blob: ce3f033a3b0f1378a19371af4d16090cf5f68419 [file] [log] [blame]
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import io.prometheus.client.Summary;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.admin.PulsarAdminException;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.Consumer;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.Message;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.MessageId;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.Producer;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.ProducerConsumerBase;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.PulsarClientException;
import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.SubscriptionType;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.naming.NamespaceName;
import org.apache.pulsar.common.naming.TopicName;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
// The tests implement a set of producer/consumer operations on a set of topics.
// [A thread is started for each producer, and each consumer in the test.]
// The tenants and namespaces in those topics are associated with a set of resource-groups (RGs).
// After sending/receiving all the messages, traffic usage statistics, and Prometheus-metrics
// are verified on the RGs.
public class RGUsageMTAggrWaitForAllMsgsTest extends ProducerConsumerBase {
protected void setup() throws Exception {
ResourceQuotaCalculator dummyQuotaCalc = new ResourceQuotaCalculator() {
public boolean needToReportLocalUsage(long currentBytesUsed, long lastReportedBytes,
long currentMessagesUsed, long lastReportedMessages,
long lastReportTimeMSecsSinceEpoch) {
// Pretend to report every time, just to see the RG-metrics increasing.
return true;
public long computeLocalQuota(long confUsage, long myUsage, long[] allUsages) {
return 0;
ResourceUsageTopicTransportManager transportMgr = new ResourceUsageTopicTransportManager(pulsar);
this.rgservice = new ResourceGroupService(pulsar, TimeUnit.SECONDS, transportMgr, dummyQuotaCalc);
@AfterClass(alwaysRun = true)
protected void cleanup() throws Exception {
public void testMTProduceConsumeRGUsage() throws Exception {
int topicSet= 0;
for (String[] topicStrings : AllTopicNames) {
// AllTopicNames has the topic strings in this order:
// PersistentTopicNamesSameTenanatAndNsRGs[],
// PersistentTopicNamesDifferentTenantAndNsRGs[],
// NonPersistentTopicNamesSameTenantAndNsRGs[],
// NonPersistentTopicNamesDifferentTenantAndNsRGs[].
// If the number of RGs is == 1, the "same tenant/NS" topics names and the
// "different tenant/NS" topic names coincide; so, there's no need to run them distinctly.
if (NUM_RESOURCE_GROUPS == 1 && (topicSet % 2 == 1)) {"NumRGs={}; skipping repetition of test for topic-set {}", NUM_RESOURCE_GROUPS, topicSet);
} else {
testProduceConsumeUsageOnRG(topicStrings);"Done with topic-set {}", topicSet);
}"Done testing with all topics");
// A class which implements the producer; the main test thread will spawn multiple producers.
private class produceMessages implements Runnable {
private int producerId;
private int numMesgsToProduce;
private String[] topicStrings;
private String myProduceTopic;
private int sentNumBytes = 0;
private int sentNumMsgs = 0;
private int numExceptions = 0;
produceMessages(int prodId, int nMesgs, String[] topics) {
producerId = prodId;
numMesgsToProduce = nMesgs;
topicStrings = topics;
myProduceTopic = topicStrings[producerId % NUM_TOPICS];
public int getNumBytesSent() {
return sentNumBytes;
public int getNumMessagesSent() {
return sentNumMsgs;
public int getNumExceptions() {
return numExceptions;
public void run() {
Producer<byte[]> producer = null;
try {
// The producer will send messages to a specific topic, since it doesn't make sense for a producer
// to produce a message with vagueness about the destination topic (neither do Pulsar APIs allow it).
producer = pulsarClient.newProducer()
} catch (PulsarClientException p) {
numExceptions++;"Producer={} got exception while building producer: ex={}",
producerId, p.getMessage());
for (int ix = 0; ix < numMesgsToProduce; ix++) {
byte[] mesg;
try {
mesg = String.format("ProducerId=%d, ix=%d, topic=%s", producerId, ix, myProduceTopic).getBytes();
MessageId msgId = producer.send(mesg);
sentNumBytes += mesg.length;
log.debug("Producer={}, sent msg-ix={}, msgId={}", producerId, ix, msgId);
} catch (PulsarClientException p) {
numExceptions++;"Producer={} got exception while sending {}-th time: ex={}",
producerId, ix, p.getMessage());
try {
} catch (PulsarClientException p) {
numExceptions++;"Producer={} got exception while closing producer: ex={}",
producerId, p.getMessage());
log.debug("Producer={} done with topic={}; got {} exceptions", producerId, myProduceTopic, numExceptions);
// Track the producer object, and the thread using it.
class producerWithThread {
produceMessages producer;
Thread thread;
// A class which implements the consumer; the main test thread will spawn multiple consumers.
private class consumeMessages implements Runnable {
private int consumerId;
private int numMesgsForThisConsumer;
private int numTotalMesgsToConsume;
private SubscriptionType subscriptionType;
private String[] topicStrings;
private Consumer<byte[]> consumer = null;
private int recvTimeoutMilliSecs = 1000;
private int ackTimeoutMilliSecs = 1100; // has to be more than 1 second
private int recvdNumBytes = 0;
private int recvdNumMsgs = 0;
private int numExceptions = 0;
private volatile boolean allMessagesReceived = false;
private volatile boolean consumerIsReady = false;
consumeMessages(int consId, int nMesgs, int totalMesgs, SubscriptionType subType, String[] topics) {
consumerId = consId;
numMesgsForThisConsumer = nMesgs;
numTotalMesgsToConsume = totalMesgs;
subscriptionType = subType;
topicStrings = topics;
public boolean isConsumerReady() {
return consumerIsReady;
public int getNumBytesRecvd() {
return recvdNumBytes;
public int getNumMessagesRecvd() {
return recvdNumMsgs;
public int getNumExceptions() {
return numExceptions;
public void setAllMessagesReceived() { allMessagesReceived = true; }
public void closeConsumer() {
try {
consumerIsReady = false;
} catch (PulsarClientException p) {
log.error("Consumer={} got exception while closing consumer: ex={}",
consumerId, p.getMessage());
public void run() {
// Create a consumer and subscription, and space for messages, so that they are held for consumption.
int recvQueueSize = 0;
String subscriptionString = null;
switch(subscriptionType) {
final String errMesg = String.format("Consumer=%d got unexpected subscription type=%s",
consumerId, subscriptionType);
Assert.assertTrue(false, errMesg);
case Shared:
recvQueueSize = numTotalMesgsToConsume;
subscriptionString = "my-subscription";
case Exclusive:
recvQueueSize = numMesgsForThisConsumer;
subscriptionString = "my-subscription-" + consumerId;
try {
// The consumer will try to get a message from any of the topics, since Pulsar allows a consumer to
// be subscribed to multiple topics.
consumer = pulsarClient.newConsumer()
.ackTimeout(ackTimeoutMilliSecs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
} catch (PulsarClientException p) {
log.error("Consumer={} got exception while building consumer: ex={}",
consumerId, p.getMessage());
Message<byte[]> message = null;
consumerIsReady = true;
while (consumerIsReady && !allMessagesReceived) {
log.debug("Consumer={} waiting for mesgnum={}", consumerId, recvdNumMsgs);
try {
message = consumer.receive(recvTimeoutMilliSecs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
if (message != null) {
String mesg = String.format("Consumer=%d recvd %d-th mesg; id=%s, data=%s",
consumerId, recvdNumMsgs, message.getMessageId(), new String(message.getData()));
recvdNumBytes += message.getValue().length;
} catch (PulsarClientException p) {
log.error("Consumer={} got exception in while receiving {}-th mesg at consumer: ex={}",
consumerId, recvdNumMsgs, p.getMessage());
log.debug("Consumer={} done; got {} exceptions", consumerId, numExceptions);
// Track the consumer object, and the thread using it.
class consumerWithThread {
consumeMessages consumer;
Thread thread;
// Given a topic, get the tenant RG-name
private String TopicToTenantRGName (TopicName topicName) {
// Under the current topic naming scheme, the tenant-rg name is just the tenant part of the topic.
String tenant = topicName.getTenant();
return tenant;
// Given a topic, get the namespace RG-name
private String TopicToNamespaceRGName (TopicName topicName) {
// Under the current topic naming scheme, the namespace-rg name is just the namespace part of the topic.
String nameSpace = topicName.getNamespacePortion();
return nameSpace;
// Return true if the tenant-RG == namespace-RG in the topics given, false otherwise.
// If some are equal, and others unequal, throw, becasue thisis unexpected in this UT at the moment.
private boolean tenantRGEqualsNamespaceRG(String[] topicStrings) throws PulsarClientException {
int numEqualRGs = 0;
int numUnEqualRGs = 0;
int numTopics = topicStrings.length;
for (String topicStr : topicStrings) {
TopicName topic = TopicName.get(topicStr);
String tenantRG = TopicToTenantRGName(topic);
String namespaceRG = TopicToNamespaceRGName(topic);
if (tenantRG.compareTo(namespaceRG) == 0) {
} else {
if ((numEqualRGs + numUnEqualRGs != numTopics) || (numEqualRGs > 0 && numUnEqualRGs > 0)) {
String errMesg = String.format("Found %s topics with equal RGs and %s with unequal, on %s topics",
numEqualRGs, numUnEqualRGs, numTopics);
throw new PulsarClientException(errMesg);
} else {
return numEqualRGs == numTopics;
private void registerTenantsAndNamespaces(String[] topicStrings) throws Exception {
for (String topicStr : topicStrings) {
final TopicName topic = TopicName.get(topicStr);
final String tenantRG = TopicToTenantRGName(topic);
final String namespaceRG = TopicToNamespaceRGName(topic);
final NamespaceName ns = topic.getNamespaceObject();
// The tenant name and namespace name parts of the topic are the same as their corresponding RG-names.
// Hence, the arguments to register look a little odd.
if (!registeredTenants.contains(tenantRG)) {
this.rgservice.registerTenant(tenantRG, tenantRG);
if (!registeredNamespaces.contains(namespaceRG)) {
this.rgservice.registerNameSpace(namespaceRG, ns);
private void unRegisterTenantsAndNamespaces(String[] topicStrings) throws Exception {
for (String topicStr : topicStrings) {
final TopicName topic = TopicName.get(topicStr);
final String tenantRG = TopicToTenantRGName(topic);
final String namespaceRG = TopicToNamespaceRGName(topic);
final String tenantAndNamespace = topic.getNamespace();;
// The tenant name and namespace name parts of the topic are the same as their corresponding RG-names.
// Hence, the arguments to unRegister look a little odd.
if (registeredTenants.contains(tenantRG)) {
this.rgservice.unRegisterTenant(tenantRG, tenantRG);
if (registeredNamespaces.contains(namespaceRG)) {
this.rgservice.unRegisterNameSpace(namespaceRG, NamespaceName.get(tenantAndNamespace));
// Produce/consume messages on the given topics, and verify that the resource-group stats are updated.
private void testProduceConsumeUsageOnRG(String[] topicStrings) throws Exception {
// creating the topics results in exposing a regression.
// It can be put back after is fixed.
// createTopics(topicStrings);
final int TotalExpectedMessagesToSend = NUM_TOTAL_MESSAGES;
final int TotalExpectedMessagesToReceive = TotalExpectedMessagesToSend;
final SubscriptionType consumeSubscriptionType = SubscriptionType.Shared; // Shared, or Exclusive
producerWithThread prodThr[] = new producerWithThread[NUM_PRODUCERS];
consumerWithThread consThr[] = new consumerWithThread[NUM_CONSUMERS];
int sentNumBytes = 0;
int sentNumMsgs = 0;
int numProducerExceptions = 0;
// // Verify that stats on the topic are all-zero in the beginning.
// this.verfyRGProdConsStats(topicStrings, 0, 0, 0, 0,true, true);
// Fork some consumers to receive the messages.
for (int ix = 0; ix < NUM_CONSUMERS; ix++) {
consThr[ix] = new consumerWithThread();
consumeMessages cm = new consumeMessages(ix, NUM_MESSAGES_PER_CONSUMER, TotalExpectedMessagesToReceive,
consumeSubscriptionType, topicStrings);
Thread thr = new Thread(cm);
consThr[ix].consumer = cm;
consThr[ix].thread = thr;
// Wait for all consumers to be ready, before forking producers, so we don't lose messages.
int numReadyConsumers;
do {
numReadyConsumers = 0;
for (int ix = 0; ix < NUM_CONSUMERS; ix++) {
if (consThr[ix].consumer.isConsumerReady()) {
log.debug("{} consumers are not yet ready", NUM_CONSUMERS - numReadyConsumers);
} while (numReadyConsumers < NUM_CONSUMERS);
// Fork some producers to send the messages.
for (int ix = 0; ix < NUM_PRODUCERS; ix++) {
prodThr[ix] = new producerWithThread();
produceMessages pm = new produceMessages(ix, NUM_MESSAGES_PER_PRODUCER, topicStrings);
Thread thr = new Thread(pm);
prodThr[ix].producer = pm;
prodThr[ix].thread = thr;
// Wait for the producers to complete.
int sentMsgs, sentBytes;
for (int ix = 0; ix < NUM_PRODUCERS; ix++) {
sentBytes = prodThr[ix].producer.getNumBytesSent();
sentMsgs = prodThr[ix].producer.getNumMessagesSent();
numProducerExceptions += prodThr[ix].producer.getNumExceptions();
log.debug("Producer={} sent {} mesgs and {} bytes", ix, sentMsgs, sentBytes);
sentNumBytes += sentBytes;
sentNumMsgs += sentMsgs;
Assert.assertEquals(sentNumMsgs, TotalExpectedMessagesToSend);
Assert.assertEquals(numProducerExceptions, 0);
int recvdNumBytes = 0;
int recvdNumMsgs;
int numConsumerExceptions = 0;
// Wait for the consumers to receive all the messages.
do {
recvdNumMsgs = 0;
int consNumMesgsRecvd;
for (int ix = 0; ix < NUM_CONSUMERS; ix++) {
consNumMesgsRecvd = consThr[ix].consumer.getNumMessagesRecvd();
recvdNumMsgs += consNumMesgsRecvd;
log.debug("consumer={} received {} messages (current total {}, expected {})",
ix, consNumMesgsRecvd, recvdNumMsgs, TotalExpectedMessagesToReceive);
} while (recvdNumMsgs < TotalExpectedMessagesToReceive);
// Tell the consumers that all expected messages have been received (but don't close them yet).
for (int ix = 0; ix < NUM_CONSUMERS; ix++) {
log.debug("consumer={} told to stop", ix);
boolean[] joinedConsumers = new boolean[NUM_CONSUMERS];
for (boolean b : joinedConsumers) {
b = false;
recvdNumMsgs = recvdNumBytes = 0;
int numConsumersDone = 0;
int recvdMsgs, recvdBytes;
while (numConsumersDone < NUM_CONSUMERS) {
for (int ix = 0; ix < NUM_CONSUMERS; ix++) {
if (joinedConsumers[ix] == false) {
recvdBytes = consThr[ix].consumer.getNumBytesRecvd();
recvdMsgs = consThr[ix].consumer.getNumMessagesRecvd();
numConsumerExceptions += consThr[ix].consumer.getNumExceptions();
log.debug("Consumer={} received {} mesgs and {} bytes", ix, recvdMsgs, recvdBytes);
joinedConsumers[ix] = true;
log.debug("Joined consumer={}", ix);
recvdNumBytes += recvdBytes;
recvdNumMsgs += recvdMsgs;
// Close the consumers.
for (int ix = 0; ix < NUM_CONSUMERS; ix++) {
Assert.assertEquals(recvdNumMsgs, TotalExpectedMessagesToReceive);
Assert.assertEquals(numConsumerExceptions, 0);
// // Verify the producer side stats (msgInCounter/bytesInCounter) only.
// this.verfyRGProdConsStats(topicStrings, sentNumBytes, sentNumMsgs, 0, 0,true, false);
// this.verifyRGMetrics(topicStrings, sentNumBytes, sentNumMsgs, recvdNumBytes, recvdNumMsgs, true, false);
// Verify producer and consumer side stats.
this.verfyRGProdConsStats(topicStrings, sentNumBytes, sentNumMsgs, recvdNumBytes, recvdNumMsgs, true, true);
// Verify the metrics corresponding to the operations in this test.
this.verifyRGMetrics(topicStrings, sentNumBytes, sentNumMsgs, recvdNumBytes, recvdNumMsgs, true, true);
// destroyTopics can be called after createTopics() is added back
// (see comment above regarding
// destroyTopics(topicStrings);
// Verify the app stats with what we see from the broker-service, and the resource-group (which in turn internally
// derives stats from the broker service)
private void verfyRGProdConsStats(String[] topicStrings,
int sentNumBytes, int sentNumMsgs,
int recvdNumBytes, int recvdNumMsgs,
boolean checkProduce, boolean checkConsume) throws Exception {
boolean tenantRGEqualsNsRG = tenantRGEqualsNamespaceRG(topicStrings);
BrokerService bs = pulsar.getBrokerService();
Map<String, TopicStatsImpl> topicStatsMap = bs.getTopicStats();
log.debug("verfyProdConsStats: topicStatsMap has {} entries", topicStatsMap.size());
// Pulsar runtime adds some additional bytes in the exchanges: a 42-byte per-message
// metadata of some kind, plus more as the number of messages increases.
// Hence the ">=" assertion with ExpectedNumBytesSent/Received in the following checks.
final int ExpectedNumBytesSent = sentNumBytes + PER_MESSAGE_METADATA_OHEAD * sentNumMsgs;
final int ExpectedNumBytesReceived = recvdNumBytes + PER_MESSAGE_METADATA_OHEAD * recvdNumMsgs;
long totalOutMessages = 0, totalOutBytes = 0;
long totalInMessages = 0, totalInBytes = 0;
BytesAndMessagesCount totalTenantRGProdCounts = new BytesAndMessagesCount();
BytesAndMessagesCount totalTenantRGConsCounts = new BytesAndMessagesCount();
BytesAndMessagesCount totalNsRGProdCounts = new BytesAndMessagesCount();
BytesAndMessagesCount totalNsRGConsCounts = new BytesAndMessagesCount();
BytesAndMessagesCount prodCounts, consCounts;
// If the tenant and NS are on different RGs, the bytes/messages get counted once on the
// tenant RG, and again on the namespace RG. This double-counting is avoided if tenant-RG == NS-RG.
// This is a known (and discussed) artifact in the implementation.
// 'ScaleFactor' is a way to incorporate that effect in the verification.
final int ScaleFactor = 1; // tenantRGEqualsNsRG ? 1 : 2;
// Following sleep is to get the broker-service to gather stats on the topics.
// [There appears to be some asynchrony there.]
// Thread.sleep(5 * 1000);
// Since the following walk is on topics, keep track of the RGs for which we have already gathered stats,
// so that we do not double-accumulate stats if multiple topics refer to the same RG.
HashSet<String> RGsWithPublishStatsGathered = new HashSet<>();
HashSet<String> RGsWithDispatchStatsGathered = new HashSet<>();
// Hack to ensure aggregator calculation without waiting for a period of aggregation.
// [aggregateResourceGroupLocalUsages() is idempotent when there's no fresh traffic flowing.]
for (Map.Entry<String, TopicStatsImpl> entry : topicStatsMap.entrySet()) {
String mapTopicName = entry.getKey();
if (Arrays.asList(topicStrings).contains(mapTopicName)) {
TopicStats stats = entry.getValue();
totalInMessages += stats.getMsgInCounter();
totalInBytes += stats.getBytesInCounter();
totalOutMessages += stats.getMsgOutCounter();
totalOutBytes += stats.getBytesOutCounter();
// Assuming that broker-service stats-gathering is doing its job,
// we should see some produced mesgs on every topic.
if (totalInMessages == 0) {
log.warn("verfyProdConsStats: found no produced mesgs (msgInCounter) on topic {}", mapTopicName);
if (sentNumMsgs > 0 || recvdNumMsgs > 0) {
TopicName topic = TopicName.get(mapTopicName);
final String tenantRGName = TopicToTenantRGName(topic);
if (!RGsWithPublishStatsGathered.contains(tenantRGName)) {
prodCounts = this.rgservice.getRGUsage(tenantRGName, ResourceGroupMonitoringClass.Publish,
totalTenantRGProdCounts = ResourceGroup.accumulateBMCount(totalTenantRGProdCounts, prodCounts);
if (!RGsWithDispatchStatsGathered.contains(tenantRGName)) {
consCounts = this.rgservice.getRGUsage(tenantRGName, ResourceGroupMonitoringClass.Dispatch,
totalTenantRGConsCounts = ResourceGroup.accumulateBMCount(totalTenantRGConsCounts, consCounts);
final String nsRGName = TopicToNamespaceRGName(topic);
// If tenantRGName == nsRGName, the RG-infra will avoid double counting.
// We will do the same here, to get the expected stats.
if (tenantRGName.compareTo(nsRGName) != 0) {
if (!RGsWithPublishStatsGathered.contains(nsRGName)) {
prodCounts = this.rgservice.getRGUsage(nsRGName, ResourceGroupMonitoringClass.Publish,
totalNsRGProdCounts = ResourceGroup.accumulateBMCount(totalNsRGProdCounts, prodCounts);
if (!RGsWithDispatchStatsGathered.contains(nsRGName)) {
consCounts = this.rgservice.getRGUsage(nsRGName, ResourceGroupMonitoringClass.Dispatch,
totalNsRGConsCounts = ResourceGroup.accumulateBMCount(totalNsRGConsCounts, consCounts);
// Check that the accumulated totals tally up.
if (checkConsume && checkProduce) {
Assert.assertEquals(totalOutMessages, totalInMessages);
Assert.assertEquals(totalOutBytes, totalInBytes);
if (checkProduce) {
Assert.assertEquals(totalInMessages, sentNumMsgs);
Assert.assertTrue(totalInBytes >= ExpectedNumBytesSent);
if (checkConsume) {
Assert.assertEquals(totalOutMessages, recvdNumMsgs);
Assert.assertTrue(totalOutBytes >= ExpectedNumBytesReceived);
if (checkProduce) {
prodCounts = ResourceGroup.accumulateBMCount(totalTenantRGProdCounts, totalNsRGProdCounts);
Assert.assertEquals(prodCounts.messages, sentNumMsgs);
Assert.assertTrue(prodCounts.bytes >= ExpectedNumBytesSent);
if (checkConsume) {
consCounts = ResourceGroup.accumulateBMCount(totalTenantRGConsCounts, totalNsRGConsCounts);
Assert.assertEquals(consCounts.messages, recvdNumMsgs);
Assert.assertTrue(consCounts.bytes >= ExpectedNumBytesReceived);
// Check the metrics for the RGs involved
private void verifyRGMetrics(String[] topicStrings,
int sentNumBytes, int sentNumMsgs,
int recvdNumBytes, int recvdNumMsgs,
boolean checkProduce, boolean checkConsume) throws Exception {
boolean tenantRGEqualsNsRG = tenantRGEqualsNamespaceRG(topicStrings);
final int ExpectedNumBytesSent = sentNumBytes + PER_MESSAGE_METADATA_OHEAD * sentNumMsgs;
final int ExpectedNumBytesReceived = recvdNumBytes + PER_MESSAGE_METADATA_OHEAD * recvdNumMsgs;
long totalTenantRegisters = 0;
long totalTenantUnRegisters = 0;
long totalNamespaceRegisters = 0;
long totalNamespaceUnRegisters = 0;
long[] totalQuotaBytes = new long[ResourceGroupMonitoringClass.values().length];
long[] totalQuotaMessages = new long[ResourceGroupMonitoringClass.values().length];
long[] totalUsedBytes = new long[ResourceGroupMonitoringClass.values().length];
long[] totalUsedMessages = new long[ResourceGroupMonitoringClass.values().length];
long[] totalUsageReportCounts = new long[ResourceGroupMonitoringClass.values().length];
long totalUpdates = 0;
// Hack to ensure aggregator calculation without waiting for a period of aggregation.
// [aggregateResourceGroupLocalUsages() is idempotent when there's no new traffic flowing.]
for (String rgName : RGNames) {
for (ResourceGroupMonitoringClass mc : ResourceGroupMonitoringClass.values()) {
String mcName =;
int mcIndex = mc.ordinal();
double quotaBytes = ResourceGroupService.getRgQuotaByteCount(rgName, mcName);
totalQuotaBytes[mcIndex] += quotaBytes;
double quotaMesgs = ResourceGroupService.getRgQuotaMessageCount(rgName, mcName);
totalQuotaMessages[mcIndex] += quotaMesgs;
double usedBytes = ResourceGroupService.getRgLocalUsageByteCount(rgName, mcName);
totalUsedBytes[mcIndex] += usedBytes;
double usedMesgs = ResourceGroupService.getRgLocalUsageMessageCount(rgName, mcName);
totalUsedMessages[mcIndex] += usedMesgs;
double usageReportedCount = ResourceGroup.getRgUsageReportedCount(rgName, mcName);
totalUsageReportCounts[mcIndex] += usageReportedCount;
totalTenantRegisters += ResourceGroupService.getRgTenantRegistersCount(rgName);
totalTenantUnRegisters += ResourceGroupService.getRgTenantUnRegistersCount(rgName);
totalNamespaceRegisters += ResourceGroupService.getRgNamespaceRegistersCount(rgName);
totalNamespaceUnRegisters += ResourceGroupService.getRgNamespaceUnRegistersCount(rgName);;
totalUpdates += ResourceGroupService.getRgUpdatesCount(rgName);
}"totalTenantRegisters={}, totalTenantUnRegisters={}, " +
"totalNamespaceRegisters={}, totalNamespaceUnRegisters={}",
totalTenantRegisters, totalTenantUnRegisters, totalNamespaceRegisters, totalNamespaceUnRegisters);
// On each run, there will be 'NumRGs' registrations
Assert.assertEquals(totalTenantRegisters - residualTenantRegs, NUM_RESOURCE_GROUPS);
Assert.assertEquals(totalNamespaceRegisters - residualNamespaceRegs, NUM_RESOURCE_GROUPS);
// The unregisters will lag the registers by one round (because verifyRGMetrics() is called
// prior to unregister). In other words, their numbers will equal the residuals for the registers.
Assert.assertEquals(totalTenantUnRegisters, residualTenantRegs);
Assert.assertEquals(totalNamespaceUnRegisters, residualNamespaceRegs);
// Update residuals for next test run.
residualTenantRegs = totalTenantRegisters;
residualNamespaceRegs = totalNamespaceRegisters;
for (ResourceGroupMonitoringClass mc : ResourceGroupMonitoringClass.values()) {
int mcIdx = mc.ordinal();"mc={}: totalQuotaBytes={}, totalQuotaMessages={}, " +
" totalUsedBytes={}, totalUsedMessages={}" +
" totalUsageReports={}",, totalQuotaBytes[mcIdx], totalQuotaMessages[mcIdx],
totalUsedBytes[mcIdx], totalUsedMessages[mcIdx], totalUsageReportCounts[mcIdx]);
// On each run, the bytes/messages are monotone incremented in Prometheus metrics.
// So, we take the residuals into account when comparing against the expected.
if (checkProduce && mc == ResourceGroupMonitoringClass.Publish) {
Assert.assertEquals(totalUsedMessages[mcIdx] - residualSentNumMessages,
Assert.assertTrue(totalUsedBytes[mcIdx] - residualSentNumBytes
>= ExpectedNumBytesSent);
} else if (checkConsume && mc == ResourceGroupMonitoringClass.Dispatch) {
Assert.assertEquals(totalUsedMessages[mcIdx] - residualRecvdNumMessages,
Assert.assertTrue(totalUsedBytes[mcIdx] - residualRecvdNumBytes
>= ExpectedNumBytesReceived);
long perClassUsageReports = numLocalUsageReports / ResourceGroupMonitoringClass.values().length;
Assert.assertEquals(totalUsageReportCounts[mcIdx], perClassUsageReports);
// Update the residuals for next round of tests.
residualSentNumBytes += sentNumBytes;
residualSentNumMessages += sentNumMsgs;
residualRecvdNumBytes += recvdNumBytes;
residualRecvdNumMessages += recvdNumMsgs;
Assert.assertEquals(totalUpdates, 0); // currently, we don't update the RGs in this UT
// Basic check that latency metrics are doing some work.
Summary.Child.Value usageAggrLatency = ResourceGroupService.getRgUsageAggregationLatency();
Assert.assertNotEquals(usageAggrLatency.count, 0);
Assert.assertNotEquals(usageAggrLatency.sum, 0);
double fiftiethPercentileValue = usageAggrLatency.quantiles.get(0.5);
Assert.assertNotEquals(fiftiethPercentileValue, 0);
double ninetethPercentileValue = usageAggrLatency.quantiles.get(0.9);
Assert.assertNotEquals(ninetethPercentileValue, 0);
Summary.Child.Value quotaCalcLatency = ResourceGroupService.getRgQuotaCalculationTime();
Assert.assertNotEquals(quotaCalcLatency.count, 0);
Assert.assertNotEquals(quotaCalcLatency.sum, 0);
fiftiethPercentileValue = quotaCalcLatency.quantiles.get(0.5);
Assert.assertNotEquals(fiftiethPercentileValue, 0);
ninetethPercentileValue = quotaCalcLatency.quantiles.get(0.9);
Assert.assertNotEquals(ninetethPercentileValue, 0);
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RGUsageMTAggrWaitForAllMsgsTest.class);
// Empirically, there appears to be a 42-byte overhead for metadata, imposed by Pulsar runtime.
private static final int PER_MESSAGE_METADATA_OHEAD = 42;
private static final int PUBLISH_INTERVAL_SECS = 10;
private static final int NUM_PRODUCERS = 4;
private static final int NUM_CONSUMERS = 4;
private static final int NUM_MESSAGES_PER_PRODUCER = 100;
private static final int NUM_TOPICS = 8; // Set == NumProducers, so each producer can send on its own topic
private static final int NUM_RESOURCE_GROUPS = 4; // arbitrarily, half of NumTopics, so 2 topics map to each RG
private final rgConfig =
private ResourceGroupService rgservice;
private ResourceGroup[] resGroups = new ResourceGroup[NUM_RESOURCE_GROUPS];
private final String clusterName = "test";
private final String BaseRGName = "rg-";
private final String BaseTestTopicName = "rgusage-topic-";
private String[] RGNames = new String[NUM_RESOURCE_GROUPS];
// The number of times we pretend to have not suppressed sending a local usage report.
private long numLocalUsageReports;
// Combinations of tenant and namespace required to test RG use cases when both NS and tenant are under the control
// of the same RG, vs. cases where they are under the control of distinct RGs.
// [This is required to test the special case of "tenant and NS refer to the same RG", because in that case
// we don't double-count the usage.]
// Same-order mapping: e.g., rg-0/rg-0 (for 0th entry)
private String[] TenantAndNsNameSameOrder = new String[NUM_RESOURCE_GROUPS];
// Opposite order mapping: e.g., rg-0/rg-49 (for 0th entry with 50 RGs)
private String[] TenantAndNsNameOppositeOrder = new String[NUM_RESOURCE_GROUPS];
// Similar to above (same and opposite order) for topics.
// E.g., rg-0/rg-0/rgusage-topic0 for 0-th topic in "same order"
// and rg-0/rg-49/rgusage-topic0 for 0-th topic in "opposite order", with 50 RGs
private String[] TopicNamesSameTenantAndNsRGs = new String[NUM_TOPICS];
private String[] TopicNamesDifferentTenantAndNsRGs = new String[NUM_TOPICS];
// Persistent and non-persistent topic strings with the above names.
private String[] PersistentTopicNamesSameTenanatAndNsRGs = new String[NUM_TOPICS];
private String[] PersistentTopicNamesDifferentTenantAndNsRGs = new String[NUM_TOPICS];
private String[] NonPersistentTopicNamesSameTenantAndNsRGs = new String[NUM_TOPICS];
private String[] NonPersistentTopicNamesDifferentTenantAndNsRGs = new String[NUM_TOPICS];
private List<String[]> AllTopicNames = Arrays.asList(
// We don't periodically report to a remote broker in this test. So, we will use cumulative stats.
private final ResourceGroupUsageStatsType getCumulativeUsageStats = ResourceGroupUsageStatsType.Cumulative;
// Keep track of the namespaces that were created, so we don't dup and get exceptions
HashSet<String> createdNamespaces = new HashSet<>();
// Keep track of the topics that were created, so we don't dup and get exceptions
HashSet<String> createdTopics = new HashSet<>();
// Keep track of the tenants that have been registered to their RGs, so we don't dup and get exceptions
HashSet<String> registeredTenants = new HashSet<>();
// Keep track of the namespaces that have been registered to their RGs, so we don't dup and get exceptions
HashSet<String> registeredNamespaces = new HashSet<>();
// Prometheus stats are monotonically increasing numbers.
// On each run, the resource-group metrics are incremented in Prometheus.
// So, we keep some residuals to help isolate/verify "this run's" values.
long residualTenantRegs;
long residualNamespaceRegs;
long residualSentNumBytes;
long residualSentNumMessages;
long residualRecvdNumBytes;
long residualRecvdNumMessages;
// Create the topics provided
private void createTopics(String[] topics) {
BrokerService bs = this.pulsar.getBrokerService();
for (String topic : topics) {
if (!createdTopics.contains(topic)) {
// Destroy the topics provided
private void destroyTopics(String[] topics) {
BrokerService bs = this.pulsar.getBrokerService();
for (String topic : topics) {
if (!createdTopics.contains(topic)) {
bs.deleteTopic(topic, true);
// Create all the RGs named in RGNames[]
private void createRGs() throws Exception {
for (String rgname : RGNames) {
this.rgservice.resourceGroupCreate(rgname, rgConfig);
// Destroy all the RGs named in RGNames[]
private void destroyRGs() throws Exception {
for (String rgname : RGNames) {
// Initial set up for transport manager and cluster creation.
private void prepareForOps() throws PulsarAdminException {
admin.clusters().createCluster(clusterName, ClusterData.builder().serviceUrl(brokerUrl.toString()).build());
// Set up of RG/tenant/namespaces/topic names, and checking of the test parameters.
private void prepareRGs() throws Exception {
// Check for a few invariants which allow easier mapping of structures in the test.
// Ensure that the number of consumers is a multiple of the number of producers.
// Number of messages is a multiple of the number of topics.
Assert.assertEquals(NUM_TOTAL_MESSAGES % NUM_TOPICS, 0);
// Ensure that the number of topics is a multiple of the number of RGs.
Assert.assertEquals(NUM_TOPICS % NUM_RESOURCE_GROUPS, 0);
// Ensure that the messages-per-consumer is an integral multiple of the number of consumers.
final int NumConsumerMessages = NUM_MESSAGES_PER_CONSUMER * NUM_CONSUMERS;
final int NumProducerMessages = NUM_MESSAGES_PER_PRODUCER * NUM_PRODUCERS;
Assert.assertTrue(NUM_MESSAGES_PER_CONSUMER > 0 && NumConsumerMessages == NumProducerMessages);
// Set up the RG names; creation of RGs will be done elsewhere.
for (int ix = 0; ix < NUM_RESOURCE_GROUPS; ix++) {
RGNames[ix] = BaseRGName + ix;
// Create all the tenants
final TenantInfo configInfo =
new TenantInfoImpl(Sets.newHashSet("fakeAdminRole"), Sets.newHashSet(clusterName));
for (int ix = 0; ix < NUM_RESOURCE_GROUPS; ix++) {
admin.tenants().createTenant(RGNames[ix], configInfo);
// Set up the tenant-and-nsname mapping strings, for same and opposite order of RGs.
for (int ix = 0; ix < NUM_RESOURCE_GROUPS; ix++) {
TenantAndNsNameSameOrder[ix] = RGNames[ix] + "/" + RGNames[ix];
TenantAndNsNameOppositeOrder[ix] = RGNames[ix] + "/" + RGNames[NUM_RESOURCE_GROUPS - (ix+1)];
// Create all the namespaces
for (int ix = 0; ix < NUM_RESOURCE_GROUPS; ix++) {
if (!createdNamespaces.contains(TenantAndNsNameSameOrder[ix])) {
TenantAndNsNameSameOrder[ix], Sets.newHashSet(clusterName));
if (!createdNamespaces.contains(TenantAndNsNameOppositeOrder[ix])) {
TenantAndNsNameOppositeOrder[ix], Sets.newHashSet(clusterName));
// Create all the topic name strings
for (int ix = 0; ix < NUM_TOPICS; ix++) {
TopicNamesSameTenantAndNsRGs[ix] =
TenantAndNsNameSameOrder[ix % NUM_RESOURCE_GROUPS] + "/" + BaseTestTopicName + ix;
TopicNamesDifferentTenantAndNsRGs[ix] =
TenantAndNsNameOppositeOrder[ix % NUM_RESOURCE_GROUPS] + "/" + BaseTestTopicName + ix;
// Create all the persistent and non-persistent topic strings
for (int ix = 0; ix < NUM_TOPICS; ix++) {
PersistentTopicNamesSameTenanatAndNsRGs[ix] =
"persistent://" + TopicNamesSameTenantAndNsRGs[ix];
PersistentTopicNamesDifferentTenantAndNsRGs[ix] =
"persistent://" + TopicNamesDifferentTenantAndNsRGs[ix];
NonPersistentTopicNamesSameTenantAndNsRGs[ix] =
"non-persistent://" + TopicNamesSameTenantAndNsRGs[ix];
NonPersistentTopicNamesDifferentTenantAndNsRGs[ix] =
"non-persistent://" + TopicNamesDifferentTenantAndNsRGs[ix];