blob: a97ecb3d28dbe05c9d7e0b2035f7baa9cf246709 [file] [log] [blame]
Usage: pio <command> [options] <args>...
Options common to all commands:
[--pio-home <value>] [--spark-home <value>] [--sbt <value>]
[-ei <value>] [-ev <value>] [-v <value>] [-m <value>]
[-sk | --spark-kryo] [--verbose]
[<args>] [-- [<args passed to Spark>] [-- [<args passed to runner]]]
--sbt <value>
Full path of sbt. Default: sbt
-ei <value> | --engine-id <value>
Specify an engine ID. Usually used by distributed deployment.
-ev <value> | --engine-version <value>
Specify an engine version. Usually used by distributed deployment.
-v <value> | --variant <value>
Path to an engine variant JSON file. Default: engine.json
-m <value> | --manifest <value>
Path to an engine manifest JSON file. Default: manifest.json
-sk | --spark-kryo
Shorthand for setting the spark.serializer property to
Enable third-party informational messages.
Note that it is possible to supply pass-through arguments at the en
of the command by using a '--' separator, e.g.
pio train -v my-variant -- --master spark://mycluster:7077
In the example above, the '--master' argument will be passed to the underlying
spark-submit command. Please refer to the usage section for each command for
more information.
The most commonly used pio commands are:
status Displays status information about PredictionIO
version Displays the version of this command line console
template Creates a new engine based on an engine template
build Build an engine at the current directory
train Kick off a training using an engine
deploy Deploy an engine as an engine server
eventserver Launch an Event Server
app Manage apps that are used by the Event Server
accesskey Manage app access keys
export Export events from the Event Server
The following are experimental development commands:
run Launch a driver program
eval Kick off an evaluation using an engine
dashboard Launch an evaluation dashboard
adminserver Launch an Admin Server
See 'pio help <command>' to read about a specific subcommand.