blob: 3e04d575edc2ba1bed27a9fb7e0a5b2fee950654 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008-2012, Rickard Öberg.
* Copyright (c) 2008-2012, Niclas Hedhman.
* Copyright (c) 2012, Paul Merlin.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.zest.runtime.structure;
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.lang.reflect.WildcardType;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import org.apache.zest.api.common.Visibility;
import org.apache.zest.api.composite.AmbiguousTypeException;
import org.apache.zest.api.composite.ModelDescriptor;
import org.apache.zest.api.composite.TransientDescriptor;
import org.apache.zest.api.entity.EntityDescriptor;
import org.apache.zest.api.object.ObjectDescriptor;
import org.apache.zest.api.structure.ModuleDescriptor;
import org.apache.zest.api.structure.TypeLookup;
import org.apache.zest.api.type.HasTypes;
import org.apache.zest.api.value.ValueDescriptor;
import static;
import static org.apache.zest.api.common.Visibility.application;
import static org.apache.zest.api.common.Visibility.layer;
import static org.apache.zest.api.util.Classes.interfacesOf;
import static org.apache.zest.functional.Iterables.first;
* Central place for Composite Type lookups.
class TypeLookupImpl
implements TypeLookup
// Constructor parameters
private final ModuleDescriptor moduleModel;
// Eager instance objects
private final ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, ObjectDescriptor> objectModels;
private final ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, TransientDescriptor> transientModels;
private final ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, ValueDescriptor> valueModels;
private final ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, List<? extends EntityDescriptor>> allEntityModels;
private final ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, EntityDescriptor> unambiguousEntityModels;
private final ConcurrentHashMap<Type, ModelDescriptor> serviceModels;
private final ConcurrentHashMap<Type, List<ModelDescriptor>> servicesReferences;
* Create a new TypeLookup bound to the given moduleModel.
* @param module ModuleModel bound to this TypeLookup
TypeLookupImpl( ModuleModel module )
// Constructor parameters
this.moduleModel = module;
// Eager instance objects
objectModels = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
transientModels = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
valueModels = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
allEntityModels = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
unambiguousEntityModels = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
serviceModels = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
servicesReferences = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
* Lookup first Object Model matching the given Type.
* <p>First, if Object Models exactly match the given type, the closest one (Visibility then Assembly order) is returned.
* Multiple <b>exact</b> matches with the same Visibility are <b>forbidden</b> and result in an AmbiguousTypeException.</p>
* <p>Second, if Object Models match a type assignable to the given type, the closest one (Visibility then Assembly order) is returned.
* Multiple <b>assignable</b> matches with the same Visibility are <b>forbidden</b> and result in an AmbiguousTypeException.</p>
* <p>Type lookup is done lazily and cached.</p>
* @param type Looked up Type
* @return First matching Object Model
public ObjectDescriptor lookupObjectModel( final Class<?> type )
return objectModels.computeIfAbsent( type, key ->
List<ObjectDescriptor> allModels = allObjects().collect( Collectors.toList() );
ObjectDescriptor model = ambiguityMatching( key, allModels, new ExactTypeMatching<>( key ) );
if( model == null )
model = ambiguityMatching( key, allModels, new AssignableFromTypeMatching<>( key ) );
return model;
} );
* Lookup first Transient Model matching the given Type.
* <p>First, if Transient Models exactly match the given type, the closest one (Visibility then Assembly order) is returned.
* Multiple <b>exact</b> matches with the same Visibility are <b>forbidden</b> and result in an AmbiguousTypeException.</p>
* <p>Second, if Transient Models match a type assignable to the given type, the closest one (Visibility then Assembly order) is returned.
* Multiple <b>assignable</b> matches with the same Visibility are <b>forbidden</b> and result in an AmbiguousTypeException.</p>
* <p>Type lookup is done lazily and cached.</p>
* @param type Looked up Type
* @return First matching Transient Model
public TransientDescriptor lookupTransientModel( final Class<?> type )
return transientModels.computeIfAbsent( type, key ->
List<TransientDescriptor> allModels = allTransients().collect( Collectors.toList() );
TransientDescriptor model = ambiguityMatching( key, allModels, new ExactTypeMatching<>( key ) );
if( model == null )
model = ambiguityMatching( key, allModels, new AssignableFromTypeMatching<>( key ) );
return model;
} );
* Lookup first Value Model matching the given Type.
* <p>First, if Value Models exactly match the given type, the closest one (Visibility then Assembly order) is returned.
* Multiple <b>exact</b> matches with the same Visibility are <b>forbidden</b> and result in an AmbiguousTypeException.</p>
* <p>Second, if Value Models match a type assignable to the given type, the closest one (Visibility then Assembly order) is returned.
* Multiple <b>assignable</b> matches with the same Visibility are <b>forbidden</b> and result in an AmbiguousTypeException.</p>
* <p>Type lookup is done lazily and cached.</p>
* @param type Looked up Type
* @return First matching Value Model
public ValueDescriptor lookupValueModel( final Class<?> type )
return valueModels.computeIfAbsent( type, key ->
List<ValueDescriptor> allModels = allValues().collect( Collectors.toList() );
ValueDescriptor model = ambiguityMatching( key, allModels, new ExactTypeMatching<>( key ) );
if( model == null )
model = ambiguityMatching( key, allModels, new AssignableFromTypeMatching<>( key ) );
return model;
} );
* Lookup first Entity Model matching the given Type.
* <p>First, if Entity Models exactly match the given type, the closest one (Visibility then Assembly order) is returned.
* Multiple <b>exact</b> matches with the same Visibility are <b>forbidden</b> and result in an AmbiguousTypeException.</p>
* <p>Second, if Entity Models match a type assignable to the given type, the closest one (Visibility then Assembly order) is returned.
* Multiple <b>assignable</b> matches with the same Visibility are <b>forbidden</b> and result in an AmbiguousTypeException.</p>
* <p>Type lookup is done lazily and cached.</p>
* <p><b>Should be used for creational use cases only.</b> For non-creational use cases see
* {@link #lookupEntityModels(java.lang.Class)}.</p>
* @param type Looked up Type
* @return First matching Entity Model
public EntityDescriptor lookupEntityModel( final Class<?> type )
return unambiguousEntityModels.computeIfAbsent( type, key ->
List<EntityDescriptor> allModels = allEntities().collect( Collectors.toList() );
EntityDescriptor model = ambiguityMatching( key, allModels, new ExactTypeMatching<>( key ) );
if( model == null )
model = ambiguityMatching( key, allModels, new AssignableFromTypeMatching<>( key ) );
return model;
} );
* Lookup all Entity Models matching the given Type.
* <p>Returned Iterable contains, in order, Entity Models that: </p>
* <ul>
* <li>exactly match the given type, in Visibility then Assembly order ;</li>
* <li>match a type assignable to the given type, in Visibility then Assembly order.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>Multiple <b>exact</b> matches with the same Visibility are <b>forbidden</b> and result in an AmbiguousTypeException.</p>
* <p>Multiple <b>assignable</b> matches are <b>allowed</b> to enable polymorphic fetches and queries.</p>
* <p>Type lookup is done lazily and cached.</p>
* <p><b>Should be used for non-creational use cases only.</b> For creational use cases see
* {@link #lookupEntityModel(java.lang.Class)}.</p>
* @param type Looked up Type
* @return All matching Entity Models
public Iterable<? extends EntityDescriptor> lookupEntityModels( final Class type )
return allEntityModels.computeIfAbsent( type, key ->
allEntities().filter( ref -> new ExactTypeMatching<>( key ).test( ref ) ),
allEntities().filter( ref -> new AssignableFromTypeMatching<>( key ).test( ref ) )
).distinct().collect( Collectors.toList() )
public ModelDescriptor lookupServiceModel( Type serviceType1 )
return serviceModels.computeIfAbsent( serviceType1, key -> first( lookupServiceModels( key ) ) );
public List<? extends ModelDescriptor> lookupServiceModels( Type type1 )
return servicesReferences.computeIfAbsent( type1, type ->
// There is a requirement that "exact match" services must be returned before "assignable match"
// services, hence the dual streams instead of a OR filter.
return Stream.concat(
.filter( new ExactTypeMatching<>( type ) ),
.filter( new AssignableFromTypeMatching<>( type ) ) )
.collect( Collectors.toList() );
} );
public Stream<Class<?>> allVisibleObjects()
return allObjects().flatMap( HasTypes::types );
public Stream<? extends ObjectDescriptor> allObjects()
return concat( moduleModel.objects(),
moduleModel.layer().visibleObjects( layer ),
moduleModel.layer().visibleObjects( application )
.flatMap( layer -> layer.visibleObjects( application ) )
public Stream<? extends TransientDescriptor> allTransients()
return concat( moduleModel.transientComposites(),
moduleModel.layer().visibleTransients( layer ),
moduleModel.layer().visibleTransients( application )
.flatMap( layer -> layer.visibleTransients( application ) )
public Stream<? extends ValueDescriptor> allValues()
return concat( moduleModel.valueComposites(),
concat( moduleModel.layer().visibleValues( layer ),
moduleModel.layer().visibleValues( application )
.flatMap( layer1 -> layer1.visibleValues( application ) )
public Stream<? extends EntityDescriptor> allEntities()
return concat( moduleModel.entityComposites(),
moduleModel.layer().visibleEntities( layer ),
moduleModel.layer().visibleEntities( application )
.flatMap( layer -> layer.visibleEntities( application ) )
public Stream<? extends ModelDescriptor> allServices()
Stream<? extends ModelDescriptor> managedServices =
concat( moduleModel.serviceComposites(),
.visibleServices( layer ),
.visibleServices( application )
.flatMap( layer -> layer.visibleServices( application ) )
Stream<? extends ModelDescriptor> importedServices =
concat( moduleModel.importedServices(),
.visibleServices( layer ),
.visibleServices( application )
.flatMap( layer -> layer.visibleServices( application ) )
return concat( managedServices, importedServices );
private <T extends ModelDescriptor> T ambiguityMatching(
Class type,
List<T> modelModules,
TypeMatching<T> matching
List<T> models =
.filter( matching )
.filter( new SameVisibility<>() )
.collect( Collectors.toList() );
if( models.size() > 1 )
throw new AmbiguousTypeException( "More than one type matches " + type.getName() + ": " + models + "]" );
if( models.isEmpty() )
return null;
return models.get( 0 );
private static abstract class TypeMatching<T extends HasTypes>
implements Predicate<T>
protected final Type lookedUpType;
protected TypeMatching( Type lookedUpType )
this.lookedUpType = lookedUpType;
public final boolean test( T model )
if( lookedUpType instanceof Class )
return model.types().anyMatch( checkMatch( lookedUpType ) );
if( lookedUpType instanceof ParameterizedType )
// Foo<Bar> check
// First check Foo
ParameterizedType parameterizedType = (ParameterizedType) lookedUpType;
Type rawType = parameterizedType.getRawType();
if( !model.types().anyMatch( checkMatch( rawType ) ) )
return false;
// Then check Bar
return interfacesOf( model.types() ).anyMatch( intf -> intf.equals( lookedUpType ) );
else if( lookedUpType instanceof WildcardType )
return true;
return false;
protected abstract Predicate<Type> checkMatch( Type matchTo );
private static final class ExactTypeMatching<T extends HasTypes> extends TypeMatching<T>
private ExactTypeMatching( Type lookedUpType )
super( lookedUpType );
protected Predicate<Type> checkMatch( Type matchTo )
return matchTo::equals;
private static final class AssignableFromTypeMatching<T extends HasTypes> extends TypeMatching<T>
private AssignableFromTypeMatching( Type lookedUpType )
super( lookedUpType );
protected Predicate<Type> checkMatch( Type matchTo )
// TODO; what to do if there is ParameterizedType here?? Now set to ClassCastException and see if anything surfaces
// if( matchTo instanceof Class )
Class<?> clazz = (Class<?>) matchTo;
return candidate ->
!candidate.equals( matchTo ) && clazz.isAssignableFrom( (Class<?>) candidate );
// return candidate -> candidate.equals( matchTo );
* This Predicate will filter out all Models that doesn't have the same visisbility as the first one.
private class SameVisibility<T extends ModelDescriptor>
implements Predicate<T>
private Visibility current = null;
public boolean test( T model )
if( current == null )
current = model.visibility();
return true;
return current == model.visibility();