blob: 0510bc81e8a4b6fc069b42785d75fb2eed12b5ea [file] [log] [blame]
/** Copyright 2014 TappingStone, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.prediction.controller
import io.prediction.core.BaseAlgorithm
import io.prediction.core.LModelAlgorithm
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import scala.reflect._
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
/** Base class of a local algorithm.
* A local algorithm runs locally within a single machine and produces a model
* that can fit within a single machine.
* @tparam AP Algorithm parameters class.
* @tparam PD Prepared data class.
* @tparam M Trained model class.
* @tparam Q Input query class.
* @tparam P Output prediction class.
* @group Algorithm
abstract class LAlgorithm[
AP <: Params : ClassTag,
M : ClassTag,
Q : Manifest,
extends BaseAlgorithm[AP, RDD[PD], RDD[M], Q, P]
with LModelAlgorithm[M, Q, P] {
/** Do not use directly or override this method, as this is called by
* PredictionIO workflow to train a model.
def trainBase(sc: SparkContext, pd: RDD[PD]): RDD[M] =
/** Implement this method to produce a model from prepared data.
* @param pd Prepared data for model training.
* @return Trained model.
def train(pd: PD): M
/** Implement this method to produce a prediction from a query and trained
* model.
* @param model Trained model produced by [[train]].
* @param query An input query.
* @return A prediction.
def predict(model: M, query: Q): P
/** Base class of a parallel-to-local algorithm.
* A parallel-to-local algorithm can be run in parallel on a cluster and
* produces a model that can fit within a single machine.
* @tparam AP Algorithm parameters class.
* @tparam PD Prepared data class.
* @tparam M Trained model class.
* @tparam Q Input query class.
* @tparam P Output prediction class.
* @group Algorithm
abstract class P2LAlgorithm[
AP <: Params : ClassTag, PD, M : ClassTag, Q : Manifest, P]
extends BaseAlgorithm[AP, PD, RDD[M], Q, P]
with LModelAlgorithm[M, Q, P] {
/** Do not use directly or override this method, as this is called by
* PredictionIO workflow to train a model.
* Developer note:
* In train: PD => M, M is a local object. We have to parallelize it.
def trainBase(sc: SparkContext, pd: PD): RDD[M] = {
val m: M = train(pd)
/** Implement this method to produce a model from prepared data.
* @param pd Prepared data for model training.
* @return Trained model.
def train(pd: PD): M
/** Implement this method to produce a prediction from a query and trained
* model.
* @param model Trained model produced by [[train]].
* @param query An input query.
* @return A prediction.
def predict(model: M, query: Q): P
/** Base class of a parallel algorithm.
* A parallel algorithm can be run in parallel on a cluster and produces a
* model that can also be distributed across a cluster.
* @tparam AP Algorithm parameters class.
* @tparam PD Prepared data class.
* @tparam M Trained model class.
* @tparam Q Input query class.
* @tparam P Output prediction class.
* @group Algorithm
abstract class PAlgorithm[AP <: Params : ClassTag, PD, M, Q : Manifest, P]
extends BaseAlgorithm[AP, PD, M, Q, P] {
/** Do not use directly or override this method, as this is called by
* PredictionIO workflow to train a model.
def trainBase(sc: SparkContext, pd: PD): M = train(pd)
/** Implement this method to produce a model from prepared data.
* @param pd Prepared data for model training.
* @return Trained model.
def train(pd: PD): M
/** Do not use directly or override this method, as this is called by
* PredictionIO workflow to perform batch prediction.
def batchPredictBase(baseModel: Any, indexedQueries: RDD[(Long, Q)])
: RDD[(Long, P)] = {
batchPredict(baseModel.asInstanceOf[M], indexedQueries)
/** Implement this method to produce predictions from batch queries.
* Evaluation call this method. Since in PAlgorithm, M may contain RDDs, it
* is impossible to call `predict(model, query)` without localizing queries
* (which is very inefficient). Hence, engine builders using PAlgorithm need
* to implement this method for evaluation purpose.
* @param model Trained model produced by [[train]].
* @param indexedQueries Batch of queries with indices.
* @return An RDD of indexed predictions.
def batchPredict(model: M, indexedQueries: RDD[(Long, Q)]): RDD[(Long, P)]
/** Do not use directly or override this method, as this is called by
* PredictionIO workflow to perform prediction.
def predictBase(baseModel: Any, query: Q): P = {
predict(baseModel.asInstanceOf[M], query)
/** Implement this method to produce a prediction from a query and trained
* model.
* @param model Trained model produced by [[train]].
* @param query An input query.
* @return A prediction.
def predict(model: M, query: Q): P