blob: 2fda24efd93518540df8c075f12f03cd14490de9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Ruby SDK for convenient access of PredictionIO Output API.
# Author:: PredictionIO Team (
# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014 TappingStone, Inc.
# License:: Apache License, Version 2.0
require 'date'
require "net/http"
module PredictionIO
# This class contains methods that interface with the PredictionIO Event
# Server via the PredictionIO Event API using REST requests.
# Many REST request methods support optional arguments. They can be supplied
# to these methods as Hash'es. For a complete reference, please visit
# == High-performance Asynchronous Backend
# All REST request methods come in both synchronous and asynchronous flavors.
# Both flavors accept the same set of arguments. In addition, all synchronous
# request methods can instead accept a PredictionIO::AsyncResponse object
# generated from asynchronous request methods as its first argument. In this
# case, the method will block until a response is received from it.
# Any network reconnection and request retry is automatically handled in the
# background. Exceptions will be thrown after a request times out to avoid
# infinite blocking.
# == Installation
# The easiest way is to use RubyGems:
# gem install predictionio
# == Synopsis
# In most cases, using synchronous methods. If you have a special performance
# requirement, you may want to take a look at asynchronous methods.
# === Instantiate an EventClient
# # Include the PredictionIO SDK
# require 'predictionio'
# client =<access_key>)
# === Import a User Record from Your App (with asynchronous/non-blocking
# requests)
# #
# # (your user registration logic)
# #
# uid = get_user_from_your_db()
# # PredictionIO call to create user
# response = client.aset_user(uid)
# #
# # (other work to do for the rest of the page)
# #
# begin
# # PredictionIO call to retrieve results from an asynchronous response
# result = client.set_user(response)
# rescue PredictionIO::EventClient::NotCreatedError => e
# log_and_email_error(...)
# end
# === Import a User Action (Rate) from Your App (with synchronous/blocking
# requests)
# # PredictionIO call to record the view action
# begin
# result = client.record_user_action_on_item('rate', 'foouser',
# 'baritem',
# 'rating' => 4)
# rescue PredictionIO::EventClient::NotCreatedError => e
# ...
# end
class EventClient
# Raised when an event is not created after a synchronous API call.
class NotCreatedError < StandardError; end
# Create a new PredictionIO Event Client with defaults:
# - 1 concurrent HTTP(S) connections (threads)
# - API entry point at http://localhost:7070 (apiurl)
# - a 60-second timeout for each HTTP(S) connection (thread_timeout)
def initialize(access_key, apiurl = 'http://localhost:7070', threads = 1, thread_timeout = 60)
@access_key = access_key
@http =, threads, thread_timeout)
# Returns the number of pending requests within the current client.
def pending_requests
# Returns PredictionIO's status in string.
def get_status
status = @http.aget('/')).get
# :category: Asynchronous Methods
# Asynchronously request to create an event and return a
# PredictionIO::AsyncResponse object immediately.
# Corresponding REST API method: POST /events.json
# See also #create_event.
def acreate_event(event, entity_type, entity_id, optional = {})
h = optional
h.key?('eventTime') || h['eventTime'] =
h['event'] = event
h['entityType'] = entity_type
h['entityId'] = entity_id
"/events.json?accessKey=#{@access_key}", h.to_json
# :category: Asynchronous Methods
# Asynchronously request to create a batch of event and return a
# PredictionIO::AsyncResponse object immediately.
# Corresponding REST API method: POST /batch/events.json
# See also #acreate_event.
def acreate_batch_event(payload)
"/batch/events.json?accessKey=#{@access_key}", payload.to_json
# :category: Synchronous Methods
# Synchronously request to create an event and block until a response is
# received.
# See also #acreate_event.
# call-seq:
# create_event(event, entity_type, entity_id, optional = {})
# create_event(async_response)
def create_event(*args)
sync_events(:acreate_event, *args)
# :category: Synchronous Methods
# Synchronously request to create an event and block until a response is
# received.
# See also #acreate_event.
# call-seq:
# create_batch_event(payload)
# create_batch_event(async_response)
def create_batch_event(payload)
sync_events(:acreate_batch_event, payload)
# :category: Asynchronous Methods
# Asynchronously request to set properties of a user and return a
# PredictionIO::AsyncResponse object immediately.
# Corresponding REST API method: POST /events.json
# See also #set_user.
def aset_user(uid, optional = {})
acreate_event('$set', 'user', uid, optional)
# :category: Synchronous Methods
# Synchronously request to set properties of a user and block until a
# response is received.
# See also #aset_user.
# call-seq:
# set_user(uid, optional = {})
# set_user(async_response)
def set_user(*args)
sync_events(:aset_user, *args)
# :category: Asynchronous Methods
# Asynchronously request to unset properties of a user and return a
# PredictionIO::AsyncResponse object immediately.
# properties must be a non-empty Hash.
# Corresponding REST API method: POST /events.json
# See also #unset_user.
def aunset_user(uid, optional)
optional.key?('properties') ||
fail(ArgumentError, 'properties must be present when event is $unset')
optional['properties'].empty? &&
fail(ArgumentError, 'properties cannot be empty when event is $unset')
acreate_event('$unset', 'user', uid, optional)
# :category: Synchronous Methods
# Synchronously request to unset properties of a user and block until a
# response is received.
# See also #aunset_user.
# call-seq:
# unset_user(uid, optional)
# unset_user(async_response)
def unset_user(*args)
sync_events(:aunset_user, *args)
# :category: Asynchronous Methods
# Asynchronously request to delete a user and return a
# PredictionIO::AsyncResponse object immediately.
# Corresponding REST API method: POST /events.json
# See also #delete_user.
def adelete_user(uid)
acreate_event('$delete', 'user', uid)
# :category: Synchronous Methods
# Synchronously request to delete a user and block until a response is
# received.
# See also #adelete_user.
# call-seq:
# delete_user(uid)
# delete_user(async_response)
def delete_user(*args)
sync_events(:adelete_user, *args)
# :category: Asynchronous Methods
# Asynchronously request to set properties of an item and return a
# PredictionIO::AsyncResponse object immediately.
# Corresponding REST API method: POST /events.json
# See also #set_item.
def aset_item(iid, optional = {})
acreate_event('$set', 'item', iid, optional)
# :category: Synchronous Methods
# Synchronously request to set properties of an item and block until a
# response is received.
# See also #aset_item.
# call-seq:
# set_item(iid, properties = {}, optional = {})
# set_item(async_response)
def set_item(*args)
sync_events(:aset_item, *args)
# :category: Asynchronous Methods
# Asynchronously request to unset properties of an item and return a
# PredictionIO::AsyncResponse object immediately.
# properties must be a non-empty Hash.
# Corresponding REST API method: POST /events.json
# See also #unset_item.
def aunset_item(iid, optional)
optional.key?('properties') ||
fail(ArgumentError, 'properties must be present when event is $unset')
optional['properties'].empty? &&
fail(ArgumentError, 'properties cannot be empty when event is $unset')
acreate_event('$unset', 'item', iid, optional)
# :category: Synchronous Methods
# Synchronously request to unset properties of an item and block until a
# response is received.
# See also #aunset_item.
# call-seq:
# unset_item(iid, properties, optional = {})
# unset_item(async_response)
def unset_item(*args)
sync_events(:aunset_item, *args)
# :category: Asynchronous Methods
# Asynchronously request to delete an item and return a
# PredictionIO::AsyncResponse object immediately.
# Corresponding REST API method: POST /events.json
# See also #delete_item.
def adelete_item(uid)
acreate_event('$delete', 'item', uid)
# :category: Synchronous Methods
# Synchronously request to delete an item and block until a response is
# received.
# See also #adelete_item.
# call-seq:
# delete_item(uid)
# delete_item(async_response)
def delete_item(*args)
sync_events(:adelete_item, *args)
# :category: Asynchronous Methods
# Asynchronously request to record an action on an item and return a
# PredictionIO::AsyncResponse object immediately.
# Corresponding REST API method: POST /events.json
# See also #record_user_action_on_item.
def arecord_user_action_on_item(action, uid, iid, optional = {})
optional['targetEntityType'] = 'item'
optional['targetEntityId'] = iid
acreate_event(action, 'user', uid, optional)
# :category: Synchronous Methods
# Synchronously request to record an action on an item and block until a
# response is received.
# See also #arecord_user_action_on_item.
# call-seq:
# record_user_action_on_item(action, uid, iid, optional = {})
# record_user_action_on_item(async_response)
def record_user_action_on_item(*args)
sync_events(:arecord_user_action_on_item, *args)
# Internal helper method. Do not call directly.
def sync_events(sync_m, *args)
if args[0].is_a?(PredictionIO::AsyncResponse)
response = args[0].get
response = send(sync_m, *args).get
return response if response.is_a?(Net::HTTPCreated)
msg = response.body
raise NotCreatedError, response
fail NotCreatedError, msg