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<h1 id="software-user-faq">Software User FAQ</h1>
<p>This FAQ addresses users of our software in general.</p>
<h2 id="general-questions">General Questions</h2>
<h3 id="do-i-need-to-sign-a-dpa-with-the-apache-software-foundation">Do I need to sign a DPA with the Apache Software Foundation?</h3>
<p>No. As we are not controlling any of your data, it is not necessary
to sign a DPA with us when you use our software.</p>
<h3 id="do-you-collect-our-users-data-when-we-use-your-software">Do you collect our users’ data when we use your software?</h3>
<p>No. The Apache Software Foundation does provide software for the public good;
it does not include any kind of software which you reveal any of your data to us.
We do not process, reuse or sell any of your users’ data.</p>
<h3 id="do-you-provide-saas-or-similar-services">Do you provide SaaS (or similar) services?</h3>
<p>No. The Apache Software Foundation provides software, but it does not operate
it directly. While there are companies which may provide assistance in running
our software, these companies do not have any relationship with the Apache Software Foundation.</p>
<h3 id="with-whom-do-i-need-to-sign-a-dpa-when-i-use-an-asf-product-like-a-webserver">With whom do I need to sign a DPA when I use an ASF product like a webserver?</h3>
<p>Please contact your lawyer or data privacy officer for these kind of questions;
without giving any legal advice, usually your web hosting agency or
your infrastructure provider will use our products to provide you with services
and in many cases you may have to sign a DPA with them.</p>
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