Support Consumers Set Custom Retry Delay (#6449)

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Master Issue: #6448

### Motivation

For many online business systems, various exceptions usually occur in business logic processing, so the message needs to be re-consumed, but users hope that this delay time can be controlled flexibly. The current user's processing method is usually to send this message to a special retry topic, because production can specify any delay, so consumers subscribe the business topic and retry topic at the same time. I think this logic can be supported by pulsar itself, making it easier for users to use, and it looks like this is a very common requirement.

### Modifications

This change can be supported on the client side,  need to add a set of interfaces to org.apache.pulsar.client.api.Consumer
void reconsumeLater(Message<?> message, long delayTime, TimeUnit unit) throws PulsarClientException;
CompletableFuture<Void> reconsumeLaterAsync(Message<?> message, long delayTime, TimeUnit unit);
CompletableFuture<Void> reconsumeLaterAsync(Messages<?> messages, int delayLevel);
DeadLetterPolicy add retry topic
public class DeadLetterPolicy {

     * Maximum number of times that a message will be redelivered before being sent to the dead letter queue.
    private int maxRedeliverCount;

     * Name of the retry topic where the failing messages will be sent.
    private String retryLetterTopic;

     * Name of the dead topic where the failing messages will be sent.
    private String deadLetterTopic;


org.apache.pulsar.client.impl.ConsumerImpl add a retry producer
  private volatile Producer<T> deadLetterProducer;

  private volatile Producer<T> retryLetterProducer;
Can specify whether to enable retry when creating a consumer,default unenable
    public ConsumerBuilder<T> enableRetry(boolean retryEnable) {
        return this;

1 file changed