Remove deprecated code
diff --git a/spec/predictionio_spec.rb b/spec/predictionio_spec.rb
index 911dc93..b7f2045 100644
--- a/spec/predictionio_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/predictionio_spec.rb
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 require 'predictionio'
 require 'spec_helper'
-client ='foobar', 10, '')
 event_client =, '', 10)
 engine_client ='', 10)
@@ -50,92 +49,4 @@
       expect(predictions).to eq('iids' => %w(dead beef))
-  describe 'Users API' do
-    it 'create_user should create a user' do
-      response = client.create_user('foo')
-      expect(response).to_not raise_error
-    end
-    it 'get_user should get a user' do
-      response = client.get_user('foo')
-      expect(response).to eq('pio_uid' => 'foo')
-    end
-    it 'delete_user should delete a user' do
-      response = client.delete_user('foo')
-      expect(response).to_not raise_error
-    end
-  end
-  describe 'Items API' do
-    it 'create_item should create a item' do
-      response = client.create_item('bar', %w(dead beef))
-      expect(response).to_not raise_error
-    end
-    it 'get_item should get a item' do
-      response = client.get_item('bar')
-      expect(response).to eq('pio_iid' => 'bar',
-                             'pio_itypes' => %w(dead beef))
-    end
-    it 'delete_item should delete a item' do
-      response = client.delete_item('bar')
-      expect(response).to_not raise_error
-    end
-  end
-  describe 'U2I API' do
-    it 'record_action_on_item should record an action' do
-      client.identify('foo')
-      response = client.record_action_on_item('view', 'bar')
-      expect(response).to_not raise_error
-    end
-  end
-  describe 'Item Recommendation API' do
-    it 'provides recommendations to a user without attributes' do
-      client.identify('foo')
-      response = client.get_itemrec_top_n('itemrec-engine', 10)
-      expect(response).to eq(%w(x y z))
-    end
-    it 'provides recommendations to a user with attributes' do
-      client.identify('foo')
-      response = client.get_itemrec_top_n('itemrec-engine', 10,
-                                          'pio_attributes' => 'name')
-      expect(response).to eq([
-        { 'pio_iid' => 'x', 'name' => 'a' },
-        { 'pio_iid' => 'y', 'name' => 'b' },
-        { 'pio_iid' => 'z', 'name' => 'c' }])
-    end
-  end
-  describe 'Item Rank API' do
-    it 'provides ranking to a user without attributes' do
-      client.identify('foo')
-      response = client.get_itemrank_ranked('itemrank-engine', %w(y z x))
-      expect(response).to eq(%w(x y z))
-    end
-    it 'provides ranking to a user with attributes' do
-      client.identify('foo')
-      response = client.get_itemrank_ranked('itemrank-engine', %w(y x z),
-                                            'pio_attributes' => 'name')
-      expect(response).to eq([
-        { 'pio_iid' => 'x', 'name' => 'a' },
-        { 'pio_iid' => 'y', 'name' => 'b' },
-        { 'pio_iid' => 'z', 'name' => 'c' }])
-    end
-  end
-  describe 'Item Similarity API' do
-    it 'provides similarities to an item without attributes' do
-      response = client.get_itemsim_top_n('itemsim-engine', 'bar', 10)
-      expect(response).to eq(%w(x y z))
-    end
-    it 'provides similarities to an item with attributes' do
-      response = client.get_itemsim_top_n('itemsim-engine', 'bar', 10,
-                                          'pio_attributes' => 'name')
-      expect(response).to eq([
-        { 'pio_iid' => 'x', 'name' => 'a' },
-        { 'pio_iid' => 'y', 'name' => 'b' },
-        { 'pio_iid' => 'z', 'name' => 'c' }])
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/spec/spec_helper.rb b/spec/spec_helper.rb
index 19d9d32..917ce65 100644
--- a/spec/spec_helper.rb
+++ b/spec/spec_helper.rb
@@ -8,41 +8,41 @@
 RSpec.configure do |config|
   config.before(:each) do
     # Events API
-    stub_request(:post, '')
-      .with(body: hash_including(appId: 1, event: 'register',
+    stub_request(:post, '')
+      .with(body: hash_including(event: 'register',
                                  entityType: 'user', entityId: 'foobar'))
       .to_return(status: 201, body: JSON.generate(eventId: 'deadbeef00'))
-    stub_request(:post, '')
-      .with(body: hash_including(appId: 1, event: '$set',
+    stub_request(:post, '')
+      .with(body: hash_including(event: '$set',
                                  entityType: 'pio_user', entityId: 'foobar'))
       .to_return(status: 201, body: JSON.generate(eventId: 'deadbeef01'))
-    stub_request(:post, '')
-      .with(body: hash_including(appId: 1, event: '$unset',
+    stub_request(:post, '')
+      .with(body: hash_including(event: '$unset',
                                  entityType: 'pio_user', entityId: 'foobar',
                                  properties: { bar: 'baz' }))
       .to_return(status: 201, body: JSON.generate(eventId: 'deadbeef02'))
-    stub_request(:post, '')
-      .with(body: hash_including(appId: 1, event: '$set',
+    stub_request(:post, '')
+      .with(body: hash_including(event: '$set',
                                  entityType: 'pio_item', entityId: 'foobar'))
       .to_return(status: 201, body: JSON.generate(eventId: 'deadbeef03'))
-    stub_request(:post, '')
-      .with(body: hash_including(appId: 1, event: '$unset',
+    stub_request(:post, '')
+      .with(body: hash_including(event: '$unset',
                                  entityType: 'pio_item', entityId: 'foobar',
                                  properties: { bar: 'baz' }))
       .to_return(status: 201, body: JSON.generate(eventId: 'deadbeef04'))
-    stub_request(:post, '')
-      .with(body: hash_including(appId: 1, event: 'greet',
+    stub_request(:post, '')
+      .with(body: hash_including(event: 'greet',
                                  entityType: 'pio_user', entityId: 'foobar',
                                  targetEntityType: 'pio_item',
                                  targetEntityId: 'barbaz',
                                  properties: { dead: 'beef' }))
       .to_return(status: 201, body: JSON.generate(eventId: 'deadbeef05'))
-    stub_request(:post, '')
-      .with(body: hash_including(appId: 1, event: '$delete',
+    stub_request(:post, '')
+      .with(body: hash_including(event: '$delete',
                                  entityType: 'pio_user', entityId: 'foobar'))
       .to_return(status: 201, body: JSON.generate(eventId: 'deadbeef06'))
-    stub_request(:post, '')
-      .with(body: hash_including(appId: 1, event: '$delete',
+    stub_request(:post, '')
+      .with(body: hash_including(event: '$delete',
                                  entityType: 'pio_item', entityId: 'foobar'))
       .to_return(status: 201, body: JSON.generate(eventId: 'deadbeef07'))
@@ -51,92 +51,5 @@
       .with(body: { uid: 'foobar' })
       .to_return(status: 200, body: JSON.generate(iids: %w(dead beef)),
                  headers: {})
-    # Users API
-    stub_request(:post, '')
-      .with(body: { pio_appkey: 'foobar', pio_uid: 'foo' })
-      .to_return(status: 201, body: '', headers: {})
-    stub_request(:get, '')
-      .with(query: hash_including(pio_appkey: 'foobar'))
-      .to_return(status: 200, body: JSON.generate(pio_uid: 'foo'), headers: {})
-    stub_request(:delete, '')
-      .with(query: hash_including(pio_appkey: 'foobar'))
-      .to_return(status: 200, body: '', headers: {})
-    # Items API
-    stub_request(:post, '')
-      .with(body: { pio_appkey: 'foobar', pio_iid: 'bar',
-                    pio_itypes: 'dead,beef' })
-      .to_return(status: 201, body: '', headers: {})
-    stub_request(:get, '')
-      .with(query: hash_including(pio_appkey: 'foobar'))
-      .to_return(status: 200,
-                 body: JSON.generate(pio_iid: 'bar', pio_itypes: %w(dead beef)),
-                 headers: {})
-    stub_request(:delete, '')
-      .with(query: hash_including(pio_appkey: 'foobar'))
-      .to_return(status: 200, body: '', headers: {})
-    # U2I Actions API
-    stub_request(:post, '')
-      .with(body: { pio_action: 'view', pio_appkey: 'foobar', pio_iid: 'bar',
-                    pio_uid: 'foo' })
-      .to_return(status: 201, body: '', headers: {})
-    # Item Recommendation API
-    stub_request(
-      :get,
-      '')
-      .with(query: hash_including(pio_appkey: 'foobar', pio_n: '10',
-                                  pio_uid: 'foo'))
-      .to_return(status: 200, body: JSON.generate(pio_iids: %w(x y z)),
-                 headers: {})
-    stub_request(
-      :get,
-      '')
-      .with(query: hash_including(pio_appkey: 'foobar', pio_n: '10',
-                                  pio_uid: 'foo', pio_attributes: 'name'))
-      .to_return(status: 200,
-                 body: JSON.generate(pio_iids: %w(x y z), name: %w(a b c)),
-                 headers: {})
-    # Item Recommendation API
-    stub_request(
-      :get,
-      '')
-      .with(query: hash_including(pio_appkey: 'foobar', pio_iids: 'y,z,x',
-                                  pio_uid: 'foo'))
-      .to_return(status: 200, body: JSON.generate(pio_iids: %w(x y z)),
-                 headers: {})
-    stub_request(
-      :get,
-      '')
-      .with(query: hash_including(pio_appkey: 'foobar', pio_iids: 'y,x,z',
-                                  pio_uid: 'foo', pio_attributes: 'name'))
-      .to_return(status: 200,
-                 body: JSON.generate(pio_iids: %w(x y z), name: %w(a b c)),
-                 headers: {})
-    # Item Similarity API
-    stub_request(
-      :get,
-      '')
-      .with(query: hash_including(pio_appkey: 'foobar', pio_n: '10',
-                                  pio_iid: 'bar'))
-      .to_return(status: 200,
-                 body: JSON.generate(pio_iids: %w(x y z)),
-                 headers: {})
-    stub_request(
-      :get,
-      '')
-      .with(query: hash_including(pio_appkey: 'foobar', pio_n: '10',
-                                  pio_iid: 'bar', pio_attributes: 'name'))
-      .to_return(status: 200,
-                 body: JSON.generate('pio_iids' => %w(x y z),
-                                     'name' => %w(a b c)),
-                 headers: {})