blob: e18f1b54be5e5909cdb390abde2c412890b5371c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.polygene.entitystore.sql;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import org.apache.polygene.api.association.AssociationDescriptor;
import org.apache.polygene.api.common.QualifiedName;
import org.apache.polygene.api.composite.Composite;
import org.apache.polygene.api.entity.EntityComposite;
import org.apache.polygene.api.entity.EntityDescriptor;
import org.apache.polygene.api.entity.EntityReference;
import org.apache.polygene.api.identity.HasIdentity;
import org.apache.polygene.api.identity.StringIdentity;
import org.apache.polygene.api.serialization.Serialization;
import org.apache.polygene.api.structure.ModuleDescriptor;
import org.apache.polygene.api.type.EntityCompositeType;
import org.apache.polygene.api.unitofwork.NoSuchEntityTypeException;
import org.apache.polygene.api.util.Classes;
import org.apache.polygene.spi.entitystore.EntityNotFoundException;
import org.apache.polygene.spi.entitystore.EntityStoreUnitOfWork;
import org.apache.polygene.spi.entitystore.helpers.DefaultEntityState;
import org.jooq.Condition;
import org.jooq.Field;
import org.jooq.Record;
import org.jooq.RecordType;
import org.jooq.Result;
import org.jooq.SQLDialect;
import org.jooq.SelectJoinStep;
import org.jooq.SelectQuery;
import org.jooq.Table;
import org.jooq.impl.DSL;
import static org.apache.polygene.entitystore.sql.MixinTable.INDEX_COLUMN_NAME;
import static org.apache.polygene.entitystore.sql.MixinTable.NAME_COLUMN_NAME;
import static org.apache.polygene.entitystore.sql.MixinTable.REFERENCE_COLUMN_NAME;
import static org.apache.polygene.entitystore.sql.SqlType.makeField;
* This class handles all the dealing with the main table, called the Entities Table.
* <p>
* This is the table that holds the {@link BaseEntity} rows, and joins with the different so called
* {@link MixinTable}, which handles one table per Mixin type.
* </p>
@SuppressWarnings( "WeakerAccess" )
public class EntitiesTable
private static final String VALUEID_COLUMN_NAME = "_value_id";
private static final String TYPE_COLUMN_NAME = "_type";
private static final String VERSION_COLUMN_NAME = "_version";
private static final String APPLICATIONVERSION_COLUMN_NAME = "_app_version";
private static final Predicate<? super Class<?>> NOT_COMPOSITE = type -> !( type.equals( Composite.class ) || type.equals( EntityComposite.class ) );
private static final Predicate<? super Class<?>> NOT_HASIDENTITY = type -> !( type.equals( HasIdentity.class ) );
private final SQLDialect dialect;
private Map<EntityCompositeType, Set<Class<?>>> mixinTypeCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private Map<Class<?>, MixinTable> mixinTablesCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final Table<Record> entitiesTable;
private Field<String> valueIdentityColumn;
private Field<String> typeNameColumn;
private Field<String> versionColumn;
private Field<String> applicationVersionColumn;
private final JooqDslContext dsl;
private final TypesTable types;
private final String applicationVersion;
private final Serialization serialization;
private boolean replacementStrategy = false; // Figure out later if we should support both and if so, how.
EntitiesTable( JooqDslContext dsl,
SQLDialect dialect,
TypesTable types,
String applicationVersion,
String entitiesTableName,
Serialization serialization )
this.dsl = dsl;
this.dialect = dialect;
this.types = types;
this.applicationVersion = applicationVersion;
this.serialization = serialization;
entitiesTable = dsl.tableOf( entitiesTableName );
valueIdentityColumn = makeField( VALUEID_COLUMN_NAME, String.class, dialect );
typeNameColumn = makeField( TYPE_COLUMN_NAME, String.class, dialect );
versionColumn = makeField( VERSION_COLUMN_NAME, String.class, dialect );
applicationVersionColumn = makeField( APPLICATIONVERSION_COLUMN_NAME, String.class, dialect );
public BaseEntity fetchEntity( EntityReference reference, ModuleDescriptor module )
Result<Record> baseEntityResult = dsl
.selectFrom( entitiesTable )
.where( types.identityColumn().eq( reference.identity().toString() ) )
if( baseEntityResult.isEmpty() )
throw new EntityNotFoundException( reference );
Record row = baseEntityResult.get( 0 );
return toBaseEntity( row, module );
protected BaseEntity toBaseEntity( Record row, ModuleDescriptor module )
BaseEntity result = new BaseEntity();
String typeName = row.field( typeNameColumn ).get( row );
result.type = findEntityDescriptor( typeName, module );
result.version = row.field( versionColumn ).get( row );
result.applicationVersion = row.field( applicationVersionColumn ).get( row );
result.identity = StringIdentity.identityOf( row.field( types.identityColumn() ).get( row ) );
result.currentValueIdentity = EntityReference.parseEntityReference( row.field( valueIdentityColumn ).get( row ) ).identity();
result.modifedAt = Instant.ofEpochMilli( row.field( types.modifiedColumn() ).get( row ).getTime() );
result.createdAt = Instant.ofEpochMilli( row.field( types.createdColumn() ).get( row ).getTime() );
return result;
public Stream<BaseEntity> fetchAll( EntityDescriptor type, ModuleDescriptor module )
Result<Record> baseEntityResult = dsl
.selectFrom( entitiesTable )
return record -> toBaseEntity( record, module ) );
private EntityDescriptor findEntityDescriptor( String typeName, ModuleDescriptor module )
Class<?> type = getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass( typeName );
return module.typeLookup().lookupEntityModel( type );
catch( ClassNotFoundException e )
throw new NoSuchEntityTypeException( typeName, module );
void insertEntity( DefaultEntityState state, BaseEntity baseEntity )
EntityCompositeType compositeType = state.entityDescriptor().valueType();
Set<Class<?>> mixinTypes = mixinTypeCache.computeIfAbsent( compositeType, createMixinTypesSet( compositeType ) );
mixinTypes.forEach( type ->
MixinTable table = findMixinTable( type, state.entityDescriptor() );
table.insertMixinState( state, baseEntity.currentValueIdentity.toString() );
} );
void modifyEntity( DefaultEntityState state, BaseEntity baseEntity, EntityStoreUnitOfWork uow )
updateBaseEntity( baseEntity, uow );
if( replacementStrategy )
insertEntity( state, baseEntity ); // replacement strategy (more safe)
EntityCompositeType compositeType = state.entityDescriptor().valueType();
Set<Class<?>> mixinTypes = mixinTypeCache.computeIfAbsent( compositeType, createMixinTypesSet( compositeType ) );
mixinTypes.forEach( type ->
MixinTable table = findMixinTable( type, state.entityDescriptor() );
table.modifyMixinState( state, baseEntity.currentValueIdentity.toString() );
} );
private MixinTable findMixinTable( Class<?> type, EntityDescriptor entityDescriptor )
return mixinTablesCache.computeIfAbsent( type, t -> new MixinTable( dsl, dialect, types, type, entityDescriptor, serialization ) );
private Set<Class<?>> mixinsOf( Stream<? extends AssociationDescriptor> stream )
return stream
.map( AssociationDescriptor::accessor )
.filter( Classes.instanceOf( Method.class ) )
.map( accessor -> (Method) accessor )
.map( Method::getDeclaringClass )
.filter( NOT_COMPOSITE )
.collect( Collectors.toSet() );
private Function<EntityCompositeType, Set<Class<?>>> createMixinTypesSet( EntityCompositeType compositeType )
return type ->
Set<Class<?>> mixins = compositeType
.map( PropertyDescriptor::accessor )
.filter( Classes.instanceOf( Method.class ) )
.map( accessor -> (Method) accessor )
.map( Method::getDeclaringClass )
.filter( NOT_COMPOSITE )
.collect( Collectors.toSet() );
Set<Class<?>> mixinsWithAssociations = mixinsOf( compositeType.associations() );
Set<Class<?>> mixinsWithManyAssociations = mixinsOf( compositeType.manyAssociations() );
Set<Class<?>> mixinsWithNamedAssociations = mixinsOf( compositeType.namedAssociations() );
mixins.addAll( mixinsWithAssociations );
mixins.addAll( mixinsWithManyAssociations );
mixins.addAll( mixinsWithNamedAssociations );
return mixins;
BaseEntity createNewBaseEntity( EntityReference reference, EntityDescriptor descriptor, EntityStoreUnitOfWork uow )
String valueIdentity = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
String typeName = descriptor.primaryType().getName();
Instant currentTime = uow.currentTime();
dsl.insertInto( entitiesTable )
.set( types.identityColumn(), reference.identity().toString() )
.set( types.createdColumn(), new Timestamp( currentTime.toEpochMilli() ) )
.set( types.modifiedColumn(), new Timestamp( currentTime.toEpochMilli() ) )
.set( valueIdentityColumn, valueIdentity )
.set( typeNameColumn, typeName )
.set( versionColumn, "1" )
.set( applicationVersionColumn, applicationVersion )
BaseEntity baseEntity = new BaseEntity();
baseEntity.type = descriptor;
baseEntity.version = "1";
baseEntity.applicationVersion = applicationVersion;
baseEntity.identity = reference.identity();
baseEntity.currentValueIdentity = StringIdentity.identityOf( valueIdentity );
baseEntity.modifedAt = currentTime;
baseEntity.createdAt = currentTime;
return baseEntity;
private void updateBaseEntity( BaseEntity entity, EntityStoreUnitOfWork uow )
entity.version = increment( entity.version );
if( replacementStrategy )
entity.currentValueIdentity = StringIdentity.identityOf( UUID.randomUUID().toString() );
dsl.update( entitiesTable )
.set( types.modifiedColumn(), new Timestamp( uow.currentTime().toEpochMilli() ) )
.set( valueIdentityColumn, entity.currentValueIdentity.toString() )
.set( versionColumn, entity.version )
.set( applicationVersionColumn, applicationVersion )
.where( types.identityColumn().eq( entity.identity.toString() ) )
private String increment( String version )
long ver = Long.parseLong( version );
return Long.toString( ver + 1 );
* Builds the SELECT statement for a given entity.
* <p>
* Example; If we have the following entity
* </p>
* <pre><code>
* public interface LegalEntity
* {
* Property&lt;String&gt; registration();
* }
* public interface Person extends LegalEntity
* {
* Property&lt;String&gt; name();
* &#64;Optional
* Association&lt;Person&gt; spouse();
* ManyAssocation&lt;Person&gt; children();
* }
* </code></pre>
* <p>
* and we do a simple;
* <pre><code>
* Person p = uow.get( Person.class, "niclas" );
* </code></pre>
* <p>
* then the generated query will be
* </p>
* <pre><code>
* LEFT OUTER JOIN Person ON ENTITIES.value_id = Person.identity
* LEFT OUTER JOIN LegalEntity ON ENTITIES.value_id = LegalEntity.identity
* WHERE ENTITIES.identity = '123'
* </code></pre>
* @param entityDescriptor The descriptor of the entity type to be built.
* @return The SELECT query that can be executed to retrieve the entity.
public SelectQuery<Record> createGetEntityQuery( EntityDescriptor entityDescriptor, EntityReference reference )
List<Table<Record>> joins = getMixinTables( entityDescriptor );
SelectJoinStep<Record> from = entitiesTable );
for( Table<Record> joinedTable : joins )
Condition joinCondition = valueIdentityColumn.eq( identityColumnOf( joinedTable ) );
from = from.leftJoin( joinedTable ).on( joinCondition );
return from.where( identityColumnOf( entitiesTable ).eq( reference.identity().toString() ) ).getQuery();
public void fetchAssociations( BaseEntity entity, EntityDescriptor entityDescriptor, Consumer<AssociationValue> consume )
List<Table<Record>> joins = getAssocationsTables( entityDescriptor );
SelectJoinStep<Record> from = entitiesTable );
for( Table<Record> joinedTable : joins )
Condition joinCondition = valueIdentityColumn.eq( identityColumnOf( joinedTable ) );
from = from.join( joinedTable ).on( joinCondition );
String reference = entity.identity.toString();
SelectQuery<Record> query = from.where( identityColumnOf( entitiesTable ).eq( reference ) ).getQuery();
Result<Record> result = query.fetch();
RecordType<Record> recordType = result.recordType();
result.forEach( record -> {
AssociationValue value = new AssociationValue();
if( recordType.indexOf( MixinTable.REFERENCE_COLUMN_NAME ) >= 0 )
// some many-to-many association found.
if( recordType.indexOf( NAME_COLUMN_NAME ) >= 0 )
// NamedAssociations found. = QualifiedName.fromClass( entityDescriptor.primaryType(), (String) record.get( NAME_COLUMN_NAME ) );
EntityCompositeType valueType = entityDescriptor.valueType();
if( recordType.indexOf( INDEX_COLUMN_NAME ) >= 0 )
// ManyAssociations found.
value.position = (String) record.get( INDEX_COLUMN_NAME );
value.reference = (String) record.get( REFERENCE_COLUMN_NAME );
consume.accept( value );
} );
private Field<String> identityColumnOf( Table<Record> joinedTable )
String name = joinedTable.getName();
String identity = types.identityColumn().getName();
return DSL.field( name, identity ), String.class );
public List<Table<Record>> getMixinTables( EntityDescriptor entityDescriptor )
return entityDescriptor
.filter( NOT_COMPOSITE )
.map( ( Class<?> type ) -> types.tableFor( type, entityDescriptor ) )
.collect( Collectors.toList() );
public List<Table<Record>> getAssocationsTables( EntityDescriptor entityDescriptor )
return entityDescriptor
.filter( NOT_COMPOSITE )
.map( type -> findMixinTable( type, entityDescriptor ) )
.map( MixinTable::associationsTable )
.filter( Objects::nonNull )
.collect( Collectors.toList() );
public void removeEntity( EntityReference entityReference, EntityDescriptor descriptor )
ModuleDescriptor module = descriptor.module();
BaseEntity baseEntity = fetchEntity( entityReference, module );
if( replacementStrategy )
// TODO; Mark deleted, I guess... not implemented
dsl.delete( entitiesTable )
identityColumnOf( entitiesTable ).eq( entityReference.identity().toString() )
String valueId = baseEntity.currentValueIdentity.toString();
List<Table<Record>> mixinTables = getMixinTables( descriptor );
List<Table<Record>> assocTables = getAssocationsTables( descriptor );
mixinTables.forEach( table -> dsl.delete( table ).where( identityColumnOf( table ).eq( valueId ) ).execute() );
assocTables.forEach( table -> dsl.delete( table ).where( identityColumnOf( table ).eq( valueId ) ).execute() );
void create()
dsl.createTableIfNotExists( entitiesTable )
.column( types.identityColumn() )
.column( types.createdColumn() )
.column( typeNameColumn )
.column( applicationVersionColumn )
.column( versionColumn )
.column( types.modifiedColumn() )
.column( valueIdentityColumn )
.constraint( DSL.primaryKey( types.identityColumn() ) )