blob: 575d6c0d097222a2d1a6947e200e534396e07ad8 [file] [log] [blame]
project.ext {
title = "Qi4j SDK"
description = "Qi4j™ is a framework for domain centric application development, including evolved concepts from AOP, DI and DDD."
testFailures = [ ]
mainClassName = 'org.qi4j.container.Main'
groovycMain_mx = "700m"
groovycMain_permSize = "256m"
groovycMain_maxPermSize = "256m"
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'idea'
apply plugin: 'signing'
apply plugin: 'maven'
apply from: 'maven-compat.gradle'
apply plugin: 'project-report'
apply from: 'libraries.gradle'
targetCompatibility = "1.7"
sourceCompatibility = "1.7"
// Collect the modules that fulfills the Release Criteria.
project.ext {
releaseSpec = new org.qi4j.gradle.plugin.ModuleReleaseSpecification()
def releaseApprovedProjects = allprojects.findAll( { project -> rootProject.ext.releaseSpec.satisfiedBy( project ) } )
buildscript {
repositories {
// External tools BEGIN ---------------------------------------------------
// IDEA plugin configuration
idea.project.ipr {
withXml { provider ->
provider.node.component.find { it.@name == 'VcsDirectoryMappings' }.mapping.@vcs = 'Git'
// External tools END -----------------------------------------------------
// Define repositories URLs here so we can reuse them in the build script
// Needed as Gradle forbid access to declared repositories URLs by design
// Releasable submodules should not declare repositories in their own build files
def repos_urls = [
mavenCentral: "",
ops4j: "",
restlet: '',
javanet: "",
clojars: "",
allprojects {
apply plugin: 'eclipse'
apply plugin: 'idea'
apply plugin: 'signing'
apply plugin: 'java'
// apply plugin: 'checkstyle'
apply plugin: 'project-report'
apply plugin: 'maven'
defaultTasks 'classes', 'test'
group = name.substring( 0, name.lastIndexOf( '.' ) )
version = ?: "0"
// UTF-8 For all compilations and javadocs
// Deprecation warnings for all compilations
// Unchecked warnings for non-test core compilations
tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
options.encoding = 'UTF-8'
options.compilerArgs << "-Xlint:deprecation"
if("core".equals(group)) {
tasks.matching({ task -> task instanceof JavaCompile && !'test') }).
each({ task -> task.options.compilerArgs << "-Xlint:unchecked" })
tasks.withType(Javadoc) {
options.encoding = 'UTF-8'
repositories {
maven { name 'ops4j-repo'; url repos_urls.ops4j }
maven { name 'restlet-repo'; url repos_urls.restlet }
maven { name ''; url repos_urls.javanet }
maven { name 'clojars-repo'; url repos_urls.clojars }
// Artifact upload global configuration BEGIN -----------------------------
def uploadSnapshots = version.contains("SNAPSHOT")
def uploadReleases = ! uploadSnapshots
// By default RELEASES are signed, SNAPSHOTS are not
// Signing can be turned on or off by setting the uploadSigned property
def uploadSigned = rootProject.hasProperty('uploadSigned') \
? rootProject.uploadSigned : uploadReleases \
? true : false
// By default RELEASES must satisfy ReleaseSpecification, SNAPSHOT don't
// ReleaseSpecification usage can be turned on or off by setting the uploadReleaseSpec property
def uploadReleaseSpec = rootProject.hasProperty('uploadReleaseSpec') \
? rootProject.uploadReleaseSpec : uploadReleases \
? true : false
// By default RELEASES are uploaded using SSH, SNAPSHOTS using WEBDAV
// Used Wagon can be overriden by setting the uploadWagon property
// def wagonSSH = "org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-ssh:1.0-beta-2"
def wagonWEBDAV = "org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-webdav:1.0-beta-2"
def uploadWagon = rootProject.hasProperty('uploadWagon') \
? rootProject.uploadWagon : wagonWEBDAV
// By default RELEASES are uploaded to OPS4J, SNAPSHOTS to Cloudbees
// Target repository can be overriden by setting the uploadRepository property
def releasesRepository = "dav:"
def snapshotsRepository = "dav:"
def uploadRepository = rootProject.hasProperty('uploadRepository') \
? rootProject.uploadRepository \
: uploadReleases ? releasesRepository : snapshotsRepository
// No username/password is provided by default
// If needed set them using the uploadUsername and uploadPassword properties
def uploadUsername = rootProject.hasProperty('uploadUsername') ? rootProject.uploadUsername : null
def uploadPassword = rootProject.hasProperty('uploadPassword') ? rootProject.uploadPassword : null
// Artifact upload global configuration END -------------------------------
configurations {
compile.extendsFrom provided
runtime.extendsFrom compile
dependencies {
testCompile( libraries.ant )
testCompile( libraries.ant_junit )
testCompile( libraries.junit )
testRuntime( libraries.asm, libraries.asm_commons, libraries.asm_util )
deployerJars( uploadWagon )
test.onlyIf { !project.hasProperty( 'skipTests' ) }
test {
testLogging {
info {
exceptionFormat "full"
sourceSets {
docs {
resources {
srcDir 'src/docs'
project.ext {
javaDir = new File( "$projectDir/src/main/java" )
scalaDir = new File( "$projectDir/src/main/scala" )
documentationDir = new File( "$projectDir/src/docs" )
testJavaDir = new File( "$projectDir/src/tests/java" )
testScalaDir = new File( "$projectDir/src/tests/scala" )
// Actual code projects BEGIN -------------------------------------------
if( ext.javaDir.isDirectory() || ext.scalaDir.isDirectory() ||
ext.testJavaDir.isDirectory() || ext.testScalaDir.isDirectory() )
apply plugin: 'jacoco'
apply plugin: 'osgi'
apply plugin: VersionClass
apply plugin: AsciidocBuildInfo
// if( name == "org.qi4j.core.runtime" )
// {
// checkstyleMain {
// configFile = new File( "$rootProject.projectDir.absolutePath/etc/qi4j-runtime-checkstyle.xml" )
// ignoreFailures = true
// }
// }
// else
// {
// checkstyleMain {
// configFile = new File( rootProject.projectDir.absolutePath.toString() + '/etc/qi4j-api-checkstyle.xml' )
// ignoreFailures = true
// reporting.baseDir = "$rootProject.reporting.baseDir/checkstyle"
// }
// }
// checkstyleTest {
// configFile = new File( "$rootProject.projectDir.absolutePath/etc/qi4j-tests-checkstyle.xml" )
// ignoreFailures = true
// }
// checkstyleVersion {
// configFile = new File( "$rootProject.projectDir.absolutePath/etc/qi4j-tests-checkstyle.xml" )
// ignoreFailures = true
// }
jar {
manifest {
license = ''
docURL = ''
description = project.description ?: 'Qi4j is a platform for Composite Oriented Programming'
vendor = 'Qi4j Community,'
instruction '-debug', 'true'
signing {
required { uploadSigned }
sign configurations.archives
task sourceJar( type: Jar ) {
classifier = "sources"
from sourceSets.main.allSource
task testSourceJar( type: Jar ) {
classifier = "testsources"
from sourceSets.test.allSource
task javadocJar( type: Jar ) {
classifier = "javadoc"
from javadoc.destinationDir
dependsOn javadoc
artifacts {
archives sourceJar, testSourceJar, javadocJar
def testProperties = [
'proxySet':[ 'proxySet' ],
'proxyHost':[ 'proxyHost' ],
'proxyPort':[ 'proxyPort' ] ]
test {
maxHeapSize = "1024m"
systemProperties = testProperties
systemProperties['user.dir'] = workingDir // GRADLE-2859
ignoreFailures = true
afterSuite { descriptor, result ->
if( result.resultType == TestResult.ResultType.FAILURE )
rootProject.ext.testFailures << project
jacoco {
toolVersion = ''
// // Create checkstyle report
// task checkstyleReport( type: Xslt, dependsOn: check ) {
// source project.checkstyle.reportsDir
// include '*.xml'
// destDir = file( "build/reports/checkstyle/" )
// extension = 'html'
// stylesheetFile = file( "$rootProject.projectDir/etc/checkstyle-noframes.xsl" )
// }
// Dependency Report generate only the runtime configuration
// The report is packaged in the SDK distributions
dependencyReport {
configurations = [ project.configurations.runtime ]
task minBuild {
dependsOn classes
dependsOn test
// Actual code projects END ---------------------------------------------
// Upload Archives - Artifact Deployment
uploadArchives.doFirst {
if( version == "0" )
throw new GradleException( "'version' must be given as a system property to perform a release." )
uploadArchives.onlyIf { ( !uploadReleaseSpec || ( releaseApprovedProjects.contains( project ) || project == rootProject ) ) && !project.hasProperty( 'skipUpload' ) }
uploadArchives {
dependsOn check
repositories.mavenDeployer {
if( uploadSigned )
beforeDeployment { MavenDeployment deployment -> signing.signPom( deployment ) }
configuration = configurations.deployerJars
repository(url: uploadRepository) {
if( uploadUsername )
authentication(userName: uploadUsername, password: uploadPassword)
snapshotRepository(url: uploadRepository) {
if( uploadUsername )
authentication(userName: uploadUsername, password: uploadPassword)
idea.module.iml {
whenMerged { module ->
module.dependencies*.exported = true
} // allprojects END -------------------------------------------------------
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady {taskGraph ->
taskGraph.allTasks.last().doLast {
if( rootProject.ext.testFailures )
println "\nTest failures in:"
rootProject.ext.testFailures.unique().each { project -> println " " + }
println ""
throw new RuntimeException( "There was TEST FAILURES!! See list above." )
task globalTestReport( type: TestReport ) {
destinationDir = file("$buildDir/reports/tests")
reportOn subprojects*.test
test {
dependsOn subprojects*.test, globalTestReport
reports.html.enabled = false
// Jacoco
configurations {
dependencies {
jacoco 'org.jacoco:org.jacoco.ant:'
// Generate a global code codeverage report
task coverageReport {
dependsOn subprojects*.test
def outputPath = "build/reports/coverage"
def coveredProjects = subprojects.findAll { p -> new File( "${p.buildDir.path}/jacoco" ).exists() }
def coreProjects = coveredProjects.findAll { p ->'org.qi4j.core' ) }
def libProjects = coveredProjects.findAll { p -> 'org.qi4j.lib' ) }
def extProjects = coveredProjects.findAll { p -> 'org.qi4j.ext' ) }
def toolsProjects = coveredProjects.findAll { p -> 'org.qi4j.tool' ) }
def tutoProjects = coveredProjects.findAll { p -> 'org.qi4j.tuto' ) }
def samplesProjects = coveredProjects.findAll { p -> 'org.qi4j.sample' ) }
ant {
taskdef name:'jacocoreport', classname: 'org.jacoco.ant.ReportTask', classpath: configurations.jacoco.asPath
mkdir dir: outputPath
jacocoreport {
executiondata {
coveredProjects.collect { p -> fileset( dir: "${p.buildDir.path}/jacoco" ) { include( name: '*.exec' ) } }
structure( name: "Qi4j SDK" ) {
group( name: "Core" ) {
classfiles { coreProjects.collect { p -> fileset dir: "${p.buildDir.path}/classes/main" } }
sourcefiles { coreProjects.collect { p -> fileset dir: "${p.projectDir.path}/src/main/java" } }
group( name: "Libraries" ) {
classfiles { libProjects.collect { p -> fileset dir: "${p.buildDir.path}/classes/main" } }
sourcefiles { libProjects.collect { p -> fileset dir: "${p.projectDir.path}/src/main/java" } }
group( name: "Extensions" ) {
classfiles { extProjects.collect { p -> fileset dir: "${p.buildDir.path}/classes/main" } }
sourcefiles { extProjects.collect { p -> fileset dir: "${p.projectDir.path}/src/main/java" } }
group( name: "Tools" ) {
classfiles { toolsProjects.collect { p -> fileset dir: "${p.buildDir.path}/classes/main" } }
sourcefiles { toolsProjects.collect { p -> fileset dir: "${p.projectDir.path}/src/main/java" } }
group( name: "Tutorials" ) {
classfiles { tutoProjects.collect { p -> fileset dir: "${p.buildDir.path}/classes/main" } }
sourcefiles { tutoProjects.collect { p -> fileset dir: "${p.projectDir.path}/src/main/java" } }
group( name: "Samples" ) {
classfiles { samplesProjects.collect { p -> fileset dir: "${p.buildDir.path}/classes/main" } }
sourcefiles { samplesProjects.collect { p -> fileset dir: "${p.projectDir.path}/src/main/java" } }
csv destfile: "${outputPath}/jacoco.csv", encoding: "UTF-8"
xml destfile: "${outputPath}/jacoco.xml", encoding: "UTF-8"
html destdir: outputPath, encoding: "UTF-8", locale: "en", footer: "Qi4j SDK"
inputs.dir subprojects.collect { p -> "${p.buildDir.path}/jacoco" }
outputs.dir outputPath
// Build the whole SDK public Javadoc
task javadocs( type: Javadoc ) {
options.docFilesSubDirs = true
options.encoding = "UTF-8"
options.overview = "${rootProject.projectDir}/buildSrc/src/javadoc/overview.html"
title = "${rootProject.title} ${version}"
def apiSources = releaseApprovedProjects.findAll( { project ->
( 'org.qi4j.core' ) && ! 'org.qi4j.core.runtime' ) ) || 'org.qi4j.library' ) || 'org.qi4j.extension' ) || 'org.qi4j.tool' )
} )
source apiSources.collect { project ->
destinationDir = new File( "" + buildDir + '/docs/javadoc' )
// Might need a classpath
classpath = files( apiSources.collect { project ->
} )
options.links( "" ) [ "Core API": [ "org.qi4j.api", "org.qi4j.api.*", "", "org.qi4j.functional" ],
"Core Bootstrap": [ "org.qi4j.bootstrap", "org.qi4j.bootstrap.*" ],
"Core SPI": [ "org.qi4j.spi", "org.qi4j.spi.*" ],
"Libraries": [ "org.qi4j.library.*", "org.qi4j.logging", "org.qi4j.logging.*", "org.qi4j.lang.*" ],
"Extensions": [ "org.qi4j.valueserialization.*", "org.qi4j.entitystore.*", "org.qi4j.index.*", "org.qi4j.metrics.*", "org.qi4j.cache.*", "org.qi4j.migration", "org.qi4j.migration.*" ],
"Tools": [ "*", "org.qi4j.envisage", "org.qi4j.envisage.*", "org.qi4j.library.swing.entityviewer" ],
"Test Support": [ "org.qi4j.test", "org.qi4j.test.*" ]
] )
task archiveJavadocs(type: Copy ) {
dependsOn javadocs
if( rootProject.version == '0' || rootProject.version.contains( "SNAPSHOT" ) )
into( "$rootProject.projectDir/../" )
into( "$rootProject.projectDir/../$version/javadocs/" )
from( 'build/docs/javadoc/' )
// Build All
task buildAll( dependsOn: [
] ) { }
// Prepare runtime dependencies download facility (metalink)
buildAll.doLast {
def runtimeDepsMetalink = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<metalink xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:metalink\">\n"
runtimeDepsMetalink = runtimeDepsMetalink + " <identity>qi4j-sdk-runtime-deps</identity>\n"
runtimeDepsMetalink = runtimeDepsMetalink + " <version>${version}</version>\n"
def handledGavPaths = []
releaseApprovedProjects.each { p ->
p.configurations.runtime.allDependencies.each { dep ->
def gavpath =".","/") + "/" + + "/" + dep.version + "/" + + "-" + dep.version + ".jar"
if( !"org.qi4j") && !handledGavPaths.contains( gavpath ) ) {
runtimeDepsMetalink = runtimeDepsMetalink + " <file name=\"${}-${}-${dep.version}.jar\">\n"
repos_urls.each { repo_url ->
runtimeDepsMetalink = runtimeDepsMetalink + " <url>" + repo_url.value +".","/") + "/" + + "/" + dep.version + "/" + + "-" + dep.version + ".jar" + "</url>\n"
runtimeDepsMetalink = runtimeDepsMetalink + " </file>\n\n"
handledGavPaths << gavpath
runtimeDepsMetalink = runtimeDepsMetalink + "</metalink>\n"
new File( buildDir.toString(), "reports" ).mkdirs()
new File( buildDir.toString(), "reports/qi4j-sdk-runtime-deps.metalink" ).text = runtimeDepsMetalink
def srcDistImage = copySpec {
from '.'
exclude '**/build/' // Build output
exclude '**/bin/' // Helper scripts
exclude 'derby.log' // Derby test garbage
exclude '**/*.iml' // IDEA files
exclude '**/*.ipr' // IDEA files
exclude '**/*.iws' // IDEA files
exclude '**/.idea' // IDEA files
exclude '**/out/*' // IDEA build output
exclude '**/.classpath' // Eclipse files
exclude '**/.project' // Eclipse files
exclude '**/.settings' // Eclipse files
exclude '**/.nb-gradle/' // Netbeans files
exclude '**/.nb-gradle*' // Netbeans files
exclude '**/.git/' // Git directories
exclude '**/.git*' // Git files
exclude '**/.gradle/' // Gradle management files
exclude '**/' // Gradle properties
exclude '**/.gradletasknamecache' // Gradle cache
into "qi4j-sdk-$version/src/"
def reportsDistImage = copySpec {
from "$buildDir/reports"
into( "docs/reports" )
def docsImage = copySpec {
from "build/docs"
from "manual/build/docs/website"
into( "docs" )
def runtimeDependenciesListImage = copySpec {
releaseApprovedProjects.collect { p ->
into( "libs/" ) {
from "$p.buildDir/reports/project/dependencies.txt"
rename 'dependencies.txt', + '-' + p.version + '-runtime-deps.txt'
into( "libs/" ) {
from "build/reports/qi4j-sdk-runtime-deps.metalink"
rename 'qi4j-sdk-runtime-deps.metalink', 'qi4j-sdk-' + version + '-runtime-deps.metalink'
def libsImage = copySpec {
releaseApprovedProjects.collect { proj ->
into( "libs/" ) {
from proj.configurations.archives.artifacts.files
exclude '**-testsources.jar'
exclude '**-javadoc.jar'
exclude '**/*.asc'
def samplesImage = copySpec {
from( "$projectDir/samples" )
from( "$projectDir/samples/*/build/docs/javadoc" )
into( "samples" )
exclude '**/*.iml'
exclude '**/build/' // build output
def tutorialsImage = copySpec {
from( "$projectDir/tutorials" )
exclude '**/build/'
into( "tutorials" )
from( "$projectDir/tutorials/*/build/docs/javadoc" )
exclude '**/*.iml'
def shellImage = copySpec {
from( "$projectDir/tools/shell/src/main/dist" )
into( "." )
include '**'
def binDistImage = copySpec {
into "qi4j-sdk-$version"
with shellImage
with docsImage
with reportsDistImage
with runtimeDependenciesListImage
with libsImage
with samplesImage
with tutorialsImage
task zipSources( type: Zip, dependsOn: [ buildAll ] ) {
baseName = 'qi4j-sdk'
with srcDistImage
classifier = 'src'
task tarSources( type: Tar, dependsOn: [ buildAll ] ) {
baseName = 'qi4j-sdk'
with srcDistImage
compression = Compression.GZIP
classifier = 'src'
task zipBinaries( type: Zip, dependsOn: [ buildAll ] ) {
baseName = 'qi4j-sdk'
classifier = 'bin'
with binDistImage
task tarBinaries( type: Tar, dependsOn: [ buildAll ] ) {
baseName = 'qi4j-sdk'
classifier = 'bin'
compression = Compression.GZIP
with binDistImage
artifacts {
archives zipSources, tarSources, zipBinaries, tarBinaries
task dist( type: Copy, dependsOn: install ) {
with binDistImage
into "$buildDir/dist"
task checkReleaseSpec {
description = "Ensure that no releasable module depend on module(s) that don't fit the release criteria."
group = 'release'
dependsOn releaseApprovedProjects*.configurations.runtime
doFirst {
def notReleasable = [:]
releaseApprovedProjects*.configurations.runtime.allDependencies.findAll({ it instanceof ProjectDependency }).each { dep ->
def depNotReleaseApproved = releaseApprovedProjects.findAll { rp -> == && ==
if( depNotReleaseApproved )
if( !notReleasable[p] ) notReleasable[p] = []
notReleasable[p] << dep
if(!notReleasable.isEmpty()) {
def errorMessage = new StringBuilder()
errorMessage << "At least one releasable module depends on module(s) that don't fit the release criteria!\n"
errorMessage << "\tOffending module -> Non releasable dependencies\n"
notReleasable.each { k,v ->
def noRlsDeps = v.collect{d -> ':'':'}
errorMessage << "\t$k -> ${noRlsDeps})\n"
errorMessage << "Check the dev-status.xml file content in each modules directory."
throw new GradleException( errorMessage.toString() )
task release {
description = 'Builds, tests and uploads the release artifacts'
group = 'release'
doFirst {
if([ 'version' ] == null ||[ 'version' ].contains( 'SNAPSHOT' ) )
throw new GradleException( "'version' must be given as a system property to perform a release." )
dependsOn checkReleaseSpec, archiveJavadocs, ':org.qi4j.manual:copyWebsite', allprojects*.uploadArchives, dist
// This is a task that generates the gradlew scripts, allowing users to run gradle without having gradle installed
// on their system.
// This task should be run by "build master" and the resulting ouput committed to source control. Its outputs include:
// 1) /gradlew which is the *NIX shell script for executing builds
// 2) /gradlew.bat which is the windows bat script for for executing builds
// 3) /wrapper which is a directory named by the "jarPath" config which contains other needed files.
task wrapper( type: Wrapper ) {
gradleVersion = '2.2.1'