blob: 76e235c6b4b7b676e84b93ee489789b1f93a856a [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# PredictionIO Build Script
set -e
# Get the absolute path of the build script
while [ -h "$SCRIPT" ] ; do
SCRIPT=`readlink "$SCRIPT"`
# Get the base directory of the repo
DIR=`dirname $SCRIPT`/..
cd $DIR
. "$BASE/bin/"
. "$BASE/bin/"
# Full rebuild?
if test "$REBUILD" = "1" ; then
echo "Rebuild set."
echo "Incremental build set. Use \"REBUILD=1 $0\" for clean rebuild."
echo "Going to build PredictionIO..."
# Build commons
echo "Going to build PredictionIO Commons..."
cd $BASE/commons
$SBT $CLEAN update +publish
# Build output
echo "Going to build PredictionIO Output..."
cd $BASE/output
$SBT $CLEAN update +publish
# Build process commons
echo "Going to build PredictionIO Process Commons..."
cd $BASE/process/commons/hadoop/scalding
$SBT $CLEAN update +publish
if test "$SKIP_PROCESS" = "1" ; then
echo "Skip building process assemblies."
# Build process itemrec algo assembly
echo "Going to build PredictionIO Process ItemRec Hadoop Scalding Algorithms Assembly..."
cd $BASE/process/engines/itemrec/algorithms/hadoop/scalding
$SBT $CLEAN update assembly
echo "Going to build PredictionIO Process ItemRec Scala Mahout Algorithms Assembly..."
cd $BASE/process/engines/itemrec/algorithms/scala/mahout
$SBT $CLEAN update assembly
# Build process itemrec eval assembly
echo "Going to build PredictionIO Process ItemRec Evaluations Assembly..."
cd $BASE/process/engines/itemrec/evaluations/hadoop/scalding
$SBT $CLEAN update assembly
# Build process itemrec parameter generator
echo "Going to build PredictionIO Parameter Generator Assembly..."
cd $BASE/process/engines/itemrec/evaluations/scala/paramgen
$SBT $CLEAN update assembly
# Build process itemrec training test split assembly
echo "Going to build PredictionIO Training-Test Split Assembly..."
cd $BASE/process/engines/itemrec/evaluations/scala/trainingtestsplit
$SBT $CLEAN update assembly
# Build process itemrec Top-k Items Collector
echo "Going to build PredictionIO ItemRec Top-k Items Collector Assembly..."
cd $BASE/process/engines/itemrec/evaluations/scala/topkitems
$SBT $CLEAN update assembly
# Build process itemsim algo assembly
echo "Going to build PredictionIO Process ItemSim Algorithms Assembly..."
cd $BASE/process/engines/itemsim/algorithms/hadoop/scalding
$SBT $CLEAN update assembly
# Build process itemsim eval assembly
echo "Going to build PredictionIO Process ItemSim Evaluations Assembly..."
cd $BASE/process/engines/itemsim/evaluations/hadoop/scalding
$SBT $CLEAN update assembly
# Build process itemsim Top-k Items Collector
echo "Going to build PredictionIO ItemSim Top-k Items Collector Assembly..."
cd $BASE/process/engines/itemsim/evaluations/scala/topkitems
$SBT $CLEAN update assembly
# Build connection check tool
echo "Going to build PredictionIO Connection Check Tool..."
cd $BASE/tools/conncheck
$SBT $CLEAN update pack
# Build settings initialization tool
echo "Going to build PredictionIO Settings Initialization Tool..."
cd $BASE/tools/settingsinit
$SBT $CLEAN update pack
# Build software manager
echo "Going to build PredictionIO Software Manager..."
cd $BASE/tools/softwaremanager
$SBT $CLEAN update pack
# Build user tool
echo "Going to build PredictionIO User Tool..."
cd $BASE/tools/users
$SBT $CLEAN update pack
# Build migration tools
echo "Going to build PredictionIO Migration Tools..."
cd $BASE/tools/migration/0.5/appdata
$SBT $CLEAN update pack
# Build admin server
echo "Going to build PredictionIO Admin Server..."
cd $BASE/servers/admin
$PLAY $CLEAN update compile
# Build API server
echo "Going to build PredictionIO API Server..."
cd $BASE/servers/api
$PLAY $CLEAN update compile
# Build scheduler server
echo "Going to build PredictionIO Scheduler Server..."
cd $BASE/servers/scheduler
$PLAY $CLEAN update compile