blob: 8f587436038b0eb71e01568265b2a2eefab9c7fd [file] [log] [blame]
import { EndpointOptions } from "./EndpointOptions";
import { OctokitResponse } from "./OctokitResponse";
import { RequestInterface } from "./RequestInterface";
import { RequestParameters } from "./RequestParameters";
import { Route } from "./Route";
* Interface to implement complex authentication strategies for Octokit.
* An object Implementing the AuthInterface can directly be passed as the
* `auth` option in the Octokit constructor.
* For the official implementations of the most common authentication
* strategies, see
export interface AuthInterface<
AuthOptions extends any[],
Authentication extends any
> {
(...args: AuthOptions): Promise<Authentication>;
hook: {
* Sends a request using the passed `request` instance
* @param {object} endpoint Must set `method` and `url`. Plus URL, query or body parameters, as well as `headers`, `mediaType.{format|previews}`, `request`, or `baseUrl`.
<T = any>(request: RequestInterface, options: EndpointOptions): Promise<
* Sends a request using the passed `request` instance
* @param {string} route Request method + URL. Example: `'GET /orgs/:org'`
* @param {object} [parameters] URL, query or body parameters, as well as `headers`, `mediaType.{format|previews}`, `request`, or `baseUrl`.
<T = any>(
request: RequestInterface,
route: Route,
parameters?: RequestParameters
): Promise<OctokitResponse<T>>;