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title: Train with Rate Event (E-Commerce Recommendation)
This examples demonstrates how to modify E-Commerce Recommendation template to use "rate" event as Training Data.
However, recent "view" event is still used for recommendation for new user (to recommend items similar to what new user just recently viewed) and the returned scores are not predicted rating but a ranked scores for new user.
This template also supports that the user may rate same item multiple times and latest rating value will be used for training. The modification can be further simplified if the support of this case is not needed.
You can find the complete modified source code [here]( and the modification is based on E-Commerce Recommendation template v0.1.1.
## Modification
### DataSource.scala
In DataSource, change `ViewEvent` case class to RateEvent. Add `rating: Double` is added to the RateEvent.
case class ViewEvent(user: String, item: String, t: Long)
case class RateEvent(user: String, item: String, rating: Double, t: Long)
Modify TrainingData class to use rateEvent
class TrainingData(
val users: RDD[(String, User)],
val items: RDD[(String, Item)],
val rateEvents: RDD[RateEvent] // MODIFIED
) extends Serializable {
override def toString = {
s"users: [${users.count()} (${users.take(2).toList}...)]" +
s"items: [${items.count()} (${items.take(2).toList}...)]" +
s"rateEvents: [${rateEvents.count()}] (${rateEvents.take(2).toList}...)"
Modify `readTraining()` function of `DataSource` to read "rate" events (commented with "// MODIFIED"). Replace all `ViewEvent` with `RateEvent`. Replace all `viewEvent` with `rateEvent`. Retrieve the rating value from the event properties:
def readTraining(sc: SparkContext): TrainingData = {
val eventsDb = Storage.getPEvents()
// get all "user" "rate" "item" events
val rateEventsRDD: RDD[RateEvent] = eventsDb.find( // MODIFIED
appId = dsp.appId,
entityType = Some("user"),
eventNames = Some(List("rate")), // MODIFIED
// targetEntityType is optional field of an event.
targetEntityType = Some(Some("item")))(sc)
// eventsDb.find() returns RDD[Event]
.map { event =>
val rateEvent = try {
event.event match {
case "rate" => RateEvent( // MODIFIED
user = event.entityId,
item = event.targetEntityId.get,
rating =[Double]("rating"), // ADDED
t = event.eventTime.getMillis)
case _ => throw new Exception(s"Unexpected event ${event} is read.")
} catch {
case e: Exception => {
logger.error(s"Cannot convert ${event} to RateEvent." + // MODIFIED
s" Exception: ${e}.")
throw e
new TrainingData(
users = usersRDD,
items = itemsRDD,
rateEvents = rateEventsRDD // MODIFIED
### Preparator.scala
Modify Preparator to pass rateEvents to algorithm as PreparedData (Replace all `ViewEvent` with `RateEvent`. Replace all `viewEvent` with `rateEvent`)
Modify Preparator's `parpare()` method:
def prepare(sc: SparkContext, trainingData: TrainingData): PreparedData = {
new PreparedData(
users = trainingData.users,
items = trainingData.items,
rateEvents = trainingData.rateEvents) // MODIFIED
Modify `PreparedData` class:
class PreparedData(
val users: RDD[(String, User)],
val items: RDD[(String, Item)],
val rateEvents: RDD[RateEvent] // MODIFIED
) extends Serializable
### ECommAlgorithm.scala
Modify `train()` method to train with rate event.
def train(sc: SparkContext, data: PreparedData): ALSModel = {
require(!data.rateEvents.take(1).isEmpty, // MODIFIED
s"rateEvents in PreparedData cannot be empty." + // MODIFIED
" Please check if DataSource generates TrainingData" +
" and Preprator generates PreparedData correctly.")
val mllibRatings = data.rateEvents // MODIFIED
.map { r =>
((uindex, iindex), (r.rating, r.t)) // MODIFIED
}.filter { case ((u, i), v) =>
// keep events with valid user and item index
(u != -1) && (i != -1)
}.reduceByKey { case (v1, v2) => // MODIFIED
// if a user may rate same item with different value at different times,
// use the latest value for this case.
// Can remove this reduceByKey() if no need to support this case.
val (rating1, t1) = v1
val (rating2, t2) = v2
// keep the latest value
if (t1 > t2) v1 else v2
.map { case ((u, i), (rating, t)) => // MODIFIED
// MLlibRating requires integer index for user and item
MLlibRating(u, i, rating) // MODIFIED
Modify `train()` method to use `ALS.trainImplicit()`:
Change the following from:
val m = ALS.trainImplicit(
ratings = mllibRatings,
rank = ap.rank,
iterations = ap.numIterations,
lambda = ap.lambda,
blocks = -1,
alpha = 1.0, // WILL BE REMOVED
seed = seed)
val m = ALS.train( // MODIFIED
ratings = mllibRatings,
rank = ap.rank,
iterations = ap.numIterations,
lambda = ap.lambda,
blocks = -1,
seed = seed)
That's it! Now your engine can train model with rate events.