead.
# Class name of the factory that implements the delayed deliver tracker.
# If value is "",
# will create bucket based delayed message index tracker.
# Control the tick time for when retrying on delayed delivery,
# affecting the accuracy of the delivery time compared to the scheduled time.
# Note that this time is used to configure the HashedWheelTimer's tick time.
# Default is 1 second.
# Whether the deliverAt time is strictly followed. When false (default), messages may be sent to consumers before the deliverAt
# time by as much as the tickTimeMillis. This can reduce the overhead on the broker of maintaining the delayed index
# for a potentially very short time period. When true, messages will not be sent to consumer until the deliverAt time
# has passed, and they may be as late as the deliverAt time plus the tickTimeMillis for the topic plus the
# delayedDeliveryTickTimeMillis.
# The delayed message index bucket min index count.
# When the index count of the current bucket is more than this value and all message indexes of current ledger
# have already been added to the tracker we will seal the bucket.
# The delayed message index bucket time step(in seconds) in per bucket snapshot segment,
# after reaching the max time step limitation, the snapshot segment will be cut off.
# The max number of delayed message index in per bucket snapshot segment, -1 means no limitation
# after reaching the max number limitation, the snapshot segment will be cut off.
# The max number of delayed message index bucket,
# after reaching the max buckets limitation, the adjacent buckets will be merged.
# (disable with value -1)
# Size of the lookahead window to use when detecting if all the messages in the topic
# have a fixed delay for InMemoryDelayedDeliveryTracker (the default DelayedDeliverTracker).
# Default is 50,000. Setting the lookahead window to 0 will disable the logic to handle
# fixed delays in messages in a different way.
# The max allowed delay for delayed delivery (in milliseconds). If the broker receives a message which exceeds this
# max delay, then it will return an error to the producer.
# The default value is 0 which means there is no limit on the max delivery delay.
# Whether to enable acknowledge of batch local index.
# Enable tracking of replicated subscriptions state across clusters.
# Frequency of snapshots for replicated subscriptions tracking.
# Timeout for building a consistent snapshot for tracking replicated subscriptions state.
# Max number of snapshot to be cached per subscription.
# Max memory size for broker handling messages sending from producers.
# If the processing message size exceed this value, broker will stop read data
# from the connection. The processing messages means messages are sends to broker
# but broker have not send response to client, usually waiting to write to bookies.
# It's shared across all the topics running in the same broker.
# Use -1 to disable the memory limitation. Default is 1/2 of direct memory.
# Check between intervals to see if consumed ledgers need to be trimmed
# Use 0 or negative number to disable the check
# Control the frequency of checking the max message size in the topic policy.
# The default interval is 60 seconds.
# Max number of partitions per partitioned topic
# Use 0 or negative number to disable the check
# There are two policies to apply when broker metadata session expires: session expired happens, "shutdown" or "reconnect".
# With "shutdown", the broker will be restarted.
# With "reconnect", the broker will keep serving the topics, while attempting to recreate a new session.
# Enable or disable system topic
# Deploy the schema compatibility checker for a specific schema type to enforce schema compatibility check,,
# The schema compatibility strategy is used for system topics.
# Enable or disable topic level policies, topic level policies depends on the system topic
# Please enable the system topic first.
# If a topic remains fenced for this number of seconds, it will be closed forcefully.
# If it is set to 0 or a negative number, the fenced topic will not be closed.
# Enable the evaluation of subscription patterns on the broker.
# Setting it to true means the broker only sends the list of matching topics to the clients.
# The maximum length of patterns that a broker evaluates.
# Longer patterns are rejected to avoid patterns that are crafted to overload the broker.
### --- Authentication --- ###
# Role names that are treated as "proxy roles". If the broker sees a request with
#role as proxyRoles - it will demand to see a valid original principal.
# If this flag is set then the broker authenticates the original Auth data
# else it just accepts the originalPrincipal and authorizes it (if required).
# Tls cert refresh duration in seconds (set 0 to check on every new connection)
# Path for the TLS certificate file
# Path for the TLS private key file
# Path for the trusted TLS certificate file.
# This cert is used to verify that any certs presented by connecting clients
# are signed by a certificate authority. If this verification
# fails, then the certs are untrusted and the connections are dropped.
# Accept untrusted TLS certificate from client.
# If true, a client with a cert which cannot be verified with the
# 'tlsTrustCertsFilePath' cert will allowed to connect to the server,
# though the cert will not be used for client authentication.
# Whether the hostname is validated when the broker creates a TLS connection with other brokers
# Specify the tls protocols the broker will use to negotiate during TLS handshake
# (a comma-separated list of protocol names).
# Examples:
# tlsProtocols=TLSv1.3,TLSv1.2
# Specify the tls cipher the broker will use to negotiate during TLS Handshake
# (a comma-separated list of ciphers).
# Examples:
# tlsCiphers=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
# Trusted client certificates are required for to connect TLS
# Reject the Connection if the Client Certificate is not trusted.
# In effect, this requires that all connecting clients perform TLS client
# authentication.
# Specify the TLS provider for the broker service:
# When using TLS authentication with CACert, the valid value is either OPENSSL or JDK.
# When using TLS authentication with KeyStore, available values can be SunJSSE, Conscrypt and etc.
# Specify the TLS provider for the web service: SunJSSE, Conscrypt and etc.
### --- KeyStore TLS config variables --- ###
## Note that some of the above TLS configs also apply to the KeyStore TLS configuration.
# Enable TLS with KeyStore type configuration in broker.
# TLS KeyStore type configuration in broker: JKS, PKCS12
# TLS KeyStore path in broker
# TLS KeyStore password for broker
# TLS TrustStore type configuration in broker: JKS, PKCS12
# TLS TrustStore path in broker
# TLS TrustStore password in broker, default value is empty password
# Whether internal client uses TLS to connection the broker
# Whether internal client use KeyStore type to authenticate with Pulsar brokers
# The TLS Provider used by internal client to authenticate with other Pulsar brokers
# TLS trusted certificate file for internal client,
# used by the internal client to authenticate with Pulsar brokers
# TLS private key file for internal client,
# used by the internal client to authenticate with Pulsar brokers
# TLS certificate file for internal client,
# used by the internal client to authenticate with Pulsar brokers
# TLS KeyStore type configuration for internal client: JKS, PKCS12
# used by the internal client to authenticate with Pulsar brokers
# TLS KeyStore path for internal client
# used by the internal client to authenticate with Pulsar brokers
# TLS KeyStore password for internal client,
# used by the internal client to authenticate with Pulsar brokers
# TLS TrustStore type configuration for internal client: JKS, PKCS12
# used by the internal client to authenticate with Pulsar brokers
# TLS TrustStore path for internal client
# used by the internal client to authenticate with Pulsar brokers
# TLS TrustStore password for internal client,
# used by the internal client to authenticate with Pulsar brokers
# Specify the tls cipher the internal client will use to negotiate during TLS Handshake
# (a comma-separated list of ciphers)
# used by the internal client to authenticate with Pulsar brokers
# Examples:
# brokerClientTlsCiphers=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
# Specify the tls protocols the broker will use to negotiate during TLS handshake
# (a comma-separated list of protocol names).
# used by the internal client to authenticate with Pulsar brokers
# Example:
# brokerClientTlsProtocols=TLSv1.3,TLSv1.2
# You can add extra configuration options for the Pulsar Client and the Pulsar Admin Client
# by prefixing them with "brokerClient_". These configurations are applied after hard coded configuration
# and before the above brokerClient configurations named above.
### --- Metadata Store --- ###
# Whether we should enable metadata operations batching
# Maximum delay to impose on batching grouping
# Maximum number of operations to include in a singular batch
# Maximum size of a batch
### --- Authentication --- ###
# Enable authentication
# Authentication provider name list, which is comma separated list of class names
# Interval of time for checking for expired authentication credentials
# Enforce authorization
# Authorization provider fully qualified class-name
# Allow wildcard matching in authorization
# (wildcard matching only applicable if wildcard-char:
# * presents at first or last position eg: *.pulsar.service, pulsar.service.*)
# Role names that are treated as "super-user", meaning they will be able to do all admin
# operations and publish/consume from all topics
# Authentication settings of the broker itself. Used when the broker connects to other brokers,
# either in same or other clusters
# Supported Athenz provider domain names(comma separated) for authentication
# When this parameter is not empty, unauthenticated users perform as anonymousUserRole
## Configure the datasource of basic authenticate, supports the file and Base64 format.
# file:
# basicAuthConf=/path/my/.htpasswd
# use Base64 to encode the contents of .htpasswd:
# basicAuthConf=YOUR-BASE64-DATA
### --- Token Authentication Provider --- ###
## Symmetric key
# Configure the secret key to be used to validate auth tokens
# The key can be specified like:
# tokenSecretKey=data:;base64,xxxxxxxxx
# tokenSecretKey=file:///my/secret.key ( Note: key file must be DER-encoded )
## Asymmetric public/private key pair
# Configure the public key to be used to validate auth tokens
# The key can be specified like:
# tokenPublicKey=data:;base64,xxxxxxxxx
# tokenPublicKey=file:///my/public.key ( Note: key file must be DER-encoded )
# The token "claim" that will be interpreted as the authentication "role" or "principal" by AuthenticationProviderToken (defaults to "sub" if blank)
# The token audience "claim" name, e.g. "aud", that will be used to get the audience from token.
# If not set, audience will not be verified.
# The token audience stands for this broker. The field `tokenAudienceClaim` of a valid token, need contains this.
### --- SASL Authentication Provider --- ###
# This is a regexp, which limits the range of possible ids which can connect to the Broker using SASL.
# Default value: `SaslConstants.JAAS_CLIENT_ALLOWED_IDS_DEFAULT`, which is ".*pulsar.*",
# so only clients whose id contains 'pulsar' are allowed to connect.
# Service Principal, for login context name.
# Default value `SaslConstants.JAAS_DEFAULT_BROKER_SECTION_NAME`, which is "PulsarBroker".
# Path to file containing the secret to be used to SaslRoleTokenSigner
# The Path can be specified like:
# saslJaasServerRoleTokenSignerSecretPath=file:///my/saslRoleTokenSignerSecret.key
### --- HTTP Server config --- ###
# If >0, it will reject all HTTP requests with bodies larger than the configured limit
# The maximum size in bytes of the request header. Larger headers will allow for more and/or larger cookies plus larger
# form content encoded in a URL.However, larger headers consume more memory and can make a server more vulnerable to
# denial of service attacks.
httpMaxRequestHeaderSize = 8192
# If true, the broker will reject all HTTP requests using the TRACE and TRACK verbs.
# This setting may be necessary if the broker is deployed into an environment that uses http port
# scanning and flags web servers allowing the TRACE method as insecure.
# Enable the enforcement of limits on the incoming HTTP requests
# Max HTTP requests per seconds allowed. The excess of requests will be rejected with HTTP code 429 (Too many requests)
# Capacity for thread pool queue in the HTTP server
# Capacity for accept queue in the HTTP server
# Maximum number of inbound http connections. (0 to disable limiting)
# Max concurrent web requests
### --- BookKeeper Client --- ###
# Metadata service uri that bookkeeper is used for loading corresponding metadata driver
# and resolving its metadata service location.
# This value can be fetched using `bookkeeper shell whatisinstanceid` command in BookKeeper cluster.
# For example: zk+hierarchical://localhost:2181/ledgers
# The metadata service uri list can also be semicolon separated values like below:
# zk+hierarchical://zk1:2181;zk2:2181;zk3:2181/ledgers
# Authentication plugin to use when connecting to bookies
# BookKeeper auth plugin implementation specifics parameters name and values
# Timeout for BK add / read operations
# Number of BookKeeper client worker threads
# Default is Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()
# Number of BookKeeper client IO threads
# Default is Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 2
# Use separated IO threads for BookKeeper client
# Default is false, which will use Pulsar IO threads
# Speculative reads are initiated if a read request doesn't complete within a certain time
# Using a value of 0, is disabling the speculative reads
# Number of channels per bookie
# Use older Bookkeeper wire protocol with bookie
# Enable bookies health check. Bookies that have more than the configured number of failure within
# the interval will be quarantined for some time. During this period, new ledgers won't be created
# on these bookies
#bookie quarantine ratio to avoid all clients quarantine the high pressure bookie servers at the same time
# Specify options for the GetBookieInfo check. These settings can be useful
# to help ensure the list of bookies is up to date on the brokers.
# Enable rack-aware bookie selection policy. BK will chose bookies from different racks when
# forming a new bookie ensemble
# This parameter related to ensemblePlacementPolicy in conf/bookkeeper.conf, if enabled, ensemblePlacementPolicy
# should be set to org.apache.bookkeeper.client.RackawareEnsemblePlacementPolicy
# Enable region-aware bookie selection policy. BK will chose bookies from
# different regions and racks when forming a new bookie ensemble
# If enabled, the value of bookkeeperClientRackawarePolicyEnabled is ignored
# This parameter related to ensemblePlacementPolicy in conf/bookkeeper.conf, if enabled, ensemblePlacementPolicy
# should be set to org.apache.bookkeeper.client.RegionAwareEnsemblePlacementPolicy
# Minimum number of racks per write quorum. BK rack-aware bookie selection policy will try to
# get bookies from at least 'bookkeeperClientMinNumRacksPerWriteQuorum' racks for a write quorum.
# Enforces rack-aware bookie selection policy to pick bookies from 'bookkeeperClientMinNumRacksPerWriteQuorum'
# racks for a writeQuorum.
# If BK can't find bookie then it would throw BKNotEnoughBookiesException instead of picking random one.
# Enable/disable reordering read sequence on reading entries.
# Enable bookie isolation by specifying a list of bookie groups to choose from. Any bookie
# outside the specified groups will not be used by the broker
# Enable bookie secondary-isolation group if bookkeeperClientIsolationGroups doesn't
# have enough bookie available.
# Minimum bookies that should be available as part of bookkeeperClientIsolationGroups
# else broker will include bookkeeperClientSecondaryIsolationGroups bookies in isolated list.
# Enable/disable having read operations for a ledger to be sticky to a single bookie.
# If this flag is enabled, the client will use one single bookie (by preference) to read
# all entries for a ledger.
# Please notice that enabling sticky reads also requires that the ensemble size equals write quorum size for the ledger's
# persistence policies.
# Set the client security provider factory class name.
# Default: org.apache.bookkeeper.tls.TLSContextFactory
# Enable tls authentication with bookie
# Supported type: PEM, JKS, PKCS12. Default value: PEM
#Supported type: PEM, JKS, PKCS12. Default value: PEM
# Path to file containing keystore password, if the client keystore is password protected.
# Path to file containing truststore password, if the client truststore is password protected.
# Path for the TLS private key file
# Path for the TLS certificate file
# Path for the trusted TLS certificate file
# Tls cert refresh duration at bookKeeper-client in seconds (0 to disable check)
# Whether the hostname is validated when the broker creates a TLS connection to a bookkeeper
# Enable/disable disk weight based placement. Default is false
# Set the interval to check the need for sending an explicit LAC
# A value of '0' disables sending any explicit LACs. Default is 0.
# Expose bookkeeper client managed ledger stats to prometheus. default is false
# bookkeeperClientExposeStatsToPrometheus=false
# If bookkeeperClientExposeStatsToPrometheus is set to true, we can set bookkeeperClientLimitStatsLogging=true
# to limit per_channel_bookie_client metrics. default is true
# bookkeeperClientLimitStatsLogging=true
### --- Managed Ledger --- ###
# Ensemble size (E), Number of bookies to use for storing entries in a ledger.
# Please notice that sticky reads enabled by bookkeeperEnableStickyReads=true aren’t used
# unless ensemble size (E) equals write quorum (Qw) size.
# Write quorum (Qw) size, Replication factor for storing entries (messages) in a ledger.
# Ack quorum (Qa) size, Number of guaranteed copies (acks to wait for before a write is considered completed)
# with OpportunisticStriping=true the ensembleSize is adapted automatically to writeQuorum
# in case of lack of enough bookies
# You can add other configuration options for the BookKeeper client
# by prefixing them with "bookkeeper_". These configurations are applied
# to all bookkeeper clients started by the broker (including the managed ledger bookkeeper clients as well as
# the BookkeeperPackagesStorage bookkeeper client), except the distributed log bookkeeper client.
# The dlog bookkeeper client is configured in the functions worker configuration file.
# How frequently to flush the cursor positions that were accumulated due to rate limiting. (seconds).
# Default is 60 seconds
# How frequently to refresh the stats. (seconds). Default is 60 seconds
# Default type of checksum to use when writing to BookKeeper. Default is "CRC32C"
# Other possible options are "CRC32", "MAC" or "DUMMY" (no checksum).
# Number of threads to be used for managed ledger scheduled tasks
# Amount of memory to use for caching data payload in managed ledger. This memory
# is allocated from JVM direct memory and it's shared across all the topics
# running in the same broker. By default, uses 1/5th of available direct memory
# Whether we should make a copy of the entry payloads when inserting in cache
# Threshold to which bring down the cache level when eviction is triggered
# Configure the cache eviction interval in milliseconds for the managed ledger cache
# All entries that have stayed in cache for more than the configured time, will be evicted
# Configure the threshold (in number of entries) from where a cursor should be considered 'backlogged'
# and thus should be set as inactive.
# Minimum cursors that must be in backlog state to cache and reuse the read entries.
# (Default =0 to disable backlog reach cache)
# Minimum backlog entries for any cursor before start caching reads.
# Maximum backlog entry difference to prevent caching entries that can't be reused.
# Rate limit the amount of writes per second generated by consumer acking the messages
# Max number of entries to append to a ledger before triggering a rollover
# A ledger rollover is triggered after the min rollover time has passed
# and one of the following conditions is true:
# * The max rollover time has been reached
# * The max entries have been written to the ledger
# * The max ledger size has been written to the ledger
# Minimum time between ledger rollover for a topic
# Maximum time before forcing a ledger rollover for a topic
# Time to rollover ledger for inactive topic (duration without any publish on that topic)
# Disable rollover with value 0 (Default value 0)
# Maximum ledger size before triggering a rollover for a topic (MB)
# Delay between a ledger being successfully offloaded to long term storage
# and the ledger being deleted from bookkeeper (default is 4 hours)
# The number of bytes before triggering automatic offload to long term storage
# (default is -1, which is disabled)
# Read priority when ledgers exists in both bookkeeper and the second layer storage
# (tiered-storage-first/bookkeeper-first, default is tiered-storage-first)
# The number of seconds before triggering automatic offload to long term storage
# (default is -1, which is disabled)
# Trigger offload on topic load or not. Default is false.
# triggerOffloadOnTopicLoad=false
# Max number of entries to append to a cursor ledger
# Max time before triggering a rollover on a cursor ledger
# Max number of "acknowledgment holes" that are going to be persistently stored.
# When acknowledging out of order, a consumer will leave holes that are supposed
# to be quickly filled by acking all the messages. The information of which
# messages are acknowledged is persisted by compressing in "ranges" of messages
# that were acknowledged. After the max number of ranges is reached, the information
# will only be tracked in memory and messages will be redelivered in case of
# crashes.
# Maximum amount of memory used hold data read from storage (or from the cache).
# This mechanism prevents the broker to have too many concurrent
# reads from storage and fall into Out of Memory errors in case
# of multiple concurrent reads to multiple concurrent consumers.
# Set 0 in order to disable the feature.
# Max number of "acknowledgment holes" that can be stored in MetadataStore. If number of unack message range is higher
# than this limit then broker will persist unacked ranges into bookkeeper to avoid additional data overhead into
# MetadataStore.
# Skip reading non-recoverable/unreadable data-ledger under managed-ledger's list. It helps when data-ledgers gets
# corrupted at bookkeeper and managed-cursor is stuck at that ledger.
# Whether to recover cursors lazily when trying to recover a managed ledger backing a persistent topic.
# It can improve write availability of topics.
# The caveat is now when recovered ledger is ready to write we're not sure if all old consumers last mark
# delete position can be recovered or not.
# operation timeout while updating managed-ledger metadata.
# Read entries timeout when broker tries to read messages from bookkeeper.
# Add entry timeout when broker tries to publish message to bookkeeper (0 to disable it).
# Managed ledger prometheus stats latency rollover seconds (default: 60s)
# Whether trace managed ledger task execution time
# New entries check delay for the cursor under the managed ledger.
# If no new messages in the topic, the cursor will try to check again after the delay time.
# For consumption latency sensitive scenario, can set to a smaller value or set to 0.
# Of course, use a smaller value may degrade consumption throughput. Default is 10ms.
### --- Load balancer --- ###
# Enable load balancer
# Percentage of change to trigger load report update
# minimum interval to update load report
# maximum interval to update load report
# Frequency of report to collect
# Enable/disable automatic bundle unloading for load-shedding
# Load shedding interval. Broker periodically checks whether some traffic should be offload from
# some over-loaded broker to other under-loaded brokers
# Prevent the same topics to be shed and moved to other broker more than once within this timeframe
# Usage threshold to allocate max number of topics to broker
# Usage threshold to determine a broker as over-loaded
# Interval to flush dynamic resource quota to ZooKeeper
# enable/disable namespace bundle auto split
# enable/disable automatic unloading of split bundles
# maximum topics in a bundle, otherwise bundle split will be triggered
# maximum sessions (producers + consumers) in a bundle, otherwise bundle split will be triggered
# (disable threshold check with value -1)
# maximum msgRate (in + out) in a bundle, otherwise bundle split will be triggered
# maximum bandwidth (in + out) in a bundle, otherwise bundle split will be triggered
# maximum number of bundles in a namespace
# Override the auto-detection of the network interfaces max speed.
# This option is useful in some environments (eg: EC2 VMs) where the max speed
# reported by Linux is not reflecting the real bandwidth available to the broker.
# Since the network usage is employed by the load manager to decide when a broker
# is overloaded, it is important to make sure the info is correct or override it
# with the right value here. The configured value can be a double (eg: 0.8) and that
# can be used to trigger load-shedding even before hitting on NIC limits.
# Name of load manager to use
# Name of topic bundle assignment strategy to use
# Supported algorithms name for namespace bundle split.
# "range_equally_divide" divides the bundle into two parts with the same hash range size.
# "topic_count_equally_divide" divides the bundle into two parts with the same topics count.
# "specified_positions_divide" divides the bundle into several parts by the specified positions.
# Default algorithm name for namespace bundle split
# load shedding strategy, support OverloadShedder and ThresholdShedder, default is ThresholdShedder since 2.10.0
# If enabled, when current usage < average usage - threshold, the broker with the highest load will be triggered to unload.
# load balance placement strategy, support LeastLongTermMessageRate and LeastResourceUsageWithWeight
# The broker resource usage threshold.
# When the broker resource usage is greater than the pulsar cluster average resource usage,
# the threshold shedder will be triggered to offload bundles from the broker.
# It only takes effect in the ThresholdShedder strategy.
# The broker average resource usage difference threshold.
# Average resource usage difference threshold to determine a broker whether to be a best candidate in LeastResourceUsageWithWeight.
# (eg: broker1 with 10% resource usage with weight and broker2 with 30% and broker3 with 80% will have 40% average resource usage.
# The placement strategy can select broker1 and broker2 as best candidates.)
# It only takes effect in the LeastResourceUsageWithWeight strategy.
# Message-rate percentage threshold between highest and least loaded brokers for
# uniform load shedding. (eg: broker1 with 50K msgRate and broker2 with 30K msgRate
# will have 66% msgRate difference and load balancer can unload bundles from broker-1
# to broker-2)
# Message-throughput threshold between highest and least loaded brokers for
# uniform load shedding. (eg: broker1 with 450MB msgRate and broker2 with 100MB msgRate
# will have 4.5 times msgThroughout difference and load balancer can unload bundles
# from broker-1 to broker-2)
# When calculating new resource usage, the history usage accounts for.
# It only takes effect in the ThresholdShedder strategy.
# The BandWidthIn usage weight when calculating new resource usage.
# The BandWidthOut usage weight when calculating new resource usage.
# The CPU usage weight when calculating new resource usage.
# The direct memory usage weight when calculating new resource usage.
# Direct memory usage cannot accurately reflect the machine's load,
# and it is not recommended to use it to score the machine's load.
# Bundle unload minimum throughput threshold (MB), avoiding bundle unload frequently.
# It only takes effect in the ThresholdShedder strategy.
# Time to wait for the unloading of a namespace bundle
# configuration for AvgShedder, a new shedding and placement strategy
# The low threshold for the difference between the highest and lowest loaded brokers.
loadBalancerAvgShedderLowThreshold = 15
# The high threshold for the difference between the highest and lowest loaded brokers.
loadBalancerAvgShedderHighThreshold = 40
# The number of times the low threshold is triggered before the bundle is unloaded.
loadBalancerAvgShedderHitCountLowThreshold = 8
# The number of times the high threshold is triggered before the bundle is unloaded.
loadBalancerAvgShedderHitCountHighThreshold = 2
# In the UniformLoadShedder and AvgShedder strategy, the maximum unload ratio.
# For AvgShedder, recommend to set to 0.5, so that it will distribute the load evenly
# between the highest and lowest brokers.
maxUnloadPercentage = 0.2
### --- Load balancer extension --- ###
# Option to enable the debug mode for the load balancer logics.
# The debug mode prints more logs to provide more information such as load balance states and decisions.
# (only used in load balancer extension logics)
# The target standard deviation of the resource usage across brokers
# (100% resource usage is 1.0 load).
# The shedder logic tries to distribute bundle load across brokers to meet this target std.
# The smaller value will incur load balancing more frequently.
# (only used in load balancer extension TransferShedder)
# Threshold to the consecutive count of fulfilled shedding(unload) conditions.
# If the unload scheduler consecutively finds bundles that meet unload conditions
# many times bigger than this threshold, the scheduler will shed the bundles.
# The bigger value will incur less bundle unloading/transfers.
# (only used in load balancer extension TransferShedder)
# Option to enable the bundle transfer mode when distributing bundle loads.
# On: transfer bundles from overloaded brokers to underloaded
# -- pre-assigns the destination broker upon unloading).
# Off: unload bundles from overloaded brokers
# -- post-assigns the destination broker upon lookups).
# (only used in load balancer extension TransferShedder)
# Maximum number of brokers to unload bundle load for each unloading cycle.
# The bigger value will incur more unloading/transfers for each unloading cycle.
# (only used in load balancer extension TransferShedder)
# Delay (in seconds) to the next unloading cycle after unloading.
# The logic tries to give enough time for brokers to recompute load after unloading.
# The bigger value will delay the next unloading cycle longer.
# (only used in load balancer extension TransferShedder)
# Broker load data time to live (TTL in seconds).
# The logic tries to avoid (possibly unavailable) brokers with out-dated load data,
# and those brokers will be ignored in the load computation.
# When tuning this value, please consider loadBalancerReportUpdateMaxIntervalMinutes.
#The current default is loadBalancerReportUpdateMaxIntervalMinutes * 2.
# (only used in load balancer extension TransferShedder)
# Max number of bundles in bundle load report from each broker.
# The load balancer distributes bundles across brokers,
# based on topK bundle load data and other broker load data.
# The bigger value will increase the overhead of reporting many bundles in load data.
# Used for ExtensibleLoadManagerImpl and ModularLoadManagerImpl, default value is 10.
# User can disable the bundle filtering feature of ModularLoadManagerImpl by setting this value to -1.
# Enabling this feature can reduce the pressure on the zookeeper when doing load report.
# WARNING: too small value could result in a long load balance time.
# Service units'(bundles) split interval. Broker periodically checks whether
# some service units(e.g. bundles) should split if they become hot-spots.
# (only used in load balancer extension logics)
# Max number of bundles to split to per cycle.
# (only used in load balancer extension logics)
# Threshold to the consecutive count of fulfilled split conditions.
# If the split scheduler consecutively finds bundles that meet split conditions
# many times bigger than this threshold, the scheduler will trigger splits on the bundles
# (if the number of bundles is less than loadBalancerNamespaceMaximumBundles).
# (only used in load balancer extension logics)
# After this delay, the service-unit state channel tombstones any service units (e.g., bundles)
# in semi-terminal states. For example, after splits, parent bundles will be `deleted`,
# and then after this delay, the parent bundles' state will be `tombstoned`
# in the service-unit state channel.
# Pulsar does not immediately remove such semi-terminal states
# to avoid unnecessary system confusion,
# as the bundles in the `tombstoned` state might temporarily look available to reassign.
# Rarely, one could lower this delay in order to aggressively clean
# the service-unit state channel when there are a large number of bundles.
# minimum value = 30 secs
# (only used in load balancer extension logics)
# Name of ServiceUnitStateTableView implementation class to use
# Specify ServiceUnitTableViewSyncer to sync service unit(bundle) states between metadata store and
# system topic table views during migration from one to the other. One could enable this
# syncer before migration and disable it after the migration finishes.
# It accepts `MetadataStoreToSystemTopicSyncer` or `SystemTopicToMetadataStoreSyncer` to
# enable it. It accepts `None` to disable it."
### --- Replication --- ###
# Enable replication metrics
# Max number of connections to open for each broker in a remote cluster
# More connections host-to-host lead to better throughput over high-latency
# links.
# Replicator producer queue size
# Replicator prefix used for replicator producer name and cursor name
# Duration to check replication policy to avoid replicator inconsistency
# due to missing ZooKeeper watch (disable with value 0)
# Whether the internal replication of the local cluster will trigger topic auto-creation on the remote cluster.
# 1. After enabling namespace-level Geo-Replication: whether the local broker will create topics on the remote
# cluster automatically when calling `pulsar-admin topics create-partitioned-topic`.
# 2. When enabling topic-level Geo-Replication on a partitioned topic: whether the local broker will create topics on
# the remote cluster.
# 3. Whether the internal Geo-Replicator in the local cluster will trigger non-persistent topic auto-creation for
# remote clusters.
# It is not a dynamic config, the default value is "true" to preserve backward-compatible behavior.
# Default message retention time.
# 0 means retention is disabled. -1 means data is not removed by time quota.
# Default retention size.
# 0 means retention is disabled. -1 means data is not removed by size quota.
# How often to check whether the connections are still alive
# bootstrap namespaces
### --- WebSocket --- ###
# Enable the WebSocket API service in broker
# Number of IO threads in Pulsar Client used in WebSocket proxy
# Number of threads used by Websocket service
# Number of connections per Broker in Pulsar Client used in WebSocket proxy
# Memory limit in MBs for direct memory in Pulsar Client used in WebSocket proxy
# Time in milliseconds that idle WebSocket session times out
# The maximum size of a text message during parsing in WebSocket proxy
### --- Metrics --- ###
# Whether the '/metrics' endpoint requires authentication. Defaults to false
# Enable topic level metrics
# Enable consumer level metrics. default is false
# Enable cache metrics data, default value is false
# Enable producer level metrics. default is false
# Enable managed ledger metrics (aggregated by namespace). default is true
# Enable cursor level metrics. default is false
# Classname of Pluggable JVM GC metrics logger that can log GC specific metrics
# jvmGCMetricsLoggerClassName=
# Time in milliseconds that metrics endpoint would time out. Default is 30s.
# Increase it if there are a lot of topics to expose topic-level metrics.
# Set it to 0 to disable timeout.
# Enable or disable broker bundles metrics. The default value is false.
### --- Functions --- ###
# Enable Functions Worker Service in Broker
#Enable Functions Worker to use packageManagement Service to store package.
### --- Broker Web Stats --- ###
# Enable topic level metrics
# Enable expose the precise backlog stats.
# Set false to use published counter and consumed counter to calculate, this would be more efficient but may be inaccurate.
# Default is false.
# Enable splitting topic and partition label in Prometheus.
# If enabled, a topic name will split into 2 parts, one is topic name without partition index,
# another one is partition index, e.g. (topic=xxx, partition=0).
# If the topic is a non-partitioned topic, -1 will be used for the partition index.
# If disabled, one label to represent the topic and partition, e.g. (topic=xxx-partition-0)
# Default is false.
# If true and the client supports partial producer, aggregate publisher stats of PartitionedTopicStats by producerName.
# Otherwise, aggregate it by list index.
# Interval between checks to see if cluster is migrated and marks topic migrated
# if cluster is marked migrated. Disable with value 0. (Default disabled).
# Flag to start cluster migration for topic only after creating all topic's resources
# such as tenant, namespaces, subscriptions at new green cluster. (Default disabled).
### --- Schema storage --- ###
# The schema storage implementation used by this broker
# Whether to enable schema validation.
# When schema validation is enabled, if a producer without a schema attempts to produce the message to a topic with schema, the producer is rejected and disconnected.
# The schema compatibility strategy at broker level.
### --- Ledger Offloading --- ###
# The directory for all the offloader implementations
# Driver to use to offload old data to long term storage (Possible values: aws-s3, google-cloud-storage, azureblob, aliyun-oss, filesystem, S3)
# When using google-cloud-storage, Make sure both Google Cloud Storage and Google Cloud Storage JSON API are enabled for
# the project (check from Developers Console -> Api&auth -> APIs).
# Maximum number of thread pool threads for ledger offloading
# The extraction directory of the nar package.
# Available for Protocol Handler, Additional Servlets, Entry Filter, Offloaders, Broker Interceptor.
# Default is System.getProperty("").
# Maximum prefetch rounds for ledger reading for offloading
# Use Open Range-Set to cache unacked messages
# For Amazon S3 ledger offload, AWS region
# For Amazon S3 ledger offload, Bucket to place offloaded ledger into
# For Amazon S3 ledger offload, Alternative endpoint to connect to (useful for testing)
# For Amazon S3 ledger offload, Max block size in bytes. (64MiB by default, 5MiB minimum)
# For Amazon S3 ledger offload, Read buffer size in bytes (1MiB by default)
# For Google Cloud Storage ledger offload, region where offload bucket is located.
# reference this page for more details:
# For Google Cloud Storage ledger offload, Bucket to place offloaded ledger into
# For Google Cloud Storage ledger offload, Max block size in bytes. (128MiB by default, 5MiB minimum)
# Since JClouds limits the maximum number of blocks to 32, the maximum size of a ledger is 32 times the block size.
# For Google Cloud Storage ledger offload, Read buffer size in bytes (1MiB by default)
# For Google Cloud Storage, path to json file containing service account credentials.
# For more details, see the "Service Accounts" section of
# For Azure BlobStore ledger offload, Blob Container (Bucket) to place offloaded ledger into
#For File System Storage, file system profile path (Use a relative path, the current dir is the pulsar dir)
#For File System Storage, file system uri
### --- Transaction config variables --- ###
# Enable transaction coordinator in broker
# Transaction buffer takes a snapshot after the number of transaction operations reaches this value.
# If transaction buffer enables snapshot segment, transaction buffer updates snapshot metadata
# after the number of transaction operations reaches this value.
# The interval time for transaction buffer to take snapshots.
# If transaction buffer enables snapshot segment, it is the interval time for transaction buffer to update snapshot metadata.
# Unit : millisecond
# Whether to enable segmented transaction buffer snapshot to handle a large number of aborted transactions.
# Transaction buffer stores the transaction ID of aborted transactions and takes snapshots.
# This configuration determines the size of the snapshot segment. The default value is 256 KB (262144 bytes).
# The max concurrent requests for transaction buffer client, default is 1000
# The max active transactions per transaction coordinator, default value 0 indicates no limit.
# MLPendingAckStore maintains a ConcurrentSkipListMap pendingAckLogIndex,
# It stores the position in pendingAckStore as its value and saves a position used to determine
# whether the previous data can be cleaned up as a key.
# transactionPendingAckLogIndexMinLag is used to configure the minimum lag between indexes
# The transaction buffer client's operation timeout in milliseconds.
# Provide a mechanism allowing the Transaction Log Store to aggregate multiple records into a batched record and
# persist into a single BK entry. This will make Pulsar transactions work more efficiently, aka batched log.
# see:
# If enabled the feature that transaction log batch, this attribute means maximum log records count in a batch.
# If enabled the feature that transaction log batch, this attribute means bytes size in a batch,default 4m.
# If enabled the feature that transaction log batch, this attribute means maximum wait time(in millis) for the first
# record in a batch
# Provide a mechanism allowing the Pending Ack Store to aggregate multiple records into a batched record and persist
# into a single BK entry. This will make Pulsar transactions work more efficiently, aka batched log.
# see:
# If enabled the feature that transaction pending ack log batch, this attribute means maximum log records count in a
# batch.
# If enabled the feature that transaction pending ack log batch, this attribute means bytes size in a batch, default:4m.
# If enabled the feature that transaction pending ack log batch, this attribute means maximum wait time(in millis) for
# the first record in a batch.
### --- Packages management service configuration variables (begin) --- ###
# Enable the packages management service or not
# The packages management service storage service provide
# When the packages storage provider is bookkeeper, you can use this configuration to
# control the number of replicas for storing the package
# The bookkeeper ledger root path
# When using BookKeeperPackagesStorageProvider, you can configure the
# bookkeeper client by prefixing configurations with "bookkeeper_".
# This config applies to managed ledger bookkeeper clients, as well.
### --- Packages management service configuration variables (end) --- ###
#enable or disable strict bookie affinity
### --- Deprecated settings --- ###
# These settings are left here for compatibility
# The heap memory usage weight when calculating new resource usage.
# Deprecated: Memory is no longer used as a load balancing item
# Zookeeper quorum connection string
# Deprecated: use metadataStoreUrl instead
# Configuration Store connection string
# Deprecated. Use configurationMetadataStoreUrl
# Zookeeper session timeout in milliseconds
# Deprecated: use metadataStoreSessionTimeoutMillis
# ZooKeeper operation timeout in seconds
# Deprecated: use metadataStoreOperationTimeoutSeconds
# ZooKeeper cache expiry time in seconds
# Deprecated: use metadataStoreCacheExpirySeconds
# Deprecated - Enable TLS when talking with other clusters to replicate messages
# Deprecated. Use brokerDeleteInactiveTopicsFrequencySeconds
# Deprecated - Use backlogQuotaDefaultLimitByte instead.
# Deprecated - Use webServicePortTls and brokerServicePortTls instead
# Enable Key_Shared subscription (default is enabled)
# @deprecated since 2.8.0 subscriptionTypesEnabled is preferred over subscriptionKeySharedEnable.
# Max number of "acknowledgment holes" that can be stored in Zookeeper. If number of unack message range is higher
# than this limit then broker will persist unacked ranges into bookkeeper to avoid additional data overhead into
# zookeeper.
# Deprecated: use managedLedgerMaxUnackedRangesToPersistInMetadataStore
# After enabling this feature, Pulsar will stop delivery messages to clients if the cursor metadata is too large to
# persist, it will help to reduce the duplicates caused by the ack state that can not be fully persistent.
# If enabled, the maximum "acknowledgment holes" will not be limited and "acknowledgment holes" are stored in
# multiple entries.
# Deprecated - Use managedLedgerCacheEvictionIntervalMs instead
# Number of worker threads to serve non-persistent topic
# Deprecated - use topicOrderedExecutorThreadNum instead.
# The directory to locate broker interceptors
# List of broker interceptor to load, which is a list of broker interceptor names
# Enable or disable the broker interceptor, which is only used for testing for now