blob: 1648b16c045d54d54935b3690d46dbbaaec7cde2 [file] [log] [blame]
Usage: pio template list
Retrieves a list of available template IDs.
Usage: pio template get <template ID> <new engine directory>
[--name <value>] [--package <value>] [--email <value>]
Seeds a directory with an engine template.
<template ID>
Engine template ID.
<new engine directory>
Location of the new engine.
--name <value>
Name of the author of the new engine.
--package <value>
Scala package name of the new engine.
--email <value>
E-mail address of the author of the new engine. Specify this if you want
to receive updates (critical bug fixes, etc) about the engine template
that you are going to use.