blob: 22b12efbe65c49b6e1c33bdd33967ab5c36d2bb1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package pulsar
import (
// NewClient Creates a pulsar client instance
func NewClient(options ClientOptions) (Client, error) {
return newClient(options)
// Authentication Opaque interface that represents the authentication credentials
type Authentication interface{}
// NewAuthentication Creates an authentication by name and params
func NewAuthentication(name string, params string) (Authentication, error) {
return auth.NewProvider(name, params)
// NewAuthenticationToken Creates new Authentication provider with specified auth token
func NewAuthenticationToken(token string) Authentication {
return auth.NewAuthenticationToken(token)
// NewAuthenticationTokenFromSupplier returns a token auth provider that
// gets the token data from a user supplied function. The function is
// invoked each time the client library needs to use a token in talking
// with Pulsar brokers
func NewAuthenticationTokenFromSupplier(tokenSupplier func() (string, error)) Authentication {
return auth.NewAuthenticationTokenFromSupplier(tokenSupplier)
// NewAuthenticationTokenFromFile Creates new Authentication provider with specified auth token from a file
func NewAuthenticationTokenFromFile(tokenFilePath string) Authentication {
return auth.NewAuthenticationTokenFromFile(tokenFilePath)
// NewAuthenticationTLS Creates new Authentication provider with specified TLS certificate and private key
func NewAuthenticationTLS(certificatePath string, privateKeyPath string) Authentication {
return auth.NewAuthenticationTLS(certificatePath, privateKeyPath)
// NewAuthenticationFromTLSCertSupplier Create new Authentication provider with specified TLS certificate supplier
func NewAuthenticationFromTLSCertSupplier(tlsCertSupplier func() (*tls.Certificate, error)) Authentication {
return auth.NewAuthenticationFromTLSCertSupplier(tlsCertSupplier)
// NewAuthenticationAthenz Creates Athenz Authentication provider
func NewAuthenticationAthenz(authParams map[string]string) Authentication {
athenz, _ := auth.NewAuthenticationAthenzWithParams(authParams)
return athenz
// NewAuthenticationOAuth2 Creates OAuth2 Authentication provider
func NewAuthenticationOAuth2(authParams map[string]string) Authentication {
oauth, _ := auth.NewAuthenticationOAuth2WithParams(authParams)
return oauth
// NewAuthenticationBasic Creates Basic Authentication provider
func NewAuthenticationBasic(username, password string) (Authentication, error) {
return auth.NewAuthenticationBasic(username, password)
// ClientOptions is used to construct a Pulsar Client instance.
type ClientOptions struct {
// Configure the service URL for the Pulsar service.
// This parameter is required
URL string
// Timeout for the establishment of a TCP connection (default: 5 seconds)
ConnectionTimeout time.Duration
// Set the operation timeout (default: 30 seconds)
// Producer-create, subscribe and unsubscribe operations will be retried until this interval, after which the
// operation will be marked as failed
OperationTimeout time.Duration
// Configure the ping send and check interval, default to 30 seconds.
KeepAliveInterval time.Duration
// Configure the authentication provider. (default: no authentication)
// Example: `Authentication: NewAuthenticationTLS("my-cert.pem", "my-key.pem")`
// Set the path to the trusted TLS certificate file
TLSTrustCertsFilePath string
// Configure whether the Pulsar client accept untrusted TLS certificate from broker (default: false)
TLSAllowInsecureConnection bool
// Configure whether the Pulsar client verify the validity of the host name from broker (default: false)
TLSValidateHostname bool
// Configure the net model for vpc user to connect the pulsar broker
ListenerName string
// Max number of connections to a single broker that will kept in the pool. (Default: 1 connection)
MaxConnectionsPerBroker int
// Configure the logger used by the client.
// By default, a wrapped logrus.StandardLogger will be used, namely,
// log.NewLoggerWithLogrus(logrus.StandardLogger())
// FIXME: use `logger` as internal field name instead of `log` as it's more idiomatic
Logger log.Logger
// Specify metric cardinality to the tenant, namespace or topic levels, or remove it completely.
// Default: MetricsCardinalityNamespace
MetricsCardinality MetricsCardinality
// Add custom labels to all the metrics reported by this client instance
CustomMetricsLabels map[string]string
// Specify metric registerer used to register metrics.
// Default prometheus.DefaultRegisterer
MetricsRegisterer prometheus.Registerer
// Client represents a pulsar client
type Client interface {
// CreateProducer Creates the producer instance
// This method will block until the producer is created successfully
CreateProducer(ProducerOptions) (Producer, error)
// Subscribe Creates a `Consumer` by subscribing to a topic.
// If the subscription does not exist, a new subscription will be created and all messages published after the
// creation will be retained until acknowledged, even if the consumer is not connected
Subscribe(ConsumerOptions) (Consumer, error)
// CreateReader Creates a Reader instance.
// This method will block until the reader is created successfully.
CreateReader(ReaderOptions) (Reader, error)
// CreateTableView creates a table view instance.
// This method will block until the table view is created successfully.
CreateTableView(TableViewOptions) (TableView, error)
// TopicPartitions Fetches the list of partitions for a given topic
// If the topic is partitioned, this will return a list of partition names.
// If the topic is not partitioned, the returned list will contain the topic
// name itself.
// This can be used to discover the partitions and create {@link Reader},
// {@link Consumer} or {@link Producer} instances directly on a particular partition.
TopicPartitions(topic string) ([]string, error)
// Close Closes the Client and free associated resources
// MetricsCardinality represents the specificty of labels on a per-metric basis
type MetricsCardinality int
const (
_ MetricsCardinality = iota
MetricsCardinalityNone // Do not add additional labels to metrics
MetricsCardinalityTenant // Label metrics by tenant
MetricsCardinalityNamespace // Label metrics by tenant and namespace
MetricsCardinalityTopic // Label metrics by topic