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<h1>Getting Started with Pluto</h1>
<p>It is expected that the user is familiar with the <a href="">Apache
Maven</a> project tool.</p>
<li><a href="">Maven 1.0-beta-10</a>
or higher</li>
<li>Java 1.3 or higher</li>
<li>Servlet 2.3:<br>
Tomcat 4.1.18-LE w/JDK 1.4<br>
<b>or</b> <br>
Tomcat 4.1.24 w/ JDK 1.3</li>
<h2>1. Get Maven Ready</h2>
<p>If you have not already done so, download and install Maven.</p>
<p>2. settings:</p>
<p>Please set these values in your <code></code>
<table width="650" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
<th width="134">property</th>
<th width="229">example</th>
<th width="261">what is it?</th>
<td width="134">maven.tomcat.home</td>
<td width="229">/tomcat</td>
<td width="261">location of the Tomcat install where you want to deploy Pluto</td>
<p>You can copy the <code></code> file and name it
<code></code> and use this is a starting point.</p>
<h2>2. Building and deploying</h2>
<li>change your directory to root of the Pluto project.</li>
<li>maven fullDeployment</li>
<li>This will take care of everything for you including copying shared jars,
and deploy the base Pluto portal along with the Portlet Test Suite</li>
<h2>3. Start Tomcat</h2>
<p>Run Tomcat, go to http://localhost:8080/pluto/portal.</p>
<h2>What if I just want the Pluto container jar (like for Jetspeed 2)?</h2>
<li>cd to /api directory</li>
<li>maven jar:install</li>
<li>cd to /container directory</li>
<li>maven jar:install</li>
<p>This will create the container jar in /container/target and also copy into
you maven repository.</p>
<h2>What if I just want to deploy the Pluto portal without the test suite?</h2>
<li>Follow all the steps from &quot;<i>What if I just want the Pluto container
jar (like for Jetspeed 2)?</i>&quot;</li>
<li>cd to the /portal directory.</li>
<li>maven (with no goal)</li>
<p>This will invoke the default maven goal for the /portal sub-project, deployPlutoToTomcat.
&nbsp;This will build and deploy the Pluto portal minus the test suite into
<h2>What if I decide I want to deploy the test suite portlets after I deploy the
Pluto portal by itself?</h2>
<li>Follow all the steps from &quot;<i>What if I decide I want to deploy the
test suite portlets after I deploy JUST the Pluto portal?</i>&quot;</li>
<li>cd to the /testsuite directory.</li>
<li>maven (with no goal)</li>
<p>This will invoke the default maven goal for the /testsute sub-project, deployTestsuite.
&nbsp;This willbuild and deploy the test suite portlets into your already deployed
Pluto portal.</p>