blob: 0c2ab4deb179272868dcad559005614c6825af73 [file] [log] [blame]
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealVector;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.OpenMapRealVector;
import scala.Tuple2;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.Comparator;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class Algorithm extends
LJavaAlgorithm<AlgoParams, TrainingData, Model, Query, Float> {
final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Algorithm.class);
AlgoParams params;
public Algorithm(AlgoParams params) {
this.params = params;
public Model train(TrainingData data) {
// pre-process
Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Float>> itemMap = new HashMap<Integer, Map<Integer, Float>>();
Map<Integer, Integer> userIndexMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
Map<Integer, Integer> itemIndexMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
int itemIndex = 0;
int userIndex = 0;
for (TrainingData.Rating r : data.ratings) {
Map<Integer, Float> userRating = itemMap.get(r.iid);
if (userRating == null) {
// new item
userRating = new HashMap<Integer, Float>();
itemMap.put(r.iid, userRating);
itemIndexMap.put(r.iid, itemIndex);
itemIndex += 1; // increment item index for next item
userRating.put(r.uid, r.rating);
// update user index
Integer u = userIndexMap.get(r.uid);
if (u == null) {
// new user
userIndexMap.put(r.uid, userIndex);
userIndex += 1;
int numOfItems = itemIndexMap.size();
int numOfUsers = userIndexMap.size();
Map<Integer, RealVector> itemVectors = new HashMap<Integer, RealVector>();
Map<Integer, RealVector> userHistory = new HashMap<Integer, RealVector>();
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Map<Integer, Float>> entry : itemMap.entrySet()) {
Integer itemID = entry.getKey();
Integer iindex = itemIndexMap.get(itemID);
Map<Integer, Float> userRatingMap = entry.getValue();
RealVector item = new ArrayRealVector(numOfUsers); // dimension is numOfUsers
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Float> r : userRatingMap.entrySet()) {
Integer userID = r.getKey();
Float rating = r.getValue();
Integer uindex = userIndexMap.get(userID);
item.setEntry(uindex, rating);
// update user History
RealVector user = userHistory.get(userID);
if (user == null) {
user = new OpenMapRealVector(numOfItems);
userHistory.put(userID, user);
user.setEntry(iindex, rating);
itemVectors.put(itemID, item);
// calculate sim
Map<Integer, RealVector> itemSimilarity = new HashMap<Integer, RealVector>();
List<Integer> item1List = new ArrayList<Integer>(itemIndexMap.keySet());
List<Integer> item2List = new ArrayList<Integer>(item1List);
int numSimilarItems = 100;
Comparator<IndexAndScore> comparator = new IndexAndScoreComparator();
Map<Integer, Queue<IndexAndScore>> topItemSimilarity =
new HashMap<Integer, Queue<IndexAndScore>>();
for (Integer itemID1 : item1List) {
Integer index1 = itemIndexMap.get(itemID1);
for (Integer itemID2: item2List) {
RealVector vector1 = itemVectors.get(itemID1);
RealVector vector2 = itemVectors.get(itemID2);
double score = vector1.cosine(vector2);
if (score > params.threshold) {
Integer index2 = itemIndexMap.get(itemID2);
setTopItemSimilarity(topItemSimilarity, itemID1, index2, score, numSimilarItems,
setTopItemSimilarity(topItemSimilarity, itemID2, index1, score, numSimilarItems,
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Queue<IndexAndScore>> entry : topItemSimilarity.entrySet()) {
Iterator<IndexAndScore> it = entry.getValue().iterator();
RealVector vector = new OpenMapRealVector(numOfItems);
while (it.hasNext()) {
IndexAndScore d =;
vector.setEntry(d.index, d.score);
itemSimilarity.put(entry.getKey(), vector);
return new Model(itemSimilarity, userHistory);
private class IndexAndScore {
int index;
double score;
public IndexAndScore(int index, double score) {
this.index = index;
this.score = score;
private class IndexAndScoreComparator implements Comparator<IndexAndScore> {
public int compare(IndexAndScore o1, IndexAndScore o2) {
int r = 0;
if (o1.score < o2.score)
r = -1;
else if (o1.score > o2.score)
r = 1;
return r;
private void setTopItemSimilarity(Map<Integer, Queue<IndexAndScore>> topItemSimilarity,
Integer itemID1, Integer index2, double score, int capacity,
Comparator<IndexAndScore> comparator) {
Queue<IndexAndScore> queue = topItemSimilarity.get(itemID1);
if (queue == null) {
queue = new PriorityQueue<IndexAndScore>(capacity, comparator);
topItemSimilarity.put(itemID1, queue);
IndexAndScore entry = new IndexAndScore(index2, score);
if (queue.size() < capacity)
else if (, entry) < 0) {
public Float predict(Model model, Query query) {
RealVector itemVector = model.itemSimilarity.get(query.iid);
RealVector userVector = model.userHistory.get(query.uid);
if (itemVector == null) {
// cold start item, can't be handled by this algo, return hard code value.
return Float.NaN;
} else if (userVector == null) {
// new user, can't be handled by this algo, return hard code value.
return Float.NaN;
} else {
//"(" + query.uid + "," + query.iid + ")");
double accum = 0.0;
double accumSim = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < itemVector.getDimension(); i++) {
double weight = itemVector.getEntry(i);
double rating = userVector.getEntry(i);
if ((weight != 0) && (rating != 0)) {
accum += weight * rating;
accumSim += Math.abs(weight);
if (accumSim == 0.0) {
return Float.NaN;
} else {
return (float) (accum / accumSim);