blob: f812619f8d93e3e1699e8642ce15ae0b994ea8bd [file] [log] [blame]
package org.example.ecommercerecommendation
import org.apache.predictionio.controller.P2LAlgorithm
import org.apache.predictionio.controller.Params
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.ALS
import org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.{Rating => MLlibRating}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import grizzled.slf4j.Logger
import scala.collection.mutable.PriorityQueue
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
case class ECommAlgorithmParams(
appName: String,
unseenOnly: Boolean,
seenEvents: List[String],
similarEvents: List[String],
rank: Int,
numIterations: Int,
lambda: Double,
seed: Option[Long]
) extends Params
case class ProductModel(
item: Item,
features: Option[Array[Double]], // features by ALS
count: Int // popular count for default score
class ECommModel(
val rank: Int,
val userFeatures: Map[Int, Array[Double]],
val productModels: Map[Int, ProductModel],
val userStringIntMap: BiMap[String, Int],
val itemStringIntMap: BiMap[String, Int]
) extends Serializable {
@transient lazy val itemIntStringMap = itemStringIntMap.inverse
override def toString = {
s" rank: ${rank}" +
s" userFeatures: [${userFeatures.size}]" +
s"(${userFeatures.take(2).toList}...)" +
s" productModels: [${productModels.size}]" +
s"(${productModels.take(2).toList}...)" +
s" userStringIntMap: [${userStringIntMap.size}]" +
s"(${userStringIntMap.take(2).toString}...)]" +
s" itemStringIntMap: [${itemStringIntMap.size}]" +
class ECommAlgorithm(val ap: ECommAlgorithmParams)
extends P2LAlgorithm[PreparedData, ECommModel, Query, PredictedResult] {
@transient lazy val logger = Logger[this.type]
def train(sc: SparkContext, data: PreparedData): ECommModel = {
s"viewEvents in PreparedData cannot be empty." +
" Please check if DataSource generates TrainingData" +
" and Preprator generates PreparedData correctly.")
s"users in PreparedData cannot be empty." +
" Please check if DataSource generates TrainingData" +
" and Preprator generates PreparedData correctly.")
s"items in PreparedData cannot be empty." +
" Please check if DataSource generates TrainingData" +
" and Preprator generates PreparedData correctly.")
// create User and item's String ID to integer index BiMap
val userStringIntMap = BiMap.stringInt(data.users.keys)
val itemStringIntMap = BiMap.stringInt(data.items.keys)
val mllibRatings: RDD[MLlibRating] = genMLlibRating(
userStringIntMap = userStringIntMap,
itemStringIntMap = itemStringIntMap,
data = data
// MLLib ALS cannot handle empty training data.
s"mllibRatings cannot be empty." +
" Please check if your events contain valid user and item ID.")
// seed for MLlib ALS
val seed = ap.seed.getOrElse(System.nanoTime)
// use ALS to train feature vectors
val m = ALS.trainImplicit(
ratings = mllibRatings,
rank = ap.rank,
iterations = ap.numIterations,
lambda = ap.lambda,
blocks = -1,
alpha = 1.0,
seed = seed)
val userFeatures = m.userFeatures.collectAsMap.toMap
// convert ID to Int index
val items = { case (id, item) =>
(itemStringIntMap(id), item)
// join item with the trained productFeatures
val productFeatures: Map[Int, (Item, Option[Array[Double]])] =
val popularCount = trainDefault(
userStringIntMap = userStringIntMap,
itemStringIntMap = itemStringIntMap,
data = data
val productModels: Map[Int, ProductModel] = productFeatures
.map { case (index, (item, features)) =>
val pm = ProductModel(
item = item,
features = features,
// NOTE: use getOrElse because popularCount may not contain all items.
count = popularCount.getOrElse(index, 0)
(index, pm)
new ECommModel(
rank = m.rank,
userFeatures = userFeatures,
productModels = productModels,
userStringIntMap = userStringIntMap,
itemStringIntMap = itemStringIntMap
/** Generate MLlibRating from PreparedData.
* You may customize this function if use different events or different aggregation method
def genMLlibRating(
userStringIntMap: BiMap[String, Int],
itemStringIntMap: BiMap[String, Int],
data: PreparedData): RDD[MLlibRating] = {
val mllibRatings = data.viewEvents
.map { r =>
// Convert user and item String IDs to Int index for MLlib
val uindex = userStringIntMap.getOrElse(r.user, -1)
val iindex = itemStringIntMap.getOrElse(r.item, -1)
if (uindex == -1)"Couldn't convert nonexistent user ID ${r.user}"
+ " to Int index.")
if (iindex == -1)"Couldn't convert nonexistent item ID ${r.item}"
+ " to Int index.")
((uindex, iindex), 1)
.filter { case ((u, i), v) =>
// keep events with valid user and item index
(u != -1) && (i != -1)
.reduceByKey(_ + _) // aggregate all view events of same user-item pair
.map { case ((u, i), v) =>
// MLlibRating requires integer index for user and item
MLlibRating(u, i, v)
/** Train default model.
* You may customize this function if use different events or
* need different ways to count "popular" score or return default score for item.
def trainDefault(
userStringIntMap: BiMap[String, Int],
itemStringIntMap: BiMap[String, Int],
data: PreparedData): Map[Int, Int] = {
// count number of buys
// (item index, count)
val buyCountsRDD: RDD[(Int, Int)] = data.buyEvents
.map { r =>
// Convert user and item String IDs to Int index
val uindex = userStringIntMap.getOrElse(r.user, -1)
val iindex = itemStringIntMap.getOrElse(r.item, -1)
if (uindex == -1)"Couldn't convert nonexistent user ID ${r.user}"
+ " to Int index.")
if (iindex == -1)"Couldn't convert nonexistent item ID ${r.item}"
+ " to Int index.")
(uindex, iindex, 1)
.filter { case (u, i, v) =>
// keep events with valid user and item index
(u != -1) && (i != -1)
.map { case (u, i, v) => (i, 1) } // key is item
.reduceByKey{ case (a, b) => a + b } // count number of items occurrence
def predict(model: ECommModel, query: Query): PredictedResult = {
val userFeatures = model.userFeatures
val productModels = model.productModels
// convert whiteList's string ID to integer index
val whiteList: Option[Set[Int]] = set =>
val finalBlackList: Set[Int] = genBlackList(query = query)
// convert seen Items list from String ID to interger Index
.flatMap(x => model.itemStringIntMap.get(x))
val userFeature: Option[Array[Double]] =
model.userStringIntMap.get(query.user).flatMap { userIndex =>
val topScores: Array[(Int, Double)] = if (userFeature.isDefined) {
// the user has feature vector
userFeature = userFeature.get,
productModels = productModels,
query = query,
whiteList = whiteList,
blackList = finalBlackList
} else {
// the user doesn't have feature vector.
// For example, new user is created after model is trained."No userFeature found for user ${query.user}.")
// check if the user has recent events on some items
val recentItems: Set[String] = getRecentItems(query)
val recentList: Set[Int] = recentItems.flatMap (x =>
val recentFeatures: Vector[Array[Double]] = recentList.toVector
// productModels may not contain the requested item
.map { i =>
productModels.get(i).flatMap { pm => pm.features }
if (recentFeatures.isEmpty) {"No features vector for recent items ${recentItems}.")
productModels = productModels,
query = query,
whiteList = whiteList,
blackList = finalBlackList
} else {
recentFeatures = recentFeatures,
productModels = productModels,
query = query,
whiteList = whiteList,
blackList = finalBlackList
val itemScores = { case (i, s) =>
new ItemScore(
// convert item int index back to string ID
item = model.itemIntStringMap(i),
score = s
new PredictedResult(itemScores)
/** Generate final blackList based on other constraints */
def genBlackList(query: Query): Set[String] = {
// if unseenOnly is True, get all seen items
val seenItems: Set[String] = if (ap.unseenOnly) {
// get all user item events which are considered as "seen" events
val seenEvents: Iterator[Event] = try {
appName = ap.appName,
entityType = "user",
entityId = query.user,
eventNames = Some(ap.seenEvents),
targetEntityType = Some(Some("item")),
// set time limit to avoid super long DB access
timeout = Duration(200, "millis")
} catch {
case e: scala.concurrent.TimeoutException =>
logger.error(s"Timeout when read seen events." +
s" Empty list is used. ${e}")
case e: Exception =>
logger.error(s"Error when read seen events: ${e}")
throw e
} { event =>
try {
} catch {
case e: Exception => {
logger.error(s"Can't get targetEntityId of event ${event}.")
throw e
} else {
// get the latest constraint unavailableItems $set event
val unavailableItems: Set[String] = try {
val constr = LEventStore.findByEntity(
appName = ap.appName,
entityType = "constraint",
entityId = "unavailableItems",
eventNames = Some(Seq("$set")),
limit = Some(1),
latest = true,
timeout = Duration(200, "millis")
if (constr.hasNext) {[Set[String]]("items")
} else {
} catch {
case e: scala.concurrent.TimeoutException =>
logger.error(s"Timeout when read set unavailableItems event." +
s" Empty list is used. ${e}")
case e: Exception =>
logger.error(s"Error when read set unavailableItems event: ${e}")
throw e
// combine query's blackList,seenItems and unavailableItems
// into final blackList.
query.blackList.getOrElse(Set[String]()) ++ seenItems ++ unavailableItems
/** Get recent events of the user on items for recommending similar items */
def getRecentItems(query: Query): Set[String] = {
// get latest 10 user view item events
val recentEvents = try {
appName = ap.appName,
// entityType and entityId is specified for fast lookup
entityType = "user",
entityId = query.user,
eventNames = Some(ap.similarEvents),
targetEntityType = Some(Some("item")),
limit = Some(10),
latest = true,
// set time limit to avoid super long DB access
timeout = Duration(200, "millis")
} catch {
case e: scala.concurrent.TimeoutException =>
logger.error(s"Timeout when read recent events." +
s" Empty list is used. ${e}")
case e: Exception =>
logger.error(s"Error when read recent events: ${e}")
throw e
val recentItems: Set[String] = { event =>
try {
} catch {
case e: Exception => {
logger.error("Can't get targetEntityId of event ${event}.")
throw e
/** Prediction for user with known feature vector */
def predictKnownUser(
userFeature: Array[Double],
productModels: Map[Int, ProductModel],
query: Query,
whiteList: Option[Set[Int]],
blackList: Set[Int]
): Array[(Int, Double)] = {
val indexScores: Map[Int, Double] = productModels.par // convert to parallel collection
.filter { case (i, pm) =>
pm.features.isDefined &&
i = i,
item = pm.item,
categories = query.categories,
whiteList = whiteList,
blackList = blackList
.map { case (i, pm) =>
// NOTE: features must be defined, so can call .get
val s = dotProduct(userFeature, pm.features.get)
// may customize here to further adjust score
(i, s)
.filter(_._2 > 0) // only keep items with score > 0
.seq // convert back to sequential collection
val ord =[(Int, Double), Double](_._2).reverse
val topScores = getTopN(indexScores, query.num)(ord).toArray
/** Default prediction when know nothing about the user */
def predictDefault(
productModels: Map[Int, ProductModel],
query: Query,
whiteList: Option[Set[Int]],
blackList: Set[Int]
): Array[(Int, Double)] = {
val indexScores: Map[Int, Double] = productModels.par // convert back to sequential collection
.filter { case (i, pm) =>
i = i,
item = pm.item,
categories = query.categories,
whiteList = whiteList,
blackList = blackList
.map { case (i, pm) =>
// may customize here to further adjust score
(i, pm.count.toDouble)
val ord =[(Int, Double), Double](_._2).reverse
val topScores = getTopN(indexScores, query.num)(ord).toArray
/** Return top similar items based on items user recently has action on */
def predictSimilar(
recentFeatures: Vector[Array[Double]],
productModels: Map[Int, ProductModel],
query: Query,
whiteList: Option[Set[Int]],
blackList: Set[Int]
): Array[(Int, Double)] = {
val indexScores: Map[Int, Double] = productModels.par // convert to parallel collection
.filter { case (i, pm) =>
pm.features.isDefined &&
i = i,
item = pm.item,
categories = query.categories,
whiteList = whiteList,
blackList = blackList
.map { case (i, pm) =>
val s ={ rf =>
// pm.features must be defined because of filter logic above
cosine(rf, pm.features.get)
}.reduce(_ + _)
// may customize here to further adjust score
(i, s)
.filter(_._2 > 0) // keep items with score > 0
.seq // convert back to sequential collection
val ord =[(Int, Double), Double](_._2).reverse
val topScores = getTopN(indexScores, query.num)(ord).toArray
def getTopN[T](s: Iterable[T], n: Int)(implicit ord: Ordering[T]): Seq[T] = {
val q = PriorityQueue()
for (x <- s) {
if (q.size < n)
else {
// q is full
if (, q.head) < 0) {
def dotProduct(v1: Array[Double], v2: Array[Double]): Double = {
val size = v1.size
var i = 0
var d: Double = 0
while (i < size) {
d += v1(i) * v2(i)
i += 1
def cosine(v1: Array[Double], v2: Array[Double]): Double = {
val size = v1.size
var i = 0
var n1: Double = 0
var n2: Double = 0
var d: Double = 0
while (i < size) {
n1 += v1(i) * v1(i)
n2 += v2(i) * v2(i)
d += v1(i) * v2(i)
i += 1
val n1n2 = (math.sqrt(n1) * math.sqrt(n2))
if (n1n2 == 0) 0 else (d / n1n2)
def isCandidateItem(
i: Int,
item: Item,
categories: Option[Set[String]],
whiteList: Option[Set[Int]],
blackList: Set[Int]
): Boolean = {
// can add other custom filtering here &&
!blackList.contains(i) &&
// filter categories { cat => { itemCat =>
// keep this item if has ovelap categories with the query
}.getOrElse(false) // discard this item if it has no categories