blob: 8a8e0b4421f237a7b3da038526ee712842a0d62d [file] [log] [blame]
package org.template.similarproduct
import org.scalatest.FlatSpec
import org.scalatest.Matchers
class CooccurrenceAlgorithmTest
extends FlatSpec with EngineTestSparkContext with Matchers {
val params = CooccurrenceAlgorithmParams(n = 10)
val algorithm = new CooccurrenceAlgorithm(params)
val itemStringIntMap = BiMap(Map(
"i0" -> 0,
"i1" -> 1,
"i2" -> 2,
"i3" -> 3
val viewSeq = Seq(
ViewEvent("u0", "i0", 1000010),
ViewEvent("u0", "i1", 1000020),
ViewEvent("u0", "i1", 1000020),
ViewEvent("u1", "i1", 1000030),
ViewEvent("u1", "i2", 1000040),
ViewEvent("u1", "i3", 1000040),
ViewEvent("u2", "i2", 1000040),
ViewEvent("u2", "i1", 1000040),
ViewEvent("u3", "i1", 1000040),
ViewEvent("u3", "i2", 1000040),
ViewEvent("u3", "i0", 1000040),
ViewEvent("u4", "i2", 1000040),
ViewEvent("u4", "i3", 1000040),
ViewEvent("u5", "i0", 1000040),
ViewEvent("u5", "i1", 1000040),
ViewEvent("u6", "i0", 1000040),
ViewEvent("u6", "i1", 1000040),
ViewEvent("u7", "i4", 1000050), //Unknown item
ViewEvent("u7", "i3", 1000050)
"trainCooccurrence" should "return top 10 correctly" in {
val viewEvents = sc.parallelize(viewSeq)
val topCooccurrences = algorithm.trainCooccurrence(viewEvents, 10, itemStringIntMap)
val expected = Map(
0 -> Array((1, 4), (2, 1)),
1 -> Array((0, 4), (2, 3), (3, 1)),
2 -> Array((1, 3), (3, 2), (0, 1)),
3 -> Array((2, 2), (1, 1))
topCooccurrences(0) should be (expected(0))
topCooccurrences(1) should be (expected(1))
topCooccurrences(2) should be (expected(2))
topCooccurrences(3) should be (expected(3))
"trainCooccurrence" should "return top 1 correctly" in {
val viewEvents = sc.parallelize(viewSeq)
val topCooccurrences = algorithm.trainCooccurrence(viewEvents, 1, itemStringIntMap)
val expected = Map(
0 -> Array((1, 4)),
1 -> Array((0, 4)),
2 -> Array((1, 3)),
3 -> Array((2, 2))
topCooccurrences(0) should be (expected(0))
topCooccurrences(1) should be (expected(1))
topCooccurrences(2) should be (expected(2))
topCooccurrences(3) should be (expected(3))
val model = new CooccurrenceModel(
topCooccurrences = Map(
0 -> Array((1, 4), (2, 1)),
1 -> Array((0, 4), (2, 3), (3, 1)),
2 -> Array((1, 3), (3, 2), (0, 1)),
3 -> Array((2, 2), (1, 1))
itemStringIntMap = BiMap(Map(
"i0" -> 0,
"i1" -> 1,
"i2" -> 2,
"i3" -> 3
items = Map(
0 -> Item(categories = Some(List("c0", "c1"))),
1 -> Item(categories = None),
2 -> Item(categories = Some(List("c0", "c2"))),
3 -> Item(categories = Some(List("c0,", "c2", "c3")))
// very basic test only
"predict top 10 items" should "return PredictedResult correctly" in {
val query = Query(
items = List("i1"),
num = 10,
categories = None,
whiteList = None,
blackList = None
val predictedResult = algorithm.predict(model, query)
val expected = PredictedResult(
Array(ItemScore("i0", 4.0), ItemScore("i2", 3.0), ItemScore("i3", 1.0))
// scalatest can't match array with equal if wrapped insider case class.
// directly compare itemScores array instead to work around.
predictedResult.itemScores should equal (expected.itemScores)
"predict top 2 items" should "return PredictedResult correctly" in {
val query = Query(
items = List("i1", "i2"),
num = 10,
categories = None,
whiteList = None,
blackList = None
val predictedResult = algorithm.predict(model, query)
val expected = PredictedResult(
Array(ItemScore("i0", 5.0), ItemScore("i3", 3.0))
// scalatest can't match array with equal if wrapped insider case class.
// directly compare itemScores array instead to work around.
predictedResult.itemScores should equal (expected.itemScores)