blob: 8e8c8b40dbf96daee8268e182a2b6ae6ca315caa [file] [log] [blame]
/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.pluto.container.bean.processor;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Locale;
import javax.enterprise.inject.Produces;
import javax.enterprise.inject.Typed;
import javax.enterprise.inject.spi.InjectionPoint;
import javax.inject.Named;
import javax.portlet.ActionRequest;
import javax.portlet.ActionResponse;
import javax.portlet.EventRequest;
import javax.portlet.EventResponse;
import javax.portlet.PortletConfig;
import javax.portlet.PortletMode;
import javax.portlet.PortletPreferences;
import javax.portlet.PortletRequest;
import javax.portlet.PortletResponse;
import javax.portlet.PortletSession;
import javax.portlet.RenderRequest;
import javax.portlet.RenderResponse;
import javax.portlet.ResourceRequest;
import javax.portlet.ResourceResponse;
import javax.portlet.WindowState;
import javax.portlet.annotations.ActionParam;
import javax.portlet.annotations.BeanPortlet;
import javax.portlet.annotations.ContextPath;
import javax.portlet.annotations.Namespace;
import javax.portlet.annotations.PortletRequestScoped;
import javax.portlet.annotations.RenderParam;
import javax.portlet.annotations.ResourceParam;
import javax.portlet.annotations.URLFactory;
import javax.portlet.annotations.WindowId;
import javax.servlet.http.Cookie;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Contains producer methods for portlet artifacts that are dependent on the portlet
* request, response, or configuration.
* @author Scott Nicklous
public class PortletArtifactProducer {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PortletArtifactProducer.class);
private static final boolean isTrace = LOG.isTraceEnabled();
// There needs to be a single producer instance per thread.
private static final ThreadLocal<PortletArtifactProducer> producers =
new ThreadLocal<PortletArtifactProducer>();
private PortletRequest req;
private PortletResponse resp;
private PortletConfig config;
* Private constructor. Each instance gets put into the thread local.
private PortletArtifactProducer() { }
* Producer method to make this into a managed bean, so that CDI can use the other
* producer methods.
* @return
public static PortletArtifactProducer getPAP() {
PortletArtifactProducer pap = producers.get();
if (pap == null) {
pap = new PortletArtifactProducer();
if (isTrace) {
StringBuilder txt = new StringBuilder(80);
txt.append("Created new empty PortletArtifactProducer");
txt.append(", ThreadId=").append(Thread.currentThread().getId());
return producers.get();
* Must be called at the end of a request to remove the current instance
* from the thread local.
public static void remove() {
if (isTrace) {
StringBuilder txt = new StringBuilder(80);
txt.append("Disposed of the PortletArtifactProducer");
txt.append(", ThreadId=").append(Thread.currentThread().getId());
* Creates a new producer for this thread and stores it in the thread local.
* @param req The portlet request
* @param resp The portlet response
* @param config The portlet config
public static void setPrecursors(PortletRequest req, PortletResponse resp, PortletConfig config) {
PortletArtifactProducer pap = getPAP();
pap.req = req;
pap.resp = resp;
pap.config = config;
if (isTrace) {
StringBuilder txt = new StringBuilder(80);
txt.append("Set precursors.");
txt.append(" ThreadId=").append(Thread.currentThread().getId());
txt.append(", Portlet name: ").append(config == null ? "null" : config.getPortletName());
* Producer method for the portlet config.
* @return
@Produces @PortletRequestScoped @BeanPortlet @Named("portletConfig")
public static PortletConfig producePortletConfig() {
PortletArtifactProducer pap = producers.get();
assert pap != null;
if (isTrace) {
StringBuilder txt = new StringBuilder(80);
txt.append(" ThreadId=").append(Thread.currentThread().getId());
txt.append(", Portlet name: ").append(pap.config.getPortletName());
txt.append(", Init param names: ").append(Collections.list(pap.config.getInitParameterNames()).toString());
return pap.config;
* Producer method for the portlet request.
* @return
@Produces @PortletRequestScoped @Named("portletRequest")
public static PortletRequest producePortletRequest() {
PortletArtifactProducer pap = producers.get();
assert pap != null;
return pap.req;
* Producer method for the portlet response.
* @return
@Produces @PortletRequestScoped @Named("portletResponse")
public static PortletResponse producePortletResponse() {
PortletArtifactProducer pap = producers.get();
assert pap != null;
return pap.resp;
* Producer method for the ActionRequest.
* Dependent scoped because it sometimes returns <code>null</code>.
* @return
@Produces @PortletRequestScoped @Named("actionRequest") @Typed(ActionRequest.class)
public static ActionRequest produceActionRequest() {
PortletArtifactProducer pap = producers.get();
assert pap != null;
ActionRequest req = null;
if (pap.req instanceof ActionRequest) {
req = (ActionRequest) pap.req;
return req;
* Producer method for the ActionResponse.
* Dependent scoped because it sometimes returns <code>null</code>.
* @return
@Produces @PortletRequestScoped @Named("actionResponse") @Typed(ActionResponse.class)
public static ActionResponse produceActionResponse() {
PortletArtifactProducer pap = producers.get();
assert pap != null;
ActionResponse resp = null;
if (pap.resp instanceof ActionResponse) {
resp = (ActionResponse) pap.resp;
return resp;
* Producer method for the RenderRequest.
* Dependent scoped because it sometimes returns <code>null</code>.
* @return
@Produces @PortletRequestScoped @Named("renderRequest") @Typed(RenderRequest.class)
public static RenderRequest produceRenderRequest() {
PortletArtifactProducer pap = producers.get();
assert pap != null;
RenderRequest req = null;
if (pap.req instanceof RenderRequest) {
req = (RenderRequest) pap.req;
return req;
* Producer method for the RenderResponse.
* Dependent scoped because it sometimes returns <code>null</code>.
* @return
@Produces @PortletRequestScoped @Named("renderResponse") @Typed(RenderResponse.class)
public static RenderResponse produceRenderResponse() {
PortletArtifactProducer pap = producers.get();
assert pap != null;
RenderResponse resp = null;
if (pap.resp instanceof RenderResponse) {
resp = (RenderResponse) pap.resp;
return resp;
* Producer method for the EventRequest.
* Dependent scoped because it sometimes returns <code>null</code>.
* @return
@Produces @PortletRequestScoped @Named("eventRequest") @Typed(EventRequest.class)
public static EventRequest produceEventRequest() {
PortletArtifactProducer pap = producers.get();
assert pap != null;
EventRequest req = null;
if (pap.req instanceof EventRequest) {
req = (EventRequest) pap.req;
return req;
* Producer method for the EventResponse.
* Dependent scoped because it sometimes returns <code>null</code>.
* @return
@Produces @PortletRequestScoped @Named("eventResponse") @Typed(EventResponse.class)
public static EventResponse produceEventResponse() {
PortletArtifactProducer pap = producers.get();
assert pap != null;
EventResponse resp = null;
if (pap.resp instanceof EventResponse) {
resp = (EventResponse) pap.resp;
return resp;
* Producer method for the ResourceRequest.
* Dependent scoped because it sometimes returns <code>null</code>.
* @return
@Produces @PortletRequestScoped @Named("resourceRequest") @Typed(ResourceRequest.class)
public static ResourceRequest produceResourceRequest() {
PortletArtifactProducer pap = producers.get();
assert pap != null;
ResourceRequest req = null;
if (pap.req instanceof ResourceRequest) {
req = (ResourceRequest) pap.req;
return req;
* Producer method for the ResourceResponse.
* Dependent scoped because it sometimes returns <code>null</code>.
* @return
@Produces @PortletRequestScoped @Named("resourceResponse") @Typed(ResourceResponse.class)
public static ResourceResponse produceResourceResponse() {
PortletArtifactProducer pap = producers.get();
assert pap != null;
ResourceResponse resp = null;
if (pap.resp instanceof ResourceResponse) {
resp = (ResourceResponse) pap.resp;
return resp;
* Producer method for the portlet mode.
* @return
@Produces @Named("portletMode")
public static PortletMode producePortletMode() {
PortletArtifactProducer pap = producers.get();
assert pap != null;
return pap.req.getPortletMode();
* Producer method for the window state.
* @return
@Produces @Named("windowState")
public static WindowState produceWindowState() {
PortletArtifactProducer pap = producers.get();
assert pap != null;
return pap.req.getWindowState();
* Producer method for the portlet preferences.
* @return
@Produces @PortletRequestScoped @Named("portletPreferences")
public static PortletPreferences producePortletPreferences() {
PortletArtifactProducer pap = producers.get();
assert pap != null;
return pap.req.getPreferences();
* Producer method for the cookies.
* @return
@Produces @Named("cookies")
public static Cookie[] produceCookies() {
PortletArtifactProducer pap = producers.get();
assert pap != null;
return pap.req.getCookies();
* Producer method for the portlet session.
* @return
@Produces @PortletRequestScoped @Named("portletSession")
public static PortletSession producePortletSession() {
PortletArtifactProducer pap = producers.get();
assert pap != null;
return pap.req.getPortletSession();
* Producer method for the window ID.
* @return
@Produces @WindowId @Named("windowId")
public static String produceWindowID() {
PortletArtifactProducer pap = producers.get();
assert pap != null;
return pap.req.getWindowID();
* Producer method for the Locale.
* @return
@Produces @Named("locale")
public static Locale produceLocale() {
PortletArtifactProducer pap = producers.get();
assert pap != null;
return pap.req.getLocale();
* Producer method for the window ID.
* @return
@Produces @PortletRequestScoped @Named("locales")
public static Enumeration<Locale> produceLocales() {
PortletArtifactProducer pap = producers.get();
assert pap != null;
return pap.req.getLocales();
* Producer method for the window ID.
* @return
@Produces @Namespace @Named("namespace")
public static String produceNamespace() {
PortletArtifactProducer pap = producers.get();
assert pap != null;
return pap.resp.getNamespace();
* Producer method for the context root.
* @return
@Produces @ContextPath @Named("contextPath")
public static String produceContextPath() {
PortletArtifactProducer pap = producers.get();
assert pap != null;
return pap.req.getContextPath();
* Producer method for the URL factory.
* @return
@Produces @PortletRequestScoped @Named("urlFactory")
public static URLFactory produceURLFactory() {
PortletArtifactProducer pap = producers.get();
assert pap != null;
return new URLFactoryImpl(pap.resp);
* Producer method for the parameter as String.
* <p>
* Dependent scoped to allow reading the injection point.
* @param ip The injection point
* @return
@Produces @ActionParam("")
public static String getActionParameter(InjectionPoint ip) {
PortletArtifactProducer pap = producers.get();
assert pap != null;
String val = null;
if (pap.req instanceof ActionRequest) {
ActionRequest areq = (ActionRequest) pap.req;
ActionParam ap = (ActionParam) ip.getAnnotated().getAnnotation(ActionParam.class);
val = areq.getActionParameters().getValue(ap.value());
trace("@ActionParam", "String", ap.value(), val);
return val;
* Producer method for the parameter as String[].
* <p>
* Dependent scoped to allow reading the injection point.
* @param ip The injection point
* @return
@Produces @ActionParam("")
public static String[] getActionParameterValues(InjectionPoint ip) {
PortletArtifactProducer pap = producers.get();
assert pap != null;
String[] vals = null;
if (pap.req instanceof ActionRequest) {
ActionRequest areq = (ActionRequest) pap.req;
ActionParam ap = (ActionParam) ip.getAnnotated().getAnnotation(ActionParam.class);
vals = areq.getActionParameters().getValues(ap.value());
trace("ActionParam", "String[]", ap.value(), Arrays.toString(vals));
return vals;
* Producer method for the parameter as String.
* <p>
* Dependent scoped to allow reading the injection point.
* @param ip The injection point
* @return
@Produces @RenderParam("")
public static String getRenderParameter(InjectionPoint ip) {
PortletArtifactProducer pap = producers.get();
assert pap != null;
String val = null;
RenderParam rp = (RenderParam) ip.getAnnotated().getAnnotation(RenderParam.class);
val = pap.req.getRenderParameters().getValue(rp.value());
trace("@RenderParam", "String", rp.value(), val);
return val;
* Producer method for the parameter as String[].
* <p>
* Dependent scoped to allow reading the injection point.
* @param ip The injection point
* @return
@Produces @RenderParam("")
public static String[] getRenderParameterValues(InjectionPoint ip) {
PortletArtifactProducer pap = producers.get();
assert pap != null;
String[] vals = null;
RenderParam rp = (RenderParam) ip.getAnnotated().getAnnotation(RenderParam.class);
vals = pap.req.getRenderParameters().getValues(rp.value());
trace("@RenderParam", "String[]", rp.value(), Arrays.toString(vals));
return vals;
* Producer method for the parameter as String.
* <p>
* Dependent scoped to allow reading the injection point.
* @param ip The injection point
* @return
@Produces @ResourceParam("")
public static String getResourceParameter(InjectionPoint ip) {
PortletArtifactProducer pap = producers.get();
assert pap != null;
String val = null;
if (pap.req instanceof ResourceRequest) {
ResourceRequest rreq = (ResourceRequest) pap.req;
ResourceParam rp = (ResourceParam) ip.getAnnotated().getAnnotation(ResourceParam.class);
val = rreq.getResourceParameters().getValue(rp.value());
trace("@ResourceParam", "String", rp.value(), val);
return val;
* Producer method for the parameter as String[].
* <p>
* Dependent scoped to allow reading the injection point.
* @param ip The injection point
* @return
@Produces @ResourceParam("")
public static String[] getResourceParameterValues(InjectionPoint ip) {
PortletArtifactProducer pap = producers.get();
assert pap != null;
String[] vals = null;
if (pap.req instanceof ResourceRequest) {
ResourceRequest rreq = (ResourceRequest) pap.req;
ResourceParam rp = (ResourceParam) ip.getAnnotated().getAnnotation(ResourceParam.class);
vals = rreq.getResourceParameters().getValues(rp.value());
trace("@ResourceParam", "String[]", rp.value(), Arrays.toString(vals));
return vals;
* Private helper method to trace parameter injection
* @param anno
* @param sig
* @param pname
* @param pval
private static void trace(String anno, String sig, String pname, String pval) {
if (isTrace) {
StringBuilder txt = new StringBuilder(128);
txt.append("Parameter injection trace.");
txt.append(" Annotation: ").append(anno);
txt.append(" Signature: ").append(sig);
txt.append(" Param name: ").append(pname);
txt.append(" Param value(s): ").append(pval);