blob: 050743f329bae3a75c4989d6432b4df1e1e63024 [file] [log] [blame]
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Release Announcement Template
The Apache Pluto Community is proud to announce the release
of Apache Pluto 1.0.1-rc-1: the first binary release of the
reference implementation of the Java Portlet Specification.
Pluto 1.0.1-rc-1 is considered a release candidate. The
promotion of this release candidate to general availability
is expected within the few weeks, pending feedback from
the community.
The Java Portlet Specification defines a Portlet API
very similar to the Servlet API. The API provides a means
for aggregating disperate content sources. The specification
addresses security and personalization considerations and
defines a standard with which these sources, or portlets
can be deployed.
Pluto is an embedable portlet container which will typically
be bundled within a fully functional Portal. The Pluto
community has developed a simple portal driver implementation
which allows for the testing and development of portlets with
the container. The Pluto testsuite is an implementation
agnostic portlet application which tests several basic
operations of the container in which it is deployed.
The distribution is organized into four releases:
1) A binary distribution bundled with Tomcat. This
distribution is the easiest to install.
2) A source distribution.
3) A binary distribution containing the container library.
4) A binary tools distribution with the portal driver and
Thanks for using Pluto.
The Apache Pluto Project