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title: Quick Start - E-Commerce Recommendation Engine Template
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## Overview
This engine template provides personalized recommendation for e-commerce applications with the following features by default:
- Exclude out-of-stock items
- Provide recommendation to new users who sign up after the model is trained
- Recommend unseen items only (configurable)
- Recommend popular items if no information about the user is available (added in template version v0.4.0)
WARNING: This template requires PredictionIO version >= 0.9.0
## Usage
### Event Data Requirements
By default, this template takes the following data from Event Server:
- Users' *view* events
- Users' *buy* events
- Items' with *categories* properties
- Constraint *unavailableItems* set events
INFO: This template can easily be customized to consider more user events such as *rate* and *like*.
The *view* events are used as Training Data to train the model. The algorithm has a parameter *unseenOnly*; when this parameter is set to true, the engine would recommend unseen items only. You can specify a list of events which are considered as *seen* events with the algorithm parameter *seenEvents*. The default values are *view* and *buy* events, which means that the engine by default recommends un-viewed and un-bought items only. You can also define your own events which are considered as *seen*.
The constraint *unavailableItems* set events are used to exclude a list of unavailable items (such as out of stock) for all users in real time.
### Input Query
- UserID
- Num of items to be recommended
- List of white-listed item categories (optional)
- List of white-listed ItemIds (optional)
- List of black-listed ItemIds (optional)
The template also supports black-list and whitelist. If a whitelist is provided, the engine will include only those products in the recommendation.
Likewise, if a blacklist is provided, the engine will exclude those products in the recommendation.
### Output PredictedResult
- A ranked list of recommended itemIDs
## 1. Install and Run PredictionIO
<%= partial 'shared/quickstart/install' %>
## 2. Create a new Engine from an Engine Template
<%= partial 'shared/quickstart/create_engine', locals: { engine_name: 'MyECommerceRecommendation', template_name: 'E-Commerce Recommendation Engine Template', template_repo: 'apache/predictionio-template-ecom-recommender' } %>
## 3. Generate an App ID and Access Key
<%= partial 'shared/quickstart/create_app' %>
## 4. Collecting Data
Next, let's collect training data for this Engine. By default,
the E-Commerce Recommendation Engine Template supports 2 types of entities and 2 events: **user** and
**item**; events **view** and **buy**. An item has the **categories** property, which is a list of category names (String). A user can view and buy an item. The special **constraint** entity with entityId **unavailableItems** defines a list of unavailable items and is taken into account in realtime during serving.
In summary, this template requires '$set' user event, '$set' item event, user-view-item events, user-buy-item event and '$set' constraint event.
INFO: This template can easily be customized to consider other user-to-item events.
<%= partial 'shared/quickstart/collect_data' %>
For example, when a new user with id "u0" is created in your app on time `2014-11-02T09:39:45.618-08:00` (current time will be used if eventTime is not specified), you can send a `$set` event for this user. To send this event, run the following `curl` command:
<div class="tabs">
<div data-tab="REST API" data-lang="json">
$ curl -i -X POST http://localhost:7070/events.json?accessKey=$ACCESS_KEY \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"event" : "$set",
"entityType" : "user",
"entityId" : "u0",
"eventTime" : "2014-11-02T09:39:45.618-08:00"
<div data-tab="Python SDK" data-lang="python">
import predictionio
client = predictionio.EventClient(
access_key=<ACCESS KEY>,
# Create a new user
<div data-tab="PHP SDK" data-lang="php">
use predictionio\EventClient;
$client = new EventClient(<ACCESS KEY>, <URL OF EVENTSERVER>);
// Create a new user
'event' => '$set',
'entityType' => 'user',
'entityId' => <USER ID>
// Create a new item or set existing item's categories
'event' => '$set',
'entityType' => 'item',
'entityId' => <ITEM ID>
'properties' => array('categories' => array('<CATEGORY_1>', '<CATEGORY_2>'))
<div data-tab="Ruby SDK" data-lang="ruby">
# Create a client object.
# Create a new user
<div data-tab="Java SDK" data-lang="java">
import org.apache.predictionio.Event;
import org.apache.predictionio.EventClient;
EventClient client = new EventClient(<ACCESS KEY>, <URL OF EVENTSERVER>);
// Create a new user
Event userEvent = new Event()
When a new item "i0" is created in your app on time `2014-11-02T09:39:45.618-08:00` (current time will be used if eventTime is not specified), you can send a `$set` event for the item. Note that the item is set with categories properties: `"c1"` and `"c2"`. Run the following `curl` command:
<div class="tabs">
<div data-tab="REST API" data-lang="json">
$ curl -i -X POST http://localhost:7070/events.json?accessKey=$ACCESS_KEY \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"event" : "$set",
"entityType" : "item",
"entityId" : "i0",
"properties" : {
"categories" : ["c1", "c2"]
"eventTime" : "2014-11-02T09:39:45.618-08:00"
<div data-tab="Python SDK" data-lang="python">
# Create a new item or set existing item's categories
"categories" : ["<CATEGORY_1>", "<CATEGORY_2>"]
<div data-tab="PHP SDK" data-lang="php">
// Create a new item or set existing item's categories
'event' => '$set',
'entityType' => 'item',
'entityId' => <ITEM ID>
'properties' => array('categories' => array('<CATEGORY_1>', '<CATEGORY_2>'))
<div data-tab="Ruby SDK" data-lang="ruby">
# Create a new item or set existing item's categories
<ITEM ID>, {
'properties' => { 'categories' => ['<CATEGORY_1>', '<CATEGORY_2>'] }
<div data-tab="Java SDK" data-lang="java">
// Create a new item or set existing item's categories
Event itemEvent = new Event()
.property("categories", ImmutableList.of("<CATEGORY_1>", "<CATEGORY_2>"));
The properties of the `user` and `item` can be set, unset, or delete by special events **$set**, **$unset** and **$delete**. Please refer to [Event API](/datacollection/eventapi/#note-about-properties) for more details of using these events.
When the user "u0" view item "i0" on time `2014-11-10T12:34:56.123-08:00` (current time will be used if eventTime is not specified), you can send a view event. Run the following `curl` command:
<div class="tabs">
<div data-tab="REST API" data-lang="json">
$ curl -i -X POST http://localhost:7070/events.json?accessKey=$ACCESS_KEY \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"event" : "view",
"entityType" : "user",
"entityId" : "u0",
"targetEntityType" : "item",
"targetEntityId" : "i0",
"eventTime" : "2014-11-10T12:34:56.123-08:00"
<div data-tab="Python SDK" data-lang="python">
# A user views an item
entity_id=<USER ID>,
target_entity_id=<ITEM ID>
<div data-tab="PHP SDK" data-lang="php">
// A user views an item
'event' => 'view',
'entityType' => 'user',
'entityId' => <USER ID>,
'targetEntityType' => 'item',
'targetEntityId' => <ITEM ID>
<div data-tab="Ruby SDK" data-lang="ruby">
# A user views an item.
<USER ID>, {
'targetEntityType' => 'item',
'targetEntityId' => <ITEM ID>
<div data-tab="Java SDK" data-lang="java">
// A user views an item
Event viewEvent = new Event()
When the user "u0" buy item "i0" on time `2014-11-10T13:00:00.123-08:00` (current time will be used if eventTime is not specified), you can send a view event. Run the following `curl` command:
<div class="tabs">
<div data-tab="REST API" data-lang="json">
$ curl -i -X POST http://localhost:7070/events.json?accessKey=$ACCESS_KEY \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"event" : "buy",
"entityType" : "user",
"entityId" : "u0",
"targetEntityType" : "item",
"targetEntityId" : "i0",
"eventTime" : "2014-11-10T13:00:00.123-08:00"
<div data-tab="Python SDK" data-lang="python">
# A user buys an item
entity_id=<USER ID>,
target_entity_id=<ITEM ID>
<div data-tab="PHP SDK" data-lang="php">
// A user buys an item
'event' => 'buy',
'entityType' => 'user',
'entityId' => <USER ID>,
'targetEntityType' => 'item',
'targetEntityId' => <ITEM ID>
<div data-tab="Ruby SDK" data-lang="ruby">
# A user buys an item.
<USER ID>, {
'targetEntityType' => 'item',
'targetEntityId' => <ITEM ID>
<div data-tab="Java SDK" data-lang="java">
// A user buys an item
Event viewEvent = new Event()
<%= partial 'shared/quickstart/query_eventserver' %>
### Import More Sample Data
<%= partial 'shared/quickstart/import_sample_data' %>
A Python import script `` is provided to import sample data. It imports 10 users (with user ID "u1" to "u10") and 50 items (with item ID "i1" to "i50") with some random assigned categories ( with categories "c1" to "c6"). Each user then randomly view 10 items.
<%= partial 'shared/quickstart/install_python_sdk' %>
Make sure you are under the `MyECommerceRecommendation` directory. Execute the following to import the data:
$ cd MyECommerceRecommendation
$ python data/ --access_key $ACCESS_KEY
You should see the following output:
User u10 buys item i14
User u10 views item i46
User u10 buys item i46
User u10 views item i30
User u10 buys item i30
User u10 views item i40
User u10 buys item i40
204 events are imported.
<%= partial 'shared/quickstart/query_eventserver_short' %>
## 5. Deploy the Engine as a Service
<%= partial 'shared/quickstart/deploy_enginejson', locals: { engine_name: 'MyECommerceRecommendation' } %>
WARNING: Note that the "algorithms" also has `appName` parameter which you need to modify to match your **App Name** as well:
"algorithms": [
"name": "als",
"params": {
"appName": "MyApp1",
NOTE: You may see `appId` in engine.json instead, which means you are using old template. In this case, make sure the `appId` defined in the file match your **App ID**. Alternatively, you can download the latest version of the template or follow our [upgrade instructions](/resources/upgrade/#upgrade-to-0.9.2) to modify the template to use `appName` as parameter.
<%= partial 'shared/quickstart/deploy', locals: { engine_name: 'MyECommerceRecommendation' } %>
## 6. Use the Engine
Now, You can retrieve predicted results. To recommend 4 items to user ID "u1". You send this JSON `{ "user": "u1", "num": 4 }` to the deployed engine and it will return a JSON of the recommended items. Simply send a query by making a HTTP request or through the `EngineClient` of an SDK.
With the deployed engine running, open another terminal and run the following `curl` command or use SDK to send the query:
<div class="tabs">
<div data-tab="REST API" data-lang="json">
$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{ "user": "u1", "num": 4 }' \
<div data-tab="Python SDK" data-lang="python">
import predictionio
engine_client = predictionio.EngineClient(url="http://localhost:8000")
print engine_client.send_query({"user": "u1", "num": 4})
<div data-tab="PHP SDK" data-lang="php">
use predictionio\EngineClient;
$client = new EngineClient('http://localhost:8000');
$response = $client->sendQuery(array('user'=> 'i1', 'num'=> 4));
<div data-tab="Ruby SDK" data-lang="ruby">
# Create client object.
client ='http://localhost:8000')
# Query PredictionIO.
response = client.send_query('user' => 'i1', 'num' => 4)
puts response
<div data-tab="Java SDK" data-lang="java">
import org.apache.predictionio.EngineClient;
// create client object
EngineClient engineClient = new EngineClient("http://localhost:8000");
// query
JsonObject response = engineClient.sendQuery(ImmutableMap.<String, Object>of(
"user", "u1",
"num", 4
The following is sample JSON response:
*MyECommerceRecommendation* is now running.
<%= partial 'shared/quickstart/production' %>
## Setting constraint "unavailableItems"
Now let's send a item contraint "unavailableItems" (replace accessKey with your Access Key):
NOTE: You can also use SDK to send this event as described in the SDK sample above.
<div class="tabs">
<div data-tab="REST API" data-lang="json">
$ curl -i -X POST http://localhost:7070/events.json?accessKey=$ACCESS_KEY \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"event" : "$set",
"entityType" : "constraint"
"entityId" : "unavailableItems",
"properties" : {
"items": ["i4", "i14", "i11"],
"eventTime" : "2015-02-17T02:11:21.934Z"
<div data-tab="Python SDK" data-lang="python">
# Set a list of unavailable items
"items" : ["<ITEM ID1>", "<ITEM ID2>"]
<div data-tab="PHP SDK" data-lang="php">
// Set a list of unavailable items
'event' => '$set',
'entityType' => 'constraint',
'entityId' => 'unavailableItems',
'properties' => array('items' => array('<ITEM ID1>', '<ITEM ID2>'))
<div data-tab="Ruby SDK" data-lang="ruby">
# Set a list of unavailable items
'unavailableItems', {
'properties' => { 'items' => ['<ITEM ID1>', '<ITEM ID2>'] }
<div data-tab="Java SDK" data-lang="java">
// Set a list of unavailable items
Event itemEvent = new Event()
.property("items", ImmutableList.of("<ITEM ID1>", "<ITEM ID2>"));
Try to get recommendation for user *u1* again, the unavailable items (e.g. i4, i14, i11). won't be recommended anymore:
$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"user": "u1",
"num": 4,
"blackList": ["i21", "i26", "i40"]
}' \
INFO: You should send a full list of unavailable items whenever there is any updates in the list. The latest event is used.
When there is no more unavilable items, simply set an empty list. ie.
$ curl -i -X POST http://localhost:7070/events.json?accessKey=zPkr6sBwQoBwBjVHK2hsF9u26L38ARSe19QzkdYentuomCtYSuH0vXP5fq7advo4 \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"event" : "$set",
"entityType" : "constraint"
"entityId" : "unavailableItems",
"properties" : {
"items": [],
"eventTime" : "2015-02-18T02:11:21.934Z"
## Advanced Query
In addition, the Query support the following optional parameters `categories`, `whiteList` and `blackList`.
### Recommend items in selected categories:
$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"user": "u1",
"num": 4,
"categories" : ["c4", "c3"]
}' \
### Recommend items in the whiteList:
$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"user": "u1",
"num": 4,
"whiteList": ["i1", "i2", "i3", "i21", "i22", "i23", "i24", "i25"]
}' \
### Recommend items not in the blackList:
$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"user": "u1",
"num": 4,
"categories" : ["c4", "c3"],
"blackList": ["i21", "i26", "i40"]
}' \
#### [Next: DASE Components Explained](/templates/ecommercerecommendation/dase/)