blob: 98e22d93a0ed0b56acec9b8b555a82f68e9a35ae [file] [log] [blame]
package org.example.ecommercerecommendation
import org.scalatest.FlatSpec
import org.scalatest.Matchers
import org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.{Rating => MLlibRating}
class ECommAlgorithmTest
extends FlatSpec with EngineTestSparkContext with Matchers {
val algorithmParams = new ECommAlgorithmParams(
appName = "test-app",
unseenOnly = true,
seenEvents = List("buy", "view"),
similarEvents = List("view"),
rank = 10,
numIterations = 20,
lambda = 0.01,
seed = Some(3)
val algorithm = new ECommAlgorithm(algorithmParams)
val userStringIntMap = BiMap(Map("u0" -> 0, "u1" -> 1))
val itemStringIntMap = BiMap(Map("i0" -> 0, "i1" -> 1, "i2" -> 2))
val users = Map("u0" -> User(), "u1" -> User())
val i0 = Item(categories = Some(List("c0", "c1")))
val i1 = Item(categories = None)
val i2 = Item(categories = Some(List("c0", "c2")))
val items = Map(
"i0" -> i0,
"i1" -> i1,
"i2" -> i2
val view = Seq(
ViewEvent("u0", "i0", 1000010),
ViewEvent("u0", "i1", 1000020),
ViewEvent("u0", "i1", 1000020),
ViewEvent("u1", "i1", 1000030),
ViewEvent("u1", "i2", 1000040)
val buy = Seq(
BuyEvent("u0", "i0", 1000020),
BuyEvent("u0", "i1", 1000030),
BuyEvent("u1", "i1", 1000040)
"ECommAlgorithm.genMLlibRating()" should "create RDD[MLlibRating] correctly" in {
val preparedData = new PreparedData(
users = sc.parallelize(users.toSeq),
items = sc.parallelize(items.toSeq),
viewEvents = sc.parallelize(view.toSeq),
buyEvents = sc.parallelize(buy.toSeq)
val mllibRatings = algorithm.genMLlibRating(
userStringIntMap = userStringIntMap,
itemStringIntMap = itemStringIntMap,
data = preparedData
val expected = Seq(
MLlibRating(0, 0, 1),
MLlibRating(0, 1, 2),
MLlibRating(1, 1, 1),
MLlibRating(1, 2, 1)
mllibRatings.collect should contain theSameElementsAs expected
"ECommAlgorithm.trainDefault()" should "return popular count for each item" in {
val preparedData = new PreparedData(
users = sc.parallelize(users.toSeq),
items = sc.parallelize(items.toSeq),
viewEvents = sc.parallelize(view.toSeq),
buyEvents = sc.parallelize(buy.toSeq)
val popCount = algorithm.trainDefault(
userStringIntMap = userStringIntMap,
itemStringIntMap = itemStringIntMap,
data = preparedData
val expected = Map(0 -> 1, 1 -> 2)
popCount should contain theSameElementsAs expected
"ECommAlgorithm.predictKnownuser()" should "return top item" in {
val top = algorithm.predictKnownUser(
userFeature = Array(1.0, 2.0, 0.5),
productModels = Map(
0 -> ProductModel(i0, Some(Array(2.0, 1.0, 2.0)), 3),
1 -> ProductModel(i1, Some(Array(3.0, 0.5, 1.0)), 4),
2 -> ProductModel(i2, Some(Array(1.0, 3.0, 1.0)), 1)
query = Query(
user = "u0",
num = 5,
categories = Some(Set("c0")),
whiteList = None,
blackList = None),
whiteList = None,
blackList = Set()
val expected = Array((2, 7.5), (0, 5.0))
top shouldBe expected
"ECommAlgorithm.predictDefault()" should "return top item" in {
val top = algorithm.predictDefault(
productModels = Map(
0 -> ProductModel(i0, Some(Array(2.0, 1.0, 2.0)), 3),
1 -> ProductModel(i1, Some(Array(3.0, 0.5, 1.0)), 4),
2 -> ProductModel(i2, Some(Array(1.0, 3.0, 1.0)), 1)
query = Query(
user = "u0",
num = 5,
categories = None,
whiteList = None,
blackList = None),
whiteList = None,
blackList = Set()
val expected = Array((1, 4.0), (0, 3.0), (2, 1.0))
top shouldBe expected
"ECommAlgorithm.predictSimilar()" should "return top item" in {
val top = algorithm.predictSimilar(
recentFeatures = Vector(Array(1.0, 2.0, 0.5), Array(1.0, 0.2, 0.3)),
productModels = Map(
0 -> ProductModel(i0, Some(Array(2.0, 1.0, 2.0)), 3),
1 -> ProductModel(i1, Some(Array(3.0, 0.5, 1.0)), 4),
2 -> ProductModel(i2, Some(Array(1.0, 3.0, 1.0)), 1)
query = Query(
user = "u0",
num = 5,
categories = Some(Set("c0")),
whiteList = None,
blackList = None),
whiteList = None,
blackList = Set()
val expected = Array((0, 1.605), (2, 1.525))
top(0)._1 should be (expected(0)._1)
top(1)._1 should be (expected(1)._1)
top(0)._2 should be (expected(0)._2 +- 0.001)
top(1)._2 should be (expected(1)._2 +- 0.001)