blob: 47f30d17d846c78fa24920672d8b2f10e7f2d6ab [file] [log] [blame]
import { Label } from './types';
* Format a label into a string representation
* @param label labels
* @returns string representation of a given label
export function formatLabel(label: Label): string {
return `{ name: '${}', checked: ${label.checked} }`;
* Extract labels from the description of an issue or a pull request
* @param description string that contains labels
* @param labelPattern regular expression to use to find labels
* @returns labels (list of { name: string; checked: boolean; })
* @example
* > const body = '- [ ] `a`\n- [x] `b`'
* > const labelPattern = '- \\[([ xX]*)\\] ?`(.+?)`'
* > extractLabels(body, labelPattern)
* [ { name: 'a', checked: false }, { name: 'b', checked: true } ]
export function extractLabels(
description: string,
labelPattern: string,
): Label[] {
function helper(regex: RegExp, labels: Label[] = []): Label[] {
const res = regex.exec(description);
if (res) {
const checked = res[1].trim().toLocaleLowerCase() === 'x';
const name = res[2].trim();
return helper(regex, [...labels, { name, checked }]);
return labels;
return helper(new RegExp(labelPattern, 'g'));
* Get `name` property from an object
* @param obj object that has `name` property
* @returns value of `name` property
* @example
* > getName({ name: 'a' })
* 'a'
export function getName({ name }: { name: string }): string {
return name;
* Get `checked` property from an object
* @param obj object that has `checked` property
* @returns value of `checked` property
* @example
* > getChecked({ checked: true })
* true
export function getChecked({ checked }: { checked: boolean }): boolean {
return checked;