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* Copyright (c) 2007-2012, Niclas Hedhman. All Rights Reserved.
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[[library-alarm, Alarm Library]]
= Alarms =
The process control and industrial automation industry has for decades been struggling with a large number of unreliable
data points, such as sensors, fuses and potentially malfunctioning valves and actuators. This industry quickly developed
the concept of *Alarm Point* as an abstraction for indication that something is not working correctly. These
_Alarm Points_ could then be grouped and aggregated, along a well-defined set of rules, to provide human operators a
clear view of what is going on in a plant.
The enterprise software has always assumed a much more "reliable" environment where the computers either work or they
don't. Very little thought has been spent on what happens when many independent systems interact and what the
consequences are to other systems when one fails. The _Alarm Point_ concepts becomes a natural fit for the enterprise
world of today, where _Alarm Points_ allows for fine-grained notification and view into the health of one or more
In Zest, we are building upon this powerful abstraction, from decades of field experience.
== Overview ==
An _Alarm Point_ is of an _Alarm Class_ and of an _Alarm Category_. The _Alarm Class_ defines the *severity* of the
_Alarm Point_ and the _Alarm Category_ defines which *part* of the system it belongs to. _Alarm Category_ can be
extended by the developer, and the package contains the _SimpleAlarmCategory_ as an example, where a Description
property has been added.
An _Alarm Point_ also has a _System Name_, which should be the subsystem or application name.
_Alarm Points_ are *triggered* and an _Alarm Trigger_ may cause the _Alarm Status_ to change. IF, and only if, the
_Alarm Status_ changes, and _Alarm Event_ is generated. The _Alarm Model_ used for an _Alarm Point_ defines which
_Alarm Status_, _Alarm Trigger_ and _Alarm Event_ that are possible.
_Alarm Points_ may also have user-defined properties. These are primarily used for reporting and auditing.
== Alarm Point ==
The _Alarm Point_ is the central API for applications. _Alarm Points_ are entities and normally dormant on in the
Entity Store. The _Alarm Point_ is a small workflow state-machine, and the _Alarm Model_ associated with the _Alarm
Point_ defines the workflow.
== Alarm Event ==
== Alarm Class ==
== Alarm Category ==
== Alarm Proxy ==
Sometimes it is much more convenient to hold on to Alarm Points all the time, instead of reviving them from the Entity
Store every time they are to be modified. Therefor, there is a convenience class available who does all the grunt work,
called the _Alarm Proxy_. By creating an _Alarm Proxy_, all the UnitOfWork handling is done for you. You still need to
provide an _Identity_ of the Alarm, which must survive restarts. The code could look something like this;
== Alarm Models ==
The Zestâ„¢ Alarm library comes with 3 _Alarm Models_ which should be sufficient for most uses. These are based on decades
of experience from the industrial automation industry and user feedback.
== Simple Alarm Model ==
The _Simple Alarm Model_ is the most basic one, with only two _Alarm Status_, *_Normal_* and *_Activated_*. The only
_Alarm Triggers_ are _activate_ and _deactivate_, where _activate_ on a _Normal_ status will bring it to _Activated_
status and an _Activated Alarm Event_ is generated.
| *Old Status* | *Trigger* | *Event* | *New Status* |
| Normal | activate | Activated
== Standard Alarm Model ==
== Extended Alarm Model ==