Netty 4.1 (#689)

* Upgrade to Netty-4.1

* Updated Recycler usages

* Converted usages of ByteBuf.order()

* Upgrade AsyncHttpClient

* Upgraded BK to

* Fixed method name that changed in async-http-client-2.1

* Upgrade to Guava 20.0 to match same BK version

* Converted usages of templatized Recycler in protobuf generated code

* Fixed capacity in DoubleByteBuf

* Fixed usages of Objects.toStringHelper

* Use same netty version as BK

* Fixed kafka compat tests

* Include AsyncHttpClient default properties file in shaded jar

* Added ref count check in DoubleByteBufTest
4 files changed
tree: 3862cb4ac069b2065bda9179a69260202cede527
  1. pulsar-client-kafka-compat/
  2. pulsar-spark/
  3. pulsar-storm/