Add a docker compose file and update README (#287)

* Add a docker compose file and update README


- Add a docker compose file to show how to deploy a Pulsar Manager with a Pulsar cluster.
- Update README on how to install Pulsar Manager

* Fix github checkout action
diff --git a/.github/workflows/gradle.yml b/.github/workflows/gradle.yml
index b8d0e2d..0f94866 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/gradle.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/gradle.yml
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
     runs-on: ubuntu-latest
-    - uses: actions/checkout@v1
+    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
     - name: Set up JDK 1.8
       uses: actions/setup-java@v1
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index df371de..77895da 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
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\ No newline at end of file
+# Docker
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index f9dc381..44931b6 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
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 Apache Pulsar manager is a web-based GUI management tool for managing and monitoring Pulsar.
-## Feature
+A Pulsar Manager is capable of managing multiple Pulsar clusters. A Pulsar instance or a group
+of Pulsar clusters is defined as an `Environment` in Pulsar Manager. You can create as many environments
+as you can. The following diagram illustrates the overall architecture of a Pulsar Manager.
+A running Pulsar Manager instance is comprised of two components: one is the `frontend` which provides
+the GUI to manage and monitor Pulsar clusters, the other one is the `backend` which interacts with Pulsar
+clusters for collecting metrics, forwarding admin requests to the requested Pulsar cluster or brokers.
+Since Pulsar Manager directly interacts with Pulsar brokers and bookies for management, it is required
+to deploy the Pulsar Manager into the same network as your Pulsar clusters. So the Pulsar Manager backend
+is able to talk to the brokers and bookies in your Pulsar cluster.
+## Install
+### Use Docker
+1. Start Pulsar standalone.
+    ```
+    docker pull apachepulsar/pulsar:latest
+    docker run -d -it \
+        -p 6650:6650 \
+        -p 8080:8080 \
+        -v $PWD/data:/pulsar/data \
+        --name pulsar-standalone \
+        apachepulsar/pulsar:latest \
+        bin/pulsar standalone
+    ```
+2. Start Pulsar Manager in a separate container.
+> NOTE: the command links the pulsar-manager container with the pulsar standalone container so they are in the same network.
+    ```
+    docker pull apachepulsar/pulsar-manager:v0.1.0
+    docker run -it \
+        -p 9527:9527 \
+        -e REDIRECT_HOST= \
+        -e REDIRECT_PORT=9527 \
+        -e DRIVER_CLASS_NAME=org.postgresql.Driver \
+        -e URL='jdbc:postgresql://' \
+        -e USERNAME=pulsar \
+        -e PASSWORD=pulsar \
+        -e LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG \
+        -v $PWD:/data \
+        --link pulsar-standalone \
+        apachepulsar/pulsar-manager:v0.1.0
+    ```
+    * `REDIRECT_HOST`: the IP address of the front-end server.
+    * `REDIRECT_PORT`: the port of the front-end server.
+    * `DRIVER_CLASS_NAME`: the driver class name of PostgreSQL.
+    * `URL`: the jdbc url of your PostgreSQL database, example: jdbc:postgresql:// The docker image automatically start a local instance of PostgresSQL database.
+    * `USERNAME`: the username of PostgreSQL.
+    * `PASSWORD`: the password of PostgreSQL.
+    * `LOG_LEVEL`: level of log.
+### Use Docker Compose
+Alternatively, you can start a standalone and Pulsar Manager using the docker compose file provided in this repository.
+1. Clone this git repoistory.
+    ```bash
+    ```
+2. Go to the docker directory.
+    ```bash
+    cd docker
+    ```
+3. Start the docker composed cluster.
+    ```bash
+    docker-compose up
+    ```
+### Deploy Pulsar Manager to Kubernetes
+The Pulsar Manager can be deployed as part of [Pulsar Helm Chart](
+1. Install the Pulsar cluster with Pulsar Manager
+    ```bash
+    helm repo add streamnative
+    helm repo update
+    helm install <release-name> streamnative/pulsar
+    ```
+2. Access the Pulsar Manager.
+    The default values will create a `ClusterIP` for the Pulsar Manager you can use to interact with cluster.
+    To find the IP address of the Pulsar Manager, use the following command:
+    ```bash
+    kubectl get service -n <k8s-namespace>
+    ```
+    After find the ip address of the Pulsar Manager, you can access the Pulsar Manager at `http://${pulsar-manager-cluster-ip}/#/environments`.
+### Build from source code
+#### Prerequisites
+* Java JDK 1.8
+* Node 10.15.3 or later
+* Npm 6.4.1 or later
+* Pulsar 2.4.0 or later
+#### Build instructions
+1. Clone the source code.
+    ``` bash
+    git clone
+    ```
+2. Build and start the backend.
+    ```
+    cd pulsar-manager
+    ./gradlew build -x test
+    cd build/distributions
+    unzip or tar -zxvf pulsar-manager.tar
+    ./pulsar-manager/bin/pulsar-manager
+    ```
+3. Open a new terminal, build and start the front end.
+    ```
+    cd pulsar-manager/front-end
+    npm install --save
+    npm run dev
+    ```
+After running these steps, the Pulsar Manager is running locally at
+## Access Pusar Manager
+1. Access Pulsar manager UI at `http://${frontend-end-ip}/#/environments`.
+If you started Pulsar Manager using docker or docker-compose, the Pulsar Manager is running at port 9527. You can access the Pulsar Manager UI at
+If you are deploying Pulsar Manager 0.1.0 using the released container, you can log in the Pulsar Manager UI using the following credentials.
+   * Account: `pulsar`  
+   * Password: `pulsar`  
+If you are deploying Pulsar Manager using the latest code, you can create a super-user using the following command. Then you can use the super user credentials to log in the Pulsar Manager UI.
+    ```$xslt
+    curl 
+        -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
+        -X PUT http://backend-service:7750/pulsar-manager/users/superuser \
+        -d '{"name": "admin", "password": "apachepulsar", "description": "test", "email": ""}'
+    ```
+   `backend-service`: The IP address or domain name of the backend service.
+2. Create an environment. 
+    An environment represents a Pulsar instance or a group of clusters you want to manage. A Pulsar Manager is capable of managing multiple environments.
+    - Click "New Environment" button to add an environment.
+    - Input the "Environment Name". The environment name is used for identifying an environment.
+    - Input the "Service URL". The Service URL is the admin service url of your Pulsar cluster.
+        - You need to make sure the service url that Pulsar Manager is able to access. In this example, both pulsar container and pulsar-manager container are linked. So you can use pulsar container name as the domain name of the pulsar standalone cluster. Thus you can type `http://pulsar-standalone:8080`.
+## Configure Pulsar Manager
+### Back end
+For more information about the back end, see [pulsar-manager-backend](
+### Front end
+For more information about the front end, see [pulsar-manager-frontend](
+## Features
 * Tenants Management
 * Namespaces Management
@@ -13,8 +199,6 @@
 * Dynamic environments with multiple changes
 * Support JWT Auth
-## Feature preview
 ### Log in
 Use the default account (`pulsar`) and the default password (`pulsar`) to log in.
@@ -63,97 +247,7 @@
-## Prerequisites
-* Java JDK 1.8
-* Node 10.15.3 or later
-* Npm 6.4.1 or later
-* Pulsar 2.4.0 or later
-* Docker
-## Preparation
-1. Start Pulsar standalone.
-    ```
-    docker pull apachepulsar/pulsar:2.4.0
-    docker run -d -it -p 6650:6650 -p 8080:8080 -v $PWD/data:/pulsar/data --name pulsar-manager-standalone apachepulsar/pulsar:2.4.0 bin/pulsar standalone
-    ```
-2. Build an environment. 
-    You can **build an environment with Docker** or **build a local environment**.
-   * Build an environment with Docker
-        * `REDIRECT_HOST`: the IP address of the front-end server.
-        * `REDIRECT_PORT`: the port of the front-end server.
-        * `DRIVER_CLASS_NAME`: the driver class name of PostgreSQL.
-        * `URL`: the url of PostgreSQL jdbc, example: jdbc:postgresql://
-        * `USERNAME`: the username of PostgreSQL.
-        * `PASSWORD`: the password of PostgreSQL.
-        * `LOG_LEVEL`: level of log.
-        ```
-        docker pull apachepulsar/pulsar-manager
-        docker run -it -p 9527:9527 -e REDIRECT_HOST=front-end-ip -e REDIRECT_PORT=front-end-port -e DRIVER_CLASS_NAME=org.postgresql.Driver -e URL='jdbc-url' -e USERNAME=root -e PASSWORD=pulsar -e LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG apachepulsar/pulsar-manager /bin/sh
-        ```
-        This is an example:
-        ```
-	    docker pull apachepulsar/pulsar-manager:v0.1.0
-        docker run -it -p 9527:9527 -e REDIRECT_HOST= -e REDIRECT_PORT=9527 -e DRIVER_CLASS_NAME=org.postgresql.Driver -e URL='jdbc:postgresql://' -e USERNAME=pulsar -e PASSWORD=pulsar -e LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG -v $PWD:/data apachepulsar/pulsar-manager:v0.1.0 /bin/sh
-        ```
-   * Build a local environment
-        (1) Download the source code.
-        ```
-        git clone
-        ```
-        (2) Build and start the backend.
-        ```
-        cd pulsar-manager
-        ./gradlew build -x test
-        cd build/distributions
-        unzip or tar -zxvf pulsar-manager.tar
-        ./pulsar-manager/bin/pulsar-manager
-        ```
-        (3) Build and start the front end.
-        ```
-        cd pulsar-manager/front-end
-        npm install --save
-        npm run dev
-        ```
-3. Access Pulsar manager website.
-If you are deploying Pulsar Manager 0.1.0 using the released container, you can log in the Pulsar Manager UI using the following credentials.
-   * Account: `pulsar`  
-   * Password: `pulsar`  
-If you are deploying Pulsar Manager using the latest code, you can create a super-user using the following command.
-    ```$xslt
-    curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT http://backend-service:7750/pulsar-manager/users/superuser -d '{"name": "admin", "password": "apachepulsar", "description": "test", "email": ""}'
-    ```
-   `backend-service`: The IP address or domain name of the backend service.
-   * Pulsar manager website: http://localhost:9527/
+## Development
 ### Default Test database HerdDB
@@ -175,12 +269,3 @@
 In order to start and setup an HerdDB database follow the instructions on the [HerdDB documentation](
-## Back end
-For more information about the back end, see [pulsar-manager-backend](
-## Front end
-For more information about the front end, see [pulsar-manager-frontend](
diff --git a/docker/data/.keep b/docker/data/.keep
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/docker/data/.keep
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker/docker-compose.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+version: "3.7"
+  pulsar:
+    image: apachepulsar/pulsar:2.5.0
+    command: bin/pulsar standalone
+    hostname: pulsar
+    ports:
+      - "8080:8080"
+      - "6650:6650"
+    restart: unless-stopped
+    volumes:
+      - "./data/:/pulsar/data"
+  dashboard:
+    image: apachepulsar/pulsar-manager:v0.1.0
+    ports:
+      - "9527:9527"
+    depends_on:
+      - pulsar
+    links:
+      - pulsar
+    volumes:
+      - "./data/:/data"
+    environment:
+      REDIRECT_HOST: ""
+      REDIRECT_PORT: "9527"
+      DRIVER_CLASS_NAME: "org.postgresql.Driver"
+      URL: "jdbc:postgresql://"
+      USERNAME: "pulsar"
+      PASSWORD: "pulsar"
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files differ