blob: 78ae0d775909ce770cf743497b11f2d2eda33e1b [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// under the License.
package pulsar
import (
pb ""
const defaultNackRedeliveryDelay = 1 * time.Minute
type acker interface {
AckID(id trackingMessageID)
NackID(id trackingMessageID)
type consumer struct {
topic string
client *client
options ConsumerOptions
consumers []*partitionConsumer
consumerName string
disableForceTopicCreation bool
// channel used to deliver message to clients
messageCh chan ConsumerMessage
dlq *dlqRouter
rlq *retryRouter
closeOnce sync.Once
closeCh chan struct{}
errorCh chan error
stopDiscovery func()
log log.Logger
metrics *internal.TopicMetrics
func newConsumer(client *client, options ConsumerOptions) (Consumer, error) {
if options.Topic == "" && options.Topics == nil && options.TopicsPattern == "" {
return nil, newError(TopicNotFound, "topic is required")
if options.SubscriptionName == "" {
return nil, newError(SubscriptionNotFound, "subscription name is required for consumer")
if options.ReceiverQueueSize <= 0 {
options.ReceiverQueueSize = defaultReceiverQueueSize
if options.Interceptors == nil {
options.Interceptors = defaultConsumerInterceptors
if options.Name == "" {
options.Name = generateRandomName()
if options.Schema != nil && options.Schema.GetSchemaInfo() != nil {
if options.Schema.GetSchemaInfo().Type == NONE {
options.Schema = NewBytesSchema(nil)
// did the user pass in a message channel?
messageCh := options.MessageChannel
if options.MessageChannel == nil {
messageCh = make(chan ConsumerMessage, 10)
if options.RetryEnable {
usingTopic := ""
if options.Topic != "" {
usingTopic = options.Topic
} else if len(options.Topics) > 0 {
usingTopic = options.Topics[0]
tn, err := internal.ParseTopicName(usingTopic)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
retryTopic := tn.Domain + "://" + tn.Namespace + "/" + options.SubscriptionName + RetryTopicSuffix
dlqTopic := tn.Domain + "://" + tn.Namespace + "/" + options.SubscriptionName + DlqTopicSuffix
if options.DLQ == nil {
options.DLQ = &DLQPolicy{
MaxDeliveries: MaxReconsumeTimes,
DeadLetterTopic: dlqTopic,
RetryLetterTopic: retryTopic,
} else {
if options.DLQ.DeadLetterTopic == "" {
options.DLQ.DeadLetterTopic = dlqTopic
if options.DLQ.RetryLetterTopic == "" {
options.DLQ.RetryLetterTopic = retryTopic
if options.Topic != "" && len(options.Topics) == 0 {
options.Topics = []string{options.Topic, options.DLQ.RetryLetterTopic}
options.Topic = ""
} else if options.Topic == "" && len(options.Topics) > 0 {
options.Topics = append(options.Topics, options.DLQ.RetryLetterTopic)
dlq, err := newDlqRouter(client, options.DLQ, client.log)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rlq, err := newRetryRouter(client, options.DLQ, options.RetryEnable, client.log)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// normalize as FQDN topics
var tns []*internal.TopicName
// single topic consumer
if options.Topic != "" || len(options.Topics) == 1 {
topic := options.Topic
if topic == "" {
topic = options.Topics[0]
if tns, err = validateTopicNames(topic); err != nil {
return nil, err
topic = tns[0].Name
return topicSubscribe(client, options, topic, messageCh, dlq, rlq)
if len(options.Topics) > 1 {
if tns, err = validateTopicNames(options.Topics...); err != nil {
return nil, err
for i := range options.Topics {
options.Topics[i] = tns[i].Name
options.Topics = distinct(options.Topics)
return newMultiTopicConsumer(client, options, options.Topics, messageCh, dlq, rlq)
if options.TopicsPattern != "" {
tn, err := internal.ParseTopicName(options.TopicsPattern)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pattern, err := extractTopicPattern(tn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return newRegexConsumer(client, options, tn, pattern, messageCh, dlq, rlq)
return nil, newError(InvalidTopicName, "topic name is required for consumer")
func newInternalConsumer(client *client, options ConsumerOptions, topic string,
messageCh chan ConsumerMessage, dlq *dlqRouter, rlq *retryRouter, disableForceTopicCreation bool) (*consumer, error) {
consumer := &consumer{
topic: topic,
client: client,
options: options,
disableForceTopicCreation: disableForceTopicCreation,
messageCh: messageCh,
closeCh: make(chan struct{}),
errorCh: make(chan error),
dlq: dlq,
rlq: rlq,
log: client.log.SubLogger(log.Fields{"topic": topic}),
consumerName: options.Name,
metrics: client.metrics.GetTopicMetrics(topic),
err := consumer.internalTopicSubscribeToPartitions()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// set up timer to monitor for new partitions being added
duration := options.AutoDiscoveryPeriod
if duration <= 0 {
duration = defaultAutoDiscoveryDuration
consumer.stopDiscovery = consumer.runBackgroundPartitionDiscovery(duration)
return consumer, nil
// Name returns the name of consumer.
func (c *consumer) Name() string {
return c.consumerName
func (c *consumer) runBackgroundPartitionDiscovery(period time.Duration) (cancel func()) {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
stopDiscoveryCh := make(chan struct{})
ticker := time.NewTicker(period)
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
for {
select {
case <-stopDiscoveryCh:
case <-ticker.C:
c.log.Debug("Auto discovering new partitions")
return func() {
func (c *consumer) internalTopicSubscribeToPartitions() error {
partitions, err := c.client.TopicPartitions(c.topic)
if err != nil {
return err
oldNumPartitions := 0
newNumPartitions := len(partitions)
defer c.Unlock()
oldConsumers := c.consumers
oldNumPartitions = len(oldConsumers)
if oldConsumers != nil {
if oldNumPartitions == newNumPartitions {
c.log.Debug("Number of partitions in topic has not changed")
return nil
c.log.WithField("old_partitions", oldNumPartitions).
WithField("new_partitions", newNumPartitions).
Info("Changed number of partitions in topic")
c.consumers = make([]*partitionConsumer, newNumPartitions)
// When for some reason (eg: forced deletion of sub partition) causes oldNumPartitions> newNumPartitions,
// we need to rebuild the cache of new consumers, otherwise the array will be out of bounds.
if oldConsumers != nil && oldNumPartitions < newNumPartitions {
// Copy over the existing consumer instances
for i := 0; i < oldNumPartitions; i++ {
c.consumers[i] = oldConsumers[i]
type ConsumerError struct {
err error
partition int
consumer *partitionConsumer
receiverQueueSize := c.options.ReceiverQueueSize
metadata := c.options.Properties
startPartition := oldNumPartitions
partitionsToAdd := newNumPartitions - oldNumPartitions
if partitionsToAdd < 0 {
partitionsToAdd = newNumPartitions
startPartition = 0
var wg sync.WaitGroup
ch := make(chan ConsumerError, partitionsToAdd)
for partitionIdx := startPartition; partitionIdx < newNumPartitions; partitionIdx++ {
partitionTopic := partitions[partitionIdx]
go func(idx int, pt string) {
defer wg.Done()
var nackRedeliveryDelay time.Duration
if c.options.NackRedeliveryDelay == 0 {
nackRedeliveryDelay = defaultNackRedeliveryDelay
} else {
nackRedeliveryDelay = c.options.NackRedeliveryDelay
opts := &partitionConsumerOpts{
topic: pt,
consumerName: c.consumerName,
subscription: c.options.SubscriptionName,
subscriptionType: c.options.Type,
subscriptionInitPos: c.options.SubscriptionInitialPosition,
partitionIdx: idx,
receiverQueueSize: receiverQueueSize,
nackRedeliveryDelay: nackRedeliveryDelay,
metadata: metadata,
replicateSubscriptionState: c.options.ReplicateSubscriptionState,
startMessageID: trackingMessageID{},
subscriptionMode: durable,
readCompacted: c.options.ReadCompacted,
interceptors: c.options.Interceptors,
maxReconnectToBroker: c.options.MaxReconnectToBroker,
keySharedPolicy: c.options.KeySharedPolicy,
schema: c.options.Schema,
cons, err := newPartitionConsumer(c, c.client, opts, c.messageCh, c.dlq, c.metrics)
ch <- ConsumerError{
err: err,
partition: idx,
consumer: cons,
}(partitionIdx, partitionTopic)
go func() {
for ce := range ch {
if ce.err != nil {
err = ce.err
} else {
c.consumers[ce.partition] = ce.consumer
if err != nil {
// Since there were some failures,
// cleanup all the partitions that succeeded in creating the consumer
for _, c := range c.consumers {
if c != nil {
return err
if newNumPartitions < oldNumPartitions {
} else {
return nil
func topicSubscribe(client *client, options ConsumerOptions, topic string,
messageCh chan ConsumerMessage, dlqRouter *dlqRouter, retryRouter *retryRouter) (Consumer, error) {
c, err := newInternalConsumer(client, options, topic, messageCh, dlqRouter, retryRouter, false)
if err == nil {
return c, err
func (c *consumer) Subscription() string {
return c.options.SubscriptionName
func (c *consumer) Unsubscribe() error {
defer c.Unlock()
var errMsg string
for _, consumer := range c.consumers {
if err := consumer.Unsubscribe(); err != nil {
errMsg += fmt.Sprintf("topic %s, subscription %s: %s", consumer.topic, c.Subscription(), err)
if errMsg != "" {
return fmt.Errorf(errMsg)
return nil
func (c *consumer) Receive(ctx context.Context) (message Message, err error) {
for {
select {
case <-c.closeCh:
return nil, newError(ConsumerClosed, "consumer closed")
case cm, ok := <-c.messageCh:
if !ok {
return nil, newError(ConsumerClosed, "consumer closed")
return cm.Message, nil
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, ctx.Err()
// Messages
func (c *consumer) Chan() <-chan ConsumerMessage {
return c.messageCh
// Ack the consumption of a single message
func (c *consumer) Ack(msg Message) {
// Ack the consumption of a single message, identified by its MessageID
func (c *consumer) AckID(msgID MessageID) {
mid, ok := c.messageID(msgID)
if !ok {
if mid.consumer != nil {
// ReconsumeLater mark a message for redelivery after custom delay
func (c *consumer) ReconsumeLater(msg Message, delay time.Duration) {
if delay < 0 {
delay = 0
msgID, ok := c.messageID(msg.ID())
if !ok {
props := make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range msg.Properties() {
props[k] = v
reconsumeTimes := 1
if s, ok := props[SysPropertyReconsumeTimes]; ok {
reconsumeTimes, _ = strconv.Atoi(s)
} else {
props[SysPropertyRealTopic] = msg.Topic()
props[SysPropertyOriginMessageID] = msgID.messageID.String()
props[SysPropertyReconsumeTimes] = strconv.Itoa(reconsumeTimes)
props[SysPropertyDelayTime] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", int64(delay)/1e6)
consumerMsg := ConsumerMessage{
Consumer: c,
Message: &message{
payLoad: msg.Payload(),
properties: props,
msgID: msgID,
if uint32(reconsumeTimes) > c.dlq.policy.MaxDeliveries {
c.dlq.Chan() <- consumerMsg
} else {
c.rlq.Chan() <- RetryMessage{
consumerMsg: consumerMsg,
producerMsg: ProducerMessage{
Payload: msg.Payload(),
Key: msg.Key(),
OrderingKey: msg.OrderingKey(),
Properties: props,
DeliverAfter: delay,
func (c *consumer) Nack(msg Message) {
func (c *consumer) NackID(msgID MessageID) {
mid, ok := c.messageID(msgID)
if !ok {
if mid.consumer != nil {
func (c *consumer) Close() {
c.closeOnce.Do(func() {
defer c.Unlock()
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := range c.consumers {
go func(pc *partitionConsumer) {
defer wg.Done()
func (c *consumer) Seek(msgID MessageID) error {
defer c.Unlock()
if len(c.consumers) > 1 {
return newError(SeekFailed, "for partition topic, seek command should perform on the individual partitions")
mid, ok := c.messageID(msgID)
if !ok {
return nil
return c.consumers[mid.partitionIdx].Seek(mid)
func (c *consumer) SeekByTime(time time.Time) error {
defer c.Unlock()
if len(c.consumers) > 1 {
return newError(SeekFailed, "for partition topic, seek command should perform on the individual partitions")
return c.consumers[0].SeekByTime(time)
var r = &random{
R: rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())),
type random struct {
R *rand.Rand
func generateRandomName() string {
defer r.Unlock()
chars := "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
bytes := make([]byte, 5)
for i := range bytes {
bytes[i] = chars[r.R.Intn(len(chars))]
return string(bytes)
func distinct(fqdnTopics []string) []string {
set := make(map[string]struct{})
uniques := make([]string, 0, len(fqdnTopics))
for _, topic := range fqdnTopics {
if _, ok := set[topic]; !ok {
set[topic] = struct{}{}
uniques = append(uniques, topic)
return uniques
func toProtoSubType(st SubscriptionType) pb.CommandSubscribe_SubType {
switch st {
case Exclusive:
return pb.CommandSubscribe_Exclusive
case Shared:
return pb.CommandSubscribe_Shared
case Failover:
return pb.CommandSubscribe_Failover
case KeyShared:
return pb.CommandSubscribe_Key_Shared
return pb.CommandSubscribe_Exclusive
func toProtoInitialPosition(p SubscriptionInitialPosition) pb.CommandSubscribe_InitialPosition {
switch p {
case SubscriptionPositionLatest:
return pb.CommandSubscribe_Latest
case SubscriptionPositionEarliest:
return pb.CommandSubscribe_Earliest
return pb.CommandSubscribe_Latest
func (c *consumer) messageID(msgID MessageID) (trackingMessageID, bool) {
mid, ok := toTrackingMessageID(msgID)
if !ok {
c.log.Warnf("invalid message id type %T", msgID)
return trackingMessageID{}, false
partition := int(mid.partitionIdx)
// did we receive a valid partition index?
if partition < 0 || partition >= len(c.consumers) {
c.log.Warnf("invalid partition index %d expected a partition between [0-%d]",
partition, len(c.consumers))
return trackingMessageID{}, false
return mid, true