blob: 80303c12c9b27879f1a21987c2a041509d8e6989 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package <%= polygene.packageName %>.app;
import <%= polygene.packageName %>.bootstrap.<%= %>ApplicationAssembler;
import <%= polygene.packageName %>.bootstrap.config.ConfigModule;
import <%= polygene.packageName %>.bootstrap.config.ConfigurationLayer;
import javax.json.Json;
import javax.json.JsonWriter;
import org.apache.polygene.api.structure.Application;
import org.apache.polygene.api.structure.ApplicationDescriptor;
import org.apache.polygene.bootstrap.ApplicationAssembly;
import org.apache.polygene.bootstrap.AssemblyException;
import org.apache.polygene.bootstrap.ModuleAssembly;
import org.apache.polygene.bootstrap.layered.LayeredApplicationAssembler;
polygene.needsDelayChecker = false;
polygene.needsDocker = ['Cassandra', 'JClouds', 'MySQL', 'PostgreSQL', 'Redis', 'Riak'].indexOf(polygene.entitystore) != -1 || ['Memcache'].indexOf(polygene.caching) != -1;
if( polygene.entitystore === 'MySQL' ) {
%>import java.util.HashMap;
if( polygene.entitystore !== 'Memory' && polygene.entitystore !== 'Preferences' ) {
if( polygene.entitystore.indexOf('SQL') < 0 ) {
%>import org.apache.polygene.entitystore.<%= polygene.entitystore.toLowerCase() %>.<%= polygene.entitystore %>EntityStoreConfiguration;
<% } else {
%>import org.apache.polygene.entitystore.sql.SQLEntityStoreConfiguration;
if( polygene.caching === 'Memcache' ) {
%>import org.apache.polygene.cache.memcache.MemcacheConfiguration;
if( polygene.needsDocker ) {
import com.spotify.docker.client.DefaultDockerClient;
import pl.domzal.junit.docker.rule.DockerRule;
import pl.domzal.junit.docker.rule.DockerRuleBuilder;
import pl.domzal.junit.docker.rule.WaitFor;
import pl.domzal.junit.docker.rule.wait.StartCondition;
import pl.domzal.junit.docker.rule.wait.StartConditionCheck;
import org.junit.rules.TestRule;
import org.junit.runner.Description;
import org.junit.runners.model.Statement;
import org.junit.Assume;
import org.junit.ClassRule;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
public class BootstrapTest
@Test @Ignore( "TODO: Testcase doesn't work for all combinations yet. Docker issues?" )
public void applicationBootstrapSucceeds()
throws Exception
<%= %>Launcher launcher = new <%= %>Launcher()
protected LayeredApplicationAssembler createApplicationAssembler()
throws AssemblyException
<% if( polygene.hasFeature( 'security' ) ) {
%> DevelopmentKeyManagement.initializeKeyStore();
<% }
%> return new <%= %>ApplicationAssembler( "LaunchTest", "0", Application.Mode.development, BootstrapTest.this::setupTest )
protected void onModelCreated( ApplicationDescriptor model )
ApplicationDetailDescriptor modelDescription = ApplicationDetailDescriptorBuilder.createApplicationDetailDescriptor( model );
System.out.println( "Application Model" );
JsonWriter writer = Json.createWriter( System.out );
writer.writeObject( modelDescription.toJson() );
super.onModelCreated( model );
System.out.println("Application Launched...");
// Thread.sleep( 3600000L );
private void setupTest( ApplicationAssembly assembly )
entityStoreSetup( assembly );
if( polygene.caching === 'Memcache' ) {
cacheSetup( assembly );
if( polygene.entitystore === 'Cassandra' ) {
private void entityStoreSetup( ApplicationAssembly assembly )
ModuleAssembly config = assembly.layer( ConfigurationLayer.NAME ).module( ConfigModule.NAME );
CassandraEntityStoreConfiguration defaults = config.forMixin( CassandraEntityStoreConfiguration.class ).declareDefaults();
String host = ES_DOCKER.getDockerHost();
int port = Integer.valueOf( ES_DOCKER.getExposedContainerPort( "9042/tcp" ) );
System.out.println("Cassandra: " + host + ":" + port);
defaults.hostnames().set( host + ':' + port );
defaults.createIfMissing().set( true );
public static final OptionalDockerRule ES_DOCKER = new OptionalDockerRule( DockerRule.builder()
.imageName( "cassandra:latest" )
.publishAllPorts( true )
.waitForTimeout( 120 )
.waitFor( WaitFor.logMessageSequence( "Starting listening for CQL clients" ) ) );
<% }
if( polygene.entitystore === 'DerbySQL' ) {
private void entityStoreSetup(ApplicationAssembly assembly )
<% }
if( polygene.entitystore === 'File' ) {
private void entityStoreSetup(ApplicationAssembly assembly )
<% }
if( polygene.entitystore === 'Geode' ) {
private void entityStoreSetup(ApplicationAssembly assembly )
<% }
if( polygene.entitystore === 'H2SQL' ) {
private void entityStoreSetup(ApplicationAssembly assembly )
<% }
if( polygene.entitystore === 'Hazelcast' ) {
private void entityStoreSetup(ApplicationAssembly assembly )
<% }
if( polygene.entitystore === 'JClouds' ) {
private void entityStoreSetup(ApplicationAssembly assembly )
public static final OptionalDockerRule ES_DOCKER = new OptionalDockerRule( DockerRule.builder()
.imageName( "scality/s3server:latest" )
.publishAllPorts( true )
.waitForTimeout( 120 )
.waitFor( WaitFor.logMessageSequence( "server started" ) ) );
<% }
if( polygene.entitystore === 'Jdbm' ) {
private void entityStoreSetup(ApplicationAssembly assembly )
<% }
if( polygene.entitystore === 'LevelDB' ) {
private void entityStoreSetup(ApplicationAssembly assembly )
<% }
if( polygene.entitystore === 'Memory' ) {
private void entityStoreSetup(ApplicationAssembly assembly )
<% }
if( polygene.entitystore === 'MongoDB' ) {
private void entityStoreSetup( ApplicationAssembly assembly )
ModuleAssembly config = assembly.layer( ConfigurationLayer.NAME ).module( ConfigModule.NAME );
MongoDBEntityStoreConfiguration mongoConfig = config.forMixin( MongoDBEntityStoreConfiguration.class ).declareDefaults();
mongoConfig.hostname().set( ES_DOCKER.getDockerHost() );
mongoConfig.port().set( Integer.valueOf( ES_DOCKER.getExposedContainerPort( "27017/tcp" ) ) );
public static final OptionalDockerRule ES_DOCKER = new OptionalDockerRule( DockerRule.builder()
.imageName( "mongo:3.5.8" )
.expose( "27017" )
.waitForTimeout( 120 )
.waitFor( WaitFor.tcpPort(27017) ) );
<% }
if( polygene.entitystore === 'MySQL' ) {
polygene.needsDelayChecker = true;
private void entityStoreSetup(ApplicationAssembly assembly )
public static final OptionalDockerRule ES_DOCKER = new OptionalDockerRule( DockerRule.builder()
.imageName( "mariadb:latest" )
.publishAllPorts( true )
.waitForTimeout( 120 )
.env("MYSQL_DATABASE", "jdbc_test_db")
.env("MYSQL_ROOT_HOST", "")
// .waitFor( WaitFor.logMessageSequence( "mysqld: ready for connections" ) ) TODO: add this after next release of tdomzal/junit-docker-rule
.waitFor( new DelayChecker( 30000L ) ) );
<% }
if( polygene.entitystore === 'PostgreSQL' ) {
polygene.needsDelayChecker = true;
private void entityStoreSetup(ApplicationAssembly assembly )
public static final OptionalDockerRule ES_DOCKER = new OptionalDockerRule( DockerRule.builder()
.imageName( "<%= polygene.packagename %>-postgresql" )
.publishAllPorts( true )
.waitForTimeout( 120 )
.waitFor( WaitFor.logMessageSequence( "PostgreSQL init process complete; ready for start up." ) )
.waitFor( new DelayChecker( 3000L ) ) );
<% }
if( polygene.entitystore === 'Preferences' ) {
private void entityStoreSetup(ApplicationAssembly assembly )
<% }
if( polygene.entitystore === 'Redis' ) {
private void entityStoreSetup(ApplicationAssembly assembly )
public static final OptionalDockerRule ES_DOCKER = new OptionalDockerRule( DockerRule.builder()
.imageName( "redis:latest" )
.publishAllPorts( true )
.waitForTimeout( 120 )
.waitFor( pl.domzal.junit.docker.rule.WaitFor.tcpPort( 6379 ) ) );
<% }
if( polygene.entitystore === 'Riak' ) {
private void entityStoreSetup(ApplicationAssembly assembly )
public static final OptionalDockerRule ES_DOCKER = new OptionalDockerRule( DockerRule.builder()
.imageName( "basho/riak-kv:latest" )
.publishAllPorts( true )
.waitForTimeout( 120 )
.waitFor( WaitFor.logMessageSequence( "riak_auth_mods started on node" ) ) );
<% }
if( polygene.entitystore === 'SQLite' ) {
private void entityStoreSetup(ApplicationAssembly assembly )
<% }
if( polygene.caching === 'Memcache' ) {
private void cacheSetup( ApplicationAssembly assembly )
ModuleAssembly config = assembly.layer( ConfigurationLayer.NAME ).module( ConfigModule.NAME );
MemcacheConfiguration memcacheConfig = config.forMixin( MemcacheConfiguration.class ).declareDefaults();
memcacheConfig.addresses().set( CACHE_DOCKER.getDockerHost() + ":" + CACHE_DOCKER.getExposedContainerPort( "11211/tcp" ) );
public static final OptionalDockerRule CACHE_DOCKER = new OptionalDockerRule( DockerRule.builder()
.imageName( "memcached:1.4.36-alpine" )
.expose( "11211" )
.waitForTimeout( 120 )
.waitFor( WaitFor.tcpPort( 11211 ) ) );
if( polygene.needsDocker ) {
* This JUnit Rule will skip tests if no Docker service is available.
private static class OptionalDockerRule implements TestRule
private final DockerRuleBuilder dockerRuleBuilder;
private DockerRule dockerRule;
private OptionalDockerRule( DockerRuleBuilder dockerRuleBuilder )
this.dockerRuleBuilder = dockerRuleBuilder;
public Statement apply( Statement base, Description description )
catch( Throwable ex )
Assume.assumeNoException( ex );
dockerRule =;
return dockerRule.apply( base, description );
public String getDockerHost()
return dockerRule.getDockerHost();
public String getExposedContainerPort( String containerPort )
return dockerRule.getExposedContainerPort( containerPort );
if( polygene.needsDelayChecker ) {
private static class DelayChecker
implements StartCondition
private final long millis;
private final long doneAt;
DelayChecker( long millis )
this.millis = millis;
this.doneAt = System.currentTimeMillis() + millis;
public StartConditionCheck build( DockerRule currentRule )
return new StartConditionCheck()
public boolean check()
return System.currentTimeMillis() > doneAt;
public String describe()
return String.format( "delay check %d ms", millis );
public void after()
<% }