blob: 3d651e9cb384a97eb5ac3801249c26dce4c2c82b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include <pulsar/Authentication.h>
#include <pulsar/Logger.h>
#include <pulsar/defines.h>
namespace pulsar {
class PulsarWrapper;
struct ClientConfigurationImpl;
class PULSAR_PUBLIC ClientConfiguration {
ClientConfiguration(const ClientConfiguration&);
ClientConfiguration& operator=(const ClientConfiguration&);
* Configure a limit on the amount of memory that will be allocated by this client instance.
* Setting this to 0 will disable the limit. By default this is disabled.
* @param memoryLimitBytes the memory limit
ClientConfiguration& setMemoryLimit(uint64_t memoryLimitBytes);
* @return the client memory limit in bytes
uint64_t getMemoryLimit() const;
* Sets the max number of connection that the client library will open to a single broker.
* By default, the connection pool will use a single connection for all the producers and consumers.
* Increasing this parameter may improve throughput when using many producers over a high latency
* connection.
* @param connectionsPerBroker max number of connections per broker (needs to be greater than 0)
ClientConfiguration& setConnectionsPerBroker(int connectionsPerBroker);
* @return the max number of connection that the client library will open to a single broker
int getConnectionsPerBroker() const;
* Set the authentication method to be used with the broker
* @param authentication the authentication data to use
ClientConfiguration& setAuth(const AuthenticationPtr& authentication);
* @return the authentication data
Authentication& getAuth() const;
* Set timeout on client operations (subscribe, create producer, close, unsubscribe)
* Default is 30 seconds.
* @param timeout the timeout after which the operation will be considered as failed
ClientConfiguration& setOperationTimeoutSeconds(int timeout);
* @return the client operations timeout in seconds
int getOperationTimeoutSeconds() const;
* Set the number of IO threads to be used by the Pulsar client. Default is 1
* thread.
* @param threads number of threads
ClientConfiguration& setIOThreads(int threads);
* @return the number of IO threads to use
int getIOThreads() const;
* Set the number of threads to be used by the Pulsar client when delivering messages
* through message listener. Default is 1 thread per Pulsar client.
* If using more than 1 thread, messages for distinct MessageListener will be
* delivered in different threads, however a single MessageListener will always
* be assigned to the same thread.
* @param threads number of threads
ClientConfiguration& setMessageListenerThreads(int threads);
* @return the number of IO threads to use
int getMessageListenerThreads() const;
* Number of concurrent lookup-requests allowed on each broker-connection to prevent overload on broker.
* <i>(default: 50000)</i> It should be configured with higher value only in case of it requires to
* produce/subscribe on
* thousands of topic using created {@link PulsarClient}
* @param concurrentLookupRequest
ClientConfiguration& setConcurrentLookupRequest(int concurrentLookupRequest);
* @return Get configured total allowed concurrent lookup-request.
int getConcurrentLookupRequest() const;
* Max number of lookup redirection allowed on each look request to prevent overload on broker.
* <i>(default: 20)</i>
* @param maxLookupRedirects
ClientConfiguration& setMaxLookupRedirects(int maxLookupRedirects);
* @return Get configured total allowed lookup redirecting.
int getMaxLookupRedirects() const;
* Initial backoff interval in milliseconds.
* <i>(default: 100)</i>
* @param initialBackoffIntervalMs
ClientConfiguration& setInitialBackoffIntervalMs(int initialBackoffIntervalMs);
* @return Get initial backoff interval in milliseconds.
int getInitialBackoffIntervalMs() const;
* Max backoff interval in milliseconds.
* <i>(default: 60000)</i>
* @param maxBackoffIntervalMs
ClientConfiguration& setMaxBackoffIntervalMs(int maxBackoffIntervalMs);
* @return Get max backoff interval in milliseconds.
int getMaxBackoffIntervalMs() const;
* Configure a custom logger backend to route of Pulsar client library
* to a different logger implementation.
* By default, log messages are printed on standard output.
* When passed in, the configuration takes ownership of the loggerFactory object.
* The logger factory can only be set once per process. Any subsequent calls to
* set the logger factory will have no effect, though the logger factory object
* will be cleaned up.
ClientConfiguration& setLogger(LoggerFactory* loggerFactory);
* Configure whether to use the TLS encryption on the connections.
* The default value is false.
* @param useTls
ClientConfiguration& setUseTls(bool useTls);
* @return whether the TLS encryption is used on the connections
bool isUseTls() const;
* Set the path to the TLS private key file.
* @param tlsPrivateKeyFilePath
ClientConfiguration& setTlsPrivateKeyFilePath(const std::string& tlsKeyFilePath);
* @return the path to the TLS private key file
const std::string& getTlsPrivateKeyFilePath() const;
* Set the path to the TLS certificate file.
* @param tlsCertificateFilePath
ClientConfiguration& setTlsCertificateFilePath(const std::string& tlsCertificateFilePath);
* @return the path to the TLS certificate file
const std::string& getTlsCertificateFilePath() const;
* Set the path to the trusted TLS certificate file.
* @param tlsTrustCertsFilePath
ClientConfiguration& setTlsTrustCertsFilePath(const std::string& tlsTrustCertsFilePath);
* @return the path to the trusted TLS certificate file
const std::string& getTlsTrustCertsFilePath() const;
* Configure whether the Pulsar client accepts untrusted TLS certificates from brokers.
* The default value is false.
* @param tlsAllowInsecureConnection
ClientConfiguration& setTlsAllowInsecureConnection(bool allowInsecure);
* @return whether the Pulsar client accepts untrusted TLS certificates from brokers
bool isTlsAllowInsecureConnection() const;
* Configure whether it allows validating hostname verification when a client connects to a broker over
* TLS.
* It validates the incoming x509 certificate and matches the provided hostname (CN/SAN) with the
* expected broker's hostname. It follows the server identity hostname verification in RFC 2818.
* The default value is false.
* @see [RFC 2818](
* @param validateHostName whether to enable the TLS hostname verification
ClientConfiguration& setValidateHostName(bool validateHostName);
* @return true if the TLS hostname verification is enabled
bool isValidateHostName() const;
* Configure the listener name that the broker returns the corresponding `advertisedListener`.
* @param name the listener name
ClientConfiguration& setListenerName(const std::string& listenerName);
* @return the listener name for the broker
const std::string& getListenerName() const;
* Initialize stats interval in seconds. Stats are printed and reset after every `statsIntervalInSeconds`.
* Default: 600
* Set to 0 means disabling stats collection.
ClientConfiguration& setStatsIntervalInSeconds(const unsigned int&);
* @return the stats interval configured for the client
const unsigned int& getStatsIntervalInSeconds() const;
* Set partitions update interval in seconds.
* If a partitioned topic is produced or subscribed and `intervalInSeconds` is not 0, every
* `intervalInSeconds` seconds the partition number will be retrieved by sending lookup requests. If
* partition number has been increased, more producer/consumer of increased partitions will be created.
* Default is 60 seconds.
* @param intervalInSeconds the seconds between two lookup request for partitioned topic's metadata
ClientConfiguration& setPartititionsUpdateInterval(unsigned int intervalInSeconds);
* Get partitions update interval in seconds.
unsigned int getPartitionsUpdateInterval() const;
* Set the duration of time to wait for a connection to a broker to be established. If the duration passes
* without a response from the broker, the connection attempt is dropped.
* Default: 10000
* @param timeoutMs the duration in milliseconds
* @return
ClientConfiguration& setConnectionTimeout(int timeoutMs);
* The getter associated with setConnectionTimeout().
int getConnectionTimeout() const;
friend class ClientImpl;
friend class PulsarWrapper;
const AuthenticationPtr& getAuthPtr() const;
std::shared_ptr<ClientConfigurationImpl> impl_;
// By default, when the client connects to the broker, a version string like "Pulsar-CPP-v<x.y.z>" will be
// carried and saved by the broker. The client version string could be queried from the topic stats.
// This method provides a way to add more description to a specific `Client` instance. If it's configured,
// the description will be appended to the original client version string, with '-' as the separator.
// For example, if the client version is 3.2.0, and the description is "forked", the final client version
// string will be "Pulsar-CPP-v3.2.0-forked".
// NOTE: This method should only be called by the PulsarWrapper and the length should not exceed 64.
// For example, you can add a PulsarWrapper class like:
// ```c++
// namespace pulsar {
// class PulsarWrapper {
// static ClientConfiguration clientConfig() {
// ClientConfiguration conf;
// conf.setDescription("forked");
// return conf;
// }
// };
// }
// ```
// Then, call the method before passing the `conf` to the constructor of `Client`:
// ```c++
// auto conf = PulsarWrapper::clientConfig();
// // Set other attributes of `conf` here...
// Client client{"pulsar://localhost:6650", conf);
// ```
ClientConfiguration& setDescription(const std::string& description);
const std::string& getDescription() const noexcept;
} // namespace pulsar