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title: DASE Components Explained (E-Commerce Recommendation (Java))
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<%= partial 'shared/dase/dase', locals: { template_name: 'E-Commerce Recommendation Engine Template' } %>
## The Engine Design
As you can see from the Quick Start, *MyECommerceRecommendation* takes a JSON prediction
query, e.g. `{ "userEntityId": "u1", "number": 4 }`, and return a JSON predicted result.
The `Query` class defines the format of such **query**:
public class Query implements Serializable {
private final String userEntityId;
private final int number;
private final Set<String> categories;
private final Set<String> whitelist;
private final Set<String> blacklist;
The `PredictedResult` and `ItemScore` classes define the format of **predicted result**,
such as
public class PredictedResult implements Serializable {
private final List<ItemScore> itemScores;
public class ItemScore implements Serializable, Comparable<ItemScore> {
private final String itemEntityId;
private final double score;
Finally, `RecommendationEngine` is the *Engine Factory* class that defines the
components this engine will use: Data Source, Data Preparator, Algorithm(s) and
Serving components.
public class RecommendationEngine extends EngineFactory {
public BaseEngine<EmptyParams, Query, PredictedResult, Object> apply() {
return new Engine<>(
Collections.<String, Class<? extends BaseAlgorithm<PreparedData, ?, Query, PredictedResult>>>singletonMap("algo", Algorithm.class),
### Spark MLlib
The PredictionIO E-Commerce Recommendation Engine Template integrates Spark's MLlib ALS algorithm under the DASE
architecture. We will take a closer look at the DASE code below.
The MLlib ALS algorithm takes training data of RDD type, i.e. `RDD[Rating]` and train a model, which is a `MatrixFactorizationModel` object.
You can visit [here]( to learn more about MLlib's ALS collaborative filtering algorithm.
## Data
In the DASE architecture, data is prepared by 2 components sequentially: *DataSource* and *DataPreparator*. They take data
from the data store and prepare them for Algorithm.
### Data Source
In ***DataSource*** class, the `readTraining`
method reads and selects data from the *Event Store*. It returns `TrainingData`.
public TrainingData readTraining(SparkContext sc) {
// create a JavaPairRDD of (entityID, User)
JavaPairRDD<String,User> usersRDD = PJavaEventStore.aggregateProperties(...)
// create a JavaPairRDD of (entityID, Item)
JavaPairRDD<String, Item> itemsRDD = PJavaEventStore.aggregateProperties(...)
// find all view events
JavaRDD<UserItemEvent> viewEventsRDD = PJavaEventStore.find(...)
// find all buy events
JavaRDD<UserItemEvent> buyEventsRDD = PJavaEventStore.find(...)
return new TrainingData(usersRDD, itemsRDD, viewEventsRDD, buyEventsRDD);
PredictionIO automatically loads the parameters of *datasource* specified in MyECommerceRecommendation/***engine.json***, including *appName*.
In ***engine.json***:
"datasource": {
"params" : {
"appName": "MyApp1"
In `readTraining()`, `PJavaEventStore` is an object which provides function to access data that is collected by PredictionIO Event Server.
This E-Commerce Recommendation Engine Template requires "user" and "item" entities that are set by events.
`PJavaEventStore.aggregateProperties(...)` aggregates properties of the `user` and `item` that are set, unset, or deleted by special events **$set**, **$unset** and **$delete**. Please refer to [Event API](/datacollection/eventapi/#note-about-properties) for more details of using these events.
The following code aggregates the properties of `user` and then map each result to a `User` object.
JavaPairRDD<String,User> usersRDD = PJavaEventStore.aggregateProperties(
.mapToPair(new PairFunction<Tuple2<String, PropertyMap>, String, User>() {
public Tuple2<String, User> call(Tuple2<String, PropertyMap> entityIdProperty) throws Exception {
Set<String> keys = JavaConversions$.MODULE$.setAsJavaSet(entityIdProperty._2().keySet());
Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<>();
for (String key : keys) {
properties.put(key, entityIdProperty._2().get(key, String.class));
User user = new User(entityIdProperty._1(), ImmutableMap.copyOf(properties));
return new Tuple2<>(user.getEntityId(), user);
In the template, `User` object is a placeholder for you to customize and expand.
Similarly, the following code aggregates `item` properties and then map each result to an `Item` object. By default, this template assumes each item has an optional property `categories`, which is a list of String.
JavaPairRDD<String, Item> itemsRDD = PJavaEventStore.aggregateProperties(
.mapToPair(new PairFunction<Tuple2<String, PropertyMap>, String, Item>() {
public Tuple2<String, Item> call(Tuple2<String, PropertyMap> entityIdProperty) throws Exception {
List<String> categories = entityIdProperty._2().getStringList("categories");
Item item = new Item(entityIdProperty._1(), ImmutableSet.copyOf(categories));
return new Tuple2<>(item.getEntityId(), item);
`PJavaEventStore.find(...)` specifies the events that you want to read. In this case, "user view item" and "user buy item" events are read
JavaRDD<UserItemEvent> viewEventsRDD = PJavaEventStore.find(
.map(new Function<Event, UserItemEvent>() {
public UserItemEvent call(Event event) throws Exception {
return new UserItemEvent(event.entityId(), event.targetEntityId().get(), event.eventTime().getMillis(), UserItemEventType.VIEW);
Similarly, we read buy events from Event Server.
JavaRDD<UserItemEvent> viewEventsRDD = PJavaEventStore.find(
.map(new Function<Event, UserItemEvent>() {
public UserItemEvent call(Event event) throws Exception {
return new UserItemEvent(event.entityId(), event.targetEntityId().get(), event.eventTime().getMillis(), UserItemEventType.BUY);
INFO: For flexibility, this template is designed to support user ID and item ID in String.
`TrainingData` contains Java RDD of `User`, `Item`, `View Event`, and `Buy Event`. The class definition of `TrainingData` is:
public class TrainingData implements Serializable, SanityCheck {
private final JavaPairRDD<String, User> users;
private final JavaPairRDD<String, Item> items;
private final JavaRDD<UserItemEvent> viewEvents;
private final JavaRDD<UserItemEvent> buyEvents;
PredictionIO then passes the returned `TrainingData` object to *Data Preparator*.
NOTE: You could modify the DataSource to read events other than the default **view** or **buy**.
### Data Preparator
In ***Preparator***, the `prepare` method
takes `TrainingData` as its input and performs any
necessary feature selection and data processing tasks. At the end, it returns
`PreparedData` which should contain the data *Algorithm* needs.
By default, `prepare` simply includes the unprocessed `TrainingData` in `PreparedData`:
public class Preparator extends PJavaPreparator<TrainingData, PreparedData> {
public PreparedData prepare(SparkContext sc, TrainingData trainingData) {
return new PreparedData(trainingData);
PredictionIO passes the returned `PreparedData` object to Algorithm's `train` function.
## Algorithm
In the ***Algorithm*** class, the two methods of
interest are `train` and `predict`. `train` is responsible for
training the predictive model; `predict` is
responsible for using this model to make a prediction.
### Algorithm parameters
The algorithm takes the following parameters, as defined by the `AlgorithmParams` class:
public class AlgorithmParams implements Params{
private final long seed;
private final int rank;
private final int iteration;
private final double lambda;
private final String appName;
private final List<String> similarItemEvents;
private final boolean unseenOnly;
private final List<String> seenItemEvents;
Parameter description:
- **appName**: Your App name. Events defined by "seenItemEvents" and "similarItemEvents" will be read from this app during `predict`.
- **unseenOnly**: true or false. Set to true if you want to recommend unseen items only. Seen items are defined by *seenItemEvents* which mean if the user has these events on the items, then it's treated as *seen*.
- **seenItemEvents**: A list of user-to-item events which will be treated as *seen* events. Used when *unseenOnly* is set to true.
- **similarItemEvents**: A list of user-item-item events which will be used to find similar items to the items which the user has performed these events on.
- **rank**: Parameter of the MLlib ALS algorithm. Number of latent features.
- **iteration**: Parameter of the MLlib ALS algorithm. Number of iterations.
- **lambda**: Regularization parameter of the MLlib ALS algorithm.
- **seed**: A random seed of the MLlib ALS algorithm.
### train(...)
`train` is called when you run **pio train**. This is where MLlib ALS algorithm,
i.e. `ALS.trainImplicit()`, is used to train a predictive model. In addition, we also count the number of items being bought for each item as default model which will be used when there is no ALS model available or other useful information about the user is available during `predict`.
public Model train(SparkContext sc, PreparedData preparedData) {
MatrixFactorizationModel matrixFactorizationModel = ALS.trainImplicit(JavaRDD.toRDD(ratings), ap.getRank(), ap.getIteration(), ap.getLambda(), -1, 1.0, ap.getSeed());
#### Working with Spark MLlib's ALS.trainImplicit(....)
MLlib ALS algorithm does not support `String` user ID and item ID. `ALS.trainImplicit` thus also assumes int-only `Rating` object. A view event is an implicit event that does not have an explicit rating value. `ALS.trainImplicit()` supports implicit preference. If the `Rating` has higher rating value, it means higher confidence that the user prefers the item. Hence we can aggregate how many times the user has viewed the item to indicate the confidence level that the user may prefer the item.
Here are the steps to use MLlib ALS algorithm.
1. Map user and item string ID of the view event into integer ID, as required by `Rating`.
2. Filter out the events with invalid user or item ID.
3. Use `reduceByKey()` to add up all values for events with the same user-item combination.
4. Create a `Rating` object using user index, item index, and summed up score.
JavaRDD<Rating> ratings = data.getViewEvents().mapToPair(new PairFunction<UserItemEvent, Tuple2<Integer, Integer>, Integer>() {
public Tuple2<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>, Integer> call(UserItemEvent viewEvent) throws Exception {
Integer userIndex = userIndexMap.get(viewEvent.getUser());
Integer itemIndex = itemIndexMap.get(viewEvent.getItem());
return (userIndex == null || itemIndex == null) ? null : new Tuple2<>(new Tuple2<>(userIndex, itemIndex), 1);
}).filter(new Function<Tuple2<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>, Integer>, Boolean>() {
public Boolean call(Tuple2<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>, Integer> element) throws Exception {
return (element != null);
}).reduceByKey(new Function2<Integer, Integer, Integer>() {
public Integer call(Integer integer, Integer integer2) throws Exception {
return integer + integer2;
}).map(new Function<Tuple2<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>, Integer>, Rating>() {
public Rating call(Tuple2<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>, Integer> userItemCount) throws Exception {
return new Rating(userItemCount._1()._1(), userItemCount._1()._2(), userItemCount._2().doubleValue());
In addition to `RDD[Rating]`, `ALS.trainImplicit` takes the following parameters: *rank*, *iterations*, *lambda* and *seed*.
The values of these parameters are specified in *algorithms* section of ***engine.json***:
"algorithms": [
"name": "als",
"params": {
"appName": "MyApp1",
"unseenOnly": true,
"seenItemEvents": ["buy", "view"],
"similarItemEvents" : ["view"]
"rank": 10,
"iteration" : 20,
"lambda": 0.01,
"seed": 3
The parameters `appName`, `unseenOnly`, `seenItemEvents` and `similarItemEvents` are used during `predict()`, which will be explained later.
PredictionIO will automatically loads these values into the `AlgorithmParams` field of the `Algorithm`.
The `seed` parameter is used by MLlib ALS algorithm internally to generate random values. Specify a fixed value for the `seed` if you want to have deterministic result (For example, when you are testing).
`ALS.trainImplicit()` returns a `MatrixFactorizationModel` model which contains two RDDs: userFeatures and productFeatures. They correspond to the user X latent features matrix and item X latent features matrix, respectively.
In addition to the latent feature vector, the item properties (e.g. categories) and popular count are also used during `predict()`. Hence, we also save these data along with the feature vector.
PredictionIO will store the returned model after training.
### predict(...)
`predict` is called when you send a JSON query to
http://localhost:8000/queries.json. PredictionIO converts the query, such as `{ "userEntityId": "u1", "number": 4 }` to the `Query` class we defined previously.
We can use the user features and item features stored in the model to calculate the scores of items for the user.
This template also supports additional business logic features, such as filtering items by categories, recommending items in the whitelist, excluding items in the blacklist, recommend unseen items only, and exclude unavailable items defined in constraint event.
The `predict()` function does the following:
1. Get the user feature vector from the model.
2. If there is feature vector for the user, recommend top N items based on the user feature and item features.
3. If there is no feature vector for the user, use the recent items acted on by the user (defined by `similarItemEvents` parameter) to recommend similar items.
4. If there is no recent `similarItemEvents` available for the user, popular items are recommended.
Only items which satisfy the following conditions will be recommended. By default, an item will be recommended if:
- it belongs to one of the categories defined in query.
- it is one of the whitelisted items if a whitelist is defined.
- it is not on the blacklist.
- it is available.
INFO: You can easily modify `validScores()` if you have different requirements or conditions to determine if an item should be recommended.
PredictionIO passes the returned `PredictedResult` object to *Serving*.
## Serving
The `serve` method of class `Serving` processes predicted result. It is also
responsible for combining multiple predicted results into one if you have more
than one predictive model. *Serving* then returns the final predicted result.
PredictionIO will convert it to a JSON response automatically.
public class Serving extends LJavaServing<Query, PredictedResult> {
public PredictedResult serve(Query query, Seq<PredictedResult> predictions) {
return predictions.head();
When you send a JSON query to http://localhost:8000/queries.json,
`PredictedResult` from all models will be passed to `serve` as a sequence, i.e.
> An engine can train multiple models if you specify more than one Algorithm
component in `RecommendationEngine`. Since we only have one algorithm, this `Seq` contains one element.