Fixed integration tests (#22)

### Motivation

KafkaApiTest is failing

### Modifications

1. conversion between Pulsar topic name and Kafka TopicPartition ended up with TopicPartition using name with "-partition-<partition idx>"

2. Seek was not working correctly:

PulsarKafkaConsumer seeks to beginning, as asked.
Clears lastReceivedOffset in the process.

on poll it checks
            if (lastReceivedOffset.get(tp) == null && !unpolledPartitions.contains(tp)) {
       "When polling offsets, invalid offsets were detected. Resetting topic partition {}", tp);
seek didn't update unpolledPartitions - reset offset uses default strategy to reset => seeks to the end

### Verifying this change

- [ ] Make sure that the change passes the CI checks.

*(Please pick either of the following options)*

This change is already covered by existing tests, such as KafkaApiTest.

### Does this pull request potentially affect one of the following parts:

*If `yes` was chosen, please highlight the changes*


### Documentation

  - Does this pull request introduce a new feature? NO
3 files changed
tree: e91a90e717f96c840c6322c81ae17c16baaf41ff
  1. .github/
  2. buildtools/
  3. examples/
  4. pulsar-client-kafka-compat/
  5. pulsar-flink/
  6. pulsar-log4j2-appender/
  7. pulsar-spark/
  8. pulsar-storm/
  9. src/
  10. tests/
  11. .asf.yaml
  12. .gitignore
  13. pom.xml

Apache Pulsar Adapters

This repository is used for hosting all the adapters maintained and supported by Apache Pulsar PMC.