blob: a6f4a88ea7b6d3a4c7e210c506e9147d2fab051e [file] [log] [blame]
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<%@ page session="false" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="portlet" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>
<portlet:defineObjects />
<h3>Image Selector</h3><hr/>
<FORM id='<portlet:namespace/>-setParams' onsubmit='return false;' enctype='application/x-www-form-urlencoded'>
<table><tr><td align='left'>
Selection type (private param):
<input id='<portlet:namespace/>-radio' type='radio' name='selType' value='radio'>Radio Button
<input id='<portlet:namespace/>-dropdown' type='radio' name='selType' value='dropdown'>Drop Down
Select Image (public param):
<div id='<portlet:namespace/>-putResourceHere'></div>
(function () {
'use strict';
var pid = '<portlet:namespace/>',
fid = '<portlet:namespace/>-setParams',
resdiv = '<portlet:namespace/>-putResourceHere',
st_radio = '<portlet:namespace/>-radio',
st_dropdown = '<portlet:namespace/>-dropdown',
selBox = '<portlet:namespace/>-selBox',
currState = {},
// Set image name PRP if radio button clicked -
handleImgRadio = function () {
console.log("ISP: image selected (radio): " + this.value);
if (currState.parameters.imgName !== this.value) {
var newState = currState.clone();
newState.setValue('imgName', this.value);
// Set image name PRP if image selected in selection box -
handleImgDropdown = function () {
console.log("ISP: image selected (dropdown): " + this.value);
if (currState.parameters.imgName !== this.value) {
var newState = currState.clone();
newState.setValue('imgName', this.value);
// function to select the proper image depending on radio button or dropdown display
selectImage = function (seltype, imgName) {
var ii, f = document.getElementById(fid);
if (!imgName) {
imgName = 'default';
if (seltype === 'radio') {
for (ii=0; ii < f.imgName.length; ii++) {
if (f.imgName[ii].value === imgName) {
console.log("ISP: image clicked: " + imgName);
f.imgName[ii].checked = true;
} else {
f.imgName[ii].checked = false;
} else {
for (ii=0; ii < f.imgName.length; ii++) {
if (f.imgName[ii].value === imgName) {
console.log("ISP: image selected: " + imgName);
f.imgName[ii].selected = true;
// Handler for onStateChange event
update = function (type, state) {
var oldST = currState.getValue('selType'),
newST = state.getValue('selType', 'radio'),
oldImg = currState.getValue('imgName'),
newImg = state.getValue('imgName');
console.log("ISP: state updated. type=" + type + ", selType=" + newST + ", imgName=" + newImg);
if (oldST !== newST) {
hub.createResourceUrl({}).then(function (url) {
console.log("ISP: got url: " + url);
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange=function() {
if (xhr.readyState === 4 && xhr.status === 200) {
document.getElementById(resdiv).innerHTML = xhr.responseText;
// default is radio buttons
var ii, f = document.getElementById(fid);
if (newST === 'radio') {
for (ii=0; ii < f.imgName.length; ii++) {
console.log("ISP: adding selection handler for: " + f.imgName[ii].value);
f.imgName[ii].onclick = handleImgRadio;
} else if (newST === 'dropdown') {
console.log("ISP: adding selection handler to dropdown list element: " + selBox);
document.getElementById(selBox).onchange = handleImgDropdown;
selectImage(newST, newImg);
} else {
// make sure image is selected according to parameter setting.
selectImage(newST, newImg);
if (newST === 'dropdown') {
document.getElementById(st_dropdown).checked = true;
} else {
document.getElementById(st_radio).checked = true;
// set private parameter selType to store the selection display type
handleST = function () {
console.log("ISP: select display type clicked: " + this.value);
if (currState.parameters.selType !== this.value) {
var newState = currState.clone();
newState.setValue('selType', this.value);
document.getElementById(st_radio).onclick = handleST;
document.getElementById(st_dropdown).onclick = handleST;
// Register with Portlet Hub, add listener for onStateChange event
portlet.register(pid).then(function (pi) {
console.log("ISP Image Selection Portlet: registered: " + pid);
hub = pi;
currState = hub.newState();
hub.addEventListener("portlet.onStateChange", update);