blob: e8abdc79e76f51508b0b35a927a982e39e6597c3 [file] [log] [blame]
package io.prediction.commons.scalding.appdata.mongodb.examples
import com.twitter.scalding._
import io.prediction.commons.scalding.appdata.mongodb.{ MongoUsersSource, MongoItemsSource, MongoU2iActionsSource }
import io.prediction.commons.appdata.{ Item, User }
//TODO: clean up this example. see if there is better way to test MongoSource?
class ReadWrite(args: Args) extends Job(args) {
val read_dbNameArg = args("read_dbName")
val read_dbHostArg = args("read_dbHost")
val read_dbPortArg = args("read_dbPort").toInt
val read_appidArg = args("read_appid").toInt
val write_dbNameArg = args("write_dbName")
val write_dbHostArg = args("write_dbHost")
val write_dbPortArg = args("write_dbPort").toInt
val write_appidArg = args("write_appid").toInt
val preItypesArg = args.list("itypes")
val itypesArg: Option[List[String]] = if (preItypesArg.mkString(",").length == 0) None else Option(preItypesArg)
* test MongoUsersSource
* read from DB and write to Tsv
val usersSource = new MongoUsersSource(read_dbNameArg, read_dbHostArg, read_dbPortArg, read_appidArg)
val users = usersSource.readData('uid)
val usersObj = usersSource.readObj('user)
val testUsersObj = new MongoUsersSource(write_dbNameArg + "_obj", write_dbHostArg, write_dbPortArg, write_appidArg)
usersObj.mapTo('user -> 'user) { obj: User =>
obj.copy(appid = write_appidArg)
}.then(testUsersObj.writeObj('user) _)
val testUsers = new MongoUsersSource(write_dbNameArg, write_dbHostArg, write_dbPortArg, write_appidArg)
users.then(testUsers.writeData('uid, write_appidArg) _)
* test MongoItemsSource
* read from DB and write to Tsv
val itemsSource = new MongoItemsSource(read_dbNameArg, read_dbHostArg, read_dbPortArg, read_appidArg, itypesArg)
val items = itemsSource.readData('iid, 'itypes)
val itemsStarttime = itemsSource.readStarttime('iid, 'itypes, 'starttime)
val itemsObj = itemsSource.readObj('item)
val testItemsObj = new MongoItemsSource(write_dbNameArg + "_obj", write_dbHostArg, write_dbPortArg, write_appidArg, itypesArg)
itemsObj.mapTo('item -> 'item) { obj: Item =>
obj.copy(appid = write_appidArg)
}.then(testItemsObj.writeObj('item) _)
val testItems = new MongoItemsSource(write_dbNameArg, write_dbHostArg, write_dbPortArg, write_appidArg, itypesArg)
items.then(testItems.writeData('iid, 'itypes, write_appidArg) _)
* test MongoU2iActionsSource
* read from DB and write to Tsv
val u2iSource = new MongoU2iActionsSource(read_dbNameArg, read_dbHostArg, read_dbPortArg, read_appidArg)
val u2i = u2iSource.readData('action, 'uid, 'iid, 't, 'v)
val testU2i = new MongoU2iActionsSource(write_dbNameArg, write_dbHostArg, write_dbPortArg, write_appidArg)
u2i.then(testU2i.writeData('action, 'uid, 'iid, 't, 'v, write_appidArg) _)