blob: b4dcb3e9144d85e87d474bf283c6977757d27a11 [file] [log] [blame]
Regression Test reporting follows the following steps;
1. Go to and create a new JIRA issue about the problem.
2. Create a package named org.apache.zest.tests.regression.qi123 (for QI-123) in $ZEST/tests/regression/src/main/java.
NOTE: observe that the test MUST sit in the src/MAIN/java and not under src/test
3. Create a JUnit or TestNG test capturing the issue described in JIRA.
4. Commit and push this to the 'origin develop' branch.
5. Ping the community on the mailing list.
Once the reported problem has been solved, the test will be moved to the sub-project's unit test area.